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Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD) - Page 7 Empty Re: Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD)

December 16th 2020, 7:37 pm
him being stronger than krayt/hett puts him leagues above any of them, so its fine.

Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD) - Page 7 Empty Re: Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD)

December 17th 2020, 11:17 pm
Meatpants wrote:
TheNuisanceBird wrote:They are a measure of power though. Ignoring Vader's superior showings of TK over Fisto would be foolish. Even if Fisto if above Vader in sabers he's not in Force in either Legends or Canon.

They are a measure in power... to a point. You can't use feats to toss out scaling though. Augmentation has a direct correlation with Force power, so Fisto being a better duelist also makes him more powerful. Also remember that comics are a different medium to the movies.

TheNuisanceBird wrote:If we wanna go by statements, Lucas has said that instead of being Sidious's superior in power Vader got reduced to Maul and Dooku's level who in their system or both 8's which makes sense given their showings.

Lucas is talking about how Vader went from being superior to becoming a servant of the Emperor, just like Dooku and Maul.

That is true but going by G-Canon it's not like Lucas meant Vader was weaker than literally every prequel Jedi. He said he wanted something faster and more energetic than what's shown in the OT so while him saying TPM Jin and Kenobi are better than Vader which in that case fair enough, I'm not sure if that applies to Fisto.

He mentions that with power though which is why I brought it up but I guess regarding his comments on Dooku being AOTC Yoda level that makes less sense.

Right now in sabers I can see Fisto edging over Vader but that's the only area. In G-Canon Fisto really only has so many showings so it's not like we can compare all areas but sure in that case Fisto wins.

Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD) - Page 7 Empty Re: Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD)

December 17th 2020, 11:18 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:does lucas acknowledge ben getting less skilled by any chance? or is that implied because he is an old man? if so, that would be weird, since neither sidious nor yoda seemed to have gotten less skilled, and had been out of practice for longer as well.

He says that seeing TPM Kenobi and Jinn are Jedi in their prime fighting in the prime of the Jedi so that means both of them > ANH Ben.
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Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD) - Page 7 Empty Re: Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD)

December 18th 2020, 5:38 am
Nobody said Vader is below every prequel Jedi, nor did Lucas.

If it applies to TPM Kenobi, how does it not apply to Kit Fisto as well, who scales above TPM Kenobi? It's as simple as that. Doesn't matter if Vader has more power showings.

Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD) - Page 7 Empty Re: Darth Vader(ROTJ) vs Count Dooku(ROTS) vs Maul(SoD)

December 21st 2020, 5:06 pm
Meatpants wrote:Nobody said Vader is below every prequel Jedi, nor did Lucas.

If it applies to TPM Kenobi, how does it not apply to Kit Fisto as well, who scales above TPM Kenobi? It's as simple as that. Doesn't matter if Vader has more power showings.

Fair enough. It's just weird thinking Fisto > Vader despite in universe showings.
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