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Ghost of Grievous
Ghost of Grievous

Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Empty Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters

October 21st 2021, 11:16 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)

"Conquer the temptation to create specimens that are superior in every way. The danger of such monstrosities being turned against you is too great."

Welcome dear reader, This Blog is my most ambitious project to date. a Tribute to the Dark Emperor, the Sith lord known to us and the galaxy as Darth Sidious. who in his time worked to create a Compendium of the Darkside. books that will preserve his dark knowledge for eternity. In galactic record the emperor only managed to make up to three of these books before he was finally destroyed. the last of which, his unfinished manuscript of the manipulation of life, which he would later retitle as "The Creation Of Monsters"

While its impossible to know the full details of this book of evil, I have taken strides to do the next best thing. A collection of all the beasts of alchemy that could reside within the emperors dark pages. what would no doubt amount to mere scraps of the full thing it will have to do. Please enjoy my Pages From the Dark

Part II:

The lessons within the Creation of Monsters provided its reader with the understanding of Alchemy, such was its purpose. and how to properly make them, even providing the means to make an alchemy apparatus to begin such experiments

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Below is a collection of beasts one could learn to make when reading the Creation of Monsters. though not as large as the real one would have been, its as close as we may get. a detailed list of Sithspawns (for those who dont know what sithspawn are read below)

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The Battle Hydras are averaging several meters long beasts with typically 2 heads and large wings. although they can very, some dont possess wings, have more then regular amount of heads
here is a more detail description:
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The ancient Exile and master of alchemy Sorzus Syn records their birth of the first Documented Battle Hydra. noting it  took the sacrifice of over 10 000 birds and combining and twisting their innards with alchemy to birth such a creature

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the next great Alchemist and lord of the sith Naga Sadow with his self exile to the moons of Yavin would pave the way for the return of the battle Hydras with the dark lord Exar Kuns rise to power. The Twisted evils leaking from the temples corrupted the nature around it

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The master Alchemist Exar Kuns Twisted dive into Alchemy in re-creating these Battle Hydras forever altered these beasts. reshaping them down to their DNA, Proof of his dark knowledge and the Legacy of Naga sadows Knowledge on the field

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Dxun, one of the four moons of the planet Underon was the largest and most famous moon. called "The Demon Moon" for its brutal and savage animals and wildlife, the Moons connection to the darkside has created and was responsible for such infamously savage monsters known across the galaxy. combine that with natures rules of natural selection has taken these dark monsters and evolved them into even more monstrous creatures, leaner, faster, stronger then the last

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When the dark lord Freedon Nadd passed and was entombed on the moon, the dark energies pouring from it caused these creatures to further be mutated into what would be known as the Dxun Tomb Beast. Powerful creatures that surround the dark tomb that mutated them. records show that Exar kun and the founder of the Rule of Two Darth Bane have been noted to face such beasts when pursuing knowledge from the dead lord

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The infamous guard dogs of the sith, the sith hounds also known by Tukatas were said to originally be a nonviolent animal until the ancient Sith of old took these beasts to be apart of their twisted experiments taking them to sites strong with the darkside, giving them things like bigger teeth, stronger claws and increased brain mass

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the alchemy used to mutate these creatures into the famed guardians of sith tombs has allowed these beasts to become intelligent enough to communicate with each other and preform complex hunting tactics and even be theorized to have the capacity to speak other sentient languages and even feed off the darkside itself.

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The Tukata are fearsome beasts that shouldnt be underestimated. the are intelligent and given the chance will strike you down if they get the chance to do so, Even Sorzus Syn could've fallen to them. needing to sacrifice a slave that accompanied her to stave off the beast or beasts. A testament to their strength if one or a small pack of them can nearly kill a legendary ancient sith. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM

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The sith war Behemoth is a large mammal with leathery skin and patches of fur on parts of its body. below i shall provide a more detailed explanation of the war behemoth and its purpose in the old sith empire

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The Sith war Behemoth, one of the most impressive beasts within the old empire was twisted by alchemists of the old sith empire to become giant and angry omnivores. Sorzus Syn and the other exiles using them as beasts of burden and even serving the purpose of modern day grav tanks

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due to the heavy breeding of the ancient sith, they became easy to tame creatures, so much so that anyone with beast taming experience can tame them.

