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Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 20th 2019, 11:26 pm
If you come across any cool Star Wars quotes, feel free to post them here for future reference and others to see.

Last edited by DarthAnt66 on July 20th 2019, 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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July 20th 2019, 11:27 pm

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July 21st 2019, 3:46 am
These are all game mechanics though

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 21st 2019, 7:15 pm
"Mace Windu remains a fearsome warrior with a perfect mastery of the Jedi fighting techniques."

"He wears his long hair tied back so as not to obstruct his peripheral vision. Although a little past his prime, he remains a powerful warrior and a very active Jedi Knight."

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 21st 2019, 7:26 pm
"This barrage was deflected by Maul who used Obi-Wan's touching of the dark side as a conduit for a Force attack; using the Force, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into a deep mining pit."

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 21st 2019, 8:08 pm
Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Morrha11
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 22nd 2019, 3:38 am
This is Dooku, Darth Tyranus, Count of Serenno:

Once a great Jedi Master, now an even greater Lord of the Sith, Dooku is a dark colossus bestriding the galaxy. Nemesis of the corrupt Republic, oriflamme of the principled Confederacy of Independent Systems, he is the very personification of shock and awe.

Bless Stover.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 22nd 2019, 3:15 pm
With his last thought he tried to call upon the Force to shield him from the blast, but he was unable to pierce the debilitating fog that clouded his mind. He felt nothing but fear, anger, and hatred. (DOE)
Level One
Level One

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 23rd 2019, 12:06 am
Some lesser known Asajj stuff

22 BBY - “Once trained as a Jedi on her home world of Rattatak under the tutelage of Ky Narec, Asajj Ventress is now one of the most deadly villains in the Star Wars universe.”

22 BBY - ”There's been quite the coven of Ventress collectibles to date, her biggest year coinciding with the character's 2008 comeback as the deadliest -- and sultriest -- assassin in the galaxy.”

“Obsession ill-becomes a Jedi Knight. Nonetheless Obi-Wan Kenobi is on a damned-fool idealistic crusade to confront his greatest opponent, and challenge the hold of the dark side.”

22 BBY - “Asajj Ventress fights with a lethal double lightsaber. Only the most skilled Jedi can hope to defeat her in battle.”

— Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ultimate Sticker Collection 2008

Dave Filoni: “I still don’t believe that, at this point — one-to-one — that Grievous could really take out someone like Ventress in a lightsaber fight“

Yes. She had clashed with Jedi. Killed many. Faced Master Windu and come within a hairbreadth of defeating him. Faced Skywalker in battles they would both remember. Obi-Wan had escaped her hand twice, but would not again.

-- The Cestus Deception
Level Four
Level Four

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July 23rd 2019, 3:24 am
Filoni deserves a bullet for that quote


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July 23rd 2019, 8:32 am
"I have a mind any Council Member would whoop Luke's ass."
                                                                                      --Dave Filoni

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July 23rd 2019, 4:56 pm
From's articles on Star Wars Battlefront 2.

"While his master Obi-Wan Kenobi is an expert of defensive combat, Anakin is on the other side of the spectrum, with melee attacks second to none in Star Wars Battlefront II."

“It was interesting to see that Anakin is so good with a lightsaber that he seems to forego certain basic fighting practices. For example, he actually doesn’t use a lot of footwork, he’s more planted at a certain spot, while moving his lightsaber in a very skilled manner.”

“Anakin is confident in his own abilities, so we’re having him standing with his back straight, even while attacking and dodging. We want to convey that Anakin never really loses that control, because he’s so good, and he can see exactly what’s going on.”

"His power and skill were virtually unmatched, though his overconfidence and anger could get the better of him."

"Anakin’s ability to unleash a barrage of fast, devastating attacks is unlike any other Jedi and set him on another level."

