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Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 26th 2021, 6:53 am
Message reputation : 100% (5 votes)
While everyone knows the main bounty hunters, I feel like some really good ones don't get lots of spotlight. Mist is exclusively from the DarkStryder campaign, an old rpg campaign, so not too much content, but still a neat character (especially her design). Anyways have fun reading

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Unknown

Darkstryder Kathol Outback page 20 wrote:"The bounty hunter known as Mist is an enigma: a violent, capable individual who appeared in the Kathol region several years ago and has since built up an impressive reputation. During the reign of Moff Same, Mist seldom appeared in public (though word of a shadowy bounty hunter's exploits began to spread through the underworld of Kathol sector). The Moff's departure seems to have relaxed Mist somewhat; the bounty hunter has returned to more traditional bounty hunting activities, frequently appearing in unlikely places performing ... questionable activities. Mist speaks only infrequently - usually in curt, clipped phrases- and the hunter's voice is disguised by a voice amplification system. Mist stands just shy of two meters tall, lean and fit. Mist's exact build is difficult to determine due to the bulky armor the bounty hunter favors."

Mist was a "capable" individual, had an impressive reputation to the point she was known through an entire sector. She was nearly two meters tall and fit, so probably in good physical shape

Darkstryder Kathol Outback page 91 wrote:"MIST APPEARS
Mist's stats are listed on page 20. The bounty hunter's sudden attack on the Imperials should cause the characters to believe that Mist is on "their side." They couldn't be more wrong. Mist enjoyed working for Sarne: the money was good, the job, interesting and challenging. While Mist was off-planet on a mission for Same. the New Republic took Kal'Shebbol, and the bounty hunter was left behind. Mist is currently searching for Sarne and is gathering clues from Imperial sources. hoping to track down the elusive Moff. Mist will appear in later supplements as a major adversary to the player characters. Do not allow any interaction other than that described in this adventure."

Mist worked personally for Moff Sarne, who had the armies and fleets of an entire sector. 

Darkstryder Kathol Outback page 90 wrote:"Once the characters destroy the droid, two figures bolt from a hiding place just behind the droid's position, taking wild shots at the characters as they race toward a ladder that leads to the street. But before the two can take five steps (one round), another figure, leaps onto the top of the building from a rooftop diagonal to the characters. Before the characters can react, the new arrival - who carries a heavy blaster in each hand - fires twice at each fleeing figure, knocking them off their feet and backward almost four meters. The mysterious benefactor glances toward the characters for a moment. A full suit of body armor covers his frame, including a helmet similar in appearance to Mandalorian battle armor. As the characters begin to make a move to engage the armored figure, whether in parlay or in battle, he suddenly fades into the darkness. On a Heroic Perception roll, a character notices a flash of motion as the figure, Mist, leaps over the side of the building and disappears."

Mist jumps from one building to another in full armour and while carrying two heavy blasters, and guns down two assassins before they or the main characters of the campaign can react. The blasters hit with enough force to send them flying four meters backwards. Her armour is compared to that of a mandalorian. She then jumps off the building and vanishes from sight. 

Darkstryder Kathol Rift page 66 wrote:"You have a huge chamber, with a domed ceiling. You can just make out the star-shaped seam in the dome overhead; this is one of the docking bubbles like the one the FarStar is being pulled into! And this particular dome is occupied. An Imperial assault shuttle - the kind used to ferry around spacetroopers - is in the center of the chamber. You hear a pair of blastershots hiss past you from behind, and in the entranceway you see Mist - the bounty hunter the FarStar has tangled with on a number of occasions - accompanied by a half-dozen Imperial army troopers. In an amplified voice you hear the hunter growl, "Intruders! Troopers to ready position!" You are now trapped inside the dome. With a hand signal from Mist the troopers fall into defensive stance and begin firing! The player characters' only course of action is to dive for cover and fight back. The troopers are also moving for cover behind the ancient crates and other debris scattered around the chamber. Mist activates a jet pack and flies towards the highest point of the dome, where the bounty hunter can get a clearer shot at the player characters. In the northernmost part of the room, there is a large dish-shaped depression, surrounded by a number of tiles, each engraved with a number of alien glyphs. The player character who sat in the "command seat" in the operations chamber believes that the "dish" can somehow override the tendrils that have snared the FarStar. The player characters are pinned down wherever they were when Mist arrived, but there is very little cover, except around the dish and under the crates that are scattered around the room"

Mist is in command of a group of imperial soldiers, and uses a jetpack to singlehandedly pin down the main character group. 

