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Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 23rd 2019, 6:08 pm
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Alright so I'm finally posting here(account made in July), for those of you who don't know me by this name. I'm also known on Comicvine as Wolfrazer, SpaceBattles as Wolfrazor, Killermovies as Zenwolf and SWTOR site as Wolfninjajedi.

That said, since I figure many on here don't also have accounts on those sites, I figured this being a SW forum, I'd move my respect blogs/threads on over here too. If nothing else, to expand everyone's knowledge on more....lesser things of the SWU. This also would probably help with Google searching...anyway but let's get into this.

Link: Imperial Army Trooper respect thread

Link: Imperial Storm Commandos respect thread


Imperial Stormtroopers

Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. 4610094-2611841526-Imper

Training= Guide/Fact Files/Novels/Comics/Sourcebooks

The Imperial Academy Carida drew the best and bravest Army cadets, with its 2 year long Stormtrooper training program legendary for its brutality. Stormtrooper training not only included grueling physical tests but also extensive indoctrination, which produced unswerving loyalty to the Empire. Very few attempts to bribe, blackmail or seduce a Stormtrooper succeeded.

- Taken from Essential Guide to Warfare

They are taken only from the best and bravest of Imperial Army Troops(more on them in another blog) with undergoing 2 years of training which is legendary for its brutality.

One of the several planets in the Caridan system, it was a large high gravity world with a wide variety of terrain. It was the site of the Empire's most important training center.

- Taken from Star Wars Encyclopedia

They train on the planet known as Carida, a high gravity world with a wide variety of terrain.


Said terrain includes jungles, deserts, oceans, arctic.

As his next target, Kyp would challenge the Imperial military training center on Carida. The military planet was a largish world with high gravity to toughen the muscles of potential stormtroopers. Its untamed land masses provided an appropriate range of training environments: arctic wastelands, trackless rain forests, splintered mountain crags, and searing desert hardpan crawling with venomous multilegged reptiles.

- Taken from Jedi Academy 3: Champions of the Force

The high gravity world also strengthens the muscles of Stormtroopers, also further noting it has rain forests, mountains and crawling with venomous multi-legged reptiles.

Future Stormtroopers trekked across burning deserts, slogged through dense rain forests, trained on heaving oceans and endured frostbite on the polar ice caps. Carida's life forms included the combat arachnids. Creatures so renowned for their fighting prowess, Jabba the Hutt purchased several to battle his pet rancor.

- Taken from Essential Guide to Planets and Moons

They go through burning deserts, slog through dense rain forests, heaving oceans and enduring frostbite on polar ice caps. They also face combat arachnids, which are renowned for their fighting prowess that Jabba purchased several to battle his rancor.


Showing the brutal training they go through, the instructors don't really seem to give a damn. You either pass or die trying.

Through the cockpit’s transparisteel windows, they saw a squad of Imperial snowtroopers enter the hangar. Most wielded standard-issue blaster rifles, but one team carried a heavy repeating blaster cannon and a tripod. Leia guessed the snowtroopers would have their cannon set up in less than a minute, and she had a hard time believing the Falcon would be out of the hangar that soon.

- Taken from ESB novel jr

Meanwhile, a somewhat subdued young woman seated herself in the navigator's chair.
Outside the Millennium Falcon, stormtroopers worked with military efficiency to set up their enormous gun.

- Taken from ESB novel

Stormtroopers work quick with setting up an E-web heavy blaster cannon, Leia noting it would be set up within a minute.

Heavy enough to provide devastating fire, the EWHB-10(E-web) can also be carried on maneuvers by its two-man crew. It can be set up as needed in temporary emplacements in 15 minutes.

- Taken from Imperial Sourcebook 2nd edition

This is ridiculously impressive and showing the fruits of training, cause it normally takes a team to set up in 15 minutes.

Before anyone notes about preheating the generator.

