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Agent Jahan Cross(Legends) respect thread Empty Agent Jahan Cross(Legends) respect thread

November 14th 2019, 2:19 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
So we just keep this train a moving! However I'm gonna be holding on putting up anymore threads for a few days, so a heads up.

Anyway let us look into one of Imperial Intelligence's agents!


Agent Jahan Cross

Agent Jahan Cross(Legends) respect thread 4080967-capture

Comic Scans: Infiltration


Here he had infiltrated an Imperial facility, working undercover for 2 weeks straight without getting caught.


Getting entrance into an Imperial Embassy after being framed for murder.


Infiltrating "The Spike" which was developed during the Clone Wars, noted as even being able to hold Jedi.

Comic Scans: Fighting Ability


Here Cross disarms a Klatooinian of his blaster and takes him down.


Here he blasts apart a droid in the first 2 scans, the last scan is him destroying droids in melee using a sword.


Here even after getting stunned, is able to grab the stun baton and beat down a couple of guards even while he was cuffed.


Just fighting some thugs with Han Solo, even showing to hold back the strength of a Gamorrean who are known for being physically powerful.


Here he takes down Candra who was trying to kill him, after he killed Count Dooku(no not Sith Dooku) while he was merely wanting to talk with her.


Just fighting some guys with Boba Fett.


Here it shows him being able to break free of a large Gotal's hold and take him down.

Comic Scans: Equipment


Just showing some gear/tech provided by Imperial Intel for Cross, the droid is IN-GA, she is able to fly, has integrated blasters, is able to rip off the armor of droids with just her fingers(experimental battle droids based on the SBD design). 

Last scan shows an electric device hidden in the heel of his boot, able to bypass force fields.


Here Cross crashes his ship into a tram, ejecting from the cockpit just in time and utilizing a Parawing glider provided by I.I.


This shows something impressive, he has fully functional Mandalorian armor that dissolves leaving no trace of his actions after he murdered Count Dooku. This also shows some pretty impressive accuracy for Cross.


Here Cross had set up Boba Fett, after he wired an Imperial shuttle to blow just as Boba's missile hit the shuttle(which was an Ion one). It having been all apart of his plan, to then get rid of Borgin having manipulated Fett into killing him and have his brother in-law to be Count so the Empire could use him.


Well there you have it folks! Imperial Intelligence Agent Jahan Cross!
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