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Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 26th 2020, 6:03 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:You didn't ask me to prove anything
We would be honored if you would join us, but tomorrow))) I am going to sleep now.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 26th 2020, 7:35 pm
AUDITOR wrote:
Vader also possess impressive durability feats and physical too.
"Desperately, instinctively, she drove the spiked, poisoned tip of another tentacle at his chest. Enmeshed in the Force, he caught the spike in his gauntleted fist and stopped it before it reached his armor. He grunted with pain, with exertion, the thick, muscular appendage of the giant creature straining against his Force-fueled strength. He was the stronger, and stared into her face as his lightsaber tore through her innards and his Master's lightning charred her flesh."
Moment from Lords of thr Sith when he literally stoped with his bare hand Lylek's Queen attack. His armor also allowed him to tank dozens of other lyleks' strikes and there were hundreds of them. Also his Ender feat from Dark Visions and his lava feat
Had almost no damage after the moment when ender beast sattered the building with his body.
Was capable to cause an earthquake, kill Momin and open a door to other dimension after this.
Killed several large monsters without lightsaber and force augmentation
About his melee combat. Of course his Ahsoka duel. Actually the fact that Maul admitted his inferiority to Vader. A few sources which admits that Vader is better duelist than Palpatine during ANH(pretty questionable sources, I never took gide books and encyclopedias seriously as source material for such cases, but still, during Lords of the Siths he could match Sidious in his stats, not clearly equal then but he improved since then, so he is close to pre All Sith Palpatine I think).
And I still think that Vader is actually better force wielder due to feats above(and even with scaling, still better due to his own scaling and his real feats).

Thanks for the share.

His durability is obvious from all that but I am getting the impression that his body armor is enabling him to do much - his body armor have ten layers of protection and can withstand much in CANON. This is a different take from what his body armor allows him to do in LEGENDS continuity. These are the kind of minute distinctions which make cross-continuity comparisons difficult.

Killing those creatures are all impressive showings but depictions are filled with ambiguities. Consider The Ender creature for instance:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-4

It's like the author is trying to play mindgames with audience. On one hand, the impression given is that this creature is a KAIJU with depiction of structures around it, and on the other hand, Darth Vader is large enough to fit in its hand, and able to slice its head off with a mere Lightsaber. Either the structures are not what they seem to be or Disney really needs to hire a competitive team. This is why CANON is making less sense by the year.

Look at this:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 4303960-thanaton%20ability%20force%20lightning%20%283%29

This is a gigantic Terentatek - large enough to swallow a man whole - and depictions make scaling possible - this is good editing. The Sith Lord who kills this creature is Teneb Kel - decades before his prime as Darth Thanaton (a member of the Dark Council by then). Terentateks are really difficult to kill and notorious for killing many Jedi over time.

AUDITOR wrote:
Everything what I had seen from video with Malgus is actually the fact that he struggled with pulling down pretty large and heavy object what in my opinion is a counter feat for him. Also, I see no sence in taking RPG gameplay ability as feat. Especially while Malgus had a cutscene where he could push down with force lightning a whole banch of characters. But still, pushing ROTS Sidious a lot pre-prime>any other force display Malgus had. Also tanking AS Sidious lightning in his worse state while Yoda was disarmed with ROTS Sidious lightning proves that Malgus's lightning won't be a real problem for prime Vader. The same way with TK power. JFO and tsunami feats also with moncala ocean feat are bringing Vader to superior level of Force wielding. And won't forget his Mustafar earthquake feat. It may be dubious, but there were both circumstances proving his power and circumstances that did it the other way around.
About Vitiate. I thought everyone knew that he wasn't in his full power or am I mistaken?

Although this is not addressed to me but I can provide some insight.

1. Darth Malgus was involved in a duel with 3 powerful opponents including The Alliance Commander - this is bad judgement and he ends up injured and disarmed. His body is increasingly sustained by cybernetics in these times as well. Therefore, what he does in the end is not really the best he can do in terms of telekinetics but an attempt to collapse the massive structure so that he can take his opponents down with him.

