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Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 3:40 pm
Message reputation : 100% (5 votes)
"Evasion or failure, on the part of any officer, at any level, to comply swiftly with this direct order will be punishable by summary revocation of all rank and privileges, judiciary and ceremonial impoverishment and sale into bondage of all family members within five degrees of consanguinity, and for the perpetrator himself, slow mutilation and death upon public display.

"I, Rokur Gepta, Sorcerer of Tund, command it."

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread 450?cb=20110127020535

Respect thread for the incredibly powerful sorcerer-warlord, Rokur Gepta. A highly slept on dark sider appearing in the 1983 Lando Calrissian Adventure trilogy. He has quotes placing him around the likes of OT Palpatine (and feats to back it), so stick to the end. I’ll try to keep this short.


Let’s begin by analyzing the natural abilities he possesses as a member of the Croke species.

  • +20,000 year lifespan
  • Unaffected by hard vacuum
  • Slightly larger than a human fist
  • Known to genetically modify other species
  • Capable of manipulating reality to a degree
  • Masters of shape shifting (up to 3 meters in height)
  • Can wield weapons and hold objects while shape shifting
  • Seemingly teleport by turning invisible and reappearing elsewhere
  • Skilled at casting incredibly realistic illusions through telepathy, affecting all 5 senses; sight, audio, touch, etc
  • Can project multiple illusions of themself at once, fooling multiple individuals with different appearances simultaneously (ie. a dwarf and a giant)
  • Impervious to damage while shape shifting, excluding the achilles heel; where their actual physical body would be located. Blaster bolts harmlessly pass through their body.


Rokur is fast enough to observe the passing of a photon. A photon travels at the speed of light.
“He brooded in a blackness utterly unbroken by the glimmer of so much as a single passing photon. That was the way he preferred it; he had other means of observing reality.”

Even in broad daylight it is impossible to perceive Rokur visually because he exists as “a blur, a vagueness more psychological than perceptual”
“Even in the full light of a healthy planet's daytime surface, another individual would be less fortunate: Rokur Gepta was simply impossible to come to terms with visually. He was a blur, a vagueness more psychological than perceptual in character, perhaps because his color was that of terror.”


Rokur has had his way with people, planets, and warships before. He then muses that he could leave the dreadnought  ‘Wennis’ unrecognizable.
“The Wennis would not be recognizable when Rokur Gepta was through with her.

The sorcerer had that way with ships, and planets, and people.”


The planet Tund is stated to be omnipotent, but there exists a “more hideous truth”.
“Fear was associated with the name, the sort of fear that inhibits mentioning, even thinking about, the thing it represents, so as not to invoke its omniscient, omnipotent, and malevolent attention. Almost no one knew the even more hideous truth.”

Rokur destroyed Tund’s surface, killing everyone and everything on the planet.
“The planet Tund was sterile, devoid of native life, its surface roasted to a fine, gray, powdered ash where evergreen forests, tropical jungles, and continent-broad prairies had once stretched for countless kilometers. It was a world destroyed by magic.”

“nothing lived, or ever would again.”

“Rokur Gepta, last of the fabled Sorcerers of Tund, had utterly obliterated every living thing upon the planet, from submicroscopic wigglers to full-flowering sentience. His was a terrible, cosmically unfeeling precaution.

The rest had been sheer malice.”

“He was empty, as devoid of life and warmth as his handiwork, the planet Tund itself Such an emptiness requires endless volumes of power to fill it even momentarily.”

Rokur not only killed all life on the planet, but the very atoms too, leaving behind energies unknown to the rest of the galaxy. Neither Vitiate’s Nathema feat, nor Dark Empire Palpatine’s Force Storm were this destructive.
“At night the planet's face glowed softly, not merely with the pale blue fire of decaying atoms, but with a ghostly greenish residue of energies as yet unknown to the rest of galactic civilization.“

Rokur destroyed Tund to preserve the secrets of his power, implying that no other dark sider would have known or mastered his abilities.
“It had been partially to preserve the secret of such power”

What really makes this planet busting feat unique is that the energy left over would prevent life from ever existing on the planet again.

