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★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:33 am
★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Top_fi12

Darish Vol has been voted in as the #11 most powerful Star Wars character. 

PLEASE READ: Even if a character has not ranked yet, they will have the opportunity to be raised to a higher position during the REVOTING after round 15. However, only characters that are ranked will be allowed to be revoted. Please continue to vote for characters, regardless if you think they should have been ranked already.

1. Luke Skywalker
2. Palpatine
3. Valkorion
4. Irek Ismaren
5/6. Anakin Skywalker
5/6. Darth Krayt
7. Yoda
8. Darth Plagueis
9. Mace Windu
10. Revan
11. Darish Vol
12. Alliance Commander
13. Vaylin
14. Darth Caedus
15. Kueller


The metric to rank characters will be the extent that Darth Malgus would need an amp to defeat them.

For example, would Darth Malgus (as of the novel Deceived) need a greater boost in raw Force potency—which, for both the purposes of this tournament and within the lore, simply amplifies all abilities proportionate to their former levels—to defeat Yoda or UnuThul? Remember that this tournament aims to rank characters based on their overall combative threat level, NOT their raw Force potency. All characters will operate at their peak actualized iterations barring circumstantial or momentary amps. While everyone will fight in-character—meaning Yoda will not be bloodlusted—they will be aiming to kill Malgus as quickly and efficiently as possible with nothing held back.

If you have not already, please open the spoiler boxes to read the guidelines and banned characters for the tournament.





Last edited by DarthAnt66 on June 17th 2020, 8:33 pm; edited 5 times in total
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:34 am
★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 85d368b54f7473b38df84d36fd0fe0755175a47cr1-512-512_00

Vote Exar Kun

How does Exar Kun measure up in The Old Republic era?

Let's take Lord Kallig, who through the spirit of Darth Andru is a demonstratable superior for early Act II Darth Nox:

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This being in a state where Kallig's spirit has now been constantly drained of its power for a thousand years by Tenebrae:

SWTOR: Encyclopedia wrote:Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead. The temple became a nexus of dark side energy as the Emperor performed rituals within, drawing strength and knowledge from his captives.

Lord Kallig in his prime would be vastly more powerful by an excessive degree than his spirit was there as he himself states that he now needs to 'conserve his energy' as even appearing 'takes much' out of him.

So: Lord Kallig >>> Spirit of Lord Kallig > BoActII!Nox.

Lord Kallig in his prime was an inferior of the reigning Dark Lord Tulak Hord:

Kallig Codex Entry wrote:Little is remembered of the Sith Lord Kallig. Like many ancient Sith, his name is all but forgotten, as more powerful--or at least more visible--Sith Lords have taken their place in the historical record. The only known mention of Kallig is in the writings of the famous Dark Lord Tulak Hord, who said "Easily the most ambitious, and therefore the most dangerous of my rivals is Kallig. Therefore, he shall be the first to die."

Prior to Tulak Hord 'devouring' the spirits of 1,000 Jedi:

The Ritual of Tulak Hord Codex Entry wrote:In his time as Dark Lord of the Sith, Tulak Hord was known as a master of the mystical dark arts of the Force, using his powers to plumb the depths of life and death. In the battles of Yn and Chabosh, Tulak Hord is believed to have used a ritual to draw the strength of his enemies to himself, growing his power and vitality.

SWTOR: Encyclopedia wrote:One of Khem Val's proudest victories came during the Battle of Chabosh, where he fought by Tulak Hord's side to conqueror an army of Jedi 1,000 strong.

Force-Walking Codex Entry wrote:Three hundred years after Tulak Hord, the Sith Ergast tried to recreate the ritual the Dark Lord used to devour the spirits of his enemies at Yn and Chabosh.

Via what is stated to be a far more complete and powerful ritual than Force-walking which is binding spirits, as Darth Nox does after Act I. Noting how vast the difference in power between Nox pre-ghosts and Nox with all of them was:

Force-Walking Codex Entry wrote:Three hundred years after Tulak Hord, the Sith Ergast tried to recreate the ritual the Dark Lord used to devour the spirits of his enemies at Yn and Chabosh. In its place, he discovered what he called the ritual of Force-walking. Requiring a Sith of great strength of will, the ritual of Force-walking allows the user to bind the restless ghosts of dead Sith to himself. Once the ghosts are bound, the ritualist may draw from their power, channeling it into a powerful exertion of Force energy against his enemies.

