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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 6:40 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
This isn't just opinions regarding power levels or anything versus related, but opinions on certain films, actors, tv series, characters, EU/Canon material, anything like that.
These are some of mine

I never had a problem with Yoda using a lightsaber
Revenge of the Sith is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie
While Last Jedi is bad, it's by no means the worst Star Wars movie
CW 2003>TCW
Darth Bane Path of Destruction is one of the best EU novels
Most post ROTJ books ( including the Thrawn Trilogy) are rather meh
Darth Krayt is a shit character
Count Dooku is a great character
Ahsoka Tano is overrated
Hayden Christensen wasn't miscast as Anakin, and in some ways he was a better actor than Mark Hamill in episode 4
I found Republic Commando rather boring as a game
And finally, ROTJ is mediocre

What are your's?

Last edited by SithSauce on April 21st 2020, 5:47 pm; edited 4 times in total
Level Four
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September 7th 2019, 6:51 am
KOTOR 2 > KOTOR 1, Episode 1 had some cheesy dialogue, and Jar Jar, but ut wasn’t that bad outside of those two things. I enjoyed ROTS, and I thought that ESB wasn’t the best Star Wars movie even.
Level Six
Level Six

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September 7th 2019, 7:24 am
- Revenge of the Sith is bad
- Kylo Ren is a good character
- I enjoyed the first KOTOR more than the second
- Dooku is the best character in PT Era
- CIS>Republic
- Yoda isn't as wise as claimed to be
- Lord Momin was a better character than most Ancient Sith Lords of EU
- Jedi deserved extinction

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September 7th 2019, 7:45 am
I never had a problem with Yoda using a lightsaber

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181

Revenge of the Sith is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1419419311 Though, I do hold it 3rd.

While Last Jedi is bad, it's by no means the worst Star Wars movie

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181 TFA and Solo are worse.

CW 2003>TCW

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181

Darth Bane book 1 is the only good book in the Bane series

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181 The others are mediocre.

Most post ROTJ books ( including the Thrawn Trilogy) is rather meh

Can't comment on that. I've barely read any post-ROTJ content.

Darth Krayt is a shit character

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1419419311 He's a mediocre character, though I'd be hesitant to call him shit.

Count Dooku is a great character

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181


 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181

Ahsoka Tano is overrated

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 1289255181
Level Seven
Level Seven

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September 7th 2019, 7:46 am
Sidious is a terrible, one-dimensional villain.
Hayden Christensen was a good choice for Anakin, just the script that let him down.
SWTOR made Revan boring and overpowered.
Maul is pretty boring as far as PT characters are concerned.
Kylo Ren is a decent character.
TPM was a good film.
ROTS was one of the best Star Wars films, second only to ESB.
ROTJ was better than ANH.
King Joker
King Joker
Level One
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September 7th 2019, 8:04 am
1. RotS is a bad movie 
2. TFA is a good movie
3. Boba Fett is uninteresting
4. Darth Maul is overrated
5. Asajj Ventress is underrated
6. Star Wars soundtracks aren’t that good
7. The Jedi honestly weren’t that bad, lol
8. The Sith and the dark side are so comically evil that they’re very hard to take seriously 
9. Combatants in general are probably a lot closer than we think (stomps should be few and far between)
10. We should have more female leads in the movies / TV shows (more diversity in general)

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 2266747095
Level Three
Level Three

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September 7th 2019, 8:29 am
-the Thrawn trilogy is tremendously overrated 
-Darth Bane trilogy is terrible to say the least
- Old republic era Sith Lords are overrated as characters, the timeline is lacking in inventiveness. 
-the legacy comics are meh, not nearly on par with the books that came before.
-NR era books are not as bad as people think they are. 
-Jar Jar isn’t that bad as a character. 
- the prequels are better than the OT in many ways.
Level Three
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September 7th 2019, 8:36 am
SithSauce wrote:

Most post ROTJ books ( including the Thrawn Trilogy) are rather meh

This isn’t an unpopular opinion. I bet most people who say this haven’t even read a single NR/NJO/Legacy book and have just heard about the story. It’s  no secret that I disagree with this, but I think one should read at least a majority of them to come to a conclusion. Furthermore, The various series are completely different in plot and characters, so interesting is rather difficult to imagine someone who doesn’t like everything.
Level One
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September 7th 2019, 9:36 am
It's interesting how more people are liking Jar Jar nowadays
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September 7th 2019, 9:40 am
MasterCilghal wrote:
SithSauce wrote:

