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Moderator | Champion of the Light

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 15th 2020, 3:30 am
Message reputation : 100% (9 votes)
Empress Vaylin, The Remorseless Prodigy, The Unchained

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) MNGYBKY
"I am the wrath of the dragon's fire. I am your Eternal Empress!"


A few things to note before we get started:

1. LS and DS represent light side and dark side story choices respectively.
2. Feats, fights, and accolades are listed in reverse chronological order, so keep that in mind while reading.
3. It is generally accepted that "the Outlander" playable class from the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions for Star Wars: The Old Republic is the Hero of Tython (i.e. the Jedi Knight class), who per the promotional content for the expansions is a human male.

Note: Forumotion is a really terrible hosting service and so this thread is ridiculously laggy which can also lead to certain images not loading. It's not just your computer.

Force Accolades

Lana implies that the Outlander can only hope to defeat Vaylin in a close-quarter battle, indicating Vaylin's superior Force power.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) PUKEzDb

The release of Vaylin's power during the process of breaking her father's conditioning was enough to drive the keepers and beasts of the Sanitarium mad.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) C9AMvlr

Jarak believed that if Vaylin's power erupted from the use of the BRAIN machine that it would be down the entire Sanitarium.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 9yOzinX

Valkorion believed that if Vaylin broke her conditioning that even the Outlander may not be able to stop her.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) AenMCyr

The Outlander believed that if Arcann engaged Vaylin in combat that he would die. This was after the Outlander had already fought both in combat and had a measure of their abilities.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) WNmDNXs

The Outlander believed that Vaylin was even stronger than her father after his duel with her.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Nwhe8xW

Vaylin experiences exponential growth without Valkorion to contain her.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) SUwSvjr

The Outlander made a comment on Vaylin being far from replicating Valkorion's Ziost feat and Valkorion responded with "she is more powerful than you can imagine".

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) U21Wdw5

Vaylin was Valkorion's most "perfect" and "dangerous" creation (this would include monoliths).

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) PRt0oz2

Senya believed that Vaylin could crush her skull at will.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) JSA06Xs

Lana sensed Vaylin's strength in the Force and considered it "astounding".

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) TP8AxFR

Vaylin was stated to be the most powerful of Valkorion's children. Vaylin's power as a child was so great that Valkorion locked her away to prevent her from eventually challenging him for the throne.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) X56PBKf

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) UwoNI5M

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) DxlJhRb

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 19U92km

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) P1Pn23Q

Vaylin was a nigh unprecedented prodigy with the Force, capable of using telekinesis to a lethal degree at a young age as well as being able to move furniture from the womb.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Dw7woT8

Combat Abilities

NOTE: The battles below are showcased in reverse chronological order. Thank you for reading.

In the final confrontation between Vaylin and the Outlander, they engage in a spirit battle in the Outlander's mind which results in the Outlander's victory. However, it should be noted that the Outlander has the help of "Memories of Healing" over the course of the battle that heals them when stepped into as well as stuns and damages Vaylin when she steps into them, which adds some ambiguity to the fight due to the Outlander receiving some semblance of aid. Whether this fight is representative of what would occur in the physical world is hard to conclude, since it is a battle of spirits that takes place on the Outlander's home turf and Vaylin is also enslaved and controlled by Valkorion. After the Outlander defeats Vaylin he uses Valkorion's Holocron to free her from her father's control. Arcann then telepathically projects himself into the Outlander's mind and joins the Outlander and Vaylin in a fight against Valkorion with the assistance of the Holocron. The trio drove Valkorion back, forcing him to back peddle up the stairs. Valkorion, now cornered, ripped the Holocron from the Outlander's hands and destroyed it, essentially spelling the end of the trio. However, the Outlander realized at the brink of defeat that since it was his mind, he could control everything inside of it, and stripped Valkorion of his power and destroyed the Immortal Emperor.

