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November 30th 2023, 2:55 am
SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Maul_v10


Last edited by Vaelias on May 14th 2024, 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four


November 30th 2023, 3:33 am


November 30th 2023, 4:14 am


SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 913a0317ce054cdc35ed41e3b809949e


The Jedi Fire, or Living Force, or The Light Side of the Force if you will, is created by the Jedi, their presence is the Force in the Galaxy, which we see here with the Jedi deaths draining the Force out of the Galaxy, extinguishing the Force, the Force is the Jedi's power so they are fed by the presence, by the Living Force, so the more Jedi, the more Living Force

He wasn’t sure if the weakness was in him or if, with the death of every Jedi, the war was leaching some of the Force out the universe. -- Dark Lord Rise of Darth Vader
The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the Universe, you my friend are all that's left of their religion -A New Hope
He had thought of his diminished abilities as a personal failure—owing to the fact that he had lost his faith in the Jedi order, allowed his two Padawans to die, grown thought-bound—when, in fact, it was the Force as the Jedi had known it that had been defeated. The flame extinguished. -Dark Lord Rise of Darth Vader
Obi-Wan reached out to the Force to find him, but met only the thin stirring of a barren world. It was strange to live in a galaxy now that had no Jedi in it. He hadn't realized that he had once felt a humming presence, alive with the Force-ability of his fellow Jedi. It had fed him, and he hadn't even known it. -The Last One Standing
-Labyrinth of Evil wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 53fdd7dcb94348092a4695b6ecc302fe
Altar of Mortis Rewatch wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Dfac0dc166d4a3891693f949e6dd4c7a

"The Jedi were hunted down by these deadly Sith knights. With every Jedi death, contact with the Ashla grows weaker, and the force of the Bogan grows more powerful.  "Now, the Jedi are hidden; but many are still fighting to free the systems from the grip of the Empire...


The Jedi are the most powerful force in the galaxy for a thousand generations, and the ones seen in the PT from as early as The Phantom Menace, are the Jedi in their primes the Jedi at their most powerful the most Jedi Fire, and these age old Masters sat on the council conveys that.

For over a thousand generations, Luke the Jedi Knights were the most powerful, most respected force in the galaxy. -A New Hope Novelisation
For over a thousand generations Jedi Knights were the most powerful, most respected force in the galaxy... the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic. That was when the galactic senate ruled the galaxy before the dark times, before the empire.
Adventures of Luke Skywalker as taken from The Journal of the Whills

This is a breathtaking duel from start to finish, showcasing Jedi and Sith at the peak of their powers. The choreography is astonishing - not too fast, not too slow - and that is probably due to the fact that Ray Park (Darth Maul) is a trained martial artist. Maul is the quickest, seemingly deadliest villain we'd seen in Star Wars up to that point -10 Best Fights on
Since George Lucas set Episode I at a time when the Jedi Knights were are the height of their powers, Gillard ramped up the action, stunt work and, of course, lightsaber duels for the new film. Episode I Production Notes
That had been the case with the Jedi Order. For two hundred years before the coming of Darth Sidious the power of the dark side had been gaining strength, and yet the Jedi had made only minimal efforts to thwart it. The Sith were pleased by the fact that the Jedi, too, had been allowed to grow so powerful, because, in the end, their sense of entitlement would blind them to what was occurring in their midst. -Revenge of the Sith I: Labyrinth of Evil
“But before the prequels, when all we had were Expanded Universe stories more closely tied to the era of the original trilogy, we really had no idea what being a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Master in their prime was really like until George Lucas presented the characters of Qui-Gon Jinn and young Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Insider #147
"We're trying to go much more classical for some characters," says Gillard, "Some of the characters are real master swordsmen, better than anything we've seen so far. So we're using an old, classical European style for a couple of the characters." -Homing Beacon #57
We've actually never seen real Jedi at work, we've only seen crippled half-droid half-men and young boys that have learned from these old people. So to see a Jedi in his prime fighting in the prime of the Jedi, I want it to be a much more energetic and faster version of what we've been doing
George Lucas: Phantom Menace Fights Featurette
Will the action in Star Wars: Episode I surpass the previous trilogy of films? "by a million miles" promises Gillard. -Insider #38
It was very important in the beginning here, of the film to establish that the Jedi were invincible. I’ve kinda reversed the classic monster coming through the door motif, and make it where the aliens and the droids and all the villains are faced with these two sort of invincible creatures, you know? Jedi Godzillas that nothing can stop.| -George Lucas: The Phantom Menace Director's Commentary
Doing this next trilogy, and starting off with Phantom Menace gave me a chance to introduce things that are only hinted at in the later movies, 4,5 and 6, which is the Jedi Council, how does it operate. You get to see, rather than just 1 or 2 fallen Jedi, or half trained Jedi, or exiled Jedi, you actually get to see the Jedi in full operation, their Temple, where they operate out of, this was a challenge to make this all concrete and real. -George Lucas: The Phantom Menace Director's Commentary
-Insider #103 wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) A4adcad12be36fa4268ee769059af409