Most post ROTJ books ( including the Thrawn Trilogy) are rather meh

This isn’t an unpopular opinion. I bet most people who say this haven’t even read a single NR/NJO/Legacy book and have just heard about the story. It’s  no secret that I disagree with this, but I think one should read at least a majority of them to come to a conclusion. Furthermore, The various series are completely different in plot and characters, so interesting is rather difficult to imagine someone who doesn’t like everything.
I should have really clarified, most post ROTJ books that I read were mediocre . Thrawn trilogy is surprisingly a very popular series. When people think of good Legends stories the first thing that comes to their mind is the Thrawn Trilogy

Last edited by SithSauce on September 7th 2019, 10:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Level One
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 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 9:49 am
King Joker wrote:
10. We should have more female leads in the movies / TV shows (more diversity in general)

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 2266747095
I wouldn't say generally this is an unpopular opinion, considering that's what's happening right now with Star Wars. And it likely wouldn't have happened if so many people weren't pushing for this. But yeh if you were to say this on social media which is the platform for trolls/haters, and the worst kinds of scum. You would likely be attacked lol.
Level One
Level One

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 9:57 am
BreakofDawn wrote:
SWTOR made Revan boring and overpowered.

Definitely not an unpopular opinion. Most people think SWTOR ruined the character all round
Level Three
Level Three

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 10:00 am
SithSauce wrote:Thrawn trilogy is actually a very popular series. That's the reason why he has joined the Disney canon.
I agree with you on the thrown trilogy, but not on the other books, but that really depends on one’s opinion, there’s no need to discuss it. 
Level Six
Level Six

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 10:33 am
King Joker wrote:1. RotS is a bad movie 
2. TFA is a good movie
3. Boba Fett is uninteresting
4. Darth Maul is overrated
5. Asajj Ventress is underrated
6. Star Wars soundtracks aren’t that good
7. The Jedi honestly weren’t that bad, lol
8. The Sith and the dark side are so comically evil that they’re very hard to take seriously 
9. Combatants in general are probably a lot closer than we think (stomps should be few and far between)
10. We should have more female leads in the movies / TV shows (more diversity in general)

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 2266747095
While I agree with all of these (EXCEPT NUMBER 6 WHICH IS BLASPHEMY), Star Wars did great ever since the beginning with female characters. Female characters were not part of forced diversity, any political agenda etc. And most importantly, they were written and handled well. There are great female characters like Ahsoka, Ventress, Bastila, Mission, Kreia, and then there are Rey, Phasma, Rose, Qi'ra...

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 7th 2019, 11:36 am
HellfireUnit wrote:
King Joker wrote:1. RotS is a bad movie 
2. TFA is a good movie
3. Boba Fett is uninteresting
4. Darth Maul is overrated
5. Asajj Ventress is underrated
6. Star Wars soundtracks aren’t that good
7. The Jedi honestly weren’t that bad, lol
8. The Sith and the dark side are so comically evil that they’re very hard to take seriously 
9. Combatants in general are probably a lot closer than we think (stomps should be few and far between)
10. We should have more female leads in the movies / TV shows (more diversity in general)

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? 2266747095
While I agree with all of these (EXCEPT NUMBER 6 WHICH IS BLASPHEMY), Star Wars did great ever since the beginning with female characters. Female characters were not part of forced diversity, any political agenda etc. And most importantly, they were written and handled well. There are great female characters like Ahsoka, Ventress, Bastila, Mission, Kreia, and then there are Rey, Phasma, Rose, Qi'ra...
And I mean that's really it, you lose something in intentional propagandizing. Because the question that has to be asked is whether or not they are a character first and a woman second, or a woman first and a character second.

I'd say the MCU is a good example of this dichotomy, if you compare Captain Marvel as a character to most of the other heroes, male and female, and realize something is missing.

I might actually make a lengthier post about Rey in particular at some point.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

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September 7th 2019, 11:59 am
I don’t think there’s a lack of female characters in Star Wars.