In the event the Outlander decided not to free Dramath from Valkorion's Holocron and decided to redeem Arcann then Vaylin will fight both the Outlander and Dramath, with the duo triumphing.

In the event the Outlander decided not to free Dramath from Valkorion's Holocron and decided to kill Arcann then Vaylin and her brother will fight both the Outlander and Dramath, with the latter duo triumphing.

In the event the Outlander decided to free Dramath from Valkorion's Holocron and decided to kill Arcann then Vaylin and her brother will fight the Outlander, with the Outlander triumphing.

In the confrontation between Vaylin and her three Horizon Guard as well as her six Skytroopers against the trio of Arcann, Senya, and the Outlander, we see Vaylin demonstrate her full power unleashed after having broken her father's conditioning. The fight began with Vaylin killing one of the Outlander's closest allies (either Torian or Vette depending on the Outlander's actions). The trio engaged Vaylin and her troops in a battle to the death and as the fight raged on, Vaylin amped her forces through some sort of Battle Meditation/Enhanced Coordination in conjunction with fighting the trio. The trio inevitably dispatched her, but before they could end her she unleashed a Force Maelstorm that ragdolled both Arcann and Senya, while the Outlander remained standing due to the barrier presumably created by Valkorion which absorbed the initial energy from the blast. The Outlander then pushed through through the blast and pierced Vaylin's barrier to finally put an end to the Empress. The moment Vaylin dropped dead her troops around the planet began surrounding, and the Eternal Fleet, now leaderless, left Odessen to start its unguided rampage across the galaxy.

If the Outlander kills Arcann and Senya earlier in the story then Lana and Theron will accompany him in his fight against Vaylin. Lana states before the fight that she and Theron will act as a distraction to allow the Outlander to close the distance between him and Vaylin and engage her in close-quarters combat, implying the Outlander's best chance at beating her is in a melee. The fight plays out the same as when Arcann and Senya accompany the Outlander.

Vaylin encountered three genetically mutated acklay in the Sanitarium on Nathema. Vaylin attempted to use telekinesis on the acklay, but due to the void that enveloped the planet, it had no effect. Vaylin then drew her lightsaber and slew the acklay with ease. Jarak, who was in charge of the Sanitarium, commented on the slaughter and stated that he was glad Vaylin did not possess a lightsaber when she was a child, for she would have killed all of his pets.

In the confrontation between Arcann and Vaylin, their duel was relatively even. Arcann presumably experienced considerable growth following his fight with the Outlander, since by this point in time he had either fully committed himself to the dark or the light depending on the Outlander's choices. This idea of growth is also supported by the Outlander believing that Arcann will surely die if he confronts Vaylin, and as we see in the fight this wasn't the case. Arcann and Vaylin went toe-to-toe with one another, exchanging lightsaber blows and Force attacks for several minutes with neither being able to gain the edge over the other. It should be noted that by this point in time, Arcann is arguably the second best swordsman in the galaxy behind the Outlander. The fight came to an end when the Outlander arrived at the scene, causing Vaylin to flee in fear of her father's conditioning being used against her. As she ran away, she threw a speeder at Arcann to distract him in her escape, which she then presumably caught with the Force and controlled in midair in order to land on the vehicle, since we see it rapidly spinning off the edge of the balcony, meaning that it is very unlikely that she landed on it without positioning it first. She then rode away, concluding the encounter.

In the first confrontation between Vaylin and the Outlander, Vaylin displays clear superiority over her opponent. Before the fight starts however, Vaylin engaged Lana which resulted in Lana backpedaling down the hallway as she held off Vaylin's assault, as can be seen from the lightsaber marks littering the walls and floors of the hall. The engagement ended just as the Outlander arrived, as Lana is finally cornered and ragdolled by Vaylin. The duel between the Outlander and Vaylin starts just as the quantum bomb that Koth armed begins its three-minute countdown till detonation. In that time, Vaylin defeated the Outlander quickly enough so that when she ran away after Valkorion utilized her conditioning against her, the Outlander still had time to travel to three different rooms and disable the power relays in each room before the bomb could be detonated, implying that Vaylin defeated the Outlander in quick fashion...either that or the Outlander is just incredibly fast. Either scenario paints her in a good light. After Vaylin knocked over the Outlander with telekinesis and ended the fight, the Outlander stated that Vaylin was more powerful than Valkorion, who by this point should be familiar with the Emperor's power more than anyone else. While the Outlander's comment may not necessarily be factual, it still outlines the immense power that Vaylin wields at this point in time.