The weapon drew its power from an Eksoan Class 4T3 Generator prone to overheating in a spectacular way unless closely monitored. This was especially true if the force using the E-web required it for infantry support, as it would need to be pre-charged to avoid the 15 minute cold-start charging period. Even then, the E-web team required infantry support while they spent valuable minutes setting up their kit.

- Fact File 26

During initial setup, the crew requires more than 15 minutes to position the E-web, calibrate the 'cold' generator and configure the targeting system. If the crew fires before the generator is primed, the weapon may suffer dangerous power surges. To reposition the E-web, the crew must disassemble the weapon and carry it to its new location. Reassembling a primed E-web takes less than 5 minutes.

- New Essential Guide to Weapons & Technology

Even taking that into account, it still requires a team to spent minutes setting it up. Reassembling a primed E-web takes less than 5 minutes, so it's still working with minutes for a standard team.

Whereas Stormtroopers can set theirs up in less than a minute. So either way you look at it, put a team with an E-web against a Stormtrooper team with an E-web both teams with primed generators, the Stormtroopers would still have their weapon placed much faster and ready to go.

In numbers, Stormtroopers make formidable opponents. Trained to work together, they are experts at dealing damage and bringing order through the judicious application of force.

- Taken from Rebellion Era Sourcebook

Trained to work together, experts at dealing damage.

Ultra Battle Droids fought with notoriety during the Outer Rim Sieges, but virtually disappeared by the wars' end. Several hundred units later saw use inside the urban warfare training zone on the Imperial Academy world of Carida.

- Taken from New Essential Guide to Droids

They trained against Ultra Battle Droids in the urban warfare training zone on Carida.

And now, Carida. The final year of my training. The Academy. You know, the area around the main campus is a lot like home -- rocky, dry, mountains like dragon's teeth -- but coming into orbit, I saw green patches bigger than the Bothehl Desert. And oceans. Real oceans, not those anemic patches that dribble up from Emperor knows where on Coruscant. I have to admit I took the longest approach vector the regs allowed just to get a good long look at the polar regions. It's a wonder there's any water left to make it rain, but it does that too (right now, in fact).

Oh, and the gravity. It's as bad as you said, Dad. But I'm strong; if I wasn't, I wouldn't be here. Look at it this way -- someday I'll come back to the farm, and I'll be able to do the work of ten binary load lifters.

I know you've gotten flack about your daughter running off to join the stormtroopers. You know it's really not going to be like that. But it's sure not going to be CPI, either. First, they'll run us through the same boot camp as the other new arrivals, and then the rest of the first two semesters is almost nothing but tactics, strategy, and survival, "in no particular order." (That was Mogurk's joke -- I'm going to miss that old crank.)

Personally, I reckon survival's going to be part of every course.
-- Myrette

A TIE Flight Cadet going through her final year goes through the same boot camp as Stormtroopers, noting after that she'd be able to do the work of 10 binary load lifters after.

Heavy Lifting- The Droid's lifting arms are equally powerful and able to lift several tonnes without straining their hydraulic pivots.

- Taken from Fact File 30

A note that Binary Load Lifters can lift several tons without strain.

Now obviously of course this is hyperbole on her part, because if 1 year can do that, then Stormtroopers themselves would be clearly superhuman in the several ton range.

Still this puts in perspective of the gravity and training on that world. With all this in mind, Stormtroopers should have peak physical condition, obviously not in the sense of like comic book peak physical condition, but far greater than a regular person in the galaxy.

It was during our third day of boot camp. And they really meant "camp" -- after a few days of brutal physical conditioning at the barracks, we'd been sent on a two-hundred-kilometer hike through a mountainous wasteland.

Since then, I've made that trek twenty times, and never once failed to complete the journey.

-- Myrette

- Taken from Carida: Heavy Duty part 2

3rd day of boot camp, they go on a 124 mile hike(200 kilometer) through a mountainous wasteland. Myrette noting that she's made the trek 20 times and never once failed it.