Darkstryder Kathol Rift page 67-68 wrote:"Mist steps into the open for a moment, blaster holstered. The armored figure raises both hands and seems to be gesturing for a cease-fire. Coiled around the bounty hunter's arm Is a silvery-white metallic cord that suddenly begins to glow red as the armored figure swings a gauntleted arm towards you. "What a waste," mist snarls. Then the "wire" does its job ... Roughly ten meters away from Mist a cone-shaped burst of fire erupts. Glowing deep-red at Its edges, the unnatural apparition reaches almost 20 meters into the air, and stands 20 meters wide. It starts moving towards you at a rapid pace. Discernible in the fire Is an eerie, monostrousface, with eyes that glow like embers and huge, ravenous jaws that gleefully open and close as it descends on you. As you look behind this horror, you see Mist back off, heading back to the shuttle, after tossing you a jaunty wave."

Mist controls a massive DarkStryder monster. 

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia Vol II, page 319 wrote:"A bounty hunter known to be both violent and capable, although very rarely seen in public. Mist began working in the Kathol sector shortly before the Battle of Endor, but was driven underground by the appearance of Moff Sarne. Mist encountered an alien construct deep within the Kathol Rift, and soon discovered a piece of the Darkstryder technology, learning how to control a DarkStryder fire creature. He attempted to defeat the crew of the FarStar with this newfound power, but was forced to flee. During the Battle of Kathol, Mist was discovered to be the actress Shella Inion, who believed that the Rebel Alliance was responsible for the deaths of her family. When Jessa Dajus revealed that it was Moff Sarne himself who had killed her family, Mist switched allegiances and joined the New Republic to help defeat Sarne."

Just to confirm that Mist was infact controlling the creature and not just waking it. 

Darkstryder Endgame page 16 wrote:"Over the years DarkStryder had provided Sarne with thousands of polyhedral constructs filled with an inexplicable energy - even Sarne's best scientists had not been able to determine how the technology functioned."

DarkStryder technology is so complicated that the best imperial scientists a Moff has access to are unable to understand it. Meanwhile Mist figured out how to operate and control it in a few days maximum (could have been a shorter amount of time).

Darkstryder Kathol Rift page 69 wrote:"Mist will engage the Aegis shuttle and the FarStar for 10 rounds, until a fast microjump can be plotted. After this time has elapsed, the Imperial vessel jumps to lightspeed, abandoning the four spacetroopers. Realizing that they've been left behind, the four spacetroopers split up and fight to the last. At this point the FarStar can launch fighters to deal with them, but the closest ship to the troopers is the Aegis - a poor match for the heavily armored Imperials."

Piloting only an Imperial Assault Shuttle, meant to transport small quantities of soldiers, Mist fights another shuttle as well as the FarStar for an extended period of time. The FarStar is a CR90 corvette, a ship equipped with lots of defences including turbolasers. 

Darkstryder Endgame page 114 wrote:"The corridor you enter is even darker than the landing bay - only pale purple lights shine down on you, casting strange shadows along the gnarled, twisted texture of the walls. Suddenly, the high pitched whine of a blaster shot from up ahead startles you - a shot that appeared to come from the walls themselves! Mist, acting as Same's catspaw, tries to delay the party in the corridor. Mist takes full advantage of the stealth abilities of his modified armor, and waits until the group has entered the corridor, then attacks from the shadows. After a few rounds of combat, Mist withdraws to the control center."

In the final stages of the campaign, Mist singlehandedly takes on the entire group of main characters. She uses cloaking to turn invisible and ambush them, but thats an advantage that'd go away after firing in a narrow corridor. She fights them for a few rounds, so an extended period of time. 

Darkstryder Endgame page 115 wrote:"Capsule: Mist uses a paralysis canister (unless the characters are all in sealed suits), then picks a few off with blaster fire from the shadows before retreating."