In the second confrontation between Senya and Vaylin during A Mother's Hope, Senya showed a slight edge over her daughter in lightsaber skill, but Vaylin demonstrated the ginormous gap in combative Force power between the two.

She braced herself as brisk footsteps approached. A familiar figure materialized from the darkness, her hands alight with crackling sparks of energy. Vaylin flared her fingers out, the sparks arcing from the tips to catch on the rhydonium pool at her feet, setting it ablaze. The fire spread quickly, leaping from puddle to puddle, crisscrossing the surrounding ground to carve out a blazing pattern that lit up the night.

With the rising flames, Senya finally witnessed the true carnage Vaylin had unleashed on the camp: dozens of Knights – bodies mutilated and mangled – had been tossed haphazardly amongst the scattered wreckage of ships and shuttles torn asunder. The full breadth of the slaughter sent a chill down her back; grim evidence of the horrors her daughter was capable of.

Senya raised her weapon, only to have it wrenched effortlessly from her hands by the Force. The pike sailed ten meters through the air and into Vaylin's waiting grasp.

She could crush my skull in an instant, Senya realized. And I'd be powerless to stop her!

But when Vaylin raised the stolen lightsaber pike and charged, she knew that wouldn't happen – her daughter wanted the visceral pleasure of slicing her down in combat.

Using the Force to pull the lightsaber of one of the fallen knights into her own hand, Senya met the charge head on. The glowing blades clashed with a loud, crackling hiss, and for an instant the two combatants stood face-to-face, only centimeters apart, surrounded by the orange flames spreading rapidly through the camp.

Senya was close enough to stare into Vaylin's eyes. They burned with hate, pure and savage; all trace of the child that had once clung to her mother's side was gone. Shocked by the intensity of her daughter's vicious loathing, Senya was forced to look away. In that instant Vaylin dropped down into a crouch, swinging her pike in a wide, sweeping arc meant to cut her mother's legs out from under her. But Senya had already sprung clear with a graceful backflip, landing in a defensive stance to meet Vaylin's next assault.

"Afraid to stand and fight me, Mother?" Vaylin asked with a sly smile. The flames burning all around them cast strange, flickering shadows across her face.
Instead of replying, Senya braced herself for the coming charge, quietly confident in her own skills. They'd clashed once before, and Senya had prevailed: her daughter might be stronger in the Force, but Senya had spent decades mastering the art of hand-to-hand combat. If Vaylin wanted to fight her, the outcome was inevitable.

As expected, Vaylin rushed at her with unrestrained fury, the pike becoming a spinning, whirling instrument of death in her nimble hands. Senya parried the initial flurry, redirecting each blow with subtle counters and deflections that allowed her to slow the momentum of Vaylin's charge. Then she switched from defense to offense, retaliating with her own sequence of quick cuts and thrusts meant not to kill, but to drive her daughter back, keeping her off balance and in perpetual retreat.

But instead of giving ground, Vaylin countered with another vicious assault, putting Senya on the defensive again. Surprised, the older woman staggered back, ducking to the side as the pike skimmed past her cheek close enough for her to feel the heat of the glowing blade. It clipped the tip of her shoulder, carving a small chunk from her armor.

The next blow nearly took her leg below the knee – at the very last instant Senya snatched her foot clear. But though she'd spared her limb, she was off balance and out of position. Vaylin pounced, hacking and slashing at her mother; what she lacked in technique she more than made up for in speed and relentless aggression.