The Jedi have progressed for a thousand generations before being in their prime in TPM, after Order 66 the Jedi Fire gone out and now has to grow again from scratch, It will be about 20 years before Luke even gets a full new generation of Jedi, and that's just getting the Jedi set up again, It still took a thousand generations for the Order to get to the Prime of the Jedi position we see them in, in TPM and Luke has to do that from scratch, restoring the Jedi fire is a LONG way off and 20 odd years onwards from ROTJ they are only just getting back to where they were a thousand generations ago before all the growth leading them up to being in their prime, the Force reset by Anakin in ROTJ and all the Jedi gone and dead it's all up to Luke.

“It starts out a few years after Return of The Jedi and we establish pretty quickly that there’s this underworld, there are offshoot stormtroopers who started their own planets, and that Luke is trying to restart the Jedi. He puts the word out, so out of 100,000 Jedi, maybe 50 or 100 are left. The Jedi have to grow again from scratch, so Luke has to find two and three-year-olds, and train them. It’ll be 20 years before you have a new generation of Jedi -Archives: George Lucas
Book of Sith wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) D723650e3be6b64c308e166f76435279
SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Ee12dfbffeeedb9c5fe33c52baa9a395

The Jedi of this time being 'a few' compared to thousands, and all 'half trained' compared to TPM and of course the Jedi in TPM are a 'million miles' and 'a thousand generations' away from these 'half trained' Jedi

"What became of it, then?" Vergere paced back and forth before Jacen, the patchy feathers on her frame fluffing and then smoothing again. "Perhaps you can tell me what has happened to the Republic in my absence. Tell me why the thousands of Jedi Knights I expected to contact on my return no longer exist, why there are only a few score half-trained young Jedi in their place, and what all of this has to do with this Sith Lord you mentioned on Coruscant, this Vader, your grandfather, whom I remember as that turbulent little Padawan, Anakin Skywalker." -The New Jedi Order: Destiny’s Way

As a result the Jedi from the Prequels are far better simply for being alive in that era with all that power, Master Plett a random Master from the PT above Luke because he is a Jedi from a 'great age' Luke cannot 'imagine' or even 'think of trying' stuff that is common in Prequel Era, him being the most powerful Jedi of this era means nothing because in the Prequels he would have been a 'rank armature' so surpassing the 'Knights of Old' is much harder than surpassing Luke, and this is a consequence of the loss of Jedi Fire and knowledge

Luke waited again, trembling faintly. He had tried everything he knew. Callista had undergone other training in her own years as a Jedi. She knew things Luke had never imagined-but even she knew of no way to tear away the smothering blanket around her, the blindness that prevented her from using the Force.
Q: With your Jedi Academy trilogy and your work on the Young Jedi Knights series, you put great effort into establishing Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi order after Return of the Jedi. Since the creative team now working on the sequel trilogy will soon be facing that same challenge, what were your thoughts behind the overall philosophy and moral underpinnings you created for Luke’s Jedi Knights? And how would you feel about finding some of your creations, such as a Jedi Academy on Yavin IV or multiple apprentices for a single master, in the new movies? A: Jedi-Akademie To be very clear, all of my work for Lucasfilm was done FOR them, and they are perfectly welcome to use any and all of my ideas in any fashion they like. Even though my Jedi Academy trilogy established Luke's attempts to recreate the Jedi Knights, it is an obvious idea to extend the history after Return of the Jedi. I would love to see them use some of my ideas in the new films, but they are under no obligation to. When I was writing the trilogy, I wanted Luke to understand the need to bring back the Jedi Knights as strong forces for the light side, but also be aware of the potential dangers. Even though he was the most powerful Jedi still alive at the time, Luke would have been a rank amateur a few decades earlier. That's a lot of pressure for a person!
Interview with Kevin J. Anderson
He could follow Anakin’s path. He could be pure warrior. He could be even greater than his brother had been: with the dark power he could command, he could surpass any living Jedi, even Uncle Luke. Surpass even the Jedi Knights of old. -New Jedi Order: Traitor
“He was a botanist and a savant,” said Jevax. “A Jedi Master of great age, we’ve heard; a Ho’Din from the planet Moltok -Children of the Jedi
After Ben Kenobi and Yoda, Luke was mostly self taught, and a lot of his learning focused on making him a better teacher. Mace mastered a clearly more versatile fighting style than Luke's, and he was a Jedi Master for a longer time than Luke was, even by The New Jedi Order era. He knows tricks that Luke never even thought of trying. Luke's eclectic learning might let him surprise Mace once or twice, but ultimately, Luke would switch off his lightsaber and acknowledge Mace as the superior combatant. But I think they'd both be sweating by then.
Wizards of the Coast,
The Jedi were able to store vast amounts of information in small repositories known as Holocrons. Often created by ancient Jedi, most were destroyed during the purges of Emperor Palpatine -Fact File #46
Records do not reveal the fate of the Sith Holocrons used by Exar Kun and Count Dooku. Various databases and eyewitnesses testify that the Jedi Archives on Coruscant held scores of Jedi Holocrons. Unfortunately, the ancient technology of the Holocrons, as well as the majority of the devices themselves may be lost to time -The Essential Guide to the Force

