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Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

June 19th 2020, 8:14 am
Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 39523600

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

June 19th 2020, 1:53 pm
Vaelias wrote:
S_W_LeGenD wrote:
Vaelias wrote:because he has more abilities that he can use on the spot vitiate needs to perform a ritual or have an external power source for virtually everything bane is a far better duelist hes faster and has better lightning

Dude, check my blog before commenting on this topic. Ritual THEORY is "nonsense."

There are so many ways to establish that Darth Bane have nothing on Valkorion really - the former will be ONE-SHOTTED.

Duelist you say?

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 7408982-6206516390-SWTOR

Arcann was a very fine duelist by any measure - among the greatest ever.

What happens next?

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That is called ONE-SHOT.

Please keep in mind the fact that Arcann had superior defenses than any Jedi Master including Revan (Reborn).

Arcann is also Valkorion's own SON - he had unique talents and powers not seen in any Jedi and Sith.
the thing with that though is that arcann is nowhere near the power of bane nor as fast, bane was probably the second fastest sith in galactic history just after sidious vitiate does have insane lightning and tutaminus but hes nowhere near fast enough to deflect any attacks from bane using this method, i personally thing vitiate is slightly stronger than bane but i honestly think bane could win as he has all the right counters to any attack from vitiate. the ritual thing is just true he needed a ritual for literally so many things he achieved if it wasnt a ritual it was an external power source of some sort he is almost always amped by a force nexus so i doubt he could display such power on the spot anywhere else


Arcann is/was stronger than Revan (Reborn) who in turn had become the most powerful Jedi up to his time and beyond until Yoda in his prime. Learn much about Revan in the following blog:

Among all the Sith holocrons sourced and studied by Darth Bane, he was most impressed by Darth Revan's and it contained information about rituals which even a true Sith Master would never dare to attempt let alone him (i.e. Darth Bane); one of these was that of Tenebrae before he became the Sith Emperor. And Darth Bane had to make several attempts to create a Sith holocron of his own before he managed to create one - this was an extremely challenging task even for a Lord of the Sith.

Check my response in the following thread:

- to understand how powerful Arcann really is/was.


You are mistaking game-play demonstrations for lack of speed. The game developers have no choice but to make such fights look normal to our senses so that the players understand what is happening on-screen. True measure of speed of each character is established in the LORE only (textual information that is). I shall give you some examples.

Satele Shan was remarkably FAST even as per the standards of a Force-user. In the (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Hope) cinematic footage, the developers had to reduce the pace of time to significant extent through special effects to show her moves in order to make the audience understand what she was doing. And this is also true in a novel written about her in which her partner (a powerful Force-user herself) finds it really difficult to keep up with moves of Satele. My rough take is that she is able to operate and do her bidding in the microsecond spectrum.

And Satele is not able to outpace Revan in a fight on YAVIN 4, not even close.

Revan is able to keep track of her moves and respond in kind.

Much like Satele Shan, Darth Marr - a member of the Dark Council - was also remarkably FAST as per the standards of a Force-user. He was so fast and POWERFUL in the ways of the Force that he inspired legends with his exploits in the battlefield(s) of the Great Galactic War - that he was able to rout entire armies of the Republic by himself; imagine this.

One of the longest-serving members of the Dark Council, Darth Marr is a terrifying warrior and a true believer in the Sith Code. In the early days of the war, he seized world after world for the expanding Empire and gained a reputation for personally leading charges against Republic defenders.

Taken from Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry - Darth Marr


Tales spread through the Republic of the masked Dark Council member who routed whole armies and deflected assaults more thoroughly than any planetary shield.

Taken from Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

His remarkable speed would be a major factor in such battles since an army of the Republic brings a lot to the table. Darth Marr could move so fast that another powerful Lord of the Sith (Darth Lachris) found it challenging to keep track of his moves in a duel whom he intentionally tested before dispatching to the battlefield of Balmora where Darth Lachris was able to prove her mettle in spite of significant challenges:

Marr approached her with slow, deliberate steps, hands resting on the small of his back. Her master never rushed, always maintained an appearance of control. "I sense a similar hunger for power in you. Do not bother denying it."

"I see no reason to."

In an instant, he was gone. Her nostrils flared slightly as she tried to sense his presence.

"You believe you have earned that power, but you are mistaken," his voice thundered behind her.

From Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Price of Power

Darth Marr easily bested her which is not surprising given his remarkable speed and implied strength. His combat prowess was such that it was stated to be second-to-none in comparison to other Sith:

Warlord and master of the dark side, Darth Marr is the most senior member of the Dark Council.

From Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia


With his humanity long forgotten and his face unseen, Marr's inner thoughts are impossible to determine. But his desire to leave a strong Empire behind him is unquestioned, and his abilities are second to none.

Taken from Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry - Darth Marr


Darth Marr is not able to outpace Revan in a fight on YAVIN 4 either - same battle in which Satele is involved. Revan is able to keep track of his moves and respond in kind.

Both Satele and Darth Marr emerged unscathed from their battle with Revan.

However, Darth Marr ran out of luck when he was taken captive and brought to face judgement of The Immortal Emperor (a Voice of Tenebrae - the former Sith Emperor):

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 SWTOR-Knights-of-the-Fallen-Empire-Chapter-1-The-Hunt-Jedi-Knight-Light-Side-1

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As you can now see, Tenebrae ONE-SHOTS Darth Marr first and Arcann next.