Reflexes and instincts honed over thirty years of training allowed Senya to keep the killing blow at bay… but only barely. She ducked and darted to the left, leaping over one of the raging walls of fire crisscrossing the camp.

She's stronger now. Faster. More confident.

But there were still flaws in Vaylin's form. Now that she had measured her opponent, Senya saw subtle imperfections she could exploit.

Her daughter leaped over the wall of fire between them and charged again. She was pressing the action, trying to overwhelm Senya and go for the quick kill. On the next pass, Senya let the tip of her lightsaber dip, offering a brief opening. As expected, Vaylin seized on the sudden vulnerability. But Senya was ready; anticipating her daughter's strike she sidestepped the blow and got in close enough to throw an elbow into Vaylin's chest, staggering her back.

Vaylin caught her footing a step before she stumbled into the nearby flames. Enraged, she rushed her mother again, redoubling her efforts. Senya continued to feint and bait her opponent, using her own aggression against her to control the battle. She could sense her daughter's frustration mounting as the battle dragged on – her attacks became more desperate, more frenzied. Time and time again Vaylin saw what she thought was an opportunity to end the battle in a single blow, only to have it snatched away at the last instant by her elusive foe.

Fatigue began to take its toll. The blinding speed of Vaylin's attacks slowed ever so slightly as her muscles began to ache. She was lunging and flailing, off balance and out of sorts. Both combatants were breathing heavily, but unlike her daughter, Senya had been pacing herself, holding something in reserve.
"You still fight with too much raw emotion," Senya grunted as she parried another blow, hoping there was still some part of the little girl she had raised inside the savage creature in front of her. "It clouds your mind."

"You sound like SCORPIO," Vaylin sneered, swiping ineffectually at the air where her target had been a split second before. "Always talking about logic and reason."

"Is that who you take orders from now?" Senya pressed. "A machine?"

Vaylin flicked her wrist, hurtling Senya through the air to slam against the hull of one of the broken vessels surrounding the camp. Senya crumpled to the ground, momentarily stunned.

"SCORPIO is not the Empress!" Vaylin snarled, striding towards her fallen opponent. "She commands the GEMINI fleet, but they all answer to me. I am the one who sits on the Eternal Throne!"

Shaking her head to clear the fog, Senya rose to one knee. A few meters away on either side, twin rows of flames blazed, the acrid smoke stinging her eyes and nostrils.

She can't defeat me in hand-to-hand combat, but she could still kill me anytime she likes. She's been toying with me this whole time.

"Why does the throne even matter to you?" she asked her daughter, still trying to reason with her.

Her question froze Vaylin in her tracks, giving Senya enough time to get back up on her feet.

"Your brother always wanted to be the Emperor," Senya reminded her. "But you never used to care about that."

"Zakuul needs a strong ruler," Vaylin replied, speaking slowly. "And the throne is mine, by birth and by right."

"Those sound like SCORPIO's words," Senya told her. "But I don't believe that's what you really want."

For several seconds Vaylin didn't answer, the silence broken only by the crackling flames.

"You know what I want mother—to kill you!"

Vaylin hurled her lightsaber pike like a spear, looking to impale Senya against the hull of the broken shuttle. But Senya anticipated the move, and rolled out of the way. The blade sliced through the metal plates and plunged deep into the side of the vessel.

A shrill whine rose like a scream: the sound of pressurized coolant spewing from a punctured hyperdrive. Senya had just long enough to register what had happened before the damaged hyperdrive exploded.

She came to a few seconds later, groggy, disoriented and with her ears ringing. The blast had thrown her twenty meters; tiny bits of twisted, melted metal that had once been the hull of the ship lay all around her. Forcing herself to her hands and knees, Senya turned her head from side to side, looking for Vaylin. But all she saw was smoke and flame; the fires had spread to consume the entire camp.