Once the troops are issued uniforms and other equipment, they begin a training regime 8 to 10 weeks long, designed to weed out the weak and to mold the rest into uniform physical fitness.

Because a recruit's body reacts differently when in optimal physical conditions, trainees are expected to be in top physical shape form for combat training. At this point in training, a recruit undergoes several hours of physical exercise, followed by several more hours of combat training, either sparring with comrades or out on the firing range.

At the culmination of basic training, a recruit should be in peak physical condition and trained to fight and die on the battlefield.

- Taken from Galaxy at War

This is more a generic quote for the Troopers in the galaxy, they should already be in top physical shape, they undergo several hours of physicals, then several more hours of combat training where in the end, they should be in top physical condition and ready to fight. 

This mind you folks, only a period of 8 to 10 weeks. This is rather telling considering that Stormtrooper training is far longer and legendary for its brutality.

In the decades since the Clone Wars, the Empire has recruited many non-clones into the ranks of the Stormtroopers. Whether this is because the original clone facilities were dismantled or destroyed, the older Clone Troopers are dying of old age and attrition, or some combination of both, is unknown.

However, training facilities on planets such as Carida now induct human recruits into the Stormtrooper Corps. There they go through intense indoctrination and rigorous training to recreate the skill and fanatical loyalty bred into the original Clone Troopers' genes.

- Taken from Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook

They are equaled to Clone Troopers from the Clone Wars, their intense training to recreate the skill and loyalty that was bred into the Clones.

Far be it from me to criticize the Empire's policy of welcoming patriotic citizens into the ranks of the Stormtrooper Corps. These less-pricey 'natural' recruits are sufficient for the Empire's current needs, but in order to maintain the integrity of the program, optimal morphologic consistency with the previous cloning standards is required.

Diverse, undirected human genetic stock may be constrained if we adhere to strict standards of conformity. As a cost bonus, this also allows for interchangeable uniforms and armor. If you command these troopers, rest assured they meet the minimum physical benchmarks of Kamino-grown clones.

- Taken from Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Adding above, the recruits meet the minimum of physical requirements, this even before training as it's talking about recruitment.

Imperial stormtroopers are calculating, fearless individuals with a reputation for efficiency and an absolute lack of mercy or any emotion in the execution of their duties. Stormtrooper sergeants, who command squads of eight such individuals, are expected to exemplify those traits and show an increased grasp of tactics and abilities.

- Taken from Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook

They are noted as calculating individuals with a reputation for efficiency, Stormtrooper sergeants are even moreso with an increased grasp of tactics and abilities.

In accordance to our orders of secrecy, we returned to silence the Jawas. Atop Banthas, and armed with crude blaster rifles, we attacked and destroyed the sandcrawler and its occupants, taking care to make the operation look like a raid from the Sand People.

- Taken from Galaxy Guide 1: ANH

They are able to use the crude weapons that Sand People are able to use. Making it look like they raided a Sandcrawler.


Author Note: All in all folks, one can't really just gloss over the training and such these guys go through.  Peak physicals are the name of the game here, no less.

Last edited by Zenwolf on October 27th 2019, 10:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 23rd 2019, 6:12 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Novel Quotes

Of course that's what the Omega Exercise was for - to test cadets in battle and see what they were made of. Those who completed their missions with a satisfactory score would receive their commissions and graduate from the Imperial Military Academy at Cliffside on Carida.

The inner charges exploded with a flash of light. Morley jumped up, shoved the heavily damaged slab of metal to one side, and swore as a blaster bolt bounced off his reflective armor. An ambush? Kyle's worst fears had been realized. A wave of self-pity swept over him. He had joined to get an education, not die on some asteroid. It wasn't fair. Or was it? After all, no one had forced him to attend the Academy, he had chosen to do so - and the men were waiting for an order. Four years of hard, rigorous training kicked in. "Contact! Two grenades - one concussion - one high-explosive."