2. The structure in question is a gigantic machine with massive supports holding it in place:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Comparison-of-objects

Darth Malgus is tiny in comparison to it. This machine would have a mass in the order of thousands of tons and ripping it from its massive supports is by no means a joke but a clear indication that Darth Malgus would have no trouble dealing with AT-ATs and even starships of respectable sizes. This machine is so heavy that its fall causes the collapse of the entire platform beneath it.

3. Darth Vader's body armor is really tough in CANON - it enables him to do things not witnessed in LEGENDS.

4. As far as affecting environments are concerned - it is not possible to draw a comparison in each case because characters are being expanded on with different perspectives in mind by different authors. Darth Malgus is a really hard nut to crack nevertheless. Decades before his prime in the Battle of Aldeeran - he withstood a missile, then a grenade, and then a blast of power from Satele Shan which was potent enough to disintegrate a massive rocky formation (this stuff is really heavy); he still got up on his feet and proceeded to kill two Jedi before leaving Aldeeran - many Force-users have perished in the face of much less in comparison TBH. He continued to fight on the front-lines and withstood numerous Lightsaber(s) cuts of his opponents in the process. The most surprising development is how he managed to live through obliteration of the space station in vacuum of space - did he cheat death or something? No idea.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 26th 2020, 8:05 pm
Malgus stomps. Much superior scaling.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 26th 2020, 9:02 pm
I'm all for Vader-wank, but this feat isn't really the best measuring stick to gauge his standard level of power, imo.

Vader was actively tapping into the dark side locus on Mustafar -- which, as established earlier in the series, gives him a significant boost:
"When I touched that power, I saw deeper into the Force than ever before... I believe things are possible at the locus that are impossible elsewhere."

...And I would assume the intent of this thread wasn't for Vader to be amped, correct?

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 1:39 am
Shimrra wrote:Malgus stomps. Much superior scaling.

Someone didn't read the stipulations. No scaling, feats only.

That said, I'm staying out of this debate. I know very little about Malgus (never enjoyed playing MMO games, gameplay just feels too repetitive to me).

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 10:07 am
S_W_LeGenD wrote:
AUDITOR wrote:
Vader also possess impressive durability feats and physical too.
"Desperately, instinctively, she drove the spiked, poisoned tip of another tentacle at his chest. Enmeshed in the Force, he caught the spike in his gauntleted fist and stopped it before it reached his armor. He grunted with pain, with exertion, the thick, muscular appendage of the giant creature straining against his Force-fueled strength. He was the stronger, and stared into her face as his lightsaber tore through her innards and his Master's lightning charred her flesh."
Moment from Lords of thr Sith when he literally stoped with his bare hand Lylek's Queen attack. His armor also allowed him to tank dozens of other lyleks' strikes and there were hundreds of them. Also his Ender feat from Dark Visions and his lava feat
Had almost no damage after the moment when ender beast sattered the building with his body.
Was capable to cause an earthquake, kill Momin and open a door to other dimension after this.
Killed several large monsters without lightsaber and force augmentation
About his melee combat. Of course his Ahsoka duel. Actually the fact that Maul admitted his inferiority to Vader. A few sources which admits that Vader is better duelist than Palpatine during ANH(pretty questionable sources, I never took gide books and encyclopedias seriously as source material for such cases, but still, during Lords of the Siths he could match Sidious in his stats, not clearly equal then but he improved since then, so he is close to pre All Sith Palpatine I think).
And I still think that Vader is actually better force wielder due to feats above(and even with scaling, still better due to his own scaling and his real feats).

Thanks for the share.

His durability is obvious from all that but I am getting the impression that his body armor is enabling him to do much - his body armor have ten layers of protection and can withstand much in CANON. This is a different take from what his body armor allows him to do in LEGENDS continuity. These are the kind of minute distinctions which make cross-continuity comparisons difficult.

Killing those creatures are all impressive showings but depictions are filled with ambiguities. Consider The Ender creature for instance:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-4

It's like the author is trying to play mindgames with audience. On one hand, the impression given is that this creature is a KAIJU with depiction of structures around it, and on the other hand, Darth Vader is large enough to fit in its hand, and able to slice its head off with a mere Lightsaber. Either the structures are not what they seem to be or Disney really needs to hire a competitive team. This is why CANON is making less sense by the year.