Somehow Senya rose unsteadily to her feet, then set off in a stumbling run back towards her ship and her son. As the flames fell farther and farther behind her, her head slowly cleared. Her thoughts briefly turned to the fallen knights, consumed by the funeral pyre that had once been their camp. They'd risked their lives to help her, and Vaylin had slaughtered them all.

She and Arcann were alone again. No allies. Nowhere to turn. But she was still alive… somehow.

The blast should have vaporized me.

There was only one explanation for her survival: Vaylin must have used the Force to shield them both from the worst of the explosion.

But why? So she can kill me later with her own hands? Or was she only trying to save herself, and I was just close enough to get caught up in her shield. And where is Vaylin now?

She knew her daughter was still alive; on some level Senya would have sensed her death. But even shielded by the Force, the blast would have been strong enough to leave Vaylin disoriented and weakened. Vulnerable and fearing for her life, she might have fled.

Or maybe she's still here. Maybe I'm leading her right to Arcann!

Senya slowed her pace, though she was already near the shuttle. Her daughter hated her; she had seen it in her eyes. But what – if anything – did she feel for her brother?

And if she's coming for him, can I even stop her?

She still hadn't come up with an answer by the time she reached her shuttle, which was as dark and silent as when she'd left it. She punched in the access code and the boarding ramp extended. With one last look over her shoulder, Senya climbed quickly inside, sealing the ship behind her.

The shuttle's interior lighting was dim, but compared to the blackness of the night there was ample illumination. Her son lay where she had left him; unconscious on the bed, ensnared in the web of tubes, wires and machines keeping him alive.

Senya crouched over him and gently caressed his brow. In her fingertips she felt his fever still raging, as hot as the flames that had consumed the knights' camp.

"I will find some way to save you," she whispered, letting her hand drop.

Taking a seat at the controls, she fired up the engines. A second later the vessel shot skyward, swallowed by the darkness.

In the first confrontation between Senya and Vaylin, Senya showed an edge over her daughter. This was presumably Vaylin's first duel with a lightsaber which allowed Senya to use her ~30 years of combat experience to her advantage in order to overcome the power disparity between the two. The fight began with the Outlander and Vaylin confronting each other, with the fight being interrupted by Senya's intervention before it even started when she threw an off-guard Outlander a considerable distance with telekinesis. The duel lasted for quite some time, covering a great distance with both combatants trading ground. As the fight neared its end, Vaylin began to resort to telekinetic attacks by throwing large pieces of machinery at Senya, which Senya was able to dodge and deflect. Senya ended the fight by entering into a blade lock with Vaylin and disarming her and then hammering her with the hilt of her lightsaber, demonstrating Senya's superior skill with a lightsaber. Senya let her daughter live out of her love for her.

Battle Meditation/Enhanced Coordination (Alter/Control/Sense)

(KotET:VIII) Vaylin was capable of holding together "the full force of the Eternal Empire" (per the mission description) during the Second Battle of Odessen. Theron also believed that Vaylin had brought the entirety of the Eternal Fleet. The instant she was struck down her troops immediately began to surrender. Arcann stated that Vaylin's rage was the only thing giving her troops the will to fight. It should be noted that Vaylin was capable of doing this in conjunction with fighting Arcann, Senya, and the Outlander (or Lana, Theron, and the Outlander if full dark side playthrough).

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) GbTfKJw

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Unknown

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 1ozJmhz

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 0VO7Ajh

Video for full context:

Dark Blast (Alter)

(KotET:VI) Vaylin used Dark Blast in her duel against Arcann.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5763986-3629405226-EoD3K

Drain Knowledge (Alter)

(KotET:III) Vaylin used Drain Knowledge on a pirate to find the password to the Gravestone controls.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) NswttDD

Force Barrier (Alter)

Vaylin conjured a barrier to protect Senya and herself from a hyperdrive explosion.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) WwaTTcZ

Force Blast (Alter)

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) ZxFcbyz

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) GYQLBWx

Force Drain (Alter)

(KotET:VIII/IX) Vaylin was capable of using Force Drain in combat against Arcann, Senya, and the Outlander (or Lana, Theron, and the Outlander if full dark side playthrough).

