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So about King Adas.. Empty So about King Adas..

February 12th 2020, 7:14 pm
So this guy was the Sith'ari and he was around before even the formation of the Galactic Republic, King of Korriban and had the encounter with the Rataka, moving to drive away the invaders.

But something I'm curious about, would King Adas really care about wanting to destroy the Jedi or really care about what later Sith wanted in ruling the galaxy?

Because from what I'm getting at, Adas really just wanted to rule over his people on Korriban. I mean he used the Dark Side, but from his backstory....I never really got the impression he would give a flying crap about wanting to rule the galaxy or dealing with Jedi. 

If anything, the guy was just defending his people from being conquered by the Infinite Empire since they were the ones who invaded Korriban.

So what do you think? Would the Sith'ari have some sort of dealings with the Jedi if he knew of them? Would he want to destroy or just keep to himself and make sure his people thrived?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

February 13th 2020, 6:47 am
His existence predates the Jedi Order, but he supposedly exemplified the prehistoric Sith ideal, and the Sith people in general were all about conquest and a rigid caste hierarchy, so I'm guessing he would just have seen the Jedi and the Republic as another civilization to be assimilated into the Sith Empire like Naga Sadow, instead of viewing them as a mutually exclusive philosophical/religious rival like later incarnations of the Sith Order did.

So about King Adas.. Sheev_sig_3

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

February 13th 2020, 8:42 am
Yeah, he predates even the first Dark Lords of the Sith like Ajunta Pall and the like.
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So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

February 13th 2020, 10:37 am
Azronger wrote:His existence predates the Jedi Order, but he supposedly exemplified the prehistoric Sith ideal, and the Sith people in general were all about conquest and a rigid caste hierarchy, so I'm guessing he would just have seen the Jedi and the Republic as another civilization to be assimilated into the Sith Empire like Naga Sadow, instead of viewing them as a mutually exclusive philosophical/religious rival like later incarnations of the Sith Order did.

Hm....I dunno, I mean he welcomed the Infinite Empire and learned from them, he only turned against them when they were going to try and conquer him and his people. I think he would only do so against the Jedi and Republic if they tried the same thing. He wasn't the aggressor in that situation.

I kinda wish we got more on him, just to get a better understanding of everything before the Galactic Republic/Jedi Order was even around.

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 11th 2020, 4:58 pm
Not to mention how Adas > Maul
Meaning either Mauls a complete Bitch or Adas is a complete god which would also mean the sith hadn’t accomplished anything in about 30,000 years hahaha
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So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 11th 2020, 6:12 pm
Vaelias wrote:Not to mention how Adas > Maul
Meaning either Mauls a complete Bitch or Adas is a complete god which would also mean the sith hadn’t accomplished anything in about 30,000 years hahaha

How's he > Maul?

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 11th 2020, 6:20 pm
Zenwolf wrote:
Vaelias wrote:Not to mention how Adas > Maul
Meaning either Mauls a complete Bitch or Adas is a complete god which would also mean the sith hadn’t accomplished anything in about 30,000 years hahaha

How's he > Maul?

Cos his Holocron was more powerful than Quigon cos it fucked him up, and Quigon is equal to TPM maul in the force, and a persons holocron is significantly weaker than the actual person
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 9:18 am
Cos his Holocron was more powerful than Quigon cos it fucked him up, and Quigon is equal to TPM maul in the force, and a persons holocron is significantly weaker than the actual person

Can you cite your sources for your first and last claim?

So about King Adas.. Sheev_sig_3
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So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 9:49 am
Speaking of all this, with that huge book coming out maybe we’ll get more on King Adas.

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 3:18 pm
Master Azronger wrote:@Vaelias
Cos his Holocron was more powerful than Quigon cos it fucked him up, and Quigon is equal to TPM maul in the force, and a persons holocron is significantly weaker than the actual person

Can you cite your sources for your first and last claim?

