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The Prodigal Knight
The Prodigal Knight

Chamma Mini Respect Thread Empty Chamma Mini Respect Thread

April 8th 2023, 5:32 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
"Do not tell me what I do or do not need, stranger. Now leave before I am forced to remove you."
Chamma Mini Respect Thread 1_10

This will be the start of a series of mini-respect thread for lesser-known characters in TOTJ. Chamma is a Jedi Master who trained Andur Sunrider and is a powerful Jedi who lived 400 years before the Freedon Nadd Uprising. Chamma is incredibly underrated and most people don't even know he exists, but his feats and stats all points him to an incredibly powerful Jedi Master.

Feats and Accolades

Chamma is a Jedi Master, allowing him to get all the standard hype all Jedi Masters have, making him one of the most powerful Jedi of the era:
Chamma Mini Respect Thread 2_10
Source: TCSWE

Chamma Mini Respect Thread 3_10
Source: TOTJ Companion

Jedi Masters are sent on important and dangerous missions by the Jedi Council. Whether or not a Jedi Master is encountered in the company of his Padawan Learner, he is an opponent who cannot be underestimated. Few mundane opponents can stand against the skill and ability of a Jedi Master.
Source: Threats of the Galaxy

Chamma Mini Respect Thread 4_10
"A Jedi Master is afforded a great deal of respect within the Order... Some Jedi Masters have more authority than others due to their individual reputation. Much of the respect Jedi Masters garner within their respective Orders relates to their strength in the Force..."
Souce: Power of the Jedi

Using force sense, Chamma sensed a threat:

And then Chamma's internal alarms panged wildly, warning him of a danger his other senses could not yet detect.
Tales of the Jedi Companion

Before we move on to his fight with the entity, let's note the circumstances, The fight takes place on an EXTREMELY potent DS nexus:

For most galactic travelers, the planet Athiss barely warrants a second glance on the scanner. It appears to be nothing more than a small world off the Descri Wris hyperlane, with little of interest besides a scattering of unexplored ruins.

But the Jedi Archives tell a grim story. The Jedi Master Chamma visited Athiss early in his career and clashed with a dark side entity there. The duel, and the oppressive feeling of evil on Athiss's surface, drove Chamma close to the dark side of the Force. Shaken by the experience, he went into a self-imposed exile; it was almost a century before he came to terms with what he had seen and felt on Athiss, and was able to return to the order.

The many ruins on Athiss have never been properly studied. They resemble the architecture of the ancient Sith Empire, but their purpose is mysterious. A few records of Athiss survive in the libraries of the Citadel, but contemporary Sith scholars are forbidden from studying them, on the personal order of the Emperor.
Athiss Codex Entry

His enemy also was "shrouded" in the Darkness of the forest:

Chamma squinted against the harsh glare of the frenzied energy emanating from the blades' contact point. He strained to see past the pressing lightsaber, but the dark of the night sky shrouded his enemy. Even the meager illumination shed by the lightsabers seemed to be repelled from this shadowed stalker, leaving Chamma with no conception of the being's nature other than his impressive stature and strength.

Despite all this, Chamma put up an extremely remarkable fight with his enemy:

And then Chamma's internal alarms panged wildly, warning him of a danger his other senses could not yet detect. He spun around and ignited his lightsaber, bring- ing the brilliant violet blade into a defensive position in front of him just as its attacking counterpart swung downward. The beams of light collided in a loud crackle- hiss, neither yielding to the strength of the other.
Chamma squinted against the harsh glare of the frenzied energy emanating from the blades' contact point. He strained to see past the pressing lightsaber, but the dark of the night sky shrouded his enemy. Even the meager illumination shed by the lightsabers seemed to be repelled from this shadowed stalker, leaving Chamma with no conception of the being's nature other than his impressive stature and strength.
With the initial shock of the sudden attack now subsiding, Chamma regained enough of his composure to turn to the Force. But as he focused on his enemy, a backlash of darkness swept over him, knocking him backward.
The sharp splash of water sliced through the thick humidity as Chamma landed in the shallow edge of the pond, suddenly bereft of the wind in his lungs. As he struggled for air, a shadowy form - visible only because it was twice as black as the surrounding darkness - appeared at his feet. Wispy tendrils of whatever shadow- matter the creature was composed of danced as if pos- sessed, making Chamma wonder whether the being was corporeal at all.
The spawn of the dark side - because it could not be called anything else - towered over Chamma for the briefest of moments, although to Chamma it seemed like an expanse of time longer than his entire life. Suddenly, the - thing - raised its orange-white lightsaber with two hands and held it above and to the right of its head.

