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who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

January 5th 2020, 4:31 pm
List top 6 strongest characters in TOR

Also why they are on the list.
Level Three
Level Three

who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty Re: who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

January 5th 2020, 4:35 pm
what range are we talking about? as in, from when to when? cuz when yoda was born, the old republic was still a thing lol
Level One
Level One

who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty Re: who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

January 5th 2020, 4:39 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:what range are we talking about? as in, from when to when? cuz when yoda was born, the old republic was still a thing lol

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Master Azronger
Master Azronger

who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty Re: who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

January 5th 2020, 5:24 pm
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who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Sheev_sig_3
Level Three
Level Three

who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty Re: who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

January 5th 2020, 6:11 pm
ok, so its between valkorion, revan, maybe vaylin and arcann, the outlander, maybe the emperor's wrath at his prime. I honestly dont know much about this era. oh, sora or whatever the thing's name is. big looking sonna bitch. hammerhead shark looking loser.

who else maybe has a possible position... nihilus of course, malak, malgus, bane (its quite hard for me to tell how strong his prime is)
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who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR? Empty Re: who are the top 6 strongest characters of TOR?

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