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Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 25th 2020, 3:05 pm
In no particular order

Tier 1 - the 'heroic' characters whose roles can be even attributed to the Force itself

Luke Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
The Outlander

Tier 2 - Iconic villains or guiding figures that an important impact on the development of the tier 1 characters

Darth Sidious
Darth Vader (suit)
Darth Krayt
Mace Windu
Obi Wan Kenobi
Darth Plagueis
Exar Kun
Qui Gon Jinn

Tier 3 - Secondary villains and heroes with great impact in the storyline and the main characters

Count Dooku
Darth Malgus
Darth Maul
Darth Caedus
Darth Bane
Darth Malak
Nomi Sunrider

Tier 4 - Acessory characters that helped to mold the story but aren't that important themselves

Darth Marr
Satele Shan
Darth Thanaton
Darth Zannah
Darth Tenebrous

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 25th 2020, 4:47 pm
The main thing that always bothered me about the official standing is how easily Sidious dispatched the B-Team. I don’t really have a problem with Mace beating Sidious but Sidious dispatching the trio like fodder insinuates Mace could do the same which is just messed up.

In my perfect world the top 6 as of RotS Yoda, Sidious, Mace, Anakin, Dooku, and Kenobi would only be a little bit apart as duelists with any match up  being a good competitive fight. No ragdoll tier gaps.  Sidious wouldn’t be able to kill the B-Team 
without deception; maybe catch them off guard with lightning or something.
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 25th 2020, 6:05 pm
He can’t blitz B-team without deception anyway—movie he uses a confusion haze, book he baits Tiin and Kolar into dropping their guards
Level One
Level One

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 26th 2020, 9:57 am
CuckedCurry wrote:He can’t blitz B-team without deception anyway—movie he uses a confusion haze, book he baits Tiin and Kolar into dropping their guards
@CuckedCurry Evidence that this was in the case in the movie depiction? Or did Kolar and Tinn use the incredible power of standing still with your lightsaber ignited and do nothing?
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 26th 2020, 11:25 am
I can’t remember if it’s in fightsaber or another source, but it clarifies the context of that battle
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 4:40 am
Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 9kcmjq4m9vuy
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 5:13 am
Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 1289255181
Level Seven
Level Seven

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 6:22 am
I think Sheev is massivy above the B-Team, but they definitely should have put up a better fight. Tiin especially should have performed just as well against Sheev as Fisto did.
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 8:23 am
Well, Fisto performed as well as he did because the haze seemingly wore off him somewhat by the time Sheev turned to fight him. We know through other secondary sources that Mace failed to adequately react to Sidious, which can be inferred to be as a direct result of the confusion haze. In a straight up conventional fight with no haxx, Sidious logically would have had to dig considerably more so into the dark side to kill the 3 Jedi as well as hold off Mace. With that being said, none of the B-team have enough power to properly resist Palpatine’s sheer offensive power, so if Sheev just stood at his desk and blasted them with his lightning, for example, the B-team would die regardless 

In short, I don’t believe Palpatine can blitz all three of them without haxx
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 9:24 am
The confusion haze is still a part of Palpatine's own power. What he essentially accomplished is TP'ing three Jedi Masters in combat to allow him to kill them on the spot. It's a remarkable feat whichever way you spin it.

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Sheev_sig_3
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 9:55 am

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 10:51 am
CuckedCurry wrote:Well, Fisto performed as well as he did because the haze seemingly wore off him somewhat by the time Sheev turned to fight him. We know through other secondary sources that Mace failed to adequately react to Sidious
The film, the junior novel, the script, and the senior novel all have mace "adequately reacting" to sidious. The quote is not meant to be taken literally lmao. And if you really want to take it that way then it's rendered non canon by the source material which clearly shows Mace reacing to Sidious's first attack.
Level Four
Level Four

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 1:41 pm
The film and script have him reacting to Palpatine not being at his desk, the novel has him reacting to Tiin and Kolar’s desk—can’t speak for the junior novel, but junior novels are pretty gay anyway, regardless of that equal canonicity to adult novel horseshite. Try again mouse

Last edited by CuckedCurry on May 28th 2020, 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 2:18 pm
Is the confusion haze Legends though? I thought it was Disney canon.
Level Three
Level Three

Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

May 28th 2020, 2:40 pm
It's both.
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Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon) - Page 2 Empty Re: Top 10 strongest characters (headcanon)

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