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Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 6:55 pm
I found this stuff in comicvine. I know some of have a... strained relationship with the site, and im sorry about that, but i still find it an interesting and fun place to go to lol they do have a big star wars community there. not the greatest, not the best, but big means a lot of star wars stuff for me to... dive into. I found this

“While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.” -

This as well. 

There are two worlds here; There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books.” - George Lucas, Cinescape, July 2001

Some other stuff that u guys prolly already know about.

"Anything in the films and from George Lucas (including unpublished internal notes that we might receive from him or from the film production department) is considered 'G' canon. Next we have what we call continuity 'C' canon which is pretty much everything else. There is secondary 'S' continuity canon which we use for some older published materials and things that may or may not fit just right. But, if it is referenced in something else it becomes 'C.' Similarly, any 'C' canon item that makes it into the films can become 'G' canon. Lastly there is non-continuity 'N' which we rarely use except in the case of a blatant contradiction..." - Leland Chee

This as well. Some more gillard/lucas stuff. It does prove the fact that the gillard scale is purely for the dueling on the movies themselves. what happens outside of the movies does not apply to the gillard scale at all. Also talks about how well the actors 'duel', which is one of the factors that decides where they go to in the gillard scale. I never noticed this before, but anakin, sidious, and yoda are not the only tier 9 duelists, which is quite cool, at least.

I this is pretty interesting. im not gonna make any comments. i actually just want to hear what u want to say. theories, opinions, bring it.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:03 pm
That's why most debaters separate film Vader from Legends Vader.

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:04 pm
Yep. Before the Disney takeover, there were two universes: the Lucas universe and the Licensing universe. Suspect Insight's default rules follow the Licensing universe.[hideedit]

Last edited by DarthAnt66 on January 13th 2020, 7:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:04 pm
sorry for the weird formatting guys. idk why it did that. im still not savy enough on that shit to edit it right hahaha
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:05 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:Yes, and these quotes are the default policy of Suspect Insight. There's two universes: the Lucas universe and the Licensing universe. We follow the Licensing universe as dictated by Licensing officials.
can u elaborate on this? im not sure i follow. is lucas universe the films and current canon comics and what not, while licensing is everything else?

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:15 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:
DarthAnt66 wrote:Yes, and these quotes are the default policy of Suspect Insight. There's two universes: the Lucas universe and the Licensing universe. We follow the Licensing universe as dictated by Licensing officials.
can u elaborate on this? im not sure i follow. is lucas universe the films and current canon comics and what not, while licensing is everything else?

The Lucas universe includes his direct creations -- films and The Clone Wars TV show -- and the other projects he was heavily involved in -- the film adult novels and audio dramas. Though, the film adult novels and audio dramas aren't put as high on the pedestal as the other works, for obvious reasons.

Lucas also licenses Star Wars to other companies. This licensing is overseen by Lucasfilm Licensing. Lucas does not consider these works as a part of his universe (i.e. Lucas holds Boba Fett died in ROTJ), but he recognizes Licensing as a legitimate, albeit lesser, alternate universe. Almost all the expanded universe falls under here.

As to why we care about what Lucas says, Licensing still recognizes Lucas as a nigh-supreme authority for their universe as well (i.e. G-Canon) and believes that it is their foremost goal to constantly adapt to Lucas' views and whims. However, Licensing has, at times, regulated Lucas' commentary to just apply to his universe.

Disney came in, destroyed both of these universes, then created two new universes: Canon and Legends.
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:22 pm
Ah ok ok. So its like "we hear lucas when we need to, and its more like hear, but not actually listen either..." hahaha. I didnt know about that Fett stuff either. Thats kinda cool.

Ok, so tell me about how WE deal with this stuff here, just so i know?

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 7:25 pm
Ok, so tell me about how WE deal with this stuff here, just so i know?

Per the Star Wars Versus - Guidelines  thread created by @Suspect Insight:

Suspect Insight wrote:GUIDELINES:

Members reserve the right to dictate the stipulations of any thread that they have created. This includes restricting characters to Disney continuity only, allowing composite (i.e. both Legends and Canon) versions, banning George Lucas statements, etc. However, until clarified otherwise, the following stipulations are to be assumed:

(1) Legends continuity only. If a thread states "Darth Vader versus Yoda" and provides no further context, then anything published by Disney is not applicable.

(2) All formal and informal policies of Lucas Licensing as of September 2012, including the internal continuity rankings of the Holocron, are law. The rules include, but are not limited to, applicable and relevant material from the following link: 

(3) The combatants will fight in-character, with morals on, and are at their peak combative state bar external amps or other circumstantial power boosts. They will start 100 meters away from each other on open grass fields. Victory necessitates permanently killing or destroying the physical body of the opponent.

Members can make threads following whatever rules they want, but the default thread follows the Lucas Licensing universe specifically.
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 8:34 pm
Ohhhh so I can literally make a thread saying that the Lucas stuff doesn't apply to like, sheev or something like that if I wanted to make a match with him in it?
Level One
Level One

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 8:39 pm
This is why I keep saying, TCW doesn't align at all with the previous established lore, cause Lucas didn't have to follow.

Also @Lorenzo.r.2nd, yes, yes you can.
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 8:49 pm
Zenwolf wrote:This is why I keep saying, TCW doesn't align at all with the previous established lore, cause Lucas didn't have to follow.

Also @Lorenzo.r.2nd, yes, yes you can.
more like he could care less lmaoo. he added jar jar knowing that older people would shit on it, and its more or more the main reason why TPM gets so much hate hahahaha. if it werent for him, that shit wouldve been another ROTS tbh. I think Lucas decided to make some lore of his own, instead of being an editor on some novels here and there.

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 8:56 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:Ohhhh so I can literally make a thread saying that the Lucas stuff doesn't apply to like, sheev or something like that if I wanted to make a match with him in it?

Yep. Interesting stuff 1289255181 You can make a thread with any stipulations you want.
Level Three
Level Three

Interesting stuff Empty Re: Interesting stuff

January 13th 2020, 9:12 pm
oh thats cool thats cool. man. that is dopeness
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