-Chamma managed to survive the initial attack of the very strong and power enemy despite being shocked and surprise-attacked.
- After the initial shock factor left
-Chamma put up a pretty good fight until he was cut off the force

Afterwards, he was cut off the force, but this is not just because of his enemy, but by the (1) oppression of 3 enemies, (2) his own fear, as well as the (3) massive DS nexi of the planet
This Sith creature, along with two others who had escaped during the fall of the Sith Empire, lured three Jedi to a remote world, hoping to begin a new sect of Sith fanatics. The three Jedi Knights were young and eager, but they lacked the experience necessary to survive an encounter with such beings.
Delving into his century-old, supressed memories, Chamma realized then that Hulis spoke of him and his Jedi companions, and the events of the night on H'ratth a hundred years ago that he longed - had tried all his life - to forget.
Noab HuHs continued his tale. The Sith separated the trio and assaulted each with waves of dark-side energy, momentarily disconnecting them from the Force, allow- ing fear, anger, and hatred to overcome them.
TOTJ Companion

When Chamma realized that the Force had not be- trayed him, that the power of the dark side - of his own fears and hatred - had cut him off from the light, he broke into tears. It was he who had done the betraying. It was he who had abandoned the Force.
TOTJ Companion
The duel, and the oppressive feeling of evil on Athiss's surface, drove Chamma close to the dark side of the Force.
Athiss Codex Entry

Due to this, he was stomped in the duel, although Chamma pointed out that if he wasn't cut off the force he would've stood a chance:

oning all his energy, Chamma rolled sideways, splashing water and muck everywhere. The creature's blade struck the pond where Chamma had been, sending up a spray of steam that dissipated slowly into the already saturated air. Chamma leaped to his feet and slashed at his enemy in a wide are, focusing his gathered energy on the attack.
His adversary countered easily, as if he had anticipate the strike moments before. Chamma felt his grasp on hope start to slip. This dark-side being held more power than Chamma could even conceive of, and it was well aware of that fact. If the Force had not betrayed him, Chamma thought as he readied his lightsaber for an- other attack, he would have at least have had a chance. He had spent so much of his life trying to understand the Jedi Way, trying to become one with the Force, to con- sider it his ally. And after all that, after all the trials he had overcome ...
The creature returned his blade to a ready position- neither defensive nor offensive-as if taunting Chamma, telling him without words that the young Jedi's efforts would prove fruitless.
At that moment Chamma felt his entire body tighten and release, forcing adrenaline into his limbs, augment- ing them with a strength he did not know he possessed. With a guttural growl of escaping rage, Chamma rushed forward a full step and swung his lightsaber horizontally toward the left side of his enemy's torso. As before, the creature moved to deflect the blow. But this time Chamma turned off his lightsaber, and the creature's own blade swept by with a warped hum.
TOTJ Companion

Despite this, he defeated his enemy using one of the first known combat application of Trakata:

At that moment Chamma felt his entire body tighten and release, forcing adrenaline into his limbs, augment- ing them with a strength he did not know he possessed. With a guttural growl of escaping rage, Chamma rushed forward a full step and swung his lightsaber horizontally toward the left side of his enemy's torso. As before, the creature moved to deflect the blow. But this time Chamma turned off his lightsaber, and the creature's own blade swept by with a warped hum.
Chamma reignited his lightsaber with the hilt no more than a half-meter from the dark side creature's chest. The lance of violet light extended forward with its tell- tale thrum of energy, piercing the shadow-thing's black heart.
The creature wailed, a horrible, grating cry that echoed through the forest. And then-
It was gone. All that remained to convince Chamma it had existed at all was the dormant hilt of its lightsaber lying on the muddy shore.
TOTJ Companion

Notice that Trakata is an esoteric and incredibly effective mode of combat mastered only by the best duelists.