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 31st 2019, 1:45 am
Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Y10

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread F10
Level One
Level One

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 31st 2019, 2:11 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Y10

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread F10
Do you dislike Vader? You look for quotes that portray him in a negative light. Perhaps for your debate with Azronger since you are technically arguing against him?
Level One
Level One

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 31st 2019, 2:28 am
Since Vader barely gets any respect nowadays, I'll just post this...

Of all the monsters I have created, I still regard Darth Vader as something of a minor masterpiece. No, he was not an entirely alchemical creation, but he was my monster nevertheless. Even though he failed to live up to his full potential, there was much pleasure in transforming Anakin Skywalker from a bright-eyed, tousle-headed youth into the greatest Jedi killer of all time. Yes, he ultimately turned against his Master, as monsters sometimes do, but that was my fault, not his. Given the opportunity to create Vader again, I would, and with zeal.
Jedi vs Sith The Essential Guide to the force

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 31st 2019, 3:43 am
SithSauce wrote: Perhaps for your debate with Azronger since you are technically arguing against him?

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 1289255181

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

July 31st 2019, 9:16 am
Luke knew what was coming next: the Myrkr strike team had described how Lomi Plo had used a similar net to dice a Yuuzhan Vong captor into bits. Luke began to push out with the Force, stopping the net from constricting any further and slicing through this vac suit. But he was not strong enough to break the attack outright. Cilghal’s Dazer had cut Lomi Plo off from the collective mind of the Gorog, but not from the Force. She could still draw on her nest to enhance her Force potential, and as strong as Luke was, he was not strong enough to overpower an entire nest of Killiks. He would simply have to hold on—and hope she ran out of air before he ran out of strength.

Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 1019854026

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

August 31st 2019, 3:05 pm
Some rough translations of cool quotes. All from Star Wars Art Treasures.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Unknown

Vader forces Luke to defend himself. Having completed his
training as a Jedi Knight, the powers of Luke
now rival his father's, but despite that he
refuses to go on the attack and deactivates his lightsaber.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Unknown

... Although he could not save himself, being
betrayed and assassinated by his disciple, who
was none other than Darth Sidious. Much of his
knowledge was lost forever.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Unknown

Obi-Wan Kenobi has
a reputation as one of the Jedi
best equipped for combat with
a lightsaber having even 
defeated the Sith Darth Maul ...

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Unknown

The voluntary renunciation of the Jedi Order
by Dooku, one of the most powerful adepts
of the Force and expert swordsman...

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 2019-07-27

Grand master of the dark side of the Force, Palpatine symbolizes in the
Star Wars mythology the incarnation of evil. Instigator of the fall of the
Jedi, Palpatine is revered and feared by his subjects and even
Darth Vader can only bow to his imposing presence.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 1st 2019, 2:21 pm
On the other side of the galaxy, the Order's most gifted apprentice reached out to tap a lightsaber with the toe of his boot.

When her first Master died, Asajj Ventress, scourge of the Jedi and Count Dooku's most feared associate...

She was a dagger of a woman, slender and deadly. Even in a galaxy cluttered with hate, such a combination of speed and fury comes only once in a generation.

"Scraps. Little devices. Lesser arts. Not nearly what you would if I were your apprentice sworn in blood, I know. I am no fool," she said angrily. As if he didn't know that. As if she needed to convince him she was deadly.

"Should have been number seventeen. I know." Dooku smiled. "I don't have your appetites. I can wait on my kills, and use them better. For now, you can disagree, but you dare not disobey." And here, with a small smile, he lifted just one finger.
She blanched. "True," she said.
Dooku let his finger drop.