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The Silooth, probably one of my favourite additions within the contents of the Creation of Monsters. is a bantha sized beetle of anger and ferocity. But like most beasts within these pages they were not always that way. Originally growing to be no larger then a Womp rat until the sith alchemists of old preformed their dark magics on them. The Silooths claim to fame was the battle of Kalsunor, though I believe that the Silooth was used by novice sith alchemists although this is only speculation

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while my early speculations was that of novice alchemists do not let that speculation fool you. the Silooth are still considered an extreme example of the twisted power of alchemy. Being filled with the power of the darkside these colossal beetles proved to be a match for jedi knights

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While Holocrons and relics were able to pass on the knowledge of the Silooths, including pages from Sorzus syn. records also show that these dangerous creatures hate fueled enhancement proved to work too well, proving themselves even too much for their sith masters to control, thus making them abandon them on the planet after the battle

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Despite their great size, powerful claws and pincers they are not without weakness, while possessing great low level vision they can only see up to 10 meters in front of them. Though do be warned, they will charge at anything they see, assuming they dont start with spewing acid

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Hssiss' as noted in the pages of Sorzus Syn are giant lizards that feed on rage, with a powerful venom that sends anyone into a frenzy. she notes that the hatchlings only immerge from their eggs when "a throng of darksides have been murdered in their presence" the death energies of the darksiders go on to mutate these hatchlings into what we know as HSSISS

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Hssiss have been used as mounts for some Sith during the time of the Old Republic.

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Hssiss also possess the unique ability to mask their presence. becoming invisible to the eye

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Sith wyrms are colossal monsters, the famous and most well known sith wyrm being the one Exar Kun slayed with his amulets in naga sadows temples on Yavin. however, that was not the only sith wyrm to exist. indeed, Sorzus syn has documented sith wyrms within what little survived of her writings. saying they were as big as the spires of coruscant

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Returning to Naga sadows Sith wyrm. it originally was a larval space slug that clung to his ship on route to Yavin. finding that he could not control the space slug he decided to them mutate the breast with the alchemy. Turning it into the fearsome beast known to be worshipped as a god by the massassi slaves

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Records also talk about the mutated one from Naga sadow. commenting on its mutation, making it a "less pure" version of the more traditional Wyrm. called a War wyrm, which may be the ones noted in Syns work as other dark lords may have also made such beasts and it not being exclussive to Naga Sadow

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The fearsome Terentaneks, probably one of the most famous creatures spawned from the dark. monsters of claws, spikes and teeth. Some chalk up their creation to the Dark lord Exar kun, twisting the beasts of Yavin into Terentaneks

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However, Upon further digging into the origins of these legendary beasts. i feel that such a claim is entirely False. Exar may or may not have made Terentaneks but he was not their creator. Terentaneks have been dated long before Exars time, Sorzus Syn having records of them, and The great lord Marka Ragnos having a pet Terentanek that lived well past his own life to the days of the Old Republic. Likely the Terentaneks were the result of Sith breeders (known as Kissai) and alchemists, dating around the arrival of the Exiles that would become the first dark lords, possibly even older as syn also notes of one dating back almost 10 000 years before their arrival

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Terentaneks are commonly believed to have come from the mighty Rancors. which to this day is regarded as one of the most fearsome beasts in the galaxy, a common distinction is the large spikes protruding from their back and head, a result of the darksides influence on them

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These spawns of the darkside are said to be able to resist force powers. making them especially dangerous to jedi and sith alike, earning them the nickname of "jedi killers"

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very little is known of the famous Rakghouls, we do know their Origins, an alchemy experiment of Sorzus syn and karness muur. resulting in the famous muur talisman, which has the power to create and control the rakghouls.