Look at this:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 4303960-thanaton%20ability%20force%20lightning%20%283%29

This is a gigantic Terentatek - large enough to swallow a man whole - and depictions make scaling possible - this is good editing. The Sith Lord who kills this creature is Teneb Kel - decades before his prime as Darth Thanaton (a member of the Dark Council by then). Terentateks are really difficult to kill and notorious for killing many Jedi over time.

AUDITOR wrote:
Everything what I had seen from video with Malgus is actually the fact that he struggled with pulling down pretty large and heavy object what in my opinion is a counter feat for him. Also, I see no sence in taking RPG gameplay ability as feat. Especially while Malgus had a cutscene where he could push down with force lightning a whole banch of characters. But still, pushing ROTS Sidious a lot pre-prime>any other force display Malgus had. Also tanking AS Sidious lightning in his worse state while Yoda was disarmed with ROTS Sidious lightning proves that Malgus's lightning won't be a real problem for prime Vader. The same way with TK power. JFO and tsunami feats also with moncala ocean feat are bringing Vader to superior level of Force wielding. And won't forget his Mustafar earthquake feat. It may be dubious, but there were both circumstances proving his power and circumstances that did it the other way around.
About Vitiate. I thought everyone knew that he wasn't in his full power or am I mistaken?

Although this is not addressed to me but I can provide some insight.

1. Darth Malgus was involved in a duel with 3 powerful opponents including The Alliance Commander - this is bad judgement and he ends up injured and disarmed. His body is increasingly sustained by cybernetics in these times as well. Therefore, what he does in the end is not really the best he can do in terms of telekinetics but an attempt to collapse the massive structure so that he can take his opponents down with him.

2. The structure in question is a gigantic machine with massive supports holding it in place:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Comparison-of-objects

Darth Malgus is tiny in comparison to it. This machine would have a mass in the order of thousands of tons and ripping it from its massive supports is by no means a joke but a clear indication that Darth Malgus would have no trouble dealing with AT-ATs and even starships of respectable sizes. This machine is so heavy that its fall causes the collapse of the entire platform beneath it.

3. Darth Vader's body armor is really tough in CANON - it enables him to do things not witnessed in LEGENDS.

4. As far as affecting environments are concerned - it is not possible to draw a comparison in each case because characters are being expanded on with different perspectives in mind by different authors. Darth Malgus is a really hard nut to crack nevertheless. Decades before his prime in the Battle of Aldeeran - he withstood a missile, then a grenade, and then a blast of power from Satele Shan which was potent enough to disintegrate a massive rocky formation (this stuff is really heavy); he still got up on his feet and proceeded to kill two Jedi before leaving Aldeeran - many Force-users have perished in the face of much less in comparison TBH. He continued to fight on the front-lines and withstood numerous Lightsaber(s) cuts of his opponents in the process. The most surprising development is how he managed to live through obliteration of the space station in vacuum of space - did he cheat death or something? No idea.

Actually Ender's size is really scales closer to KAIJU, not only by visual part, but more due to statements that Ender won in the war against whole civilization on this planet what is pretty impressive in my opinion. Also Vader has another durability proof which outclasses Malgus(how in fact all other proofs do the same thing too). I mean SIth Temple explosion:
About his force abilities I can say that I am STILL thinking that Vader who force pushed Palpatine is above Malgus, but I am not blind and I can see that it is not enough to prove my point. So I will refer to Game Theory video:
It maybe not absolutely accurate, but I think it will provide fine explanation where his power level is 10 years before ANH, where I am sure he is in his prime.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 10:27 am
The birth of the canon brigade

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 10:39 am
Galan007 wrote:
I'm all for Vader-wank, but this feat isn't really the best measuring stick to gauge his standard level of power, imo.

Vader was actively tapping into the dark side locus on Mustafar -- which, as established earlier in the series, gives him a significant boost:
"When I touched that power, I saw deeper into the Force than ever before... I believe things are possible at the locus that are impossible elsewhere."