The Count watched her, bemused. "How strange it is, to know your every thought before you think it." 
Not even the dark side can give you that power," Ventress said, unnerved. The Count smiled. 
"I have a power greater than the dark side, my pet. I am old. Your fresh furies are my ancient mistakes." 
Mantises squirmed and hunted in the vision over his desk. He snapped off the holocron and consulted a monitor. "Ah. Our latest batch of guests is arriving. Loyal beings and true, for the Trade Federation cause and a ten percent profit. Go meet them at the door. You always make such an impression on visitors." 
"Don't patronize me," Asajj said coldly. Dooku looked around. 
"Or what?" Her face went pale. Dooku lifted that one finger, and this time he tapped it in the air, as if pushing a needle into a pincushion. Ventress crumpled to her knees. Her voice came out clotted with pain. 
"Please," she said. "Don't." 
"It doesn't feel very good, does it? Like sharp stones in your throat and chest." Dooku made another little patting motion, and Ventress slammed to the tile floor. "It's the blood vessels I hate," Dooku said. "The way they stretch inside, like balloons about to pop." 
"P-p-p-please . . ." 
"But worse than anything is the memories," he said, more softly still. "They crowd around, like flies on meat. Every despicable thing, every petty vice, every little act of spite." A cruel, strange quiet stretched out as Ventress panted on the stone floor. Rain ticked against the window glass, and the Count's soft voice went dark and far away. "All the things you should have stopped, but didn't, and nothing will ever be right again. And the things you've done," he whispered. "By the pitiless stars, the things you've done . . ." The comm on Dooku's desk beeped. He shook his head, like a man waking from a dream. "The Troxan delegation is at the door." Ventress crawled to her feet. Her face was bruised and her cheeks were wet with tears. Both pretended not to notice. "Tell them I'll be right down," Count Dooku said.

 Physically, the Count's age was rarely a handicap. Deft as he had become with the Force—unimaginably more subtle than the boy who had watched waterskeeters in the Jedi gardens all those years ago—he wore his eighty-three standard years better than most humans half his age. He was still in superb physical shape, senses keen, health undiminished by even the memory of a cold.

Only in this situation, stooped before the image of his Master, did he feel his years. Even via hologram, the flickering figure of Darth Sidious, hideous in blue and shadows, seemed to strip his false youth away, leaving his bones brittle, his joints worn thin and knotted with tension.

Sixty-three years later, Jai Maruk had been sent to the infirmary, and Ilena Xan had returned to her room, making preparations for the Jedi Apprentice Tournament. 
Mace Windu alone lingered with Yoda. "Dooku asks to come home," Yoda said. "A trap, could this be." 
"Probably," Mace agreed. Yoda sighed and studied the shell. "A question, he called it. Yes, such a question! But ignore it we must, do you agree?" Unexpectedly, Mace shook his head. "Dooku should be dead. I should have killed him on Geonosis. I could have stopped the whole war then. And still he is key. Could he come to parley in earnest? There is only a little chance. Could he come all the way back to us? Surely the chance is less than a little. But balance that chance, however small, against a million lives, and it's a chance we must take. So I think, Master." Yoda grunted. 
"Hard it would be, to dare to hope again for this lost student!" 
 "Tough," Mace said. "Nobody said being a Jedi Master was easy—even for you." Yoda grunted, glaring around at the Temple . 
"Pfeh. All too wise, you have become. Better before it was, when only Yoda was wise!" He glanced over at Mace and snickered. 

Mace would have laughed, too, if somewhere in the ring on Geonosis he hadn't lost the knack. 

As Yoda released Whirry from his mind's hold, and let her spill gently onto the flagstones far below, the tip of Dooku's lightsaber scored a burning line across his shoulder. The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible—wickedness cut in red light. "I've hurt you!" Dooku cried.

 "If I told you to kill yourself, would you do it?" Dooku asked.
"What if I told you to come here, back to Vjun."
"I would come."
"Would you be afraid?"
"Terrified." Out here, in the deeps of space, she could hold him off. She could run away. But once she set foot in Château Malreaux, once she entered into the orbit of Dooku's power, she would never leave alive unless he willed it.

Her chances of convincing the Count that they should work together would be better face-to-face. He liked her fire and her passion, and—though his iron self-control never slipped—she knew he thought her lovely, and that didn't hurt, either. And if it went badly ... better to be cut down quickly in person, blades drawn, than live in skulking misery for the rest of her days, feeling every stray gleam of sun on her back like a sniper's targeting dot. 