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The rakghouls are a plague on the galaxy, not the first plague from sith magics but likely the most well known due to it being so tied with the before mentioned muur talisman. the Rakghouls spread their infections strongly through bites, but can transfer via other means such as scratches. if a Rakghoul plague is what you desire, I advise using it on a diverse planet with differing species, as Rakghouls spread faster through different species

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Leviathans, probably regarded as the pinnacle of Ancient sith Alchemy, nature advanced to perfection. These monsters can only be created, according to records, by "recasting life over and over again" much like with Rakghouls Karness muur and Sorzus syn had a hand in creating these legendary monsters, even having a talisman made for a fellow lord to control them. These titans of power can drain the very essence of a jedi, or serve as a battering ram to tear down enemy fortifications

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Ghosts and Ghouls, the shadow that grabs you. these beings do not escape the grasp of the sith or the Darkside, though not spawned from alchemy these are monsters none the less, and powerful ones too. The great force phantoms of Darth Vectivus were like that of force illusions, being able to take on a form of his choosing. But unlike illusions these were capable of harm,  both to the victim of their attacks and to whoever they are bound to. yes, force phantoms can be tied to a living being, making any damage they suffer apply to their "host"

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a skilled master of this craft can create force phantoms anywhere they wish. even across the galaxy as its maker proved

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THE SMOKE DEMON is an ancient sith ability dating back to the time of the Ancient sith, a spell capable of conjuring a monster man of smoke with strength to match a mighty Wookiee, killing anyone by going into their body, but beware. they are vulnerable to force based retaliations

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and lastly the FORCE WRAITHS. a very powerful ability. being able create monsters of nightmares of epic scale and power. As seen when the lowly adept Merili conjured up colossal force wraiths during her brief rule of the Wookiee home world

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Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Chrysa10

The monsters called Crysalids to start do not always appear as seen above, Crysalids can be made of other species such as gundarks. However the ones documented here are of the Rancor variety, the very beasts the Emperor created and prides on their "unlimited potential"

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The crysalid rancor is a testament to the emperors "evil" Genius. taking the galaxies already most fearsome predator the rancor and twisting it into a monster of such power it can destory fortifications and enemy tanks

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The emperors mutations went so far in the crysalids that even a dathomirian witch would not recognize it to be a rancor, it should be noted that the witches of dathomir have a close connection with the rancor, believing them to be the spawn of the son, and using them as mounts and beasts of burden

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The massassi were barbarian warriors of the sith species, used as soldiers by the exiles and other ancient sith in their great wars across the stars. the most famous of these are the massassi abominations, large hulking brutes created by Naga Sadow and then further perfected by Exar kun,

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even Exar Kuns amatuerish Alchemy practices produced a monster above all other massassi, capable of turning a warrior into a "god" and in a way there was some truth to that, as this new creature even showed a level of Force sensitivity, with glee exar proceeded to do this with many of his massassi servants

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Monsters of both machine and flesh, this product of Sith alchemy is a terror on the galaxy, a virus taken from old sith sorcery and pushed to its extremes in an all new form. The original ability was called "Mechu-deru" which was the ability to animate machinery and droids as puppets. But the sith lord named Belia Darzu used the mechu-deru ability to create what will be the Technobeast virus named "mechu-deru vitae"

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what seperates mechu-deru from its more powerful counterpart mechu-deru vitae was that the ones created by Darzu, the improved versions were machines that hungered. capable and hosting a virus spore that when infected will transform the victim into a technobeast, including jedi

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its thanks to ancient sith holocrons that such knowledge passed down through history, as did the technobeasts. residing within the tomb of their maker for millennium as famous sith looking for knowledge fought through such beasts, notably Exar Kun and Darth Bane

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Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Gorc_a16

The Twisted Brothers of Jerec's Dark jedi were monsters of Alchemy. birthed from Cronals Experiments of the Darkside, forever twisting them into the fearsome monsters they are. oozing a dark presence from their bodies and linking them together mentally and physically. where one gets hurt so too does the other, designed to work together as a team to cover their own faults and weaknesses

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Your eyes do not decieve you. yes, it so clearly looks like a ship, but these ships are a product of the darkside and were once living beings. pilots to be infact, wounded in battle and through the darkside their brains were transplanted and altered into ships, having the cleverness and adaptability of a living being but the ruthlessness and obedience found only in a droid, being a successor project to the "shadow security droid" project.