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September 8th 2019, 2:18 am
No one wants to see women leading Star Wars. 

Even women don't want to see women in leading roles Star Wars. 

They should be limited to second-tier romantic interests or eye candy.
The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 8th 2019, 6:13 am
King Joker wrote:1. RotS is a bad movie 

Disagree, RotS is flawed but at the same time a masterpiece and one of the most iconic stories of all time.

2. TFA is a good movie

Not sure, would've agreed had TLJ been good, as TFA did give nostalgia and set up some fascinating mysteries, but they were ruined.

3. Boba Fett is uninteresting

Disagree, but not strongly. He's cool but some of his wank in the EU is just absurd, and his ability to defeat Jedi in combat is utterly unbelievable.

4. Darth Maul is overrated

Disagree, but not strongly. He's cool, and fleshed out decently in TCW (even Rebels).

5. Asajj Ventress is underrated

Possibly, though due to specific stories rather than her inherent character.

6. Star Wars soundtracks aren’t that good

Disagree strongly, the Star Wars soundtracks are some of the greatest ever (though the Sequel soundtrack isn't as good).

7. The Jedi honestly weren’t that bad, lol

Agree in relative terms, though the PT Jedi were certainly flawed. They're still far preferable to the Sith.

8. The Sith and the dark side are so comically evil that they’re very hard to take seriously 

Mostly agree, though that's not necessarily bad for the story. There are a few sympathetic Sith like Caedus.

9. Combatants in general are probably a lot closer than we think (stomps should be few and far between)

Somewhat agree, though in some cases I think it's the reverse (e.g. I do think Sidious can casually ragdoll Maul).

10. We should have more female leads in the movies / TV shows (more diversity in general)

Agree, as long as it's good and organic (as would apply regardless of the gender). I liked Jyn Erso and don't dislike Rey, the latter will depend on whether they give her more meaningful character development in RoS. Rose Tico is a terrible character though.
Level Six
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September 8th 2019, 6:16 am
TFA is bad imo.
King Joker
King Joker
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September 8th 2019, 11:55 am
The Ellimist wrote:Disagree, RotS is flawed but at the same time a masterpiece and one of the most iconic stories of all time.

A masterpiece? I... don't see it. I find the movie overall quite stale and requiring too much suspension of disbelief for the political machinations to make any sense. I mean, I actually somewhat enjoy watching RotS from time to time, but that's only because the EU and TCW made me emotionally invested in the characters, not because RotS did any legwork on that front.

Not sure, would've agreed had TLJ been good, as TFA did give nostalgia and set up some fascinating mysteries, but they were ruined.

Eh. I agree TLJ was a letdown, but TFA alone was a fun popcorn flick with decent characters. A lot more enjoyable than any PT movie, at least.

Disagree, but not strongly. He's cool but some of his wank in the EU is just absurd, and his ability to defeat Jedi in combat is utterly unbelievable.

I've always hated the idea that non-Force sensitives could defeat Jedi in combat, barring extreme circumstances. But the interest in Boba Fett that sprung from his minor cameos in the OT seemed a bit absurd to me.

Disagree, but not strongly. He's cool, and fleshed out decently in TCW (even Rebels).

He's okay, I guess. I get the appeal of a red-and-black Zabrack Sith Lord wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, but I feel like that's the only thing he had to offer (before TCW resurrected him, but by that point, there was already a legion of fanboys that worshipped him).

Possibly, though due to specific stories rather than her inherent character.

I find her character fascinating, and think she deserves a lot more attention and credit. She's much more interesting that Darth Maul, for example.

Disagree strongly, the Star Wars soundtracks are some of the greatest ever (though the Sequel soundtrack isn't as good).

I knew this was gonna be my hottest take, but I feel like most of the Star Wars soundtracks are only revered by some people because of the nostalgia they hold. Like, some are really good, but a lot of them are very boring to me, and just generally not my cup of tea. Like, I remember thinking to myself while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and thinking, 'This is so much better than Star Wars,' lol.

Agree in relative terms, though the PT Jedi were certainly flawed. They're still far preferable to the Sith.


