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Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 3:38 pm
Message reputation : 100% (7 votes)

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Alkin_10

Alkin Neret was a dark side adept who trained under Palpatine and helped him discover the Sith tower of Rimik prior to the Battle of Naboo. Palpatine evidently christened her as a Dark Lord of the Sith, even despite Darth Maul also being his Sith apprentice. Alkin Neret stayed on the tower for the next several decades, studying the Sith arts and reporting her findings to Palpatine. After the Battle of Yavin, a Rebellion strike team confronted her but were easily defeated. Her final fate is unknown. 

All feats and quotes come from Star Wars Dark Tremors, which can be accessed online here. Fan art by Kevin Macio.


Alkin Neret became Palpatine's Sith apprentice and a Dark Lord of the Sith in or prior to 32 BBY.


Alkin Neret studies ancient Sith knowledge in the Sith tower of Rimik, which were of value to Palpatine.


Alkin Neret has greater Force potential than Darth Vader and will surpass him in a few years as of at least 0 ABY.


Alkin Neret was far more powerful than a six-member Rebellion strike team, which included:

- 4B-3ST, security droid - armed with an internal blaster rifle
- Sid Jannus, bounty hunter - armed with a heavy blaster pistol, hold-out blaster, light repeating blaster, and two fragmentation grenades
- Carn Drel, failed Jedi - armed with a lightsaber and hold-out blaster
- Sandra Crayl, pilot - armed with a blaster 
- Botob Saduyl, gambler - armed with a hold-out blaster
- Sileski, Mon Calamari officer - armed with a blaster pistol 



Alkin Neret deflected all attacks from the Rebellion strike team, including lightsaber strikes, via telekinesis and tutaminis.


Alkin Neret unleashed a powerful Force Wind attack that easily overpowered the Rebellion strike team.



Alkin Neret easily created Force illusions that could seemingly negate blaster attacks and were almost undetectable even to Jedi Masters. 



Alkin Neret erased and replaced all the memories of the Mon Calamari officer Sileski. 



Alkin Neret slowly granted the Mon Calamari officer Sileski Force sensitivity across her experiments. 


Alkin Neret easily telepathically communicated with Aphon the Rodian from across the galaxy.


Alkin Neret telepathically ordered Captain Senni to capture the Rebellion strike team.



Alkin Neret sensed her apprentice Sileski's thoughts from across the galaxy.


Alkin Neret sensed any Force users of the Rebellion strike team upon coming out of hyperspace to Rimik and tracked them constantly.



Alkin Neret's d6 statistics hold a "Alter 7D+1, Control 8D, Sense 7D," revealing she could replicate the following feats. For other scalable feats, reference the Ability Statistics Program and view feats with an Alter and Sense difficulty level of "42" and a Control difficulty level of "48." Note that while characters commonly perform feats beyond the scope of their d6 statistics, such a metric is still recognized as Secondary Canon and valid for comparing abilities by Lucasfilm Licensing, and thus should at least represent the "bare minimum" of what characters can do. For further justification, reference the "Justification" section in the Ability & Character Statistics Programs

Alkin Neret can make a major memory change to an unsuspecting individual from across the galaxy within five seconds.


Alkin Neret can telepathically dominate eight unwilling individuals from across the galaxy within five seconds.


Alkin Neret can non-lethally feed on the life essence of ten million enemy strangers.


Alkin Neret can move and gently turn a ten metric ton object across twenty meters within five seconds. 



Note that while Wookieepedia claims Star Wars Dark Tremors is non-canon, Edward Dodds has confirmed with the publishers that it was indeed officially licensed:   


Last edited by DarthAnt66 on September 8th 2020, 4:27 pm; edited 7 times in total
Level Three
Level Three

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 4:07 pm
this is really cool ant. I really loved that scalable feats thing at the bottom man. really dope. btw tho, i dont know much about this character at all. u mind giving me some quick info on her?
PS i kinda forgot, how does one check a character's statistics like u did for her?

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 4:16 pm

Thank you. I added a brief summary of her backstory to the top of the thread:

"Alkin Neret was a dark side adept who trained under Palpatine and helped him discover the Sith tower of Rimik prior to the Battle of Naboo. Palpatine evidently christened her as a Dark Lord of the Sith, even despite Darth Maul also being his Sith apprentice. Alkin Neret stayed on the tower for the next several decades, studying the Sith arts and reporting her findings to Palpatine. After the Battle of Yavin, a Rebellion strike team confronted her but were defeated. Her final fate is unknown."

To view her d6 statistics, open the following link and read the "Ability statistics" section. It should walk you through what to do. As I mentioned in the thread, Alkin Neret should be able to replicate any Force feats you input that are at or below a "42" difficulty in Alter or Sense and a "48" in Control.
Level Three
Level Three

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 4:21 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:@lorenzo.r.2nd:

Thank you. I added a brief summary of her backstory to the top of the thread:

"Alkin Neret was a dark side adept who trained under Palpatine and helped him discover the Sith tower of Rimik prior to the Battle of Naboo. Palpatine evidently christened her as a Dark Lord of the Sith, even despite Darth Maul also being his Sith apprentice. Alkin Neret stayed on the tower for the next several decades, studying the Sith arts and reporting her findings to Palpatine. After the Battle of Yavin, a Rebellion strike team confronted her but were defeated. Her final fate is unknown."

To view her d6 statistics, open the following link and read the "Ability statistics" section. It should walk you through what to do. As I mentioned in the thread, Alkin Neret should be able to replicate any Force feats you input that are at or below a "42" difficulty in Alter or Sense and a "48" in Control.
alright, thanks mate. hmm, would it be safe to assume that maul is > her? and if so, could he replicate those feats?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 4:25 pm
Funny how Sidious initially told to Maul about there being a second apprentice to get him into a frenzy, then revealed there never was a second apprentice after he'd passed the test. Turns out he was lying by telling the truth.

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Sheev_sig_3
Level Three
Level Three

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 5:13 pm
Nice work.

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 9:00 pm
@Latham2000: Thanks!
Level One
Level One

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 8th 2020, 10:32 pm
Niiice! In the back of my mind I kept thinking Sidious had another apprentice apart from his obvious, but could never remember the name.
Level One
Level One

Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread Empty Re: Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread

September 9th 2020, 1:10 am
Good job Alkin Neret (Palpatine's Secret Apprentice) Respect Thread 1289255181
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