The words were no more than out of Kyle's mouth than two grenades sailed through the door, exploded, and threw shrapnel in every direction. Morley passed through the hole first, followed by Kyle, Hong, and the members of squad two. Suddenly, Kyle was faced with the harsh reality of what war does to people.

The battle raged on. The Rebs were a diverse bunch. Kyle saw men, women, and a scattering of aliens, some of which he recognized and some he didn't. They came in all colors, shapes, and sizes and fought with weapons as varied as they were. Kyle saw blasters old and new, plus some low-velocity projectile weapons, and at least one pre-Empire vibroaxe of the sort used to board enemy starships. It was an ugly weapon and cut through Imperial armor as if it were constructed from paper. Hong shot the axeman through the head, shot him a second time just to make sure, and led the charge that secured the room and fifty feet of passageway.

With that accomplished, Kyle took a moment to assess the situation. A quick count revealed that the platoon had suffered thirty percent casualties, with the second squad being nearly all killed, the third having lost two men, and the first, which had passed through the locks last, almost untouched. So much for the walkover theory. If this was the Academy's idea of easy, it was a wonder that anyone survived to graduate.

- Taken from Dark Forces: Soldier of the Empire

Now this is more for Stormtroopers who are becoming Stormtrooper Officers(IE: Kyle Katarn for example) they undergo the Omega Exercise which puts them in a real battle with commanding Stormtroopers. It's not easy.

The firing range was deserted when LaRone arrived. Deserted, that was, except for Grave, standing in the booth at the far end with his T-28 propped against his armored shoulder. "Grave," LaRone greeted the other solemnly. "How are you doing?"

For a minute Grave didn't answer. He kept firing, coolly and methodically, completing the pattern the range had set up for him. LaRone watched the monitor as Grave hit crossmark after crossmark with the kind of accuracy expected of stormtrooper snipers.

- Taken from Allegiance

Grave, a Stormtrooper sniper makes hit after hit with his rifle. It's noted that it's the kind of accuracy that is expected of Stormtrooper snipers.

But LaRone was an Imperial stormtrooper, ruthlessly trained in the arts of combat and survival, and those deeply embedded reflexes knew nothing about ISB mind games. His left hand snapped up of its own accord, slapping Drelfin's wrist and knocking the blaster away from his forehead.

It was probably the last thing Drelfin expected. He stumbled with the impact, snarling a curse as he tried to swing the weapon back on target. But even as he did so LaRone's right hand came up, catching the other's wrist and giving it an extra push. For a single, nerve-racking fraction of a second the blaster was again pointing at LaRone's face; then it was past, overcorrecting and swinging wide to LaRone's left. He swiveled on his right foot, spinning himself halfway around as he held on to the major's wrist, and a second later he had Drelfin hunched over, his arm twisted around, the blaster pointed harmlessly at the ceiling.

 "What was that about ISB whims being law?" he ground out.

"LaRone, are you insane ?" Brightwater demanded, his eyes bulging.

- Taken from Allegiance

LaRone, a Stormtrooper ruthlessly trained in combat and survival with deeply embedded reflexes from said training, swiftly disarms an ISB agent and takes him down. This all happening in seconds.

Grave glanced over, quick-holstering his own pistol as LaRone tossed him the T-28. He spun back around, lifted it to his shoulder, and began adding his own deadly sniper attack to the rapid fire spitting from Brightwater's speeder bike.

The raiders never had a chance. The last thing they! could have expected this far from the hub's private security was serious resistance, and the very last thing they could have expected was resistance from Imperial storm-troopers. Brightwater spiraled around the raiders, running deft rings around the more amateur swoopers, keeping them herded together as Grave picked them off one by one.

- Taken from Allegiance

Grave(Stormtrooper sniper) takes out swoop gang members while they ride their bikes. While Brightwater(Stormtrooper Scout) ran rings around the amateur swoop raiders, the raiders not having expected resistance from Stormtroopers, the very last thing they could have expected.