Mostly agree, though that's not necessarily bad for the story. There are a few sympathetic Sith like Caedus.

Sure, but when someone crosses from 'Jedi with a heart of gold' to 'rampaging Sith war criminal,' I feel a bit incredulous.

Somewhat agree, though in some cases I think it's the reverse (e.g. I do think Sidious can casually ragdoll Maul).

Sure, yeah.

Agree, as long as it's good and organic (as would apply regardless of the gender). I liked Jyn Erso and don't dislike Rey, the latter will depend on whether they give her more meaningful character development in RoS. Rose Tico is a terrible character though.

Yeah, agreed. I mean, I think it should go without saying that when I (or others) advocate for more female characters/leads in Star Wars, they should be written organically. I don't think the addition of the gender comprising 50% of Earth's population should be treated as inherently forced or political, like some sexually and romantically challenged forum users may want to suggest.
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September 8th 2019, 12:42 pm
King Joker wrote:5. Asajj Ventress is underrated

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51ae8a6be226e973fc1d2f1efe738552cd543725e2f&rid=giphy
Level Three
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September 8th 2019, 2:22 pm
King Joker wrote:I knew this was gonna be my hottest take, but I feel like most of the Star Wars soundtracks are only revered by some people because of the nostalgia they hold. Like, some are really good, but a lot of them are very boring to me, and just generally not my cup of tea. Like, I remember thinking to myself while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and thinking, 'This is so much better than Star Wars,' lol.
Seen from a “musical”  point of view, the SW soundtrack is great. Williams did a rather good job at creating melodies that end up being very catchy and creative. However, the real problem is that he gets credit where he realistically shouldn’t. Many of his most well known themes are heavily inspired from previous composers (like Holst, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and so on) yet he gets credit for them. I’m not accusing him of theft, but there’s is definitely much stuff that isn’t his in the movies. It’s not entirely  his fault, but also the people who do not recognize the inspiration and give all credit to him. 
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September 8th 2019, 2:51 pm
MasterCilghal wrote:
King Joker wrote:I knew this was gonna be my hottest take, but I feel like most of the Star Wars soundtracks are only revered by some people because of the nostalgia they hold. Like, some are really good, but a lot of them are very boring to me, and just generally not my cup of tea. Like, I remember thinking to myself while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and thinking, 'This is so much better than Star Wars,' lol.
Seen from a “musical”  point of view, the SW soundtrack is great. Williams did a rather good job at creating melodies that end up being very catchy and creative. However, the real problem is that he gets credit where he realistically shouldn’t. Many of his most well known themes are heavily inspired from previous composers (like Holst, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and so on) yet he gets credit for them. I’m not accusing him of theft, but there’s is definitely much stuff that isn’t his in the movies. It’s not entirely  his fault, but also the people who do not recognize the inspiration and give all credit to him. 
Which composer did Mars the Bringer of War? I know that was a Heavy inspiration for the Star Wars theme right?

Last edited by SithSauce on September 8th 2019, 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

 Unpopular Star Wars opinions? Empty Re: Unpopular Star Wars opinions?

September 8th 2019, 2:52 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
SithSauce wrote:
MasterCilghal wrote:
King Joker wrote:I knew this was gonna be my hottest take, but I feel like most of the Star Wars soundtracks are only revered by some people because of the nostalgia they hold. Like, some are really good, but a lot of them are very boring to me, and just generally not my cup of tea. Like, I remember thinking to myself while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and thinking, 'This is so much better than Star Wars,' lol.
Seen from a “musical”  point of view, the SW soundtrack is great. Williams did a rather good job at creating melodies that end up being very catchy and creative. However, the real problem is that he gets credit where he realistically shouldn’t. Many of his most well known themes are heavily inspired from previous composers (like Holst, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and so on) yet he gets credit for them. I’m not accusing him of theft, but there’s is definitely much stuff that isn’t his in the movies. It’s not entirely  his fault, but also the people who do not recognize the inspiration and give all credit to him. 
Which composer did Mars the Bringer of War? I know that was a inspiration for the Star Wars theme right?

Holst. Williams pretty much straight ripped the song.
Level Three
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September 8th 2019, 3:00 pm
Yeah, and that’s what makes him overrated to me.
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