...And I would assume the intent of this thread wasn't for Vader to be amped, correct?
Yes, but also he was damaged a lot and far from his prime, so in the future he possibly became capable for such sort of things. Yet, this feat isn't really reliable, I agree with you. It just was to awesome to don't show it here.)))

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 10:49 am
KingKopecz wrote:The birth of the canon brigade
Hahahahahahaha))) Yeah, actually I think it is really time to make it clear that canon charcters aren't actually fodder in comparison to they legends entities. They also possess impressive feats and scaling and I see nothing shameful in admiting that canon EU isn't bad despite Disney's sequels failure. To say the truth, after so many new SW TV projects anouncements I am starting to think that maybe Disney is not the best of course what could happen to SW Universe, but definitely not worse than having only one TV show for such a franchise.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 12:04 pm
@Jedi_Jesus He literally gestured Nox. Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Gifgbh10

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 3:28 pm
Thanaton wrote:@Jedi_Jesus He literally gestured Nox. Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Gifgbh10
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202012
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 1220391476

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 4:55 pm
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 2c8a8610
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 1220391476

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 27th 2020, 5:02 pm
KingKopecz wrote:Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 2c8a8610
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 1220391476
If you are taking All Sith Sidious and the weakest condition of Vader then yes. But ROTS Sidious as you could see was in more than shooting range for Vader's force powers even right after his cybernation while Rebels Vader or ANH Vader is far more stronger than both, post ROTS and Vader 2020.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 28th 2020, 2:37 pm
AUDITOR wrote:Actually Ender's size is really scales closer to KAIJU, not only by visual part, but more due to statements that Ender won in the war against whole civilization on this planet what is pretty impressive in my opinion.

Let us consider a Pacific Rim KAIJU for comparison. The first KAIJU named Trespasser caused 7.1 magnitude earthquake and it took 3 nuclear bombs to kill it. A modern-age nuclear bomb can produce unbelievable levels of temperature and vaporize anything caught in the blast. For reference:

Below are the screenshots of Pacific Rim KAIJU to give an idea of scale:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 940x0
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Prologue_gallery35
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 BNOvs-RCAAA1pNG-1

Human beings are like tiny ants to them. Each could withstand unprecedented amounts of firepower, and an attempt to get close to one using a Lightsaber would be absolutely impractical consideration and a mere brush with the monster would disintegrate bones and such. Solution is to use nuclear weapons from a distance (assuming Air Force), or to bombard one from the outerspace (assuming Star Wars).


The Ender would be in the size range of Krayt Dragons - big enough to crumble structures of certain sizes. Darth Vader could fit in its hand, and slice its head off with a Lightsaber - these are sufficient indicators. Krayt Dragons were a major threat to settlements on Tatooine.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Mandalorian-Concept-Art-Cobb-Krayt-Dragon
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-8
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-10
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-5

The comic is poorly done in my view - filled with visual tricks.

There are numerous under-equipped backwards settlements in Star Wars as well - Jedi are like godlike beings to them.

AUDITOR wrote:Also Vader has another durability proof which outclasses Malgus(how in fact all other proofs do the same thing too). I mean SIth Temple explosion:

That explosion could not do much damage to the Temple. Ahsoka was also there and survived.

1. Darth Malgus was thrown into the reactor of the space station FIRST:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-Malgus-apparent-death

2. The space station self-destructed afterwards - in the vacuum of space.

Darth Malgus's body was retrieved from the wreckage but how could he live through all that - unbelievable. His RAGE is too strong or something - Palpatine commented on this aspect and stated that his battlefield feats were never duplicated. Darth Malgus is sustained by his unprecedented RAGE and cybernetics - his body should have crumbled long ago otherwise.

AUDITOR wrote:
About his force abilities I can say that I am STILL thinking that Vader who force pushed Palpatine is above Malgus, but I am not blind and I can see that it is not enough to prove my point. So I will refer to Game Theory video:
It maybe not absolutely accurate, but I think it will provide fine explanation where his power level is 10 years before ANH, where I am sure he is in his prime.