Swoops are among the fastest ground vehicles with top speeds exceeding 600 kilometers per hour.

- Taken from New Essential Guide to Vehicles & Vessels.

Swoops have a top speed of 600 km/h or 372 mph. Note, now I realize Brightwater was herded those swoopers and Grave picking them off, but this is all during a blaster fight and the swoops are still moving.

Duck! The command seemed to come from within, but Luke obeyed it. As he did, a dart whizzed past, skimming his hair as it blew by.

"That was close, Master Luke," C-3PO said worriedly. "We must seek cover before..."

Luke darted to his left, just as another dart streaked past. Something, his instincts, his senses - the Force? - was warning him of the danger a split second before it arrived. But he couldn't dodge darts indefinitely. He had to find a way to help his friends.

They're just unconscious, he assured himself, looking away from their still bodies and pale faces. They can't be...

"You're a quick one," a voice said from behind him. Luke whirled around to find himself face-to-face with a white-armored face mask. "Not quick enough."

The stormtrooper raised a force pike and jabbed him in the chest. Luke's body shuddered uncontrollably as the electric shock blazed through him. There was an explosion of pain, and his legs collapsed beneath him. The massive shock paralyzed his nervous system. He lay on his back, unable to move, staring up at the stormtrooper. Helpless.

Luke prepared himself to die.

The force pike struck again.

More pain.

And then, only darkness.

- Taken from Rebel Force 1: Target.

A Stormtrooper takes down Luke Skywalker using a Force Pike. Now this is post Battle of Yavin, so Luke is still learning the ways of The Force, he still however was able to avoid poison darts shot at him.

Luke dodged a barrage of fire, diving over a couch. He swore as one of the guards shot the blaster out of his hand, then activated his lightsaber, lashing out with the glowing beam. The stormtrooper darted out of his reach, then fired again. Luke grunted in pain and toppled backward as the laserfire blasted into his shoulder. Han rushed to help - then stopped, as he felt something sharp jab him in the back.

"Drop it," the guard's flat voice ordered.

Han raised his arms, letting his blaster clatter to the floor. Luke groaned and sat up - but a blaster in the face stopped him from going any further. The other two stormtroopers lay on the ground, unconscious or dead. Han grimaced - they'd almost managed to win.
But when blasters were involved, almost didn't count.

- Taken from Rebel Force 1: Target

A couple of Stormtroopers take down both Luke and Han, one blasting a blaster from Luke's hand, avoiding a lightsaber throw and blasting Luke in the shoulder while the 2nd hits Han in the back.

"Gentlemen, let's keep transmissions to a minimum, " Captain Janzor broke in. "And Sergeant Strepp, I've been monitoring you on this mission. Ease off on the boy. "

"Yes, sir, " Strepp answered.

"By the way, Dower, you are on guard duty tonight, " Janzor said. "Listen up, " the captain continued, now in open communication with the rest of the platoon. "There is a small Wookiee outpost five kilometers north by northwest of here. Capturing this outpost is our first objective. We must block its transmissions, then storm it before it can send out a signal. Assuming we can make a clean capture, this will become our base of operations. Do you have any questions? No? Then prepare for assault. "

The speeder scouts flew ahead, stationed themselves around the outpost, then switched on equipment for blocking transmissions just as we first caught sight of the outpost. It was a round building with arching beams and supports. A few antennas stuck out of its roof. Confused that their radio communications were cut off, a Wookiee peered out the window. When he saw our approach, he let out a screaming growl and ducked behind a wall.

"So much for the element of surprise, " Strander said as he came beside me. "Just the same, I don't think he knew we were coming. "

"Okay, men, we need five soldiers to go in and flush them out, " Strepp announced. "Dower, Strander, you two circle around the outside of the building and shoot any Wookiees trying to escape to the north. "

"Yes, sir, " I said, relieved not to be one of the lucky five storming the building.