Example of Vaylin using Drain against the Outlander in KOTET:IX (a bit difficult to see with the fountain of lightning coming out of Vaylin):

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 3BwbS8P

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) T5v0KvK

Force Lightning (Alter)

(KotET:VIII) Vaylin utilized a combination of different lightning variants, with one being an emerald color and the other being a purple color.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) TUunh7B

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) BXFkBsQ

(KotET:III) Vaylin used Force Lightning to destroy a power relay.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 8qY8OHF

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin used Force Lightning to ignite engine fuel.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) OPgvZvR

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) IvroTnh

Force Maelstrom (Alter)

(KotET:VIII) Vaylin unleashed a Force Maelstrom against Arcann, Senya, and the Outlander (or Lana, Theron, and the Outlander depending on the Outlander's choices) which ragdolled the Outlander's allies. The force of the blast was strong enough to crack the extremely thick walls of the Alliance base.

Force Scream (Alter)

(Pre-KotFE) Vaylin used Force Scream as a child to destroy the armor of a Knight of Zakuul.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) PMApMLJ

Force Void (Alter?)

(KotET:III/VIII/IX)Vaylin possessed the ability to create a Force Void around herself. The description of the ability emphasizes the idea that the Outlander could only defeat her in melee combat. The void is most likely a product of her time on Nathema.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 6CmLO2x

The purple circle that can be seen around Vaylin is the area of effect of the void.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) VAfU8lZ

Telekinesis (Alter)

(KotET:VIII) Vaylin tossed and then snapped the necks of Torian and Vette (depends upon player choice).

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) TCjnaIC

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) EverEAG

(KotET:VIII) Vaylin hurt a Horizon Guard with a telekinesis grip.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) UjaMxs7

(KotET:VII) Vaylin overloaded the BRAIN machine from off-planet with what seems to be telekinesis, which led to the destruction of the Sanitarium. This may also be a display of Technometry.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757733-3908143954-Pf5k6

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757743-7540656764-8Iunj

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757754-2452026587-F0nEb

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757758-3810800577-qznDP

(KotET:VII) Vaylin ragdolled and killed several Zakuul Knight's and others after breaking her conditioning.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757723-7634642533-TdjqI

(KotET:VI) Vaylin ragdolled and choked a Horizon Guard with ease.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) IUJzsSW

(KotET:VI) Vaylin tore a large holoprojecter from the ceiling.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 8kcechI

(KotET:VI) Vaylin hurled a speeder at Arcann and knocked him over and then presumably readjusted the speeder in midair while in freefall to take control of it.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) WuPMo34

(KotET:VI) Vaylin dismantled a large structure and levitated a portion of it in air.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5763988-3140026181-UOW39

(KotET:V) Vaylin hurled the remains of a droid several meters with ease on multiple occasions.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) NpS4Bg7

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) MuptTZs

(KotET:V) Vaylin utterly annihiliated a droid with telekinesis.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) IEPLYHj

(KotET:V) Vaylin used telekinesis to throw a GEMINI droid with great force.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) SFsFRew

(KotET:IV) Vaylin used telekinesis to damage her cell built by Iokathi. She tore the panels off of the walls of her cell and then bundled them together into a ball which she used as a projectile to destroy one of the walls in her cell.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 2rmOfB2

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) H9SBEy5

(KotET:III) Vaylin knocked over the Outlander with telekinesis during a duel.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) XfVz4nK

(KotET:III) Vaylin hurled a large power relay at the Outlander.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5764684-0034781705-wPcXQ

(KotET:III) Vaylin ragdolled Koth.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) KjpkzST

(KotET:III) Vaylin ragdolled Lana after cornering her in a duel.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) NriLrBK

(KotET:I – DS) Vaylin destroyed eight Skytroopers in a rage after her mother's death.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) N01zdd1

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin ended her fight with Senya in a flick of the wrist.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) HG1W7om

