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Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

September 30th 2019, 7:42 am
Title says it all.
Level Six
Level Six

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

September 30th 2019, 8:01 am
This answer includes any franchise, production etc. Something being violent or not does not make it good or not, it is all about the tone and usage of it. If you are gonna do a battle scene, make sure you properly handle the violence into the setting and surroundings. If I go the cinema in order to watch Venom, I expect properly executed violent scenes and gore, not this pg13 crap for example. If Star Wars is gonna go violent, they better understand how lightsabers and other weapons work otherwise the product will be crap. For example recent Hellboy had violence but that's it. Nothing else.
Level Three
Level Three

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

November 22nd 2019, 12:44 am
I liked Rogue One, and it was pretty violent. They don't have to do it all the time, but it is nice every once in a while.

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

November 22nd 2019, 9:42 am
Something of the level of torture porn like the gratuitous violence and gore of Maul: Lockdown I'm not a fan of but moderate level grit and realistic violence like The Bane Trilogy and Shatterpoint is fine in my book.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

November 22nd 2019, 9:52 am
Meh, Rebels is a case of there not being much violence but still doing a great job at telling a story. Too much is bad, too little is boring.

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

November 22nd 2019, 2:32 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:This answer includes any franchise, production etc. Something being violent or not does not make it good or not, it is all about the tone and usage of it. If you are gonna do a battle scene, make sure you properly handle the violence into the setting and surroundings. If I go the cinema in order to watch Venom, I expect properly executed violent scenes and gore, not this pg13 crap for example. If Star Wars is gonna go violent, they better understand how lightsabers and other weapons work otherwise the product will be crap. For example recent Hellboy had violence but that's it. Nothing else.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

November 24th 2019, 9:21 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Not necessarily. When I think of the greatest moments in Star Wars, I think of Padme's ruminations, Order 66 and the rise of the Empire, the birth of Darth Vader, the binary sunset, Luke's training on Dagobah, the Throne Room scene, and others. Some of these scenes have violence, but that's not what makes them great. It's the emotional underpinnings. There's nothing wrong with a cool action scene for the sake of a cool action scene, but in my opinion violence works better when it's used to elevate the themes of the work.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

March 26th 2020, 10:30 pm
Old thread but killius said something that surprises me, do you really think Maul: Lockdown was torture porn? I might just be desensitized to that stuff because I started playing Mortal Kombat heavily at 8 and got into hardcore slasher films around age 9, but I don't remember the descriptions being that bad from my readings @O-Siri

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

March 27th 2020, 9:05 am
I feel like it's not needed and should be saved for "special occasions". 

I would've liked to see the violence in Lockdown and Shatterpoint on screen though. Even the ambush scene in Plagueis when he fucks people up by TKing/punching their limbs off while he's bleeding out from having half his face missing.

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

March 27th 2020, 12:47 pm
What the new Bounty Hunters comics are doing is good tbh. Needless gore is unnecessary but I'd like to see more of the fact its actually a war. 

Vader Down also did it well tbh
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

April 2nd 2020, 6:53 pm
Dark Star Wars works too, I mean Charles Soules Vader series is great, but if you understand everything in it, it's very dark like probably the darkest thing in Canon atm
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

April 2nd 2020, 9:10 pm
Lockdown was badass and is how Maul should be portrayed at all times.

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

April 3rd 2020, 1:09 am
ILS wrote:Lockdown was badass and is how Maul should be portrayed at all times.

I'm really scared they're gonna have Ahsoka trash him in the Mandalore duel.

Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

April 3rd 2020, 12:40 pm
Fight scenes are cool. Sometimes extremely cool. But when asked if Star Wars is at its best when it's violent, I'd have to answer no. Too many of my favorite moments in the franchise don't involve any violence. And so many action scenes fall flat with me when there's no emotional investment. Now, when it's both a good fight scene, and packed with emotional stakes, then Star Wars can be truly amazing. But it's not the violence alone that does it.
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Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent? Empty Re: Is Star Wars at its best when it's violent?

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