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Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:13 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)
Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 244?cb=20130310191214

"So we meet again, Jedi Master. It seems there isn't a Padawan you possess that I cannot take away from you."

General Accolades

As a Chiss, Tann is intelligent and highly evolved. 


Tann is a skilled tactician which is attributed to her (as of then untrained) force abilities. 

Tann is a persuasive leader


Tann is one of Dooku's finest generals 


Dooku is confident Tann can convince a hutt to ally themselves with the CIS


Boorka the Hutt is impressed by her skill in combat


Dooku thinks she's powerful with the force


Dooku considers Tann powerful and says he and Sidious should keep her close


Dooku says that she has proven herself beyond measure


Dooku considers her performance exemplary


Battlefield Feats

Tann trained an army of Yresilini, deemed untrainable by fellow chiss. Her victories are considered "stunnning"

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds:

During the battle of Geonosis, Sev'rance and her forces had to fight through a republican army in minutes to cover Dooku


Sev'rance leads the construction of a large seperatist force


Sev'rance aquires information from a hutt, doing so by first fighting through his forces and then destroying a republic base


Sev'rance captures a Republic weapon testing facility


Sev'rance captures a decimator, a republican super weapon


Tann captures republican facilities on Alaris Prime, protected both by republicans and multiple wookiee camps


Tann attacks a powerful defensive shield covered by asteroid fields and defensive turrets. Its noted as one of the most heavily protected planets in the galaxy


Tann captures Sarapin, despite it having a punishing enviroment for invading forces, as well as massive amounts of republican forces. She does so before the next sunset. 


Tann's attacks severed Coruscant from large amount of power


Tann's victories are so significant its considered a setback from defeating the Dark Reaper, a superweapon capable of destroying planets


Tann's victories were so great that Dooku considered the Republic's demise to be "at hand"


Combat Abilities

Tann is a Jedi Master


In Star Wars: Battlegrounds, all jedi/sith have powerful fighting abilities, and can pick up holocrons


In Star Wars: Battlegrounds, jedi padawans are already considered proficient with lightsabers


Knights are much stronger than padawans/trainees, can absorb more damage, and can use telepathy to turn soldiers to their side. This can be used on humans, clones, gungans, wookiees, and even droids. 


Further info on telepathy, even upgraded (in-lore probably more advanced) knights can turn other forceusers, heavy weapons, and even entire buildings (presumably the people inside). 


Finally, average jedi/sith masters are much stronger than knights, can solo ranks of enemy soldiers and vehicles, and have great powers. They also have previously stated telepathy


The upgrades availiable to the forceusing classes, including the ability to become invisible and sensing those that are. Tann would scale above all this and previously mentioned. 


While clearing the way for Dooku, Tann and her forces fought a massive amount of republican forces, in addition to four jedi knights


Tann then singelhandedly oneshots jedi padawan Stam Reath with her lightsaber. The fight was described as a brutal execution


Tann kills jedi knight Jor Drakas, calling him pathetic. Dooku considers this impressive


Upon entering the planet Krant, both master Echuu and padawan Naat Reath immideatedly sense Tann


While separated, Tann captures Reath, despite the latter being rage-amped due to Tann killing her brother (the other padawan). Echuu is unable to prevent this despite being close nearby


Tann also senses Echuu's own darkness. 


Before we get to Tann's final fight, note that Echuu was noted as a contemporary of Windu and Kenobi, and noted to be a powerful jedi master

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds:

He was again noted to be a powerful jedi master, and was a former padawan of Mace. 


He was a survivor of the arena battle


After the death of his padawan, the council feels darkness so strong Windu thought to be impossible, this is after meeting Dooku 


After being noted a contemporary of Windu and Kenobi, Echuu was filled with "newfound energy", suggesting growth


Throughout the conflict he grew even stronger


Echuu draws on his anger after Tann captures Naat 


Tann senses his rageamp, and inquires him to draw further on the dark side during their final fight. Ultimatively this allows him to beat her. But at that point he had drawn upon an unprecedented rageamp to do so. He drew so greatly on the darkness to beat her he would never be able to remove it. So we're likely looking at something like: Rageamp Echuu > Taan > CW Echuu > Geonosis Echuu ~ Kenobi/Mace


Supreme Commander

Upon Tann's death, Dooku was noted to go for the acolyte "next in line", suggesting that before Bulq and Ventress, Tann was his number 1 dark acolyte.


Tann is noted to be in command of the Seperatist military, putting her above all the other commanders (Grievous, Durge, Ventress, Bulq)


When asked, Abel G. Pena stated that he believed Tann would be the prime candidate for Supreme Commander before her death, just that the title possibly didn't exist yet. As we know from "Rogue's Gallery", in which Grievous fights Ventress and Durge for the title of Supreme Commander, that position is decided by combative skill and power. Which suggests Tann is superior to early Grievous, Durge and Ventress. 


So yeah thats it for an obscure but cool character, with a couple suprising high points. Replaying Galactic Battlegrounds I felt like creating this thread. I've always been disapointed by how early she died and how little information we have on her. 
The Dark Advisor
The Dark Advisor

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:24 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Nice job Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 1289255181
Level Four
Level Four

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:25 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Cheth bodying twice in a day Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 3344068304

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:27 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
A much needed respect thread.

I didn't know she was a Jedi Master. Good find. Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 1289255181

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:30 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Great job Cheth! Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 1289255181

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:35 pm
Thanks everyone 

Curry wrote:Cheth bodying twice in a day Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 3344068304

Bigfacts Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 2266747095

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 2:44 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Yes!!!!!!!! Nice job! Always wanted a RT for her.

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

January 8th 2021, 5:29 pm
Jedi Master Aayla Secura wrote:Yes!!!!!!!! Nice job! Always wanted a RT for her.
Happy to oblige Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread 1289255181
Palpatine Palpatine
Palpatine Palpatine

Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread Empty Re: Sev'rance Tann Respect Thread

July 20th 2021, 1:32 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Marvellous post.
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