Therefore Tulak Hord >>>> Lord Kallig >>> Kallig's spirit > BoActII!Darth Nox.

Tulak Hord, naturally, was less powerful than Marka Ragnos who himself is less powerful than Exar Kun.

Exar Kun > Marka Ragnos > Tulak Hord >>>> Lord Kallig >>> Spirit Kallig > BoAct II Nox.

Lord Kallig himself should definitely be up near SoR Nox given the enormous disparity between his living and spiritual states. With prime Tulak Hord being in another stratosphere compared to Lord Kallig. Yeah, you can do the scaling yourself at this point.

How does Exar Kun measure up in the New Republic era?

Exar Kun as a spirit augmented Kyp Durron to the degree that he reached his full power:

Jedi Academy Sourcebook wrote:Over a number of weeks, Kun slowly bends Kyp to his will, and begins to augment his power.

Dark Apprentice wrote:Kyp felt his skin tingling with barely contained power,


Against the full might of Kyp Durron

However, Kueller's stated to be much more powerful than Kyp was:

New Rebellion wrote:The presence had neared. It was strong in the dark side. He could feel the ripples, feel a power he hadn’t felt in a living being since he encountered the Emperor. Luke had never had a student that powerful, of that he was certain. Whoever it was became powerful after he had left the academy.

However, Kueller is not more powerful than Exar Kun himself:

New Rebellion wrote:This Kueller had more Force capability than anyone she had encountered in years. Except Exar Kun, and he had been a spirit. Kueller was alive. He was using these deaths to replenish his own well of hatred. The dark side ate people from within, but while it did so, it gave them much too much power. He appeared to have more power than she had. More power than Luke.

In fact, both Luke and Kueller in the middle of the novel agree that Exar Kun was better:

New Rebellion wrote:"I've fought better than you, Kueller," Luke said. The lightsaber felt odd in his hand. "And won."

"Years ago, Skywalker. You've become complacent." Kueller slashed at Luke.

Essentially, Exar Kun is confirmed to be at least as powerful as a prime Kueller if not more powerful. Yet Kueller is approaching the power of Reborn Palpatine and is more powerful than Master Luke at this point:

Mara Jade, New Rebellion wrote:“I haven’t felt power like this since Palpatine in the early days. If this continues, Han, Kueller will be stronger than the Emperor ever was, and he’ll do it quicker.”

In fact, it is further confirmed that Luke would need his full strength to even stand a chance against Kueller:

New Rebellion wrote:He was resting, regaining his strength as best he could. The feeling of being watched was gone, for the moment, but he knew it would return. And it had something to do with Almania. After he let the food settle, he would question the house’s computer again. He was hoping it knew of a bacta tank or the Pydyrian equivalent. Anything to help him heal faster. He had to do more than Jedi practices. He knew that he would need all of his strength.

Simply put Exar Kun scales well above Luke Skywalker as of the end of the New Rebellion era and is probably starting to knock on the NJO Luke door when you factor in the gap between Kun in JA as a spirit and Kun in his much stronger living prime.

Yet at this point, Luke is capable of rebuilding and tearing down a mountain-sized fortress:

Black Fleet Crisis I: Before The Storm wrote:He sat down on the sand, cross-legged and straight-backed, and brought his hands together in his lap, fingertip to fingertip. Concentrating on a picture in his mind, Luke dipped his awareness deeply into the flow of the Force beneath him. With eyes that looked inward, he found what he was seeking, like flaws in a near-perfect crystal. He extended his will.

The sand around him stirred. The rocks shuddered, shifted, then began to rise from the sea and the sand as though sifted from them by an invisible screen.

Swirling through the air as they sought their place, the stones took shape as broken wall and shattered foundation, as arch and gate and dome-the ruins of Darth Vader's fortress retreat. It hung in the air around and above Luke as it had once stood atop the cliff, a dark-faced and forbidding edifice.

There was no record in Imperial City's files to say whether his father had ever occupied the fortress, though it had clearly been built for him in accord with his instructions. It had been empty when it was destroyed by a B-wing's blasters, in the days after the New Republic reclaimed Coruscant.

