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Ninth Assassin(Legends) respect thread Empty Ninth Assassin(Legends) respect thread

November 20th 2019, 5:28 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Gonna be popping out a few more short but no less great respect threads for some interesting characters! This time we shall be looking at one who was hired to kill Darth Vader, he is the assassin with no name...only a title.


Ninth Assassin

Ninth Assassin(Legends) respect thread 4247197-asssass

Insider Quotes

The key difference is in his mind, is that those other assassins went after Vader. His approach is to be two steps ahead of his prey, be where Vader is going. Stealth and patience are his main weapons. Well other than his two custom cortosis-weave vibroblades.

- Insider 141

He's two steps ahead of his prey and carries two custom cortosis-weave vibroblades.

Comic Scans: Durability


Here he survives what is pretty much a point blank explosion which destroys a room yet leaves him unharmed.


The explosion of the same type was also powerful enough to kill/incap some Clone Troopers.

Comic Scans: Equipment


Has macrobionculars which can see infa-red.


Grappling line which enables him to swing pretty well through trees and the like.

Comic Scans: Skill


He takes out 18 mercenaries without even being seen or heard by either the man trying to hire him or the mercs themselves.


Said mercenaries were quick to gun down a flying beast which came to attack them.


Here he avoids a large beast from crushing him and then with ease killing it.


He takes down a Red Guard, those who were handpicked from the best Senate Guardsmen to guard the Supreme Chancellor, who are chosen from the best law enforcement agencies in the galaxy.


His fight with Darth Vader. Now Vader was holding back, but he notes the Assassin's skill and ability with his weapons, stating that it would be a shame to kill one of his talent.


Well there you have it folks, a short but awesome character in both design and ability. A shame we never got more of him.
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