[size=16]He is better than the very best of the Order, where as Luke is put below just the Jedi of this same Order in general, near the end of the NJO 'surpass even the Jedi Knights of old' implies quite a big gap
He could follow Anakin’s path. He could be pure warrior. He could be even greater than his brother had been: with the dark power he could command, he could surpass any living Jedi, even Uncle Luke. Surpass even the Jedi Knights of old. -New Jedi Order: Traitor

This is only Maul in TPM DARTH MAUL IN THE CLONE WARS from this point on after he was chopped in half his anger fuels him and keeps him alive while he nurtures it the entire time, then his lost power was restored, on top of that and he comes back deadlier than ever
Maul was replaced as Sidious's apprentice by Count Dooku, who was given the name Darth Tyranus. Thought it seemed Maul's body was dead, his spirit was kept alive by his intense hatred - fuelling the dark side within him -Clone Wars Magazine 19
You cannot imagine the depths I would go to to stay alive fuelled by my singular hatred for you -Revenge Script

Luke's whole life is spent fumbling around rebuilding all of this but he doesn't live long enough to see it fully through to completion, the fire is far below TPM by NJO still weaker and paler by the end of Dark Nest and by the time of Fate of the Jedi the Jedi number only in the hundreds as oppose to the many thousands lighting up the universe with Living Force, there is a lot less power in this era, the galaxy is not alive with the humming presence of the Jedi, the Living Force still in the process of coming back

The old Jedi order died with the Old Republic. Then there was Luke, and only Luke, and a lot of fumbling to re-create Jedi from what little he knew of them. He did the best he could, and he made mistakes. I was one of them. His generation of Jedi was put together like a rickety space scow, but from it something new has emerged. It's not the old Jedi order, nor should it be. We, Jaina, are the new Jedi order. And this is our war. New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
“Thirty-five standard years ago, I became the last guardian of an ancient order that had thrived for a thousand generations. During all that time, no evil dared challenge its power, no honest being ever questioned its integrity. Yet fall it did, brought low by the treachery of a Sith Lord who disguised himself as a friend and an ally. Only a handful of Masters survived, hiding in deserts and swamps so that the bright light that was the Jedi order would not be extinguished.” Luke paused here and exchanged gazes with Leia. Her face had been lined by four decades of sacrifice and service to the galaxy, yet her brown eyes still shined with the intensity of her youth. At the moment, they were also shining with curiosity. Luke had not discussed what he intended to say even with her. He looked back to the other Jedi. “Under the guidance of two of those Masters, I became the instrument of the Jedi’s return, and I have dedicated myself to rekindling the light of their order. Ours may be a smaller, paler beacon than the one that once lit the way for the Old Republic, but it has been growing, both in size and in brilliance.” -Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
“And whatever it is, it really doesn’t want us to find it,” said Jaina. Luke gave her a serene smile. “We’re more than a hundred Jedi. Would you?” -Fate of the Jedi: Ascension
Even if his life had not been as long as Yoda’s, it had been a good one filled with close friends and much-loved family. He had been of some small service, at least, to his fellow sentient beings. And in the new Jedi Order, he had rekindled a light that had once gone out in the galaxy. He had few regrets for anything he had done, and if the time had come to let another Jedi carry the torch, he was ready. -Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

And it is that aspect of the Force, the Living Force, where Luke's focus is, he is almost purely a master of the Living Force, but the Living Force in this era is considerably weaker than the Living Force in the prequels, Luke's main talent is in the very thing that is a fraction of its former power, and even then he lacks many of the skills and abilities to compliment it

Luke could accept that. His training had been rushed; and with the deaths of Obi-Wan and Yoda he had been obliged largely to pursue his own counsel, and find his own way to mastery. He would have been the first to admit that his understanding of the Force might be limited or incomplete; that he had perhaps become more a Master of the Living Force than what the late Vergere had called the Unifying Force. But even that deficiency should not have prevented him from being able to see Harrar. - “The Unifying Force,” Luke said. “That might explain it. In fact, all the years since the deaths of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and my father, I’ve felt as if the Jedi have been on a quest to recover the Force’s power to glimpse the future, which is perhaps the nature of the Unifying Force. The search has not been unlike our search for Zonama Sekot. And there’s a power here, in the air and the trees and everything else, that convinces me we’ve found our way to something even greater than what we were seeking.” -Legacy of the Force: Betrayal