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the alchemy process has given these weapons of war a host of advantages, most notably connecting these minds with the darkside. being able to touch and arm themselves, making them remote extensions of their masters will

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with their enhanced darkside touch, boosted reflexes and human like adaptability the shadow droids proved to be invincible in aerial combat, making even the bravest of X-wings flee from them in terror

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The mute titans that guard the reborn Emperor have been a buzz of gossip whenever the make a brief appearance in the imperial center. whispers of them being robots or aliens, the truth is, as always, something more sinister. The imperial sentinals are monsters of alchemy. made by the emperor for the emperor. later teaching this skill to his dark adepts on byss as an experiment of his (an experiment I shall talk about later)

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the Imperial Sentinal experiment proved to be a success, being able to create mute monsters of tremendous strength loyal only to those that command and create it. however thats not to say it didnt have its problems. the first generation of sentinals while powerful proved dangerous and difficult to control, later being replaced with the modern ones we are familiar with but sacrificing some strength for total control is a small price to pay. one can afford when the result is a being twice as big and twice as powerful as the imperial guards

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We have discussed beasts of war and burden, we have logged the monsters of sentients turned wicked. but there is a small group that fits both of the previous categories but one that is also far more dangerous, the monsters of the darkside. force strong beings turned into monsters via magic or dark science to propel them above others,  both monsters and men

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The Zabrak named Savage Opress, brother of Darth Maul and former servant of the Assassin Ventress was once a man, but having his fate wrapped with witches and sith has caused him to be apart of a dathomirian ritual to strengthen him physically and in the force. turning him into a hulking monster with a crown of horns and a savage power in the darkside

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in a What if magazine, a situation was proposed. that being what if ventress underwent the same ritual that savage opress went under. the results were what one would expect. the lithe ventress was transformed, made bigger, stronger and more powerful then ever before. Turning her into an unstoppable opponent

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The face of the empire, the destroyer of the jedi order. The sith lord Darth Vader is as close to monster as a sith can become. a twisted marriage of machine and flesh the fearsome lord of legend is another and final member of this section. I shall focus mostly on his physical make up not so much on his mental situation

its well known the once jedi had a terrible accident and suffered an extensive and painful surgery. leaving him with cybernetics that didnt work, wires and gears that keep what little of him left alive and fueled by the darkside.

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despite the condition of his cybernetics they still provided him with increased strength, though his legs needed to be reinforced else they would buckle under the weight of his armor.

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Vaders Helmet provided him with means to breath, but also fed him a steady stream of info which provided him with a boost to his force powers. To protect his head from any more injury, the emperor had the helmet alchemically reinforced to be stronger

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The last part of our dissection of histories most famous dark lord is his Glove. built around an amulet belonging to Lord Kaan from the brotherhood of darkness, the amulet was said to be indestructible and very powerful, the sith energy from the glove overwhelmed Triculus and empowered Arzakel to defeat and kill the prophets including Supreme Prohpet Kadann

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Its no wonder that Darth sidious considers him a minor masterpiece. ignoring the mental manipulations that went into making Vader the sheer work done to him Physically is enormous, he's his Frankenstein's monster but as this book and his writings teach us, its good to keep a flaw that only you can exploit, so naturally one exists even in Vader, one the dark lord would later overcome

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if you recall earlier I made mention of an "experiment" in the Imperial section that I said I would discuss more on, well this is it. From scraps of the Dark side compendium I have theorized a plot from the Dark Emperor an experiment of his that he had written of but never got to fully put into practice. "the dark side elite" Seven dark jedi completely and utterly absorbed into the emperors will. getting mere glimpses of this experiment gave jerec the idea for his own dark jedi squad, though one clearly of pale imitation to what I believe the emperor wished to achieve.

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I believe that the Dark Emperor Sidious wished to create more then just seven loyal darksiders to him. he had many to fulfill that role of loyal darksiders, his hands and inquisitors to start with, noted as being loyal and "extentions of his will" no, when it says Absorbed into. I mean the beings wills are Absorbed by Sidious, becoming a hivemind with sidious in control, pooling power and mind together as seperate but one individual, this is what I believe the "Dark side Elite" entails.