Indeed, it appears that his attack didn’t just eradicate all life, but actually created a permanent state of death. Massive force fields were required to establish and protect small settlements and pockets of life on the planet.
“Massive force-fields were essential to press the flickering death away from those few havens.”


Muses that he may one day rule the universe.
“The million-system civilization ruled from it, after all, was only a small wedge of the galaxy.

And the galaxy itself only a small part of…”


Could have disintegrated a man where he stood.
“The sorcerer gripped the arms of his chair, convulsively fending off the impulse to have the man disintegrated where he sat.”


Rokur has had many enemies throughout his long lifespan and lives “in grave and constant danger”, yet he’s managed to outlive them all “by surviving the centuries of time”.
“Understandably, the sorcerer had enemies, although he had outlived-often by design-the small minority of them with the capacity to do him harm. He had outlived many others as well, simply by surviving centuries of time. His long life was in grave and constant danger, however, from those few who still survived and the continually fresh crop of victims who wished him ill."

Rokur Gepta has lived for thousands of years and “no one has dared oppose his ruthless exercise of power” and “everywhere he went” he was feared.

Rokur lived through the rise of Palpatine, The Battles of Ruusan, the New Sith Wars, and possibly even the events of SWTOR and prior. It’s possible that characters such as Palpatine, the Banite Sith, The Sith Lords of the New Sith Wars, and potentially even the protagonists and antagonists of SWTOR feared him.
“Odd, he hadn't had a real adversary to stand up to him for thousands of years. No one dared oppose his ruthless exercise of power. Everywhere he went, people in their masses, and as individuals, feared, hated, and served him.

Except for Lando Carrissian.”

Rokur Gepta’s rise to total power has been unopposed, meaning no Republic, Empire, Jedi, or Sith have opposed his ascension.
“But that was for later. This was now, and the culmination of a very long, very annoying episode in the gray magician's otherwise unopposed rise to total power.”

This concept is supported by an event from the novel. Rokur Gepta uses his telepathic powers to take over the industrial and criminal empire of Bohhuah Mutdah. He achieves this feat in a matter of days. Bohhuah is explicitly stated within the novel to be the richest man in the galaxy, which makes him richer than Prince Xizor or Emperor Palpatine.

Despite having all the resources and wealth of Bohhuah, he drops it all at the moment he has Lando trapped and explains that all the clout he had just gained meant nothing to him.
“"The first reason I have explained. My enemies are hounding me and would see my power and fortune redistributed. Parenthetically, I must tell you that I do not care a whit about any of that. The continuation of the Bohhuah Mutdah 'empire' is of considerably less than no interest to me at all. I am constitutionally incapable of feeling any concern about it.”

Wealth nor female company could distract Rokur from his ambitious goals towards galactic domination.
“The only value anything possessed for him was its utility relative to his inexorable rise to power. Wealth meant nothing more to him than that, nor the companionship of his fellow beings, even owing to the most peculiar and repulsive of physical circumstances-that of females.”


Similar to how Bane killed off the Sith, or how Anakin killed off the Jedi, Rokur “personally searched out and exterminated” every last Sorcerer of Tund. The Sorcerers of Tund are immensely powerful dark siders and masters of arcane powers foreign to other Force sects/cults.
“Deep within the twisted caverns of the murdered planet Tund, where Rokur Gepta had once personally searched out and exterminated every one of his ancient mentors-the original sorcerers, who had lovingly instructed him in the ways of power that had been their ultimate undoing-the treacherous former pupil sat, immersed in thought.”


Rapes the mind of a Naval Officer, causing him to briefly lose sanity.
“The sorcerer made a gesture with his gloved fist. The officer groaned, sweat sprang out on his forehead, and he sank to his knees.

"You see how much more effective it is than mere pain, don't you?

