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Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 11:54 am
To clarify, the reason G-canon existed was because Lucas was the creator and owner of SW, and therefore had the ultimate say in everything regarding it. 

However, now he has no authority over legends anymore, and if Disney were to say something he said was or wasn't legends canon, it would be as they say. And therefore the basis of his word being considered over all other is pretty much gone
Level Three
Level Three

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 12:12 pm
Legends is a relatively new term for the pre-Disney Star Wars continuity.

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 1:03 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
That depends on what Lucasfilm Story Group official you ask. If Legends is its own separate continuity and a group of legends within Disney Canon, then it's possible there's still an existing G-Canon. If Legends is just a collection of myths and stories within Disney Canon--most of which have been proven false by the ST and other works--then G-Canon is dead. However, for at least debating purposes, we unanimously accept that Disney continuity cannot take precedence over EU continuity, or else the stories of Revan/Bane/Caedus/Krayt are non-canon. So, we clearly recognize the existence of a Legends continuity distinct from Disney continuity. What rules should govern our possibly real, possibly made-up Legends continuity? We have three options. Option A is we follow how the Story Group treats Legends within the context of Disney Canon. Everything is equally valid and equally irrelevant. Option B is we follow how the Star Wars continuity functioned prior to the Disney mayhem, since it is a complex system made by Star Wars officials and allows for versus debates. Option C is everyone just makes up their own system and runs wild. Every option is legitimate and allowed by this forum, but obviously a "default" option was needed for actual debates to take place. When the forum was created, the staff agreed option B made the most sense because it was already what all the Star Wars debating websites were following for years and settles almost all continuity disputes quickly. 

The Rules wrote:
Members reserve the right to dictate the stipulations of any thread that they have created. This includes restricting characters to Disney continuity only, allowing composite (i.e. both Legends and Canon) versions, banning George Lucas statements, etc. However, unless clarified otherwise, the following stipulations are to be assumed:

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 1:05 pm
Does G-canon really still exist? 1289255181

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 1:12 pm
I will also say though that, even under option A, the Story Group would surely prioritize Lucas over any Legends source, if a situation like that would ever arise again. The Story Group has been shy to even say Lucas is not Law in Disney Canon, and Chee and Hidalgo still use his notes/interviews/etc. to make Disney Canon policy decisions.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 1:52 pm
Well Ant o'mighty, master of all, I woe in the face of thee greatness, twould thee allow for a convincing enough case for G-canon to be overturned entirely in place of a new methodology by pointing outeth the flaws in which it presenteth to thine overall lore?
Level Three
Level Three

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 2:16 pm
> Korriban wrote:Well Ant o'mighty, master of all, I woe in the face of thee greatness, twould thee allow for a convincing enough case for G-canon to be overturned entirely in place of a new methodology by pointing outeth the flaws in which it presenteth to thine overall lore?

This post is too powerful for me to comprehend. You win this thread.

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 13th 2020, 7:36 pm
> Korriban wrote:Well Ant o'mighty, master of all, I woe in the face of thee greatness, twould thee allow for a convincing enough case for G-canon to be overturned entirely in place of a new methodology by pointing outeth the flaws in which it presenteth to thine overall lore?
Definetly would be cool, not a fan of G-canon overall (beyond movies I mean)
Marc Spector
Marc Spector

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 15th 2020, 1:33 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Nute_Chethray wrote:
> Korriban wrote:Well Ant o'mighty, master of all, I woe in the face of thee greatness, twould thee allow for a convincing enough case for G-canon to be overturned entirely in place of a new methodology by pointing outeth the flaws in which it presenteth to thine overall lore?
Definetly would be cool, not a fan of G-canon overall (beyond movies I mean)
I'm not a fan of G-canon either. Tbh I hate it. Imo the Dark Horse Republic comics should be just as relevant as the movies and tv show, but unfortunately, if you don't take every word that comes out of George Lucas's mouth as Biblical Godly Holy Law then your just making up fanfiction in your head and your entire argument is BS. Bruh wtf you think this is!? Marvel!? DC!? Image!? LMFAO get outa here with that NON SENSE!
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

April 16th 2020, 3:26 am
You can pick whatever methodology you wish. Just be consistent in your beliefs and don't have double standards.

Does G-canon really still exist? Sheev_sig_3
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Does G-canon really still exist? Empty Re: Does G-canon really still exist?

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