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Wandering Jedi
Wandering Jedi

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

February 23rd 2020, 10:02 pm
BoD wrote:
The show doesn't nerf the characters. Mace need Obi Wan's help. Let us not mention the fact that Mace destroyed Battledroids. Battledroids have no defense against tk, because they aren't force sensitive.

They're different shows.

Starkiller was able to vaporize stormtroopers, but Vader had no effect because he is force sensitive.

TFU trailers are overblown, and that one contradicts the game.

I found out Malachor V is strong in the Darkside of The Force. Both Nihlius and Yoda were amped when they did their respected feats.


1). You committed a logical fallacy. The shows take place in the same universe.

2). Darth Nihilus has force resistance. Darth Nihilus can take everything what Mace can bring to the table. The only reason Mace had a advantage over Sidious because of the plot.

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 3824927-force%20resistance

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 3824893-drain%20force

Credit: DarthAnt66

Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

February 23rd 2020, 10:05 pm
Could someone here provide Force feats for Mace that compares to fleet-scale telekinesis or destroying Citadel Station which could tank having the Ravager crash into and explode?
Wandering Jedi
Wandering Jedi

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

February 24th 2020, 1:17 pm
@BoD @Azronger @LadyKulvax

 The Cut content for Kotor 2 reveals alternate scenes Darth Nihilus vs Darth Sion

1. Darth Nihilus one shots Darth Sion with force lighting/force drain.
2. Darth Nihilus casually flings Darth Sion without making a gesture.
3. Darth Nihilus vaporizes a group of sith assassins, and one shots darth sion with force lighting. Another scene adds Darth Sion trying to speed blitz Darth Nihlus after Nihilus vaporized a group of sith assassins and one shots Darth Sion with force lighting. Nihilus without evening making a gesture or looking at Darth Sion flings him backwards.

Kreia on Sith Assassins 


Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

February 24th 2020, 10:33 pm
Nihilus drains him
Lord Eon
Lord Eon

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Mace Windu Vs. Darth Nihilus

October 4th 2020, 2:52 am

  • Prime versions 
  • Bloodlust is allowed 

Who would win?
Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Mace-s11
Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Wp241211
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 3:38 am
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 3:40 am
Nihilus' raw power feats are too great, he wins.

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 3:59 am
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 4:32 am
The filthy cosplayer who is sub Ajunta Pall doesn't stand a chance against even TPM Windu.
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 4:33 am

Mace has no defense against Nihilus's drain which is even more evident by the fact that him and Yoda both failed to defeat the Dark Reaper, which has weaker drain than Nihilus, despite being very powerful Force users. Nihilus has superior feats such as his TK feat and destroying an entire planet (not just draining) with the Force.
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 6:10 am
Kenobi resisted and fought off a DE Sids + sentient planet that could sense and drain over light years. Nihilus still has to be in orbit to drain. 

Mace takes it.
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 6:20 am
Also Nihilus' planetary drain is ≠his combat applicable drain plus no reason to assume Nihilus' drain is even stronger than Dark Reaper's.
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 6:40 am
Indeed. It's shown that the cloud doesn't infact insta kill the planet. It slowly sweeps across the surface with even the population being able to react and run.

Consider that PoD Bane and only a dozen-ish Sith (all of whom were weaker than the ones at the academy) were able to sum up enough power to devastate a planet. Nihilus only needs to drain one area. A town or city, and the power he gains there then fuels the expansion of the cloud, and so one and so on as it expands. Finally in the case of Katarr, the population was mostly of Miraluka. Who are inherently and in some cases very strong in the force which would increase the feat even further beyond Nihilus base as a result. 

It's quite impressive. But Nihilus only created the initial burst with his own power. The rest is not applicable to him in a combative sense. And it's definitely not an example of his base power.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 7:27 am
You realise his power and the range of that power grows exponentially after each feat. Visas even says that he's close to being able to merely jump into a system and kill everything with his presence. Low-balling him because of a feat that, given the aforementioned, isn't even a limitation that applies to his prime is ridiculous.

And I don't know why his main hypeman seems to make the argument, but drain is absolutely the least of Windu's problems here. The telekinetic power and will shown by Nihilus is absolutely insane. From pulling an entire fleet out of a gravity well stronger than the engines of said ships to the ability to destroy a station that covers a massive portion of a planet's orbit and which can tank a Centurion-class battlecruiser crashing into it and exploding.

Also, my personal favorite, Nihilus keeping together the Ravager despite it being stated that the ship was beyond the point of its structural integrity failing and should've long-since turned to debris. Even through hyperspace jumps. All through sheer force of will. (It's also stated his entire fleet is in a similar state of damage)

There's absolutely no way Windu matches that level of raw power and will even without a drain argument.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 7:45 am
Merged the threads

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Sheev_sig_3
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 4th 2020, 12:12 pm
HeartoftheForce wrote:
Kenobi resisted and fought off a DE Sids + sentient planet that could sense and drain over light years. Nihilus still has to be in orbit to drain. 

Mace takes it.

And what does this have to do with resisting Nihilus’s form of drain? Also why then why wasn’t Kenobi able to defeat the Dark Reaper if he could resist Nihilus’s form of drain? Actually, what does this even have to do with Mace resisting Nihilus?