Was this where Vader plotted his conquests in the Emperor's service?

Was this where he had come to rejuvenate after a battle? Had there been celebrations here, self-indulgent pleasures or cruelties? Luke listened for the echoes of the old evils, and could not be certain.

But that did not matter to his plans. As he had redeemed and reclaimed his father, he would redeem and reclaim his father's house.

Now the stones swirled again in the air, joined by others plucked from the sea and stripped from the face of the cliff. Now broken edge fused against broken edge, and the dark faces of the rock lightened as their mineral structure was reshuffled. Now heavy rock walls and floors thinned to an airy elegance as if they were clay in a potter's press.

Now a tower stretched skyward until it rose above the edge of the cliff.

When it was done, the last gap closed, the last rock transformed, the structure securely perched just above the sand on pillars of stone extending down to the bedrock, Luke brought the E-wing down the beach and nestled it in the chamber he had made for it. It was not a door that closed over the opening, though, but a solid wall that closed out not only the wind and the cold, but the world.

Black Fleet Crisis III: Tyrant's Nest wrote:Extending his hands and his will, Luke found the points of greatest stress within the structure and pressed upon them, found the points of greatest fragility and sundered them. With a roar that momentarily rivaled the wind, the hermitage collapsed in on itself, crushing the fighter still sealed within it.

But that was not enough to satisfy Luke, not enough to forever erase the temptation. One after another, he raised the pieces of the ruined hermitage, the broken ship, up out of the sand and into the air, crumbling them with the force of his thoughts, until it was a dense, swirling cloud of pebble-sized fragments and metal bits.

Then, with a final, explosive effort of will, he hurled the cloud of debris far out beyond the breakers, where it rained down on the churning water and vanished from sight.

How does Exar Kun measure up in the Old Sith Wars era?

King Adas' holocron exhausts Qui-Gon Jinn's powers when he draws too close to it and it causes him to hallucinate:

Jedi Quest Special Edition: Followers wrote:Qui-Gon immediately anchored himself to the cliff and reached out to the Force to try and stop the fall. But the dark energy in the giant crevasse worked against him. He felt oddly exhausted and had little ability to concentrate.


"I don't see anything," Obi-Wan said. His voice sounded strangely hollow, and Qui-Gon wasn't sure if it was because of the chasm, his fall, or because they were so close to the Holocron. The concentration of dark knowledge could tap one's strength. He certainly weakened himself. But the strange hollow feeling also let Qui-Gon know they were on the right track. He felt at once repelled and drawn closer.


Qui-Gon's mind reeled. He could feel that they were close to the Holocron. Very close. He tried to focus, to find its location, but the dark side was playing tricks with his mind. It was so near and still beyond his mental vision. There was so much he didn't understand. If Lundi had held the Holocron, where was it now? Did someone else have it? Had he been unable to handle the power?

Qui-Gon Jinn being powerful enough in the first place that his Force-augmented strength matches Darth Maul's:

Episode I Journal: Darth Maul wrote:I accelerate my pace, calling on my anger to increase my power. My footwork has never been so brilliant. I use the shifting sand as resistance. My lightness and quickness will defeat this man, with his large body, his heavy movements. But he is graceful, this Jedi. The sand doesn't seem to hamper him. He is never off balance, no matter where or how I strike. Our blows send shudders through my body. He meets my strength. Our lightsabers clash and sizzle. Dust and sand rise around us. I never lose my rhythm.

And Maul is unable to find any advantage:

The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook wrote:Outside, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul battled on. Energy crackled as their weapons clashed. They leapt over one another and twisted in the air, each trying to gain the advantage. As the ship approached them, they both looked up. In a flash, Qui-Gon leapt to the spacecraft ramp. Darth Maul tried to follow, but Qui-Gon knocked him back onto the desert floor.

Tatooine Showdown - Episode I - Cinema Scenes wrote:Returning from Mos Espa with Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon is ambushed by a figure in flowing dark robes - it is the evil Darth Maul. Ordering Anakin to the ship, Qui-Gon matches his awesome Jedi skill against the Sith Lord's sinister power. Both escape with their lives, but it would not be their last meeting.

