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January 24th 2021, 5:43 pm
KingKopecz wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:
KingKopecz wrote:Let's add a few more cause why not:
-Revan was more powerful than Vitiate as of the Revan novel.

-Nihilus is Kaan level

1. But he lost?

2. Why?

1. For 2 reasons. Firstly Revan was winning the fight before Vitiate got enraged and secondly Revan, Meetra and Scourge had a 50% chance at winning against Vitiate. Considering Meetra and Scourge are pretty much non-factors because they lost to Nyriss and Revan describes Vitiate as being “infinitely” more powerful than Nyriss, they would’ve hardly been on help. The fight took place on 2 DS nexii (DK and Vitiate’s throne room) so he probably had more of an advantage than Revan.

2. Nihilus’ claim to fame is draining the population of Katarr which doesn’t impress me more than Kaan escaping the thought bomb as a spirit.

1. I mean I could agree to all that, but I dunno about more powerful I could go with equals when taking everything into account. Nexus included.

2. Hmm...those are 2 very different feats though. I mean if you can see it alright, but I don't.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 24th 2021, 6:30 pm
Canon is a little more consistent than the eu most of the time
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 24th 2021, 6:36 pm
The lord of hunger wrote:Canon is a little more consistent than the eu most of the time

I mean there have been quite a few confusing things lately, but I don't think this is really an unpopular opinion. The new Canon has only been around for....6 years? VS The EU's like....30+.

Oh here's a big one, but the B1 battle droids aren't nearly as dumb as people think. I mostly blame TCW for that though, but before TCW they weren't the stupid droids that they were made out to be, that was really only noted in ROTS which I believe was explained near the end of the war for the sudden personality shift.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 24th 2021, 10:01 pm

I mean there have been quite a few confusing things lately, but I don't think this is really an unpopular opinion. The new Canon has only been around for....6 years? VS The EU's like....30+.

i mostly say it in terms of how characters are depicted sometimes but yeah they have been confusing stuff too
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 24th 2021, 10:37 pm
The lord of hunger wrote:
I mean there have been quite a few confusing things lately, but I don't think this is really an unpopular opinion. The new Canon has only been around for....6 years? VS The EU's like....30+.

i mostly say it in terms of how characters are depicted sometimes but yeah they have been confusing stuff too

Fair, but as the years go on that might change.

Oh another, but I've seen this around.

I don't think Rosh Penin is a bad character, in all honesty he's probably a vast majority of people if they ever found out that they were Force Sensitive and going on to train to be a Jedi. He's excited, he wants to get into the training and is overconfident. Which ends up being his downfall and he only comes back around because he has a great friend in Jaden. Even Luke notes that Rosh could become one day a great Jedi.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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January 25th 2021, 2:15 pm
the force unleashed was mediocre
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January 25th 2021, 2:16 pm
Is that unpopular?
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 25th 2021, 2:18 pm
CuckedCurry wrote:Is that unpopular?

many still consider it to be among the best star wars games so yeah unpopular to a degree
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January 25th 2021, 2:31 pm
Speaking of games The Clone Wars is underrated. The ability to use a clone tank, gunship and the AT-XT was entertaining, storyline was pretty nice too.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 25th 2021, 5:45 pm
Zenwolf wrote:Speaking of games The Clone Wars is underrated. The ability to use a clone tank, gunship and the AT-XT was entertaining, storyline was pretty nice too.

that was the same game that introduced The Dark Reaper so im fully agree with this
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 25th 2021, 6:19 pm
The lord of hunger wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:Speaking of games The Clone Wars is underrated. The ability to use a clone tank, gunship and the AT-XT was entertaining, storyline was pretty nice too.

that was the same game that introduced The Dark Reaper so im fully agree with this

Only thing I was a bit disappointed on is the fact we never did get more to Cydon Prax outside of the game, I was curious as to what he did in order to replace Jango Fett as Dooku's bodyguard, cause I doubt the Count would just pick up any random shmuck after having Jango with him.

But I guess that's just a minor gripe really.

Speaking more of games, I was never really big on EAW: Forces of Corruption.