So The Living Force has been growing for a thousand generations, and Luke has to start it from scratch after the Jedi Fire and most of the Jedi Knowledge and teachings have been reset to 0, ultimately the power he represents is a power that is substantially weaker than it once was with the Jedi of Old, and even over 100 years later is still not back to the old power it once held


While Luke is somebody trying to reignite the fires of the Jedi Order, Maul is the guy created to put the fires out, created by the Dark Side because the Light is too strong and has ruled for too long, he is specifically born to balance the Force in the Prime of the Jedi, to even out the dark with the now too bright a light. he is the undoing of the Jedi's too great a power, the Karma in the natural order of things

“The Force provides, Sidious,” Plagueis said after a moment. “As nature provides more male beings in the aftermath of war, the Force, ever mindful of balance, provides beings strong in the dark side when light has ruled for too long. This Zabrak bodes well.” -Darth Plagueis
On his own Darth Maul represents a real threat to the delicate balance of the Galactic republic, which the Jedi Council strives to preserve. But with the powers of the Master and Apprentice combined, there is no telling what terrible conflicts awaits the Jedi Character Profile: Darth Maul
Darth Maul was a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the dark side to ensure the victory of the Sith over the Jedi order. a creature of pure evil, Maul had no personality beyond his ultimate devotion to his master Darth Sidious -Real Action Heroes Medicom Darth Maul
Where Darth Sidious was a strategist, his fearsome apprentice Darth Maul was a blazing lightsaber aimed directly at the heart of the Jedi Order. -The Dark Side Sourcebook
My master will be most pleased with this discovery. Lord Vader. The Jedi are growing in their power. It will be their undoing. -Shroud of Darkness

He embodies the Force's Dark Side, trained in all aspects he is equal to his Sith Master Darth Sidious and capable of challenging his Master, acting as the weapon for the Dark side, while Sidious is the mind. Maul is the perfect apprentice and a threat to the entire Order
Taken from his home at a very early age by Darth Sidious, Maul was trained ruthlessly in all forms of Sith arts, becoming a living embodiment of evil. -Fandex Deluxe Edition
Maul was taken in by Darth Sidious as an infant and secretly trained in all aspects of the dark side of the Force. -Star Wars Collectors Edition 2013
Maul has absorbed his Master Darth Sidious' lessons and has learned to command the power of the dark side so that he may carry out the Sith Lords orders -The Phantom Menace Visual Dictionary
"Thus far your apprenticeship has been impeccable. You have never wavered in your intent, and you have executed your tasks flawlessly. Your skill as a sword master is peerless." -Darth Maul: Saboteur
The Sith believe that they will soon reign supreme once more, with Sidious as unquestioned ruler of the galaxy. and eventually, when Sidious has nothing more to teach, Maul may plot against his Master to take his place -Phantom Menace Visual Dictionary
Darth Maul was a warrior in his prime, never to be any better, his powers at their apex. In addition, he was driven by his messianic hatred for and disdain of the Jedi Knights, the enemies of the Sith for millennia. He had worked and trained all his life for this moment, for a chance to meet a Jedi Knight in combat. -The Phantom Menace Novelisation
SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Image_20

Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious were more powerful than the most powerful of the Order
Only the baseness of Coruscant’s populace, the almost sheer absence of anything natural, kept the world from being as strong in the light as Korriban was in the dark. While he accepted that he and Plagueis were more than equal to the most powerful of the Jedi Order he understood that they were no match for their combined strength—the Sith imperative notwithstanding. The Jedi would fall only with the full collaboration of the dark side; that was, only when the dark side of the Force was ready and willing to conspire in their downfall.
-Darth Plagueis

Then, Darth Maul and Darth Sidious grow up until TPM and then are more powerful when they reveal themselves, or rather when Maul to reveals himself.
-Beware the Sith wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Image_21
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At
last we will have our revenge. You have been well trained, my young apprentice,
Darth Sidious soothed. The Jedi will be no match for you. It is too late for them
to stop us now. Everything is going as planned.
-The Phantom Menace Novelisation
Qui-Gon struggles to cope with Maul’s surprising skills and only narrowly escapes when Queen Amidala’s starship picks him up. The Jedi is unprepared for the encounter because the Sith were believed to be extinct. It is clear from this duel that the Sith are very much alive and more powerful than ever.
-A Galaxy at War
At this point more skillful than everyone, Dooku, Yoda or any Jedi, the only person who might be better is Sidious

-Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Image_22

He is better than the very best of the Order, where as Luke is put below just the Jedi of this same Order in general, near the end of the NJO 'surpass even the Jedi Knights of old' implies quite a big gap
He could follow Anakin’s path. He could be pure warrior. He
could be even greater than his brother had been: with the dark
power he could command, he could surpass any living Jedi, even
Uncle Luke. Surpass even the Jedi Knights of old.
-New Jedi Order: Traitor

This is only Maul in TPM


from this point on after he was chopped in half his anger fuels him and keeps him alive while he nurtures it the entire time, then his lost power was restored, on top of that and he comes back deadlier than ever
Maul was replaced as Sidious's apprentice by Count Dooku, who was given the name Darth Tyranus. Thought it seemed Maul's body was dead, his spirit was kept alive by his intense hatred - fuelling the dark side within him
-Clone Wars Magazine 19
You cannot imagine the depths I would go to to stay alive fuelled by my singular hatred for you
-Revenge Script
-Clone Wars Comic UK 6.28 wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) E186fc8e1b1ad8b68b3266cc8f03e642
For years I have lurked in the dark regaining my strength, regaining my power . Soon I will reveal myself to the Jedi and have my revenge
-Clone Wars UK Magazine 28
-Darth Maul Returns DVD Case wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 85b35eb31256b7049be630b2698e62c4
Sent to track down the mysterious figure behind the deaths of several Jedi, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi find themselves on the trail of Count Dooku?s newest apprentice ? the monstrous Savage Opress. However, Dooku and Asajj Ventress discover that their creation has a will of his own, and that he has grown more powerful than either of them had anticipated ? perhaps even more powerful than the combined forces of the Jedi and the Sith. The end begins in Witches of the Mist, the final chapter of a thrilling, three-part Clone Wars arc airing at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT Friday, January 21 on Cartoon Network. -Witches of the Mist, Preview
I can sense him Grievous. That creature Savage Opress is growing stronger and stronger as each day passes. You consider him a threat? He is a threat to all of us, even the Jedi. With the Nightsisters eradicated, there's no one left to control him. Something is rising, something sinister. -Brothers Script 

[size=16]So Savage at this point is far more powerful than the combined Season 3 Jedi and Sith Orders. And upon his Resurrection Maul is more powerful than that, and then keeps on growing from there, Savage takes a back seat to Maul when he is revived and is openly in awe of his growth. he keeps on growing along with the clouding [/size]
Viewers of Star Wars: The Clone Wars know that Maul's brother Savage Opress is no slouch when it comes to fighting. But compared to Maul, even a killer like Savage takes a back seat. "Savage is fearsome," Taylor points out. "He would tear the arms off a wookiee with his teeth. But Maul is calculating, and his ability makes him a far more formidable foe." Add the fact that the two warriors share a brotherly bond, and you have a one-two punch unrivalled by another other team in the Star Wars galaxy. Taylor finds the familial link an interesting avenue for character exploration. "Savage went looking for his brother and, to me, this is because he needed someone," he says. "There's a lot more emotional instability and rage in him. With Maul, you don't feel like he needs anyone. Maul is the only child who got all the cool presents. Savage just wants to share some of them." ― Star Wars Insider 134
So it is time for a lesson. ( Lightsabers humming ) You have grown so powerful. And I shall complete your training...
    Revival Script

 Until Revenge of the Sith when Order 66 happens and the dark side ascends Maul gets a mega boost, which is demonstrated with his hyper-drive feat in Season 7 during ROTS (and dont even get me started on Legacy MaulSS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 821059518150606920 ) 

[size=16]STACKING IT UP [/size]

[size=16]So we will use TPM as our baseline here, Luke in the late NJO is still far below the Jedi of that era at large, and while there is progression, I don't think it stacks up to Maul's whatsoever and I don't think it is where it counts "the old skill was undiminished" implies that Luke's abilities have not advanced beyond his previous achievements. It suggests that he has not made any notable progress or improvement since the earlier years. The use of "old" in conjunction with "undiminished" enforces the notion that his skill set has remained stagnant, he just stays the same in his saber defences which is all deflecting is, and I don't see why that would not carry over to his offence too, It looks like Luke's skills just stay the same

Luke felt the attack - the Force, propelling numerous small objects at him. He jumped back and brought up both lightsabers as a shower of old nuts and bolts came at him with missile speed. It was like defending himself against Yuuzhan Vong thud bugs for the first time in years, but the old skill was undiminished - he calculated which objects had a chance of hitting him and incinerated only them with his blades, letting the others fly harmlessly past.
    Legacy of the Force: Fury