The opponent Chamma was facing is extremely powerful:

Sith devotee, a fallen Jedi who had mastered the ways of the Sith and the dark side.
TOTJ Companion

And is more powerful than chamma's possible perception, indicating superiority to virtually every Jedi Chamma has ever met, making him definitely a top dog:

His adversary countered easily, as if he had anticipate the strike moments before. Chamma felt his grasp on hope start to slip. This dark-side being held more power than Chamma could even conceive of, and it was well aware of that fact.
TOTJ Companion

Despite this, Chamma defeated him while amped by a massive DS nexus, while himself cut off from the force. His defeat was so overpowering that it scared off the Sith's companions:

Miracu- lously, the youngest of the three Jedi defeated one of the Sith beings, and the two other dark siders fled, fearing that these guardians of the light were more powerful than they had expected.
TOTJ Companion

Notice the "guardian of light" quote, which I recently learned from Vaelias means he's the culmination of all the Jedi
Chamma Mini Respect Thread 1076326320

He then meditated and gained a deeper understanding of the force for almost a century:

Chamma did not return with his Jedi companions. He believed the Force had failed him, had turned him away in his first true test. Something else - his own rage, he decided - had saved him. Did it not make sense to ally with that which would come to your aid when you called?
Slowly, over a hundred years, Chamma turned his thoughts completely inward, expecting nothing from and offering nothing to anything outside of himself. He maintained a residence on the barren world of H'ratth, and never ventured farther than the nearest space station.
TOTJ Companion

After which he was redeemed and started training Jedi and trained Andur:

Eventually, Chamma returned to the Jedi training center on Ossus, and studied the Jedi Way for several more decades. He became a Jedi Master and relocated to H'ratth, where he could be reminded of his own failings while training young Jedi apprentices and teaching them of the trials they would have to overcome. One of his students was Andur Sunrider, whom he eventually sent to Master Thon for further instruction.
TOTJ Companion

Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen11
Source: TCSWE

Overall, even without the force, Chamma was capable of defeating an exceptionally powerful Sith entity who was massively amped by a huge potent DS nexus, and continued to grow afterwards for centuries.


While the one feat Chamma has against an incredibly power Sith should be enough to prove his potency, let's look deeper into his stats:
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen12
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen13
Source: TOTJ Companion

Notice the 24 force point, which is incredibly incredibly high, higher than powerful characters like Nomi Sunrider, Ulic Qel Droma, Kyp Durron, and even Luke.
Force point represents character force abilities:

The use of Force Points represents more powerful and deliberate use of the Force.
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook
So off the bat what we get is that he's an incredibly powerful Jedi

While most of what was shown here are pretty standard, he has a few special abilities.
TK Kill for example, is extremely impressive:
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen14
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook
This allows him to kill his enemies using TK

Dim other's senses allows him to lower their perception and senses, similar to the way The Huntress operates in DoE
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen15
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook

Feed on Dark Side is the ability to get much much more powerful by feeding on the rage hatred of others, and the ability is so powerful that the rulebook specifically added a line to avoid abusing this power to disrupt game balance:
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen16
Chamma Mini Respect Thread Screen17
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook

Notice that Chamma's abilities all point to him being a semi-dark sider. This is supported by his ability to use DS abilities like injure/kill, TK kill, Affect mind, Dim other's senses, inflict pain, rage, and most importantly, feed on Dark side. This is also supported by the fact that he uses a violet lightsaber.
Chamma is overall, hands down, one of the most interesting characters, and is the perfect combination of Dark Side abilities and the light side of the force. He is extremely powerful as reflected by his feats AND his stats.

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