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin effortlessly tore a lightsaber pike from Senya's hands with telekinesis.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) EkdGeOs

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin tossed and killed dozens of Knights of Zakuul as well as their ships and shuttles.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) CFF4FZa

A portion of one of the ships can be seen here behind Senya:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 11410

The destruction can also be seen here:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) ZiLFLhS

(KotFE:VIII) Vaylin tore a large metal structure from its foundation and threw it at Senya.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Ca9ARgV

Another instance:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) A0ZezBx

(KotFE:VIII) Vaylin threw a pirate several meters.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Lt1QGXi

(KotFE:III) Vaylin destroyed five Skytroopers with ease.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) FAq7HxE

(KotFE:III) Vaylin tore a piece of metal from the platform she was standing on to defend herself from a ship's guns.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) QtsX0ot

(KotFE:III) Vaylin brought down a platform (can be seen in the falling in the background behind Lana) and then dismantled a large bridge.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 3by8OVs

(KotFE:III) Vaylin partially destroyed the base of a sun generator and threw the large pieces of debris torn from the sun generator.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) BytFLox

Image for size reference:
Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) GiVDShl

(KotFE:III) Vaylin destroyed a large door.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) G4MldhC

(KotFE:III) Vaylin broke the kneck of a Knight of Zakuul.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) NDCKbTA

(Pre-KotFE) Vaylin incapacitated six Knights of Zakuul as a child.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) MVA71Jp

(Pre-KotFE) Vaylin levitated a toy as a child.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) M1gZQPY

Force Jump (Control)

(KotET:III) Vaylin jumped over the Outlander.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) MPcPQdb

(KotFE:XVI) Vaylin leaped ~20m in the air and handles a telekinetic attack from Arcann without injury.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5538029-3277855788-2m9Tk

Height for reference:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 8yWQHgA

Tutaminis (Control)

(KotET:IV) Vaylin used Tutaminis to absorb a blaster bolt.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5763978-0940450260-3v2db

Force Sense

(KotFE:II) Vaylin sensed Valkorion and the Outlander Flow Walking in her vicinity, while Arcann could not.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) P0RCVUg

Pain Resistance/Willpower

(KotET:VII) Vaylin endured the full power of the BRAIN machine for roughly four minutes which was strong enough to ash Nathema Zealots, who were noted to be powerful Force-sensitives, with its residual energy. The runoff energy of the BRAIN machine was also strong enough to kill Lana and the Outlander. It should be noted that this took place on Nathema where an extremely powerful void in the Force was located, essentially preventing Force-sensitives from using their power to protect themselves (aside from Nathema Zealots who were trained to use the Force specifically on the planet). It should also be noted that Valkorion was protecting Lana and the Outlander from the "worst effects" of the void, thereby giving them access to their Force abilities.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 9oOiJkw

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5757672-8476111917-zPjur

Sanitarium experiencing earthquake-like effects while Vaylin endures the power of the BRAIN:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5764016-9780420532-iSfip  

The game refers to this as "Death Fog". It instantly kills the player if they walk into it in-game:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) UoJRtAk

Vaylin, while enduring the full power of the BRAIN, still has the willpower to fight through the pain and use the Force to break herself free. This is enough to wake Senya from her coma who was residing on a different planet (Odessen).

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) YAlbRdH

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) SvzbikE

Vaylin came out of the ordeal unscathed.

(KotET:IV) Vaylin tanked a blaster bolt to the back without lasting damage or injury.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5763978-0940450260-3v2db

(KotET:III) Vaylin is able to will herself out of Valkorion's "time freeze".

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) GonK2Zo

(KotFE:XVI) Vaylin handles a telekinetic attack from Arcann without injury.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 5538029-3277855788-2m9Tk

Physical Attributes

(KotET:VII) Vaylin slaughtered three genetically engineered acklay without the support of the Force due to being on Nathema.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) LNTmfe2

Jarak commenting on the slaying:

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) EsP30GF

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin compensated for her lack of lightsaber skill and experience with speed and relentless aggression.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Egv3lPO

(KotET:A Mother's Hope) Vaylin possessed "blinding speed" according to Senya.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 2F2lx1E


Special thanks to S_W_LeGenD on Comic Vine for providing a basis for this thread with their RT they made here.