's death caused Luke's spirit to break, the heart is your Cosmic Force, all that is good there is gone all thats left is pieces, hence why the force only speaks to him for immediate problems, in the here and now, which is what the Living Force does, the Cosmic force appears not to speak to Luke anymore and that was not entirely due to Mara's death, it was before to some degree too, so Luke was already declining prior to having his spirit shattered by Mara's death then it happens again with Abeloth, and this all has lasting effects on Luke permanently weakening him and stopping any real growth
But apart from the fact that he was now minus everything good in his heart except Ben, Luke felt like his old self for the first time in years. He felt clarity. He knew what he had to do, and there were no gray areas or ambiguities about who was right and who was wrong. For all his pain, the sense of clean focus gave him something to cling to.
    Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice

His heart should have been the only guide he needed, with the Force offering the occasional nudge when things were unclear. But his heart had been burned beyond recognition when Mara had died, and what was left was in pieces, each piece suggesting a different course of action. Throw everything into the effort against Jacen. Hunt down Alema Rar and make her pay for killing Mara. The rot is too deep; the Jedi Order should withdraw and let the warring states fight their way to a finish; only then can rebuilding begin. This kill is mine. This kill is mine. And the Force was silent. It seemed like forever since it had shown him any guidance about the bigger picture. All it offered him these days was guidance for immediate problems, the here and now. It had been that way since - for how long? Since Mara's death at least. It could have begun before then. Perhaps he could no longer read the Force. Perhaps it chose not to speak to him anymore.
    Legacy of the Force: Fury

OBI-WAN : I have a bad feeling about this. QUI-GON : I don't sense anything. OBI-WAN : It's not about the mission, Master, it's somethging...elsewhere...elusive. QUI-GON : Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs. OBI-WAN : Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future... QUI-GON : .....but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan. OBI-WAN : Yes, do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands? -The Phantom Menace
The last thing he wanted to do right now was focus on the Order. With only an aching void where there used to be Mara, Luke felt like the victim of a heart amputation, everything inside burning in grief, his thoughts whirling with memories of Mara’s death … that sudden awful pulling on their Force-bond, as though she were falling into a star, then trying to reach out and draw her to safety, but the bond just snapping and leaving him broken and lost and hurting.
    Legacy of the Force: Inferno

He was too weak to rise, and he could feel nothing of himself except the aching void Abeloth had torn in his chest. It occurred to him that he might well be dying, and it was not a thought that brought him any fear. -Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

[size=16]all the while the dark side has been increasingly growing since, growing with Palpatine and clouding the Jedi, as well as one of the most prolific boosts in power ever in the Son growing tremendously and the One's all dying.
As he grew stronger in the dark side, the profane world became a stranger and stranger place, swept by currents he’d had no previous awareness of and populated by vaguely outlined life-forms he saw as magnitudes of the Force. -Darth Plagueis
Beyond the vision of the Jedi Knights, somewhere within the darkness, the greatest master of evil ever to use Sith power bides his time. As his strength grows, his plans begin to shape the course of the galaxy, and his snares await the unsuspecting. -The Complete Visual Dictionary
The Father warns that the Sith will be strengthened by his Daughter's death, and that the Jedi must leave Mortis before the Son can take their ship -Altar of Mortis Episode Gallery
Although the son has always touched the dark side, never before has he been so deeply held within its grip. -The Clone Wars: Secrets Revealed in 3D - Pablo Hidalgo
As the Son reaches further into the dark side, so too will the Sith gain strength and power. -The Clone Wars: Secrets Revealed in 3D - Pablo Hidalgo
the darkening cloud upon the Force that had risen with the rebirth of the Sith made that harder and harder with each passing day the presence of shatterpoints was always clear. -Revenge of the Sith Novel
With the strength of the dark side growing, the Sith must, logically, have grown stronger, too. -Revenge of the Sith Junior Novel

Maul is trained in all these aspects of the dark side, because he is so powerful with the dark side, he can feel the difference, there is a lot more power for him to wield, not only that but he now has access to some of the Nightsister's well of power as well.
“He gets it when Savage says ‘the Clone Wars,’ there’s conflict, that’s what it is. He knows, he can sense that because to him, when he is alive in Phantom Menace then when he’s reborn in our time during the Clone Wars, it’s like he’s dropped into two different pools of water - one is salt, one is not. When he’s reborn he goes ‘Oh my gosh, everything is different now,’ because remember the shroud of the dark side has fallen. It’s clouding everything. So when Obi-Wan says it’s a fertile place for Maul to flourish, meaning the underworld, but the galaxy as it exists now is a fertile place for Maul to flourish because he’s so powerful within the dark side, because he’s able to channel it because of his teachings from Sidious and now he’s kind of backed by the Mother Talzin magic. He’s got a bit of that in him as well.” -Revival Featurette
On the alter of the night sisters, Maul has been taken apart piece by piece. The damage assessed and cast off so he could be reborn stronger than before. On two reforged legs, showing his sheer strength of will, he at first stumbles like a baby calf then takes off at a galloping pace to see what his new limbs can do. Releasing a primal howl in his victory. -Brothers Rewatch