The description of the fight also confirms that she kills/injures a number of the main characters before retreating. She also has paralysis canisters

Darkstryder Endgame page 115 wrote:"If Mist is captured or mortally wounded, his helmet is removed to reveal his, or more precisely, her features. Mist is a woman with sharp, angular features, long curly blonde hair, and a harsh scar running down the left side of her otherwise attractive face. Dajus recognizes her as a minor actress named Sheila Inion, from Kal'Shebbol, who vanished shortly after her family was killed in a Sarne-staged Rebel attack - one that Dajus helped plan. Believing that Rebels had killed her family and disfigured her, she eagerly cast lot with Sarne. If Jessa can convince Inion of the truth (a Heroic persuasion roll), the actress-turned-bounty-hunter will switch sides and assist the FarStar crew"

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia Vol II, page 103-104 wrote:"This beautiful woman was an aspiring actress who lived on Kal'Shebbol with her family during the last years of the New Order. She was wounded, and her entire family killed, when the Rebel Alliance apparently staged an attack on her hometown. Vowing to exact revenge, Inion disappeared, took on the guise of the bounty hunter Mist, and went to work for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. When Mist met up with Jessa Dajus during the Battle of Kathol, her true identity came out. Dajus revealed that it was Sarne who had staged the assault on her hometown - and Dajus had been one of the planners. Inion then used her skills to assist the New Republic in defeating Sarne on Kathol"

Note that when retreating Mist was captured, and after learning Sarne tricked her she helped the main characters beat the moff. 

Darkstryder Kathol Rift page 95 wrote:"Finally, the FarStar crewers can attempt to rescue Makezh, though they will have to fight their way through 12 Aing-Tii monks. If combat ensues, after 3D rounds, the FarStar signals again, ordering the landing party to abort its mission and return to the FarStar immediately. Adrimetrum has decided to cut her losses. The landing mission is a failure."

Just to quantify why beating multiple main characters is a great feat and why getting captured isn't an anti-feat, a smaller group of the same characters beat 12 Aing-Tii monks.

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Unknown

The main characters also defeated the DarkStryder itself, a massive monster with mindcontrol, can fire lightning bolts and fire.

Darkstryder Endgame page 40 wrote:"The term "Ta-Ree" refers to the near-magical abilities that sentient beings on the DarkStryder planet are capable of. Ta-Ree powers (often referred to as "spells") are on a par with many Jedi abilities, but are intimately bound to Kathol itself; Ta-Ree abilities can not be used anywhere except this ancient planet."


Lastly they also fought beings with Ta-Ree magic, which is noted to be as powerful as jedi abilities, yet they also have darkside abilities like force lightning. 


Being from an rpg, Mist also of course has a statline, and as a skilled bounty hunter wearing heavy armour, she even has two at the same time. One for her and one for her armour. She has a heavy blaster pistol, a blaster rifle, a holdout blaser, smoke grenades, paralysis canisters which instantly paralyses everything in a 20 meter radious, a thermal flare, a medpac, binders, a datapad, a certification, and a mantrap. A mantrap being a repulsor device which creates a gravity field that traps people within it. 

Additionally she has her armour, which makes her stronger (being a power suit), has a flechette launcher, a sensor pod, a jetpack, an enviro filter, photo-reactive coating (cloaking), and reflec plating which makes her move silently despite the armour. 

In other words, she's stacked. 

And thats pretty much it. Like I said Mist doesn't show up much, but I still think that she's a good example of a significant non-esb hunter. Hope you enjoyed Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread 228124001

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 26th 2021, 8:11 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
good thread Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread 1289255181

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 27th 2021, 7:42 am
Jedi Master Aayla Secura wrote:good thread Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread 1289255181
Thanks Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread 228124001
Level One
Level One

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 27th 2021, 9:08 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Aye nice I recall her well. There’s a lot of neat obscure characters out there in the lore that are fantastic.

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 27th 2021, 11:11 am
Zenwolf wrote:Aye nice I recall her well. There’s a lot of neat obscure characters out there in the lore that are fantastic.

Yeah definetly, suprised/excited someone actually recognises her though lmfao
Level One
Level One

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 27th 2021, 1:14 pm
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:Aye nice I recall her well. There’s a lot of neat obscure characters out there in the lore that are fantastic.

Yeah definetly, suprised/excited someone actually recognises her though lmfao

Well you know me, I dive into the deeper/obscure parts of the SWU rather than just focusing on the more known characters, a lot more surprises to be had. Unfortunately since building a new computer I have to redownload all my sources

Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread Empty Re: Mist (Shella Inion) Respect Thread

March 27th 2021, 2:04 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
Nute_Chethray wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:Aye nice I recall her well. There’s a lot of neat obscure characters out there in the lore that are fantastic.

Yeah definetly, suprised/excited someone actually recognises her though lmfao

Well you know me, I dive into the deeper/obscure parts of the SWU rather than just focusing on the more known characters, a lot more surprises to be had. Unfortunately since building  a new computer I have to redownload all my sources
Yeah you're alot like me in that way. 

Sorry to hear, I've been there before myself
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