Everyone has memories, little items from their past best left buried: humiliations, embarrassments, mistakes... sometimes fatal ones. All the ways we have failed those we have loved, the ways they have failed us!"

Gepta made another gesture.

"No, you can think of nothing else! The ignobility races round and round your mind, amplified, feeding on itself!"

The officer's face went gray, he swayed on his knees, his back bowed, his clenched fists began dripping blood where the fingernails cut into the palms. A little froth appeared at one corner of his mouth, followed by more blood as he gnashed at his lips and tongue. Finally, he lost all control, collapsed in a heap and lay there, twitching, moaning.

Gepta released him.”

The ordeal the officer experienced, though painful, would increase his efficiency and enhance his intelligence.
“A pair of orderlies appeared, dragging the broken man from the bridge. Oddly enough, he was far from destroyed. Gepta had noticed, in the past, a certain increase in efficiency, perhaps even slightly enhanced intelligence after one of these crises. So why not make a good tool better? The tool was not in any position to complain of the stresses involved. Did it hurt a knife to grind it to razor sharpness?

Who cared?”

Tortures Lando Calrissian by telepathically trapping Lando in an endless loop of painful memories, reliving traumatic events in a permanent nightmare world.

(The scan for this feat is too long, but it begins on page 252 in The Flame Wind of Oseon just before chapter 16 when Rokur says "For I am Rokur Gepta, and I'm going to torture you until you beg for death!")

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread 340?cb=20100607015257


The Mindharp of Sharu was an immensely powerful ancient artifact capable of manipulating space and time. The Mindharp could speed up or slow down time for different people, shrink individuals down to the size of an ant, and teleport beings from one planet to another.

In the wrong hands the object set off cataclysmic earthquakes and natural disasters across Rafa V. The planet was covered with the enormous plastic ruins of the ancient Sharu, a super advanced race that had gone into hiding around 100,000 BBY. The Sharu were threatened by an uber powerful malevolent inter-dimensional alien entity (Supernatural Encounters).

The massive structures left behind were stated to dwarf the skyscrapers of Coruscant and Lando compares them to the buildings one would find on an ecumenopolis. The ruins survived, untouched, for millennia only to be destroyed by the Mindharp.

The Mindharp would change the Rafa system entirely and bring about the restoration of the Sharu civilization by restoring the super intelligence of the Toka. Despite this, Rokur Gepta was able to survive and escape the Mindharp’s destruction.

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread The-Mindharp-of-Shaur-from-the-Essential-Readers-Companion

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. Now I want to see Rokur Gepta used in versus debates more often. Maybe throw him up against another sorcerer. I also want to see a top 10 non-Sith dark siders list one day; (UnUthul, Lomi Plo, Nyax, Kueller, Gethzerion, Vaylin and Arcann, etc.)

Last edited by Marc Spector on December 20th 2020, 12:32 pm; edited 10 times in total

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 5:24 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
as always my friend great work, however i do not think some of the images uploaded properly!
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 7:15 pm
Vaelias wrote:as always my friend great work, however i do not think some of the images uploaded properly!

I know, I submitted this from my phone. When I get to a computer I’ll fix the issue.

Last edited by Marc Spector on December 19th 2020, 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 9:35 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Superb thread, very well made. Sort the scans and you're good. Starred.

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 9:37 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Awesome! Rokur Gepta Respect Thread 1289255181
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 19th 2020, 9:58 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
LadyKulvax wrote:Superb thread, very well made. Sort the scans and you're good. Starred.

Thanks! You have a suggestion for how the scans would best be sorted? I think I'll just categorize them by feats (speed, telepathy, energy projection, accolades, etc).

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 20th 2020, 5:01 am
Very nice. Rokur Gepta Respect Thread 1289255181
Level One
Level One

Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

December 21st 2020, 5:33 pm
@Marc Spector You didn’t even tell me about this Rokur Gepta Respect Thread 4183286560
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Rokur Gepta Respect Thread Empty Re: Rokur Gepta Respect Thread

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