[size=16]Prior to which Savage Opress is massively powerful, so much so that he could consume the galaxy with hate and the Jedi Order cannot stop him, but he becomes even more powerful than even that until he is more powerful than the combined Jedi and Sith forces and continuing to grow more as each day passes
Serving as a foil for the final confrontation between the former master and his jilted apprentice is the massively powerful Opress. Ostensibly a blunt instrument of evil, the monstrous creation is nonetheless imbued with a perverse humanity of his own ? brought to the surface by sharp writing and a soulful performance by screen legend Clancy Brown (Highlander, The Shawshank Redemption). -Witches of the Mist, Preview
"I was betrayed by Ventress, the Jedi are after me!! I'm not nearly strong enough to defeat them all." “Calm yourself. You will be.” -Witches of the Mist Script
"You've watched Jedi battle Sith, Clones battle separatists, and secrets be revealed, but now, everything's about to change. A dark lord's betrayal will set in motion a chain of events that even the Jedi might not be powerful enough to stop, and lead to the creation of a new threat. One who could consume the galaxy with hate. Basically he's no joke. It's time for the Clone Wars to kick into high gear, and nothing will be the same." -Witches of the Mist Promo
While Ventress has certainly asserted herself and assumed a more powerful role than ever before, ?Monster? also introduces an all-new villain into the power struggle. A warrior from the same fearsome race that spawned Episode I?s Darth Maul, Opress is bred and trained to serve ? but he is destined to become more powerful than either his masters had imagined.
"Monster" Preview
Clone Wars Comic UK 6.16 wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 0ea277929b4b2f75b1b2ccd369260beb
Sent to track down the mysterious figure behind the deaths of several Jedi, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi find themselves on the trail of Count Dooku?s newest apprentice ? the monstrous Savage Opress. However, Dooku and Asajj Ventress discover that their creation has a will of his own, and that he has grown more powerful than either of them had anticipated ? perhaps even more powerful than the combined forces of the Jedi and the Sith. The end begins in Witches of the Mist, the final chapter of a thrilling, three-part Clone Wars arc airing at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT Friday, January 21 on Cartoon Network. -Witches of the Mist, Preview
I can sense him Grievous. That creature Savage Opress is growing stronger and stronger as each day passes. You consider him a threat? He is a threat to all of us, even the Jedi. With the Nightsisters eradicated, there's no one left to control him. Something is rising, something sinister. -Brothers Script 

[size=16]So Savage at this point is far more powerful than the combined Season 3 Jedi and Sith Orders
. And upon his Resurrection Maul is more powerful than that, and then keeps on growing from there, Savage takes a back seat to Maul when he is revived and is openly in awe of his growth. he keeps on growing along with the clouding 
Viewers of Star Wars: The Clone Wars know that Maul's brother Savage Opress is no slouch when it comes to fighting. But compared to Maul, even a killer like Savage takes a back seat. "Savage is fearsome," Taylor points out. "He would tear the arms off a wookiee with his teeth. But Maul is calculating, and his ability makes him a far more formidable foe." Add the fact that the two warriors share a brotherly bond, and you have a one-two punch unrivalled by another other team in the Star Wars galaxy. Taylor finds the familial link an interesting avenue for character exploration. "Savage went looking for his brother and, to me, this is because he needed someone," he says. "There's a lot more emotional instability and rage in him. With Maul, you don't feel like he needs anyone. Maul is the only child who got all the cool presents. Savage just wants to share some of them." ― Star Wars Insider 134
So it is time for a lesson. ( Lightsabers humming ) You have grown so powerful. And I shall complete your training...
    Revival Script

 Until Revenge of the Sith when Order 66 happens and the dark side ascends Maul gets a mega boost, which is demonstrated with his hyper-drive feat in Season 7 during ROTS (and dont even get me started on Legacy MaulSS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) 821059518150606920 ) (edited)

[size=16]STACKING IT UP 

[size=16]So we will use TPM as our baseline here, Luke in the late NJO is still far below the Jedi of that era at large, and while there is progression, I don't think it stacks up to Maul's whatsoever and I don't think it is where it counts "the old skill was undiminished" implies that Luke's abilities have not advanced beyond his previous achievements. It suggests that he has not made any notable progress or improvement since the earlier years. The use of "old" in conjunction with "undiminished" enforces the notion that his skill set has remained stagnant, he just stays the same in his saber defences which is all deflecting is, and I don't see why that would not carry over to his offence too, It looks like Luke's skills just stay the same
Luke felt the attack - the Force, propelling numerous small objects at him. He jumped back and brought up both lightsabers as a shower of old nuts and bolts came at him with missile speed. It was like defending himself against Yuuzhan Vong thud bugs for the first time in years, but the old skill was undiminished - he calculated which objects had a chance of hitting him and incinerated only them with his blades, letting the others fly harmlessly past.
    Legacy of the Force: Fury