"No second chances on this one, guys, " Janzor chimed in. "If word of our invasion gets out, we'll be fighting our way to a clearing and praying that the transport and air cover come in time to save any of us. "

Sergeants Strepp and Dalia led the charge on the outpost. I watched as they knelt down behind the cover of a stump. Troopers on the east and west sides of the building fired shots at the windows, and Strepp sprinted closer to the door as the red bolts dissolved into the walls in a shower of sparks. Agile and unafraid, he darted left and right, finding cover behind the smallest thickets. As he approached the chest-high fence surrounding the outpost, two Wookiees popped up from behind a window and fired bowcasters at him. Strepp dove to the ground and rolled behind a small branch.

Ten of our best marksmen sat waiting for the Wookiees to show themselves. When one of the Wookiees looked out to locate Strepp, three soldiers fired. It looked as if all of them hit their mark. "Remember, Strepp, " I heard Janzor say in an open transmission, "no collateral damage. No detonators, no wasted fire. I want this building in one piece. "

The second Wookiee peered through the window, then dropped for cover as our sharpshooters opened fire. Five bright red bolts flashed in the window, passing through the exact spot in which the Wookiee had stood. A moment later, Strepp leapt over the fence, rolled to the side of the building, and crawled under the window. He rolled onto his knees with his back pressed hard against the wall of the outpost, then slowly rose to his feet. From there he waited for Janzor to send him the "go ahead" signal.

Other soldiers followed. Sergeant Dalia waited in the back, bravely standing in almost open ground, shooting at any Wookiee that dared to approach the window. With snipers targeting them and an endless barrage of bolts from regular troops stationed around the perimeter, the Wookiees could not put up much of a fight.

Then the blaster fire stopped, and Strepp dove through into the outpost through the window.

I saw the glow of his blaster but could not tell if he had fired at anything in particular. Then three Wookiees came running out the back of the building. "Incoming, " I yelled as Strander and I fired volleys of bolts, taking out all three of the battle-stunned Wookiees as they came through the door.

"Not bad, Dower, " Strepp's voice said in my audio piece.

Up to this point in the mission, everything had gone better than planned. We landed unnoticed, disposed of any evidence of our landing, and captured our first objective nearly unopposed. Imperial forces operate in perfect order. The Empire operates in perfect order. That's why I love it.

- Taken from Pax Empirica: The Wookiee Annhiliation

A Stormtrooper Platoon(38 men) takes over a Wookiee Outpost.

I looked back. From this distance the Wookiees and stormtroopers looked like miniature statues only a few centimeters tall. Hundreds of Wookiees flooded the grounds around the outpost. Using optical enhancement, I saw that they had bowcasters. They clearly outnumbered my platoon, and the sheer abandon with which they attacked confused the stormtroopers. The furry beasts seemed unconcerned about blaster fire, and many of them attacked with their paws instead of their weapons.

The Wookiees swarmed into the building from all sides, flushing Captain Janzor and a small band of 15 armed troopers out the eastern door. I could hear the Captain talking over my audio. "Stay tight. You, cover the flank. Fire! Fire! Fire!"

Just as the brown sea of Wookiees seemed to close around the stormtroopers, six rapidly fired bolts made them retreat. A stormtrooper had climbed to the top of the outpost. My goggles identified the hero as First Sergeant Oswald Strepp. Huddled beside a beam just behind the ledge of the outpost, he fired several shots at the Wookiees, drew their attention, then sprinted to a new location and fired more.

"If you can hear me, Dower, " Strepp shouted frantically, "return to the drop site.

That goes for anyone who can hear me. Return to the drop site. "

By this time, the Wookiees had regrouped. The small circle of troopers no longer had any chance of escape. Surrounded and pinned down, they tried to circle back for the shelter of the outpost; but Wookiees had overrun the building and fired on them from the doors and windows. As I watched him fight, Strepp bent down and pulled something up in his hand. Using my optical enhancer, I saw he held a thermal detonator.