Stewart is so much better with narrative than Stover. Less flamboyant. Anyway, some good Asajj and Dooku quotes in there, plus a few others. Ventress for example believes that if she went saber to saber with Dooku, she'd be cut down quickly.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 15th 2019, 8:09 pm
"Although not the most powerful Jedi of the Republic during the Clone Wars, Obi Wan Kenobi is the hero responsible for defeating Darth Maul, General Grievous and his apprentice when he turned to the Dark Side of the Force.

Considered one of the greatest generals of the Clone War, his keen instincts, quiet leadership and mastery of the Soresu form of lightsaber combat served him well and turned the tide of many battles thought to be lost."
The greatest master of lightsaber combat in the Jedi Order was known as the Battlemaster. This Jedi was the head instructor of lightsaber combat and sometimes lived at the temple training full time. Some well-known battlemasters are Cin Drallig, Kam Solusar and Kyle Katarn, who was the last to use the title. It is possible that Anoon Bondara and Sora Bulq were also Battlemasters, but there is not enough evidence to know for sure.
This Dark Lord of the Sith was best known for his role as the master of Darth Sidious, who became the Emperor of the Galaxy. Plagueis was a Muun, which gave him a long life and a very logical mind, which likely helped him in becoming well-known as “Darth Plagueis the wise” where he gained much knowledge and power in the dark side of the force. He gained so much power, his only fear was loosing it, “which eventually, of course, he did”, Darth Sidious would recount to Anakin Skywalker many years later. His most noteble accomplishment was his ability to create life by manipulating the force, and this is rumored to be how Anakin was conceived.

from WOTC
Level Three
Level Three

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 16th 2019, 10:06 am
A description of Abeloth’s fight with Vol: 

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 5ce51810

A scan about how dark side nexuses work: 

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread B3418b10
Level Three
Level Three

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 16th 2019, 10:13 am
Two nice Cilghal quotes I found recently (both from Crisis at crystal reef) 

Crisis at crystal reef wrote:“Yeah. A Jedi healer and an Ambassador. The only one that I've heard of, so far," Jacen said. "But Cilghal is so quiet and gentle, you'd never know she has all that power”. 
Cilghal placed a flippered hand on Zekk's arm. He felt strength flow into his mind. Guided by the Force, Zekk twisted the rudder from left to right, and the sub looped around an obstacle, more because of the Force than from any spectacular piloting skill. 

Level Seven
Level Seven

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 16th 2019, 7:29 pm
Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Image010Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Image110Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Image210Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Image310

Vader telepathically communicating with another Force sensitive (largely untrained) from at least half a system away (he was at the Death Star II at Endor whereas she was on the Devastator, which was in Deep Space). Most likely it was even further. 

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 017_0110

Ripping information from the mind of a genius (the man behind the Death Star's laser array) before snapping his neck.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 017_0111Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 017_0114Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 017_0115Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 017_0116

Stomping an elite Imperial stormtrooper squad, then pushing metal into a hole in the ship with enough power to completely seal the ship's atmosphere.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Rco01810Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Rco01910Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Rco02011

Slaughtering an entire group of stormtroopers with a mixture of kinetic combat, speed and skill.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 58337310

Effortlessly Force crushing a TIE fighter and throwing it as a projectile.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 39148711

Ragdolling a group of Jedi. 

There are others I can find but these are the main overlooked scans for Vader.
Level Three
Level Three

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 20th 2019, 9:22 am
Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread 005d2010
-Jedi academy sourcebook 

I found this good accolade(s) for Kam yesterday while researching for Cilghal.

Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread Empty Re: Cool Versus Quotes/Scans Thread

September 20th 2019, 9:33 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:"Mace Windu remains a fearsome warrior with a perfect mastery of the Jedi fighting techniques."

"He wears his long hair tied back so as not to obstruct his peripheral vision. Although a little past his prime, he remains a powerful warrior and a very active Jedi Knight."
Thought both reffered to Mace initially
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