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Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 12th 2020, 8:59 am
So I completely forgot to post up this RT here of the Prophets of the Dark Side, this group is actually pretty great so let's see what they can do!


Prophets of the Dark Side

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) 5367799-4665036595-latest

Sourcebook/Guide Quotes

One of these secrets concerns a small group of dark side devotees called the Prophets of the Dark Side. Led by the Supreme Prophet Kadann, these darksiders use their powers and abilities to explore the dark side of the Force and make predictions on the outcomes of plans, strategies and upcoming events.

- Taken from Rebellion Era Sourcebook

They explore the dark side, making predictions on plans and upcoming events.

Eventually, Darth Sidious discovered the secret order, and bent these Prophets of the Dark Side to his will. When the Prophets were obliquely reintegrated into Darth Bane's line of the Sith, Palpatine secretly gave them the duty of providing early training for some of his dark siders. Occasionally, Palpatine asked the Prophets to train a devotee to the exalted levels of Emperor's Hand, Emperor's Eyes, or Emperor's Reach.

- Taken from Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties

They were given the duty of providing the early training of Palpatine's Dark Force Users, even training his Hands, Eyes and Reach.

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) 5367828-75

Lesser Prophets know how to affect minds, enhance their senses, defend from Force Attacks, Force Stealth, TK and See Force. They also have a dark side talisman which bolsters their abilities.

Created by the same dark alchemy used to create Sith amulets, Sith talismans provide the wearer with defense against blaster bolts, lightsaber blades, and even the Force itself.

- The Dark Side Sourcebook

Sith talismans provide the wearer protection from blasters, lightsaber blades and Force attacks.

He also entrusted them with the training of his Dark Side Adepts, including the Force Sensitive Grand Admiral Nial Declann.

- Taken from Jedi V Sith

Again they were entrusted with training his Dark Adepts, including Nial Declann who was powerful enough to use Battle Meditation.

"I have met these reclusive cretins and listened to their singsong prophecies. They do posses the gift of futuresight, which proved useful to my forces at the Battle of Dromund Kass. But the Prophets themselves admit they have hunted down heretics and imitations."

―Asajj Ventress.

- Taken from Book of Sith

Ventress has encountered them, noting their power of futuresight being useful and how they have hunted down heretics and imitations.

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) 5367849-u6

An actual Prophet is able to make Force Storms, Futuresight, TK, Mind Trick, proficient in lightsabers.

The planet remains a well-kept secret exclusive to the prophets until its discovery by Darth Sidious. It then becomes an early training ground for Palpatine's Force-sensitive minions. In the Old Republic era, heroes may have heard rumors about this dark side religion and seek Dromund Kaas to either destroy or practice the malevolent faith. During the Emperor's reign, adventurers on the planet would have to be darksiders working for Palpatine or Prophets-in-training.

Whether serving the light or darkness, heroes visiting Dromund Kaas will find themselves undergoing grave challenges. Swamp wampas,* dianogas, vornskrs, Guardian Spirits, and Noghri abominations** all infest the dark side bog world.

- Taken from the Dark Forces Saga

One of the worlds where the Prophets are located is Dromund Kaas at the Dark Force Temple, Palpatine's Force Sensitives train their and undergo grave challenges from what is on the world.

He gathers these Force sensitive fortunetellers, some of them former Jedi, and gives them a new mission. They are to use their gifts to protect the Empire from unknown threats and to help Lord Vader hunt down the remaining Jedi.

The Prophets of the Dark Side seek out others like themselves. Those who cannot be molded into Prophets are trained to become other dark side servants. If they resist the wiles of the Prophets, they are eliminated. In fact, their gift of prophecy snuffs out quite a few bright lights in an otherwise dark time.

- Jedi Academy Training Manual

Some Prophets are former Jedi, they also help Vader hunt down Jedi and see others out, if they resist they are destroyed. Their powers so great that they actually kill some bright lights within the galaxy. Meaning those who could perhaps make a difference in opposing the Empire.

Comic Scans


They casually kill Stormtroopers, the Prophets having pieced together secrets of the Sith, gathering knowledge forbidden to all but Vader and Palpatine.

Those trained by the Prophets of the Dark Side

Grand Admiral Nial Declann


Imperial Ace Maarek Stele



Sariss knew nothing but darkness her entire life. She was raised by the Prophets of the Dark Side, ignorant of her parentage. She also helped train the darksider Meril.

- Taken from The Dark Forces Saga

She also helped train High Prophet Merili.



Last edited by Zenwolf on August 12th 2020, 9:43 am; edited 2 times in total
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Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 12th 2020, 9:00 am
Notable Prophets of the Dark Side

High Prophet Cronal


High Prophet Merili


High Prophet Jedgar


Supreme Prophet Kadann

Level One
Level One

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 12th 2020, 9:44 am
Well there you have it folks! The Prophets of the Dark Side and my last SW thread to migrate over here! Enjoy.
Level One
Level One

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 22nd 2020, 5:07 am
Never realized they were this strong, tbh.
Level Three
Level Three

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 22nd 2020, 7:48 am
Nice work.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 22nd 2020, 7:58 am
@Zenwolf Which issues of Polyhedron are canon and which are not?

"I do want to clarify that the old Polyhedrons, to my knowledge are unofficial. There were a few Star Wars articles in Dungeon/Polyedron magazine that were published after April 2003 that are official." - Leland Chee

If this statement from Chee is real, it would mean anything before April 2003 is non-canon. Its veracity is supported by this article which states Polyhedron "will now" - meaning after March 19th, 2003 - printing articles for the roleplaying game.
Level One
Level One

Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends) Empty Re: Prophets of the Dark Side respect thread(Legends)

August 22nd 2020, 8:38 am
Master Azronger wrote:@Zenwolf Which issues of Polyhedron are canon and which are not?

"I do want to clarify that the old Polyhedrons, to my knowledge are unofficial. There were a few Star Wars articles in Dungeon/Polyedron magazine that were published after April 2003 that are official." - Leland Chee

If this statement from Chee is real, it would mean anything before April 2003 is non-canon. Its veracity is supported by this article which states Polyhedron "will now" - meaning after March 19th, 2003 - printing articles for the roleplaying game.
I have a hard time believing any Wookiee quote with no actual source linked to it. That and the site can be unreliable. 
As far as the other site. Not sure why that would invalidate the others before. Still if you can find that quote as being legitimate then I will rectify. It’s Lee’s call. Though even that quote seems unsure as he supposed said “to my knowledge.”
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