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As I began in my Opener I believe that the darkside elite are extensions of his will in the most literal sense possible, during Palpatines rule he has had many force sensitives under his control, his hands and inquisitors. each were loyal to him and answered only to him some even showing him affection

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inquisitors much like hands were not taken at random, they were put through an intense training program in order to be selected

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and before many write this off as the inquisitors or hands not fitting his "level" needed. the emperor has the power to boost ones own connection and powers in the force. allowing people such as his hands to draw on his own power.

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So it is not a theory without legs. there is some evidence to the madness proposed. the emperor wished for an elite squad of darksiders. so what stopped him? he had his hands and inquisitors. he could bestow power to them. So as I theorize he wanted complete and utter mental control over them indefinitely, extensions of himself in all forms. In a way sort of like the Voice of the emperor.  

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taking what Vitiate did and doing it Seven times over. Seven voices, Seven darkside elites absorbed into the Emperors will utterly. and unlike the Emperor of Old he didnt have 1000 years to experiment and toil at the craft. merely 26 years give or take, but he was well on his way. being able to bestow power and knowledge in those he chose, even allowing them to draw from his own power, empowering them as an extension of him, in Dark Empire he made a bastardized version of this plan, Empowering his seven dark jedi as they advanced in submission to his will. filling them with new knowledge and power that rippled across the galaxy and becoming an extension of his own power

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while mighty and impressive this pales to what it could have been, being closer to the emperors children then the theorized voices

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this being due to the situation he finds himself in, having to boot camp what few adepts he has and spread his power among them.

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even with this fast paced run with his adepts they still possess a semblance of linkage. a bread crumb of the real thing as after being empowered and connected they can feel one anothers "life essence" is gone despite being nowhere near them

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As a quick recap for organization reasons ill recap what we know

- the emperor can empower and amplify whoever he chooses
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-as seen with his sentinals, shadow droids and shadow guards he's experimented on mentally altering and controlling beings even of force sensitivity
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- the emperor made them extensions of his power the more they "advanced in submission to his will"
Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Advanc11

-the emperor wished to control everything and everyone, and was capable of it
Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Sidiou12

Differing from Vitiate who gave portions of his essence, I believe he was more of a collective font of power and control, Ive prepared a visual to help convey my point

Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Vitiat10
Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Palpat10

(credit to Ant for the vitiate image)

This concludes the Pages from the Dark: The Creation Of Monsters. a tribute to the works of Sidious and all the authors who created all these beasts. While i dont know the necessity of this blog i still wished to create it. I hope you've enjoyed the read, any contributions to this Compendium of the dark is very much appreciated as this is meant to be a testament to the Darkside compendium Palpatine was writing. as close as we can make it from what little we know. what you do with the info is up to you, I simply wish to provide you with the means to view such a collection.

For those who dont know, FUN FILES are a small treat I thought id include at the end of my posts. They are small bits of trivia or random things that i found rather interesting but ultimately pointless for a RT or debating stance but wished to share anyways

The writer for the Book of Sith had am Ironic missed Typo
Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Fun_fi10

Last edited by Ghost of Grievous on March 6th 2022, 2:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding part 2 link)

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October 22nd 2021, 8:05 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Potent thread, one of the most unique on the site. I feel like you could have added comic/kotor/jedi quest scans to some of the beasts to show what they can do, but I get why you wanted to focus more on what they are than their feats
Ghost of Grievous
Ghost of Grievous

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October 22nd 2021, 10:48 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Nute_Chethray wrote:Potent thread, one of the most unique on the site. I feel like you could have added comic/kotor/jedi quest scans to some of the beasts to show what they can do, but I get why you wanted to focus more on what they are than their feats

Yeah, I get what your saying. Thank you by the way, I enjoy doing these unique kinds of posts. I used the book of sith as a template cause I was wondering "ok Palpatine wrote this thing, how would he write it" and went with that. I knew working on this that there is no way I could do it all 100% by myself. some things you just dont think of or you cant find scans. it happens but i plan on updating this as much as I can

Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Empty Re: Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters

October 22nd 2021, 1:16 pm
Ghost of Grievous wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:Potent thread, one of the most unique on the site. I feel like you could have added comic/kotor/jedi quest scans to some of the beasts to show what they can do, but I get why you wanted to focus more on what they are than their feats