First claim Adas > Quigon

Jedi Quest Special Addition wrote: Qui-Gon immediately anchored himself to the cliff and reached out to the Force to try and stop the fall. But the dark energy in the giant crevasse worked against him. He felt oddly exhausted and had little ability to concentrate.


"I don't see anything," Obi-Wan said. His voice sounded strangely hollow, and Qui-Gon wasn't sure if it was because of the chasm, his fall, or because they were so close to the Holocron. The concentration of dark knowledge could tap one's strength. He certainly weakened himself. But the strange hollow feeling also let Qui-Gon know they were on the right track. He felt at once repelled and drawn closer.


Qui-Gon's mind reeled. He could feel that they were close to the Holocron. Very close. He tried to focus, to find its location, but the dark side was playing tricks with his mind. It was so near and still beyond his mental vision. There was so much he didn't understand. If Lundi had held the Holocron, where was it now? Did someone else have it? Had he been unable to handle the power?

Second Claim Maul = Quigon

Returning from Mos Espa with Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon is ambushed by a figure in flowing dark robes - it is the evil Darth Maul. Ordering Anakin to the ship, Qui-Gon matches his awesome Jedi skill against the Sith Lord's sinister power. Both escape with their lives, but it would not be their last meeting.
-Tatooine Showdown

He meets my strength. Our lightsabers clash and sizzle. Dust and sand rise around us. I never lose my rhythm.
-Episode 1 Journal: Darth Maul


So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 4:44 pm
Yeah, there is still no basis for the force user in question being above his holocron by any substantial amount. Quite the opposite:

Kenobi shot him a sharp look. "We may well only encounter Sith artifacts on Zigoola, but they could be as dangerous as the Sith who made them." His lips twisted in a thin, unamused smile.

Credit: Clone Wars-Wild Space

Considering the only major Sith holocron he has encountered in lore, twice, and knows its power very well, is Adas's holocron, this could very well be an indication of parity between the two. At the very least, even if he is outright excluding Adas's holocron, it at least sets a precedent that it is completely possible for a holocron to be as strong as the Sith that made them.

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 5:01 pm
LOTL wrote:Yeah, there is still no basis for the force user in question being above his holocron by any substantial amount. Quite the opposite:

Kenobi shot him a sharp look. "We may well only encounter Sith artifacts on Zigoola, but they could be as dangerous as the Sith who made them." His lips twisted in a thin, unamused smile.

Credit: Clone Wars-Wild Space

Considering the only major Sith holocron he has encountered in lore, twice, and knows its power very well, is Adas's holocron, this could very well be an indication of parity between the two. At the very least, even if he is outright excluding Adas's holocron, it at least sets a precedent that it is completely possible for a holocron to be as strong as the Sith that made them.

Holocrons and spirits are generally a substantial amount weaker than the actual incarnation of that person, and that quote u provided also supports this, “they could be as powerful as the sith who made them” implies that they are by default weaker than the actual sith, but may at the most be on par with the actual sith, even if this was the case quigon was overwhelmed by the holocron meaning that at the very least King Adas is more powerful than Quigon, but he is likely quite a fair bit more powerful, I fail to see how this could possibly mean parity at most. However I am open to some ideas cos this doesn’t actually make much sense and is very conflicting with other sources, it could just be that quigon defenses were down or something

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 5:29 pm
Vaelias wrote:
LOTL wrote:Yeah, there is still no basis for the force user in question being above his holocron by any substantial amount. Quite the opposite:

Kenobi shot him a sharp look. "We may well only encounter Sith artifacts on Zigoola, but they could be as dangerous as the Sith who made them." His lips twisted in a thin, unamused smile.

Credit: Clone Wars-Wild Space

Considering the only major Sith holocron he has encountered in lore, twice, and knows its power very well, is Adas's holocron, this could very well be an indication of parity between the two. At the very least, even if he is outright excluding Adas's holocron, it at least sets a precedent that it is completely possible for a holocron to be as strong as the Sith that made them.

