- EmperorCaedusLevel Three
Top 5 Most Charismatic Force Users
February 11th 2020, 8:25 pm
In your opinion, what are the top 5 most charismatic force users?
- IGLevel Four
Re: Top 5 Most Charismatic Force Users
February 11th 2020, 8:33 pm
Revan, Valk, Obi Wan, Sheev, Dooku in no particular order.
- BreakofDawnLevel Seven
Re: Top 5 Most Charismatic Force Users
February 11th 2020, 8:41 pm
With Force persuasion:
1. SheevÂ
2. ValkorionÂ
4. HoT/Outlander.
5. Obi-Wan
1. SheevÂ
2. ValkorionÂ
4. HoT/Outlander.
5. Obi-Wan
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