Yeah, I get what your saying. Thank you by the way, I enjoy doing these unique kinds of posts. I used the book of sith as a template cause I was wondering "ok Palpatine wrote this thing, how would he write it" and went with that. I knew working on this that there is no way I could do it all 100% by myself. some things you just dont think of or you cant find scans. it happens but i plan on updating this as much as I can

Yeah I get you, if you ever need help finding any scans in the areas I know just tell me Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters 1289255181
Level Three
Level Three

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October 24th 2021, 1:18 am
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

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December 7th 2021, 9:12 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
@Ghost of Grievous Nice read. In the future, though, I'd recommend sprucing up the grammar to give your blogs a more professional look and heighten their aesthetic appeal. You also ought to name the sources for your scans and not crop them so as to provide the reader with the full context. Otherwise, this is a neat collection of information. Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters 1289255181

Regarding Palpatine's Dark Side Elite, The New Essential Guide to Characters mentions that they were "completely subsumed into the Emperor's volition." Although the writer is fallible and the comic appears to contradict this, the description references the time period of the first Dark Empire before the Reborn Emperor's unwitting demise. It's possible that, when he was severed from his power by the Skywalkers' Force Harmony and forced to once again trek across the vacuum of space, his link to his Elite was severed as well, hence their rebellion and ineptitude in Dark Empire II (cf. the Imperial fleet on Endor losing all direction and competence upon having their connection to the Emperor broken upon his death). Handbook 3 seems to support this theory, as it states "In desperation he spread his power through a new group of dark side adepts." So his goal of a perfect hivemind with the Dark Side Elite may have been at one point been actualized - it's something to consider, in any case.

Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Dark_s11

This is a bit of a departure from the main topic, but the aforementioned concept goes much further than the Dark Side Elite. I'd suggest reading Publius's "The Apotheosis of Palpatine" for an in-depth dissertation, but to succinctly explain his end goal, the Dark Empire endnotes make reference to a "Galaxy-wide society of the far future, when the Dark Side of the Force will rule all without the need for weapons." The Official Starships and Vehicles Collection #64 elaborates this would entail Palpatine using the dark side to "control everything and everyone in the galaxy", and the former source speaks of him as "the mind that would devour a Galaxy." The Emperor desired a hivemind not just with the Dark Side Elite, not just with the denizens of Byss, not just with the soldiers of the Imperial Fleet, and not even just with every living organism in the galaxy, but with inanimate matter as well, one in which his spirit would supplant the Force as the metaphysical underpinning of reality and become "the embodiment of the galaxy's animating principle." The Emperor's meditation in Return of the Jedi gives us a glimpse into a level of malignant narcissism that borders on solipsism: he identifies himself as the void of space that encompasses not only the Galactic Empire but the universe at large, as if other people don't really even exist as distinct individualities; the Dark Empire Sourcebook affirms this hinted-at aspiration to spread his influence to other galaxies and ascend as an "omnipotent ruler" over the universe.

Pages From The Dark: The Creation Of Monsters Sheevs_true_plans_3

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Star Wars: Darth Plagueis wrote:For while toppling the Jedi Order and the Republic was essential to the task of restoring order to the galaxy, that goal belonged to the realm of the ordinary—to the world that was nothing more than a byproduct of the eternal struggle between the light and dark forces, both of which were beyond any concepts of good or evil. The greater goal of the Sith involved toppling the Force itself, and becoming the embodiment of the galaxy’s animating principle.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi novelization wrote:Emperor. It had a certain ring to it. The Republic had crumbled, the Empire was resplendent with its own fires, and would always be so—for the Emperor knew what others refused to believe: the dark forces were the strongest.

He’d known this all along, in his heart of hearts—but relearned it every day: from traitorous lieutenants who betrayed their superiors for favors; from weak-principled functionaries who gave him the secrets of local star systems’ governments; from greedy landlords, and sadistic gangsters, and power-hungry politicians. No one was immune, they all craved the dark energy at their core. The Emperor had simply recognized this truth, and utilized it—for his own aggrandizement, of course.

For his soul was the black center of the Empire.

He contemplated the dense impenetrability of the deep space beyond the window. Densely black as his soul—as if he were, in some real way, this blackness; as if his inner spirit was itself this void over which he reigned. He smiled at the thought: he was the Empire; he was the Universe.

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