I mean Tyber Zann and the Consortium is fine, but there was a lot of loose ends at the story that never got really picked up anywhere. Tyber just up and disappeared and Nightsister Silri found an entire Sith Army complete with a Sith Lord....and just nothing came of that anywhere. A story was right there for any novel or comic series and now we'll never get anything to that.

Far as gameplay though, the Consortium was too broken honestly.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 25th 2021, 6:56 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:Speaking of games The Clone Wars is underrated. The ability to use a clone tank, gunship and the AT-XT was entertaining, storyline was pretty nice too.

that was the same game that introduced The Dark Reaper so im fully agree with this

Only thing I was a bit disappointed on is the fact we never did get more to Cydon Prax outside of the game, I was curious as to what he did in order to replace Jango Fett as Dooku's bodyguard, cause I doubt the Count would just pick up any random shmuck after having Jango with him.

But I guess that's just a minor gripe really.

Speaking more of games, I was never really big on EAW: Forces of Corruption.

I mean Tyber Zann and the Consortium is fine, but there was a lot of loose ends at the story that never got really picked up anywhere. Tyber just up and disappeared and Nightsister Silri found an entire Sith Army complete with a Sith Lord....and just nothing came of that anywhere. A story was right there for any novel or comic series and now we'll never get anything to that.

Far as gameplay though, the Consortium was too broken honestly.

besides those loose ends the consortium could be quite arguably the most overpowered unit in the entire game not only on how the AI uses the corruption system but also once they get the heroes, on ground combat is a nightmare to face once that happens on space a bit of star destroyers could hold off them but not too much
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 25th 2021, 11:13 pm
The lord of hunger wrote:

besides those loose ends the consortium could be quite arguably the most overpowered unit in the entire game not only on how the AI uses the corruption system but also once they get the heroes, on ground combat is a nightmare to face once that happens on space a bit of star destroyers could hold off them but not too much

Honestly I liked ground combat more than space in EAW. I know that isn't a popular opinion.

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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 26th 2021, 1:19 am
KingKopecz wrote:Let's add a few more cause why not:
-Revan was more powerful than Vitiate as of the Revan novel.
-The only good thing about SWtOR is Malgus.
-Vader isn't that high among the Banite's and Bane is capable of giving him a decent fight.
-Nihilus is Kaan level
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 26th 2021, 11:15 am
Zenwolf wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:

besides those loose ends the consortium could be quite arguably the most overpowered unit in the entire game not only on how the AI uses the corruption system but also once they get the heroes, on ground combat is a nightmare to face once that happens on space a bit of star destroyers could hold off them but not too much

Honestly I liked ground combat more than space in EAW. I know that isn't a popular opinion.

i honestly wanna ask you why most people myself included notes its one of the weakest aspects of the game if it had GB combat it whould be something else too

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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 26th 2021, 11:28 am
The lord of hunger wrote:

i honestly wanna ask you why most people myself included notes its one of the weakest aspects of the game if it had GB combat it whould be something else too

I’m not entirely sure why I like it more, I guess maybe the scenery is different and you can only land troops at specific locations, whereas in space you can call them from anywhere.

Oh here’s another one.

The whole “trained from birth” is entirely overrated. I mean yeah you’d get more training starting out at like 5 yrs vs starting at 20 yrs. But at some point the training really just becomes routine and the gains just stop coming.

I mean the Clone Troopers were trained at birth, but they were still killed by basic B1 Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids, they were still killed by Jabim Loyalists etc etc.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 26th 2021, 5:12 pm
i honestly wanna ask you why most people myself included notes its one of the weakest aspects of the game if it had GB combat it whould be something else too

I’m not entirely sure why I like it more, I guess maybe the scenery is different and you can only land troops at specific locations, whereas in space you can call them from anywhere.

i guess its more of preference for me space combat was better do to major freedom

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 2:31 am
Zenwolf wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:

i honestly wanna ask you why most people myself included notes its one of the weakest aspects of the game if it had GB combat it whould be something else too

I’m not entirely sure why I like it more, I guess maybe the scenery is different and you can only land troops at specific locations, whereas in space you can call them from anywhere.

Oh here’s another one.

The whole “trained from birth” is entirely overrated. I mean yeah you’d get more training starting out at like 5 yrs vs starting at 20 yrs. But at some point the training really just becomes routine and the gains just stop coming.