"Janzor, " Strepp called. "I am dropping a TD. On my count, hit the dirt, then run for open space. "

I glanced quickly at the soldiers making a desperate stand. Three of the soldiers had fallen. Janzor stood at the head of the circle, firing wildly and still hitting targets.

"Drop!" Strepp called. And at that moment, the outpost lit up in a huge fireball as long streams of fire exploded through the windows and doorways. For a moment it looked as if the outpost would remain standing. Badly shaken, but possibly still alive, Strepp lay on the roof with his left arm dangling over a beam. Then the thatching

I beneath him disintegrated in a column of I smoke, and he toppled into the building. A moment later, the entire roof collapsed as the building turned into a well of flames.

As the vapor cleared from the battleground, I saw the bodies of dozens of Wookiees lying crumpled. Some rolled around wounded, others lay perfectly still.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

So hundreds of Wookiees end up ambushing the Stormtrooper Platoon. They were surrounded, pinned down and no chance of getting out before one of them ended the battle with a thermal detonator.

It was followed by a white-paneled hovercar that swooped into the plaza, scattering the crowds of pedestrians. A squad of stormtroopers leaped out of the back before it even stopped. With military precision the troopers singled out a specific being in the startled crowd. Tash saw that the creature-with its green skin, large purple eyes, and narrow snout-was a Rodian. Four of the troopers pounced on him. The leader of the stormtrooper squad activated a loudspeaker built into his armor:


- Taken from Galaxy of Fear 3: Planet Plague

Stormtroopers single out a specific person in a crowd, leaping out of a moving airspeeder before it comes to a stop.

At one point toward the bow, two stormtroopers were engaged in a vibroblade duel, apparently a friendly one, but their blows still caused deep scores in their white armor.

- Taken from X-Wing 6: Iron Fist

Two Stormtroopers engage in a Vibroblade duel, even if friendly the blows still caused deep scores within their armor.

Another Krizlaw lunged, extendable mouth open to engulf him. He swung his lightsaber again, this time with more force-using the thought of Mara and Ben to strengthen his resolve to stay alive. The blade cut through the creature's forelimbs, but it wasn't enough to halt its movement through the air. It connected solidly with Luke's chest, knocking him to the ground. Its huge, slavering jaws were suddenly centimeters from his face. 

Before he'd had the chance to bring his lightsaber up to defend himself, five blasts sounded from nearby, each one striking the alien's head. Mucus and blood splashed Luke's face, and the Krizlaw fell heavily to one side. He would have liked to offer his thanks to the stormtrooper who'd fired the shot, but he had already turned his attention to the other creatures attacking them. There wasn't time to be grateful.

- New Jedi Order: Force Heretic

Here a Stormtrooper saves Luke Skywalker from a Krizlaw who was mere centimeters from eating his face, each of the 5 shots hitting the Krizlaw right in the head.


Continuing on..
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Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 23rd 2019, 6:24 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Comic/Movie Scans/Gifs


Here a Scout Trooper engages a Rebel SpecForce Trooper in H2H, fighting for a total of 45 minutes before coming to a truce. Rebel Spec Forces are noted as some of the best Troopers in the galaxy, will get more on them in a later blog.


Here a Stormtrooper takes out a Rebel Saboteur.


Wrecking Rebels at an outpost.


A Scout Trooper knocks Han Solo off his feet with one blow.

They flattened to the ground and watched.
Han was engaged in a rousing fist fight with one of the scouts -he hadn't looked so happy in days.
- Taken from ROTJ novel.
The two engage in a rousing fist fight.


Blasting R2 out of commission and wounding Leia.


A Scout Trooper blasting Leia off a speeder bike.

Therefore he risked everything to draw his blaster pistol and take aim at Leia. It was a testament to his training that even at high speed he was able to target the bike accurately and hit the rear of the vehicle.
- Taken from Fact File 86
Noted to be a testament to his training he was even able to make such a shot at high speeds while driving.