's death caused Luke's spirit to break, the heart is your Cosmic Force, all that is good there is gone all thats left is pieces, hence why the force only speaks to him for immediate problems, in the here and now, which is what the Living Force does, the Cosmic force appears not to speak to Luke anymore and that was not entirely due to Mara's death, it was before to some degree too, so Luke was already declining prior to having his spirit shattered by Mara's death then it happens again with Abeloth, and this all has lasting effects on Luke permanently weakening him and stopping any real growth
But apart from the fact that he was now minus everything good in his heart except Ben, Luke felt like his old self for the first time in years. He felt clarity. He knew what he had to do, and there were no gray areas or ambiguities about who was right and who was wrong. For all his pain, the sense of clean focus gave him something to cling to.
Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice.
His heart should have been the only guide he needed, with the Force offering the occasional nudge when things were unclear. But his heart had been burned beyond recognition when Mara had died, and what was left was in pieces, each piece suggesting a different course of action. Throw everything into the effort against Jacen. Hunt down Alema Rar and make her pay for killing Mara. The rot is too deep; the Jedi Order should withdraw and let the warring states fight their way to a finish; only then can rebuilding begin. This kill is mine. This kill is mine. And the Force was silent. It seemed like forever since it had shown him any guidance about the bigger picture. All it offered him these days was guidance for immediate problems, the here and now. It had been that way since - for how long? Since Mara's death at least. It could have begun before then. Perhaps he could no longer read the Force. Perhaps it chose not to speak to him anymore.
    Legacy of the Force: Fury

OBI-WAN : I have a bad feeling about this. QUI-GON : I don't sense anything. OBI-WAN : It's not about the mission, Master, it's somethging...elsewhere...elusive. QUI-GON : Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs. OBI-WAN : Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future... QUI-GON : .....but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan. OBI-WAN : Yes, do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands? -The Phantom Menace
The last thing he wanted to do right now was focus on the Order. With only an aching void where there used to be Mara, Luke felt like the victim of a heart amputation, everything inside burning in grief, his thoughts whirling with memories of Mara’s death … that sudden awful pulling on their Force-bond, as though she were falling into a star, then trying to reach out and draw her to safety, but the bond just snapping and leaving him broken and lost and hurting.
    Legacy of the Force: Inferno

He was too weak to rise, and he could feel nothing of himself except the aching void Abeloth had torn in his chest. It occurred to him that he might well be dying, and it was not a thought that brought him any fear. -Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse
Facebook, Troy Denning wrote:SS - LUKE SKYWALKER (Jax) VS DARTH MAUL (Vaelias) Unknown

Luke is far below The Phantom Menace Jedi in NJO and after that stagnates and declines in a lot of essential aspects. the decline or stagnation comes at no surprise given that Luke is 59 years old going into Legacy, his skill stayed the same in the last ten years and his connection with the Cosmic Force only weakens, only for Mara's death to rip his spirit apart and then for that to happen again a couple of years later with Abeloth, weakening him permanently, all this from a point where Luke is far below the TPM Jedi in general, in both power and skill, he stays the same in skill has his Cosmic Force connection decline, gets old and then gets his spirit torn apart twice, and the only area he arguably has progression is in is a Living Force / Jedi Fire sense which by the end of Fate of the Jedi is still not anywhere near the Prime of the Jedi in any case, it also just looks unlikely for someone to receive all their growth in their old age lol. When compared to Maul's progression from a point of... not being largely inferior to TPM but rather being the very best of them, the growth is just too steady and substantial to think that Luke could close that gap or even make up for the initial gap in the first place. We have Maul embodying the most powerful darkness ever which is growing at incredible speeds, during the prime of the Living Force a time period with much greater power, with multiple galactic scale shifts like The Son aiding the Sith and the Daughter dying then Savage rising above the Season 3 combined Jedi and Sith Order's and then of course being surpassed by Maul meanwhile Luke is rebuilding the order back to TPM Order's strengths, and that power is his strong point, by the time he’s even a bit better at using the Cosmic Force he’s had his spirit ripped apart lol, Maul is above the S3 Order's combined with the S3 Sith on top of that, all before the biggest galactic dark side shift ever in which he is greatly empowered even more so. Luke is doing the best he can to rebuild the order to its previous strengths from scratch Maul is above the Order that redoubled from that + The Sith Order I just do not see how Luke can possibly win Luke is the Light that is weaker than Yoda's in TPM and onwards, Maul is the Darkness that is far above Yoda's in S3, The Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Maul destroys
Concede now and save the embarrassment Jax you weakling
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