I mean the Clone Troopers were trained at birth, but they were still killed by basic B1 Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids, they were still killed by Jabim Loyalists etc etc.

I completely agree with you about the training thing. Law of diminishing returns. Characters who follow a certain training routine are going to experience less growth over time, unless something significant happens to stimulate that growth. It's why Clone Wars-era Jedi were so much more powerful than TPM-era Jedi. And it's why Luke Skywalker grew so exponentially fast compared to typical TPM-era Jedi.

The amount of time spent training is woefully overrated, and what should actually be looked at is the adversity involved in that training. The more daunting the obstacles a character faced during their training, the more they typically grew over that period of time. A Jedi Master like Jocasta Nu could (and did) spend a lifetime studying and training in the Jedi Temple, meanwhile a Padawan like Ahsoka could go on field missions for just a couple years and greatly surpass said Jedi Master.
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 9:34 am
Underachiever599 wrote:

I completely agree with you about the training thing. Law of diminishing returns. Characters who follow a certain training routine are going to experience less growth over time, unless something significant happens to stimulate that growth. It's why Clone Wars-era Jedi were so much more powerful than TPM-era Jedi. And it's why Luke Skywalker grew so exponentially fast compared to typical TPM-era Jedi.

The amount of time spent training is woefully overrated, and what should actually be looked at is the adversity involved in that training. The more daunting the obstacles a character faced during their training, the more they typically grew over that period of time.  A Jedi Master like Jocasta Nu could (and did) spend a lifetime studying and training in the Jedi Temple, meanwhile a Padawan like Ahsoka could go on field missions for just a couple years and greatly surpass said Jedi Master.

I mean, I'd probably still take a seasoned Jedi Master over a Jedi Padawan, regardless of an age gap or where they are. If only due to logic and scaling that a Jedi Master would be > Jedi Padawan in all aspects.


 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 9:43 am
Agreed, which leads me to another unpopular opinion:

Ahsoka is a garbage character, and is more of a mary stu than Rey.
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 10:03 am
Speaking of characters, I'm not a fan of Boba Fett.

It's just....I'm not understanding his appeal. I mean he appeared in the OT for 2 movies and didn't really do much  and when he did get some action, he got dropped by Luke  only to get thrown into the Sarlacc Pit moments later.

He's fine as a character, I just find it odd that he got such a huge following and writers really went to town with him because of...his appearance? Because his actions clearly weren't too impressive combat wise.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 11:08 am
Canon Vader is more stronger than his legends counterpart
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 11:31 am
The lord of hunger wrote:Canon Vader is more stronger than his legends counterpart

Eh I heavily disagree there.

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

January 27th 2021, 11:33 am
They're more or less equal, though Canon Vader is certainly higher on the Canon hierarchy due to a lack of powerhouses in Canon.
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? - Page 9 Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

February 4th 2021, 6:17 pm
I feel like when it comes to VS, scaling isn't used to its full extent as it should. People are just taking in character scaling

IE: Character A being > to Character B > to Character C and so on.

This is simple, yet I feel it is also...flawed. It's best I feel to use the WHOLE SWU for scaling.

Example: Character X is superior to Character Y on feats, in terms of quantity. So logically Character X should be > to Y yes?

Well yeah, if you go with this simple scaling chain, it certainly could be seen that way.

But let's take it a step further here, let's say Character X is only a Jedi Knight, while Character Y is a Jedi Master.

Now already this tells us a couple of things.

1. The Jedi Master is the Knight's senior having more experience(logically) in both combat and The Force.

2. Said Jedi Master should therefore be able to logically do the feats this Knight showed and more, due to the benefit of scaling he gets from other Knights and Masters.

The only difference here would be is if the Knight in question was special in some shape or form IE: Anakin Skywalker(his power and feats, the power is more important than his feats solely because that's how the feats happen), but even this only extends to a certain number of feats, because a Jedi Master should be able to replicate a few of Padawan Anakin's feats.

Basically a character having a name and feats, doesn't mean that a no named character who doesn't have or has only little feats would be outclassed by the named character and their quantity of feats if you take into account proper scaling from those lesser and on the whole of the SWU and logically frame it.

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