Other sources used in the making of this thread:


Last edited by Praxis on September 23rd 2022, 2:48 am; edited 8 times in total
Level Six
Level Six

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 15th 2020, 3:42 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Rez, will read
Level Six
Level Six

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 15th 2020, 4:42 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Good thread Praxis, #respect. Though I will have to look more into it when I get my PC since my mobile device is unable to render most of the images and GIFs.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 15th 2020, 5:05 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
HellfireUnit wrote:Good thread Praxis, #respect. Though I will have to look more into it when I get my PC since my mobile device is unable to render most of the images and GIFs.

Yeah, the thread probably isn't meant for mobile. There are most likely too many gifs for a phone to be able to load.
Level Five
Level Five

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 1:02 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
@Praxis Good job
Level Seven
Level Seven

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 2:19 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Great work, just reinforces my belief that Vaylin was above any version of the Outlander up until the very end of KOTET. Not sure how literally I'd take those memories of healing, though. They don't make much sense as a concept.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 2:33 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
BoD (Away) wrote:Great work, just reinforces my belief that Vaylin was above any version of the Outlander up until the very end of KOTET. Not sure how literally I'd take those memories of healing, though. They don't make much sense as a concept.

I see the memories as more an abstract representation of the Outlander's advantage due to being in his mind more than anything else. The literalness of the mechanic is a bit ambiguous.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 4:31 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Added Vaylin detecting Valkorion's Flow-walking.

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) IJgYXn1
Level Seven
Level Seven

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 4:35 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Praxis wrote:
BoD (Away) wrote:Great work, just reinforces my belief that Vaylin was above any version of the Outlander up until the very end of KOTET. Not sure how literally I'd take those memories of healing, though. They don't make much sense as a concept.

I see the memories as more an abstract representation of the Outlander's advantage due to being in his mind more than anything else. The literalness of the mechanic is a bit ambiguous.
Fair enough. Not sure they'd help him though if they were literal, since at this point he's not in control of his mind.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

January 16th 2020, 6:24 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
great thread Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 228124001
The God Emperor
The God Emperor

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 5:38 pm
Vaylin is invincible
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 7:06 pm
Strong thread
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 7:42 pm
Sub Kun but powerful
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 7:45 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
> Korriban wrote:Sub Kun but powerful

The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 7:56 pm
> Korriban wrote:Sub Kun but powerful
Nah above kun just like everyone else is
To be sub kun You gotta be fisto or agen kolar
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 8:07 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
You're not good at this, be it debating, trolling or existing.
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

March 16th 2020, 9:06 pm
Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 1019854026 Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 1019854026

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

April 14th 2020, 6:21 pm
Nice work. Thanks for crediting me here.

I will update mine when I have time. I will credit you in it.

> Korriban wrote:Sub Kun but powerful
Vaylin is Valkorion TIER.

Exar Kun does not compare.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

April 14th 2020, 6:35 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
@S_W_LeGenD Thanks!

I actually plan on revamping this soon to make it more accessible due to the insane load time from the gifs. Also, make sure to vote Vaylin in the current Top Fifteen Tournament round: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 3344068304

Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

April 14th 2020, 6:46 pm
Praxis wrote:@S_W_LeGenD Thanks!

I actually plan on revamping this soon to make it more accessible due to the insane load time from the gifs. Also, make sure to vote Vaylin in the current Top Fifteen Tournament round: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) 3344068304
Thanks for letting me know.

Well, I find such lists absolutely subjective and do not vote in them. I strongly disagree with those rankings anyways.
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Vaylin Respect Thread (2020) Empty Re: Vaylin Respect Thread (2020)

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