- shame
T'ra Saa Respect Thread
March 27th 2021, 1:03 pm
"Every season has it's own sweetness. Even the sad ones. We take what comes as a Jedi should."
This is my first post on the Suspect Insight forums, I am still learning on how to format stuff here so if anyone has some suggestion as to how I should format, you are welcome. Also, my first language is not english, so if there are any errors regarding that, sorry.
Well, I wanted to make a RT for T'ra Saa since I always thought she was one of the coolest characters from Star Wars Republic, and I always liked her appearences. Also because I found that the already existing RT for her is somewhat lacking in terms of feats/accolades. So I wanted to expand on that and add some new stuff.
Have a nice read!
Some nice music for you to listen while reading
-> T'ra Saa is perhaps the oldest living Jedi during the Clone Wars. T'ra Saa is said to have special abilities with the Force, which led her to be trained as a Jedi. And, like others from her species, she can change her shape and size at will.
"Quite possibly the oldest living Jedi still in the field at the time of the Clone Wars, T'ra Saa is an ancient being of the Neti species -- plant-based sentient life forms that live for thousands and thousands of years. Like all of her species, T'ra Saa was born sensitive to the Force, but she showed special abilities as a youth (a period of her life about which she is reluctant to speak) that led her to train as a Jedi. A tall, pale, yellowish humanoid with a tangle of vinelike "hair," she can also change her size and shape like any other Neti."
"Metamorph -- A Neti has the innate ability to alter its shape and size at will. A Neti can vary its size anywhere from Medium-size to Large to Huge. A Neti can also alter its form to be roughly humanoid, squat and quadrupedal, or solid and treelike."
-- The Ultimate Alien Anthology
-> T'ra Saa was instrumental in defeating the Anzati Sith Magician, Volfe Karkko.
"Before the outbreak of open war, T'ra Saa served as the Jedi defender of the sector that held Kiffex and Kiffu (after her old friend Tholme abandoned the post to train young Quinlan Vos) and was later instrumental in the defeat of the Anzati Sith magician Volfe Karkko."
-> T'ra Saa fought in the battle of Geonosis, one of the most brutal skirmishes between the GAR and CIS, causing several Jedi and Clone deaths.
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia: Volume III
-- The Ultimate Visual Guide
-- The New Essential Chronology
"My first day as a member of the 501st... it was hot, it was sandy, chaotic. Nothing at all like the simulations on Kamino. Of course that's pretty much the way it was for all of us, wasn't it? All that breeding, all those years of training... it doesn't really prepare you for all the screaming or the blood, does it? Frankly I'm still amazed we ever made it through the first hour, never-mind the first day.
-- Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 501st journal
-> Shado Vao considers T'ra Saa a "legend".
"Oh, Neti are real enough, if few in number. Master T'ra Saa herself is something of a legend."
-- Star Wars: Legacy: Hidden Temple (Issue 24)
-> Luminara says that T'ra Saa's will to live is strong.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
Combat Abilities
-> T'ra Saa kills an Anzati.
- T'ra Saa deflecting blaster bolts during the assault on the Separatist Base on Devaron.
Star Wars: Jedi: Aayla Secura
-> T'ra Saa creates an afterglow by swinging her lightsaber.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
Force Powers
- Beam of Light
-> Like other Neti, T'ra Saa can "plant" herself in a planet's surface, and conjure immense powers through the Living Force of said planet and use a devastating Force power that can desintegrate entire areas of land. She uses this power to push an entire fleet of starships (including 1,600 kilometer long Pellaeon-Class Star Destroyers) out of the way (likely also destroying ships along the trajectory of the beam).
-- Star Wars: Legacy War (Issue 4)
-- Star Wars: Dark Empire II (Issue 3)
- Telekenises
-> T'ra Saa Force Pushes Anzati.
-- Star Wars: Republic: Darkness
-> T'ra Saa TKs a bunch of trees to protect her, Barriss and her soldiers from the fires of Null.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
- Force Sense
-> T'ra Saa is the first Jedi to discover the disturbance on Kiffex.
-- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia: Volume III
-> T'ra Saa senses an incoming attack.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
-> T'ra Saa senses the truth in Fel's words.
-- Star Wars: Legacy: The Hidden Temple
-> In her stat block, T'ra Saa has Sense.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
- Battlemind
-> In her stat block, T'ra Saa has Battlemind.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
-- Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- Force Heal
-> T'ra Saa heals Tholme.
Star Wars: Jedi: Aayla Secura
-> In her stat block, T'ra Saa has Force Heal.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
- Healing Trance
-> Luminara mentions that T'ra Saa is "mending her body" through the Force.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
- Tutaminis
-> T'ra Saa absorbs several blaster bolts.
-- Star Wars: Republic: A Show of Force
-- Star Wars: Legacy War (Issue 4)
- Battle Meditation
-> T'ra Saa uses Battle Meditation during the assault on the Hidden Temple.
-- Star Wars: Legacy War (Issue 4)
-> Along side Master Zao and Tholme, T'ra Saa uses Battle Meditation to aid Quinlan Vos in his fight.
-- Star Wars: Republic: Darkness
- Telepathy
-> T'ra Saa has Telepathy in her stat block.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
- Enhance Attribute
-> T'ra Saa has Enhance Attribute in her stat block.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
- Force Defense
-> T'ra Saa has Force Defense in her stat block.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
- Friendship
-> T'ra Saa can calm an unfriendly being.
- Code:
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19,
Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
Stat Block
The following statistics represent T'ra Saa in her Medium-size humanoid form.
T'ra Saa: Female Neti Jedi Consular 13/Jedi Master 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Defense 22 (+11 class, +1 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 158/16; Atk +16/+11/+6 melee (5d8 +3, crit 18-20, lightsaber), +14/+9/+10/+1 ranged; SQ Camouflage, deflect (defense +2, attack -3), Force secrets (+1 Heal Another/Self, +1 Battlemind/Force Defense), healing, Jedi Knight, metamorph, photosynthesis; SV Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +16; SZ M; FP 11; DSP 0; Rep +6; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 14. Challenge Code H.
Equipment: Lightsaber, Jedi robes.
Skills: Hide +6, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +20, Read/Write Basic, Read/Write Neti, Sense Motive +20, Speak Basic, Speak Neti.
Force Skills: Battlemind +19, Empathy +23, Enhance Ability +19, Enhance Senses +22, Farseeing +14, Force Defense +19, Friendship +8, Heal Another +25, Heal Self +13, See Force +24, Telepathy +15.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive, Heroic Surge, Improved Critical (lightsaber), Sharp-Eyed, Skill Emphasis (Hide), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).
Hope you enjoyed reading this, if there are any errors or suggestions, please, feel free to comment! May the Force be with you.
- shame
Re: T'ra Saa Respect Thread
March 27th 2021, 1:04 pm
Also, thanks to @Ghost of Grievous for some of these scans!
- Nute_ChethrayModerator
Re: T'ra Saa Respect Thread
March 27th 2021, 2:03 pm
Great work, pretty much the level of detail one would expect from someone who's made a dozen threads already
- shame
Re: T'ra Saa Respect Thread
March 27th 2021, 2:22 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:Great work, pretty much the level of detail one would expect from someone who's made a dozen threads already
- shame
Re: T'ra Saa Respect Thread
March 27th 2021, 3:01 pm
did some minor edits to the blog, added some [b] stuff and corrected a few other things. Also added a new quote to the accolades section (which I didn't realize at first glance but now it's there)
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