HeartoftheForce wrote:
Indeed. It's shown that the cloud doesn't infact insta kill the planet. It slowly sweeps across the surface with even the population being able to react and run.

Consider that PoD Bane and only a dozen-ish Sith (all of whom were weaker than the ones at the academy) were able to sum up enough power to devastate a planet. Nihilus only needs to drain one area. A town or city, and the power he gains there then fuels the expansion of the cloud, and so one and so on as it expands. Finally in the case of Katarr, the population was mostly of Miraluka. Who are inherently and in some cases very strong in the force which would increase the feat even further beyond Nihilus base as a result. 

It's quite impressive. But Nihilus only created the initial burst with his own power. The rest is not applicable to him in a combative sense. And it's definitely not an example of his base power.

Just because Nihilus isn’t able to drain the entire planet in an ‘instant’ does not mean he cannot drain Mace in an instant or very quickly. Nihilus was draining an entire planet while Mace is just 1 person. Draining Mace, a single Force user, isn’t even close at all to draining an entire planet which had millions of Force users. The fact that he can drain an entire planet, despite it not being ‘instant’, goes to show how potent and deadly his draining actually is. And he uses the same draining technique for individuals. His draining is entirely combat applicable as he has used it in combat scenarios before like cutting Kreia off the Force. The Dark Reaper isn’t able to ‘instantly’ drain moons either and yet Mace would have failed to resist it. So, what makes you think Nihilus not ‘instantly’ draining a planet (not just a moon) would mean Mace can resist Nihilus? Nihilus was even destroying the surface of the planet and not just draining it.

Also, I am not sure where you are getting the ‘Nihilus only needs to drain one area’ or ‘Nihilus only created the initial burst’ argument. Where is the evidence for this exactly? The clouds are shown covering the entire planet. No ‘initial burst’ or anything like that is even implied. The argument is even flawed. If Nihilus has to drain a small area first to fuel the cloud and continue fueling the cloud from what was previously drained, then Nihilus would have nearly zero overall gain in power after draining the planet since he would have constantly had to use what he drained previously to fuel the cloud to continue draining.

What’s even the point in draining if most of it goes into fueling the cloud?

Not only that, but Nihilus’s power gains are permanent and so the power he gains from draining isn’t a buff, but an addition to his base power. So the whole ‘increase the feat even further beyond Nihilus base’ doesn’t make sense since Nihilus’s base becomes more and more powerful with every drain.

I have even yet to see any evidence of Mace resisting Nihilus’s form of drain. All I see is a failed Windu who couldn’t even resist the Reaper which had inferior draining potency than Nihilus.

I haven’t even gone into Nihilus’s TK feats.

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 7th 2020, 5:59 pm
I think that when you get to a certain tier in Star Wars you just have to assume because when there that powerful they should be able to counter his drain due to their mastery and power in the force as I don’t remember someone like Yoda (who by several quotes mace has parity with) or plagueis having masterful knowledge of the technique, yet they are In the top 5 sith and Jedi, though I could be wrong. Then again I skimmed through a post that said mace couldn’t fully resist the Dark Reaper and Nihilus has drained a planet even though I’ve heard he bombarded it first. Also Nihilus’s TK is definitely top tier as he held his Large ship together through raw TK and pulled his entire fleet or something from orbit, so even without drain mace not being ragdolled or just dominated in TK is highly questionable
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 7th 2020, 7:56 pm
Idyllic77 wrote:I think that when you get to a certain tier in Star Wars you just have to assume because when there that powerful they should be able to counter his drain due to their mastery and power in the force as I don’t remember someone like Yoda (who by several quotes mace has parity with) or plagueis having masterful knowledge of the technique, yet they are In the top 5 sith and Jedi, though I could be wrong. Then again I skimmed through a post that said mace couldn’t fully resist the Dark Reaper and Nihilus has drained a planet even though I’ve heard he bombarded it first. Also Nihilus’s TK is definitely top tier as he held his Large ship together through raw TK and pulled his entire fleet or something from orbit, so even without drain mace not being ragdolled or just dominated in TK is highly questionable
 Both Mace and Yoda failed to/couldn't resist the Dark Reaper and would have died despite being very powerful Force users. Nihilus bombarding a planet first has already been stated to be incorrect and false. Nihilus both drained and destroyed the planet using the Force as one of the writers confirmed.

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 8th 2020, 2:37 am
Ok, didn’t know. I guess Nihilus wins
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 8th 2020, 4:04 am
Level Two
Level Two

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 8th 2020, 7:51 am
Mace still stomps. Scales to canonically more powerful Sith and his inferior has fought off superior drain.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

October 8th 2020, 8:02 am
If we're talking the novelisation, Windu at his literal peak is still incapable of matching Sheev's Force lightning at full potency. So no, he absolutely doesn't scale from Sheev's quotes. But worse off for your argument, Leland Chee himself said those quotes aren't in anyway an 'absolute' and can't be used to matter-of-fact his way over everyone else.

I also find it hilarious that you think you can use that Kenobi feat and not also argue that Kenobi > DE Sheev.

Again, as soon as this comes down to feats, Nihilus absolutely wins.
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Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu - Page 6 Empty Re: Darth Nihilus vs. Mace Windu

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