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N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Empty N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread

July 22nd 2021, 6:39 pm
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)


N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Gormot10

A comprehensive compilation of every single source in existence pertaining to N'Kata Del Gormo, The Master of Grandmaster Yoda
Unfortunately this character is very obscure and when I say there is not much on him, I mean it... there is exactly 4 sources in existence, but nonetheless I thought it would be nice to compile all of them to respect the Grandmasters Master as best we can with the material we have...


N'kata Gormo was a Hysalrian holding the esteemed Rank of Jedi Master, who found Yoda on a obscure swamp planet

A Jedi Master Rank requires one to be one of the greatest and most powerful of the Order and strong enough to pass on their knowledge

What is a Sith Warrior? wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Master10

The Complete Encyclopedia wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Master12

On the unknown swamp planet (its not Dagobah) Gormo teaches Yoda in the Mysteries of the Force
The Official Star Wars Fact File (2013) Part 2 (YOD1–2, Yoda) wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  4d23ea10

Master Gormo sensed Yoda's potential and took on Yoda to be his apprentice 

Star Wars: The Legendary Yoda wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  3b91e210

N'Kata taught Yoda and his Human friend the ways of the Force in his home on the swamp planet 
Galaxy Magazine #9 wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  F6bf3010

Del Gormo managed to fully complete Yoda's training all while on the swamp planet implying that this was a fast process, so Del Gormo must have been a great teacher and Master 

Galaxy Magazine #9 wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Be9d9310

And later tasked tasked Yoda with instructing the new students in the ways of the Force
The Official Star Wars Fact File (2014) Part 2 (YOD1–2, Yoda) wrote:
N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  727f7010


The Official Star Wars Fact File (2013) Part 2 (YOD1–2, Yoda) wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Gormo10

The Official Star Wars Fact File (2014) Part 2 (YOD1–2, Yoda) wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Gormo_10

Star Wars: The Legendary Yoda wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Gormo_11

Galaxy Magazine #9 wrote:N'Kata Del Gormo Respect Thread  Gormo_10
 NOTE: The Swamp Planet is not Dagobah, Lucas G-Canon directives mandate that Yoda never visited Dagobah until Revenge of the Sith, thus retconning this as being Dagobah, it is instead just a unknown swamp planet, Gormo and his species however are still Natives of Dagobah

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