Make no mistake: Arcann is also as FAST as you can expect a Force-user to be; he is better and stronger than every Jedi and Sith out there. Darth Marr did not recover from Tenebrae's attack. Arcann recovered however - he has Force energies of Tenebrae flowing inside his body.


Sheer speed is IRRELEVANT when up against Tenebrae; it make no difference whatsoever. His own senses and speed are remarkable. He is able to respond to every manner of threat and tackle it.

However, BioWare have no choice but to make things understandable to the audience.


Tenebrae learned how to address this threat after his experiences with Revan and Hero of Tython respectively.

Arcann being a remarkably skilled duelist was unable to breach his defenses with a lightsaber. It does not matter what manner of blows Arcann give to Tenebrae; this is just a formality to show that a lightsaber is a redundant threat now.

Tenebrae actually ALLOWS himself to be struck down by The Outlander - this is a part of his plan.

You will have to play the game to find out.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

June 19th 2020, 2:15 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)
- Yoda
- Palpatine
- Luke Skywalker
- Kueller
- Kyp Durron
- Darth Caedus
- Gethzerion
- Darish Vol
- Shimmra
- Onimi
- Yuuzhan Vong Slayer
- Nyax
- UnuThul
- Lomi Plo
- Hidden One maybe
- Corran Horn maybe
- Jaina Solo maybe

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

June 19th 2020, 2:41 pm
Bart wrote:- Yoda
- Palpatine
- Luke Skywalker
- Kueller
- Kyp Durron
- Darth Caedus
- Gethzerion
- Darish Vol
- Shimmra
- Onimi
- Yuuzhan Vong Slayer
- Nyax
- UnuThul
- Lomi Plo
- Hidden One maybe
- Corran Horn maybe
- Jaina Solo maybe

- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO
- NO

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

June 19th 2020, 7:07 pm
Jihadi Kermit beats Valkorion

now, hear me out:

Valkorion died to the Alliance Commander, and Jihadi Kermit was the most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known.

Jihadi Kermit's viability against Valkorion also lies in the fact that he has accepted his limitations and submitted to the will of Allah

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

October 19th 2020, 3:11 pm
Coleman Trebor
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

October 24th 2020, 9:32 am
Master Azronger wrote:Plagueis and anyone above him. Comparatively powerful, more masterful, more skilled.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Sheev_sig_3
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

October 24th 2020, 9:55 am
Plagueis would be fodderised by Voiciate, let's be honest. There's a legitimate argument to be made that Sadow by himself could be as powerful and an extremely likely case for Nadd too. Valkorion is just magnitudes beyond him.
Level Four
Level Four

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

October 24th 2020, 11:29 am
Level Six
Level Six

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

October 24th 2020, 11:53 am
TPM Maul and anyone above him

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 3:13 pm
No one lol.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 3:21 pm
Entities like The Ones, The Bedlams and The Mnggal Mnggal can. In terms of mortals probably no one. If Luke battled him 100 times he might win twice, anyone else gets atomized.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 3:29 pm
Crucible Luke and DE Sidious can win and any of the big entities one shot

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:14 pm
Bedlam Spirits, The Ones, DE Sidious, Luke Skywalker, and perhaps Yoda.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:20 pm
anyone above Tenebrous in all seriousness

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:32 pm
VictreebelVictr wrote:Bedlam Spirits, The Ones, DE Sidious, Luke Skywalker, and perhaps Yoda.

Nah wouldnt say Yoda but there are many others that would oneshot Valk

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:42 pm
Vaelias wrote:Nah wouldnt say Yoda
If Yoda were to get close, he might be able to prevail.

Though, I am pretty unsure of this, hence the "perhaps."

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:49 pm
If Yoda gets close Valk will just throw up a force barrier to defend himself from Yoda’s saber. He’s not someone you can just blitz.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 4:52 pm
VictreebelVictr wrote:
Vaelias wrote:Nah wouldnt say Yoda
If Yoda were to get close, he might be able to prevail.

Though, I am pretty unsure of this, hence the "perhaps."

Valk Sheev an Luke are sort of in a league of their own pretty far above Yoda
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 7:53 pm
Level Six
Level Six

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 14th 2021, 9:25 pm
Meatpants wrote:Palpatine+

Which incarnation

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 15th 2021, 12:22 am
KingKopecz wrote:If Yoda gets close Valk will just throw up a force barrier to defend himself from Yoda’s saber. He’s not someone you can just blitz.

Why do you say so? Why do think if Yoda gets close Valk would be able to fend him off?

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 15th 2021, 1:21 am
SnowxElf wrote:
KingKopecz wrote:If Yoda gets close Valk will just throw up a force barrier to defend himself from Yoda’s saber. He’s not someone you can just blitz.

Why do you say so? Why do think if Yoda gets close Valk would be able to fend him off?

Seems like someone Yoda isn't getting close to.
Level Six
Level Six

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 15th 2021, 2:07 am
Yes, exaggerated gameplay is surely legit, not to mention inside Satele's brain.

Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

January 15th 2021, 3:00 am
Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 1076326320

This wank
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Who can beat Valkorion? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who can beat Valkorion?

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