Holocrons and spirits are generally a substantial amount weaker than the actual incarnation of that person, and that quote u provided also supports this, “they could be as powerful as the sith who made them” implies that they are by default weaker than the actual sith, but may at the most be on par with the actual sith, even if this was the case quigon was overwhelmed by the holocron meaning that at the very least King Adas is more powerful than Quigon, but he is likely quite a fair bit more powerful, I fail to see how this could possibly mean parity at most. However I am open to some ideas cos this doesn’t actually make much sense and is very conflicting with other sources, it could just be that quigon defenses were down or something

He is explaining this to Bail Organa, a person who doesn't know anything about the Sith. And no, it doesn't imply that they are generally weaker than the Sith, quite the opposite. The whole discussion there is that Obi Wan is afraid because these holocrons may be as dangerous as the Sith that made them. Here it is:

"Yes. But our circumstances have changed significantly since then," Kenobi retorted. "We have the information we sought from your contact. To be blunt, Senator Organa, I no longer need you. And while your political achievements might be admirable, this stubborn insistence on childish heroics is not!"

Silence. Bail stared at him, stunned. Nobody spoke to him like that. Nobody. And then, as the tide of his own anger rose, he saw something flicker deep in Kenobi's eyes. Understanding dawned.

"You're afraid."

Now it was Kenobi's turn to be stunned.

"Politician, not moron," he explained, very dry. "Also not blind. What aren't you telling me, Master Kenobi? Did you dream about Zigoola as well as those firebeetles? What has the Force shown you that has you so concerned?"

Kenobi began pacing, one hand rubbing the back of his neck, fingers kneading at the muscles. It was another reminder that while the man might be a Jedi, he was also human.


Because the dark side clouds everything.

"And that's why you're afraid."

Kenobi shot him a sharp look. "We may well only encounter Sith artifacts on Zigoola, but they could be as dangerous as the Sith who made them." His lips twisted in a thin, unamused smile.

Credit: Clone Wars-Wild Space

Going by the above, the whole premise there is that Obi Wan is scared because holocrons can be as dangerous as the Sith that made them. That makes little sense if the general case is that the Sith themselves are substantially more powerful or that parity between the Sith and their holocron is very rare. At the very least, it is a common phenomenon.

I meant parity between Adas and his holocron. And Adas isn't bound to the Ancient Sith except Vitiate.

B/w, later excerpts support this:

Through a smearing crimson haze he stared at what he held: an ancient black glass pyramid, Sith sigils tracing its surface blood-red. Holocron. It felt alive in his fingers, vibrant with hate and rage and fear and loathing. Vibrant with raw power. Alive with the dark side as he had never felt it before, or ever thought to. Such a small thing to contain so great and malevolent a power.

Credit: Clone Wars-Wild Space

One particular holocron he encounters there has more dark side power than "he had ever" encountered before or even "thought to". Just saying though, you can interpret that however you want to.
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So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 24th 2020, 6:04 pm
Here's hoping though we can more about King Adas with the new book coming out, so as to possibly further place him better.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

October 25th 2020, 1:27 am
@Vaelias Firstly, what evidence is there that even is Adas's Holocron? Second, Qui-Gon being weakened by a dark side artifact doesn't mean he is somehow less powerful than it - the Huntress was able to diminish Bane's Force connection, yet in actual combat she was substantially inferior to him. Third, it's not even clear whether the holocron's maker is stronger than the holocron itself, or that they would exude a similar influence on Qui-Gon as an artifact passively permeated in dark side energy - Force-users usually have to actively summon the Force to affect their opponent, and Adas may not even know this particular ability.

So about King Adas.. Sheev_sig_3

So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

November 9th 2020, 1:37 pm
Master Azronger wrote:@Vaelias Firstly, what evidence is there that even is Adas's Holocron?.
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So about King Adas.. Empty Re: So about King Adas..

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