Yet the Jinn faced by Maul is post-prime, whereas the encounter with Adas' holocron takes place seven years prior:

He wears his long hair tied back so as not to obstruct his peripheral vision. Although a little past his prime, he remains a powerful warrior and a very active Jedi Knight.


Qui-Gon is among the supreme Jedi Masters of the Order in his time:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 44

Yet a Holocron contains only a fraction of the power of its creator:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 5

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Annotation_2019-12-29_074257

King Adas himself is less powerful than the Jedi Exiles were:

Ajunta Pall, Knights of the Old Republic wrote:We were not the first to fall to the dark side. But we... had more power than those before us.

Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties wrote:Eventually, almost two-dozen millennia after Adas' death, a proper successor to Adas seemed to come at last. Known in Republic space as the Exiles, traitorous Jedi defeated in a galactic war called the Hundred-Year Darkness arrived on Korriban and cowed the Sith people with their astounding Force abilities, lightsabers, and superior technology.

The Jedi Exiles drew their power from the Star Map of Korriban but this power then turned them against each other and they lost this power, destroying themselves:

Ajunta Pall, Knights of the Old Republic wrote:"Our oldest secret. Only... only we would know, we lords. Only we would know where our power came from..."

"We... hid from the Jedi, but it was not they who destroyed us. Is it not... obvious what we did? We destroyed each other. We desired the secrets of each other, to increase our power... we battled until finally our fortress rained down on top of us."

"And so here our old secret is buried and none of us hold it any more... is that not right? Our power fled."

The Star Map didn't have the same effect on the later Sith Empire who grew in power both in size and Force power:

Chronicles of the Old Republic wrote:Meanwhile, on the far side of the galaxy, the Sith Empire has grown powerful through centuries of dark Force wielding and magic and the hundred-year rule of the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith, MARKA RAGNOS.

Something supported by Sorzus Syn's vision:

Sorzus Syn, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side wrote:I forsee what will be a magnificent Sith Empire.

Naga Sadow was the most powerful of all the Sith after Marka Ragnos:

Dark Side Sourcebook wrote:Many powerful Sith seek to gain control of the Empire. The strongest of these are Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow, who both command impressive bands of followers from among the Sith.

New Essential Chronology wrote:At the gravesite, the two strongest Sith opponents confronted each other: Naga Sadow, eager to expand Sith powers; and his rival Ludo Kressh, content with the existing borders and loath to risk a folly that could potentially cost them everything.

The power of an ancient Sith ritual on Ambria was far greater than the powers used by a greatly amped Naga Sadow:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 4700003-5697017890-tEJc7

Master Thon was capable of containing the aforementioned power and the spirits which would've consumed a star sector:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQdY_gqBFy0yl8LMu5K3mN4c08JCxDJuI_48a3psWknvNXr2fGQ

Further confirmed to be all the darkness of Ambria:

Star Wars Insider Magazine #26 wrote:The planet is barren and suffused with rugged terrain. Once a repository for great dark-side forces, all of the world’s darkness was driven into Lake Natth by Thon.

At first he's noted to fight off those spirits with ease:

Tales of the Jedi Companion wrote:The dark side energy suffused into the soil had killed all living things, turning the world into a rugged, desolate place covered only by rock and water. Thon set down on the surface and was immediately attacked by the spirits of the Sith. At first he easily repelled the assaults, but as time passed he grew weary, until at last he thought he could not sustain his defense.

Master Thon is however inferior to the likes of Vodo Siosk-Baas:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 4703379-accolade2
★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 4703387-accolade3
★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 4703391-star%20wars%20omnibus%20-%20tales%20of%20the%20jedi%20vol%2002%20%282008%29%20%28digital-empire%29%20182

Yet Vodo Siosk-Baas is one-shotted from across the galaxy by the spirit of Freedon Nadd:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 4714242-star%20wars%20omnibus%20-%20tales%20of%20the%20jedi%20vol%2002%20%282008%29%20%28digital-empire%29%20118%20014%20014%20characters%20-%203996bby%20kun4

And yet Exar Kun is more powerful than Freedon Nadd either in life or death:

Exar Kun, Galactic Files wrote:This leads him to the tomb of a long-deceased Dark Lord named Freedon Nadd, a spirit who is destroyed by Kun after all of his magical knowledge is absorbed. Now super-powerful,

Vodo Baas, Tales of the Jedi Audio Drama wrote:"I sense a disturbance in the Force. As if one great power has fallen, and another has risen in its place."