This will boil down to scaling chains established in CANON because LEGENDS have entirely different scaling chains.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 28th 2020, 6:32 pm
Malgus, handily. Much faster, much more skilled, and more powerful.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 28th 2020, 6:41 pm
S_W_LeGenD wrote:
AUDITOR wrote:Actually Ender's size is really scales closer to KAIJU, not only by visual part, but more due to statements that Ender won in the war against whole civilization on this planet what is pretty impressive in my opinion.

Let us consider a Pacific Rim KAIJU for comparison. The first KAIJU named Trespasser caused 7.1 magnitude earthquake and it took 3 nuclear bombs to kill it. A modern-age nuclear bomb can produce unbelievable levels of temperature and vaporize anything caught in the blast. For reference:

Below are the screenshots of Pacific Rim KAIJU to give an idea of scale:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 940x0
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Prologue_gallery35
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 BNOvs-RCAAA1pNG-1

Human beings are like tiny ants to them. Each could withstand unprecedented amounts of firepower, and an attempt to get close to one using a Lightsaber would be absolutely impractical consideration and a mere brush with the monster would disintegrate bones and such. Solution is to use nuclear weapons from a distance (assuming Air Force), or to bombard one from the outerspace (assuming Star Wars).


The Ender would be in the size range of Krayt Dragons - big enough to crumble structures of certain sizes. Darth Vader could fit in its hand, and slice its head off with a Lightsaber - these are sufficient indicators. Krayt Dragons were a major threat to settlements on Tatooine.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Mandalorian-Concept-Art-Cobb-Krayt-Dragon
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-8
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-10
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-vader-vs-the-ender-5

The comic is poorly done in my view - filled with visual tricks.

There are numerous under-equipped backwards settlements in Star Wars as well - Jedi are like godlike beings to them.

AUDITOR wrote:Also Vader has another durability proof which outclasses Malgus(how in fact all other proofs do the same thing too). I mean SIth Temple explosion:

That explosion could not do much damage to the Temple. Ahsoka was also there and survived.

1. Darth Malgus was thrown into the reactor of the space station FIRST:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Darth-Malgus-apparent-death

2. The space station self-destructed afterwards - in the vacuum of space.

Darth Malgus's body was retrieved from the wreckage but how could he live through all that - unbelievable. His RAGE is too strong or something - Palpatine commented on this aspect and stated that his battlefield feats were never duplicated. Darth Malgus is sustained by his unprecedented RAGE and cybernetics - his body should have crumbled long ago otherwise.

AUDITOR wrote:
About his force abilities I can say that I am STILL thinking that Vader who force pushed Palpatine is above Malgus, but I am not blind and I can see that it is not enough to prove my point. So I will refer to Game Theory video:
It maybe not absolutely accurate, but I think it will provide fine explanation where his power level is 10 years before ANH, where I am sure he is in his prime.

This will boil down to scaling chains established in CANON because LEGENDS have entirely different scaling chains.
Yeah, in comparison to Vader it looks not so big, but in different pictures we can see that Ender>>>Krayt dragon.
This is just a drawing style when the size is not static. For example, in the images below, we can see that Ender is much bigger than large buildings:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202019
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202010
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202018
So, these scans can be judged both ways. What are a better proofs for it's size are statements abot it's feats:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 28th 2020, 6:51 pm
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202020
So, here you can see feats of the Ender(mentioned). He is MUCH above Krayt dragon and Terentatek both in size and strength. Also, about Temple, here I will leave one of my favorite videos about SW. You will understand that Vader actually tanked it all alone. Also there are SPOILERS for the fourth Rebels season.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 29th 2020, 12:44 pm
AUDITOR wrote:
Yeah, in comparison to Vader it looks not so big, but in different pictures we can see that Ender>>>Krayt dragon.
This is just a drawing style when the size is not static. For example, in the images below, we can see that Ender is much bigger than large buildings:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202019
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202010
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 A_202018
So, these scans can be judged both ways. What are a better proofs for it's size are statements abot it's feats:

It might be a civilization of small living beings?
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 24


That is standard issue Imperial Star Destroyer = 1600 meters long.

The city in question had a span of 1600 meters give or take, and was a pile of "ruins" on top.

To scale:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Qb5y96jb83d41
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 5_Boroughs_Labels_New_York_City_Map

A large number of standard issue Imperial Star Destroyers can be parked above New York City.

Let us take another look:
Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 09

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 13

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 14

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 16

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 18

Those buildings are not what they seem - they are really small. The size of that beast in comparison to Darth Vader is consistent throughout.

What is shown in the comic would not make sense otherwise.

Krayt Dragons are a realistic comparison to The Ender beast:

Level One
Level One

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 29th 2020, 12:50 pm
I don’t think who takes out the bigger beast is an indication of anything. Force Users in general don’t seem to have much trouble taking out beasts bigger than they are. Feel this is a moot point.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 29th 2020, 1:42 pm
Zenwolf wrote:I don’t think who takes out the bigger beast is an indication of anything. Force Users in general don’t seem to have much trouble taking out beasts bigger than they are. Feel this is a moot point.


Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 29th 2020, 2:09 pm
Nah, actually it is monster debate now.
Level One
Level One

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 29th 2020, 5:13 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
@AUDITOR glad to see you made your way onto here, welcome! Why the prohibition of any kind of scaling or quotes here though? Without them, debates turn into what is basically just a game of arbitrary feat comparisons that are hardly conclusive on who’s actually better than the other, which is it what seems to be the case in this thread. It might be easier to get down to who would actually win in a fight between these two if we didn’t dismiss these things tbh.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 30th 2020, 5:47 am
Blade_of_Dorin wrote:@AUDITOR glad to see you made your way onto here, welcome! Why the prohibition of any kind of scaling or quotes here though? Without them, debates turn into what is basically just a game of arbitrary feat comparisons that are hardly conclusive on who’s actually better than the other, which is it what seems to be the case in this thread. It might be easier to get down to who would actually win in a fight between these two if we didn’t dismiss these things tbh.
Greetings Blade! Glad to see you too! Actually we already started to compare feats of sub Malgus characters to Vader's and shared moments of "gesturing" Nox and Palpatine by Malgus and Vader. So scaling is already in use. The point is that I actually think both Vader's feats and scaling are above Malgus. I made an investigation about his power level and even after all SW legends' arguements I am sure that canon Vader had far more dangerous situations and better battle feats than Malgus. If we are taking scaling than Vader>KFV(who purged JT same way as he had done it in legends) >Dooku(who scales to Yoda same way as in legends who:>Maul(his Venator feat, ragdolling Kenobi feat, lightsaber duel with Palpatine feat). What is even more impressive: Vader tanked same lightning which Rey in ROS with power of all jedi while being in his worst condition. And I still think Ender is much bigger than Krayt dragon and much stronger.

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 30th 2020, 6:24 am
AUDITOR wrote:
And I still think Ender is much bigger than Krayt dragon and much stronger.

Narrow down your focus to this scan in particular:

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 16

On the right, you can see Darth Vader fitting into the hand of the creature just fine. On the left, you can see creature's hand colliding with the building shoving Darth Vader into it. The Sith Lord covers 3 - 4 floors in height. This is FIRST indication of the fact that this was a civilization of dwarfs - much shorter than humans.

And when a standard issue Star Destroyer came to the region later, the onlooker felt that it was as large as the ruined city. This is SECOND indication. I am not sure why you still fail to see the obvious. Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 1220391476

The author provided a sense of scaling like two or three times in the comics but so many fell for the visual tricks. It cannot be that Darth Vader is that big in comparison to the creature in each scan and the buildings are also true skyscrapers in the mix. Logical consideration is that this was a civilization of dwarfs and the Ender is not a Kaiju as per human standards.

There are creatures in Star Wars which can swallow large ships whole - These won't even feel a lightsaber and a human. Same is true for Pacific Rim Kaiju.

Last edited by S_W_LeGenD on December 30th 2020, 6:54 am; edited 6 times in total

Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 Empty Re: Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus

December 30th 2020, 6:39 am
Zenwolf wrote:I don’t think who takes out the bigger beast is an indication of anything. Force Users in general don’t seem to have much trouble taking out beasts bigger than they are. Feel this is a moot point.
Nah its good to have someĀ KAIJU battles here too Canon Vader VS Darth Malgus - Page 2 3344068304
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