Vehicles and Starships Collection wrote:During the Great Sith War, a Jedi called Exar Kun was turned to the dark side of the Force by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd's teachings were too thorough, though, and Kun became so powerful that he destroyed Nadd's spirit forever.

Yet Exar Kun grows vastly more powerful after this to the point of putting multiple one-shot gaps between himself at the point of surpassing Nadd and his prime incarnation where his power causes things like the following:

Exar Kun, Databank wrote:Before Vader, before Maul, before Sidious... there was a Dark Lord of the Sith that cast a shadow of terror and destruction across the galaxy. The ancient forces of the Republic and the Jedi banded together to stop the torrent of the dark side, and bring an end to Exar Kun's rule.

Jolee Bindo, Databank wrote:His story remains unknown aside from rumors that he fought in the great war of Exar Kun -- in a time when Jedi turned against Jedi and the dark side threatened to swallow the galaxy.

Cargo bay, wrote:In the remote reaches of the Star Wars universe, an ancient and deadly power has been reawakened by a foolish and arrogant young Jedi. He will begin a quest to become a Dark Lord of the Sith, and every galaxy will be threatened by his power.

Cargo Bay, wrote:In the depths of galactic space, a foolish and arrogant young Jedi awakes an ancient, deadly power. This seductive evil will lead him down a path that will make him a Dark Lord of the Sith, and his darkling power will make the very galaxies tremble.

Last edited by LadyKulvax on March 19th 2020, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:36 am
Darish Vol
Level Six
Level Six

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:36 am
Plo Koon
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:37 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Great post AP, definitely makes me consider Kun here
Level Seven
Level Seven

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:37 am
Put me down for the Outlander.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:43 am
outlander or vol deserves more the spot

on topic: 
casting my vote for darish until i see more cases
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:46 am
IG wrote:Great post AP, definitely makes me consider Kun here

Thank you, you'd do well to join us.

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:46 am
Reynard (Ethanion)
Reynard (Ethanion)

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:50 am
Count Dooku
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:51 am
Reynard (Ethanion) wrote:Count Dooku
Not Charal?
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:51 am
not wryylok?
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:52 am
The lord of hunger wrote:not wryylok?
Why is wyyrlock supposed to be here over Kun, Kueller, vol, Outlander, Vaylin, etc
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:52 am
IG wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:not wryylok?
Why is wyyrlock supposed to be here over Kun, Kueller, vol, Outlander, Vaylin, etc
basically this:

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:56 am
The lord of hunger wrote:
IG wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:not wryylok?
Why is wyyrlock supposed to be here over Kun, Kueller, vol, Outlander, Vaylin, etc
basically this:

🇪🇭 🇪🇭 🇪🇭
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 11:56 am
Throw me in for Vol though I may go Kun if AP's post is convincing enough (Not read it yet).

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:06 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I could see cause for multiple (mainly Vaylin and the hidden one). 

Going to watch out for arguments, but voting Exar Kun for now
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:16 pm
NotAA3 wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:
IG wrote:
The lord of hunger wrote:not wryylok?
Why is wyyrlock supposed to be here over Kun, Kueller, vol, Outlander, Vaylin, etc
basically this:

🇪🇭 🇪🇭 🇪🇭
what do you think that thread is ugly?  ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol 1019854026
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:26 pm
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
The Outlander.

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol IJgYXn1

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:42 pm
I am really not sure. I will wait for convincing arguments. I think possible candidates for this position are: Kun, Vaylin, Outlander, Caedus, Vol, Gethzerion. For now I’ll wait before I vote

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:53 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
After reading LadyKulvax’s post I give my vote to Kun for now

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:57 pm
The Outlander
Level Four
Level Four

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 12:58 pm
Darish Fohl
Level One
Level One

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 1:00 pm
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

March 19th 2020, 1:18 pm
ok then the count for votes goes like this at the moment: 

vol: 3

outlander : 3

kun : 2 

starkiller: 1 

dooku: 1
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★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol Empty Re: ★ Top Fifteen Tournament #11 - Darish Vol

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