Speeder bikes serve as excellent scout vehicles because they can reach up to speeds of 500 kilometers per hour.
- Taken from New Essential Guide to Vehicles & Vessels

Speeder bikes those in particular can travel up to 500 k/m an hour. Or 310 mph

And these blast points to accurate for Sand People, only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.
- Obi Wan to Luke

They are noted as being better shots than Sand People who can tag fast moving podracers. Will get to them in another blog.



They wreck a Rebel Force aboard the Tantive IV, forcing them to retreat in multiple engagements before the Rebels surrendered.


Next up Equipment...
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Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 23rd 2019, 6:49 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Equipment: Helmets

Sir, " I said. I reached down and placed the helmet over my head. The moment it fit into place, the readout appeared in the goggles, identifying the sergeant as First Sergeant Oswald Strepp. Computers in our helmets recognized soldiers by their uniforms and identified them in our goggles.

"Are you reading me clearly?" Strepp asked.

"Yes, sir!" I answered. I could hear his voice clearly through my helmet, more clearly than before I put it on. Sensors in my helmet singled out the transport's engine noise and filtered it out as an unimportant interference.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

Stormtrooper helmets having computer readouts in identifying troopers, they also make voices more clearer and also filter out unimportant interference.

A bright red ring began glowing around my goggles. "What status have I signaled, trooper?" Strepp asked.

"Alert status, sir. " During combat, sergeants and officers signaled different alert statuses by illuminating these lights in our goggles. Red rings meant high alert. Yellow meant caution.

"That will be all, " Sergeant He spun around sharply and moved toward his next surprise inspection.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

The helmets have alert status when sergeants or officers singled in a particular way, the helmets either having Red for high alert and Yellow for caution.

I glanced quickly to make sure my helmet was turned off. Sergeants and officers could monitor communications made through helmets. I'd known more than a few soldiers who said foolish things and got caught by eavesdropping officers.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

Communications can be monitored through helmets.

I turned up the audio feeds into my helmet and listened to the rustling leaves and creaking branches. Using optical commands, I ran an infrared search of the trees around me, revealing scores of rodents and insects, but not much else. Even so, I could hear my own heart pounding inside my armor. So could Strepp. "You surviving down there, Dower?"

"All clear, sir, " I said.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

Having audio feeds also able to do infrared scanning.

And I had the pleasure of leading our band of soldiers, my blaster ready to fire at any moment. I tried to amuse myself by switching my goggles from day-for-night vision to infrared every few minutes. The good thing about infrared was that it would help me spot Wookiees long before they could see me. Unfortunately, the infrared vision caused the ground to look like a wavy mass of gray swirls, and I stumbled when I kept it on too long.

I also fiddled with my audio intakes, screening out the sound of my panting as I trudged forward. Transmissions between foot soldiers buzzed back and forth so quietly that I could barely hear them. Instead, I focused on sounds coming from trees around me. That first Wookiee moved so quietly and spotted me so quickly that I could not afford to wait for my sensors to alert me. The computers in my helmet, however, gave messages from superior officers precedence over my nervous scans. When Strepp contacted me, his voice blared through my helmet.

"You alert up there, Dower?" he asked.

"Sir, I could hear a knobby white spider from 40 meters, " I said.

"We're not looking for knobby spiders, " Strepp said calmly.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

Day to Night vision, more infrared, audio tweeking, able to hearing up to 40 meters.

I looked back. From this distance the Wookiees and stormtroopers looked like miniature statues only a few centimeters tall. As I watched him fight, Strepp bent down and pulled something up in his hand. Using my optical enhancer, I saw he held a thermal detonator.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhiliation

From a distance where Wookiees and Stormtroopers looked like mini statues, the helmet can enhance sight and see a thing as small as a thermal detonator in someone's hand.

Wookiees clearly had sharper senses than we did, but our helmets magnified our vision and let us see at night.

- Taken from Wookiee Annhilation

Magnified vision, able to see at night.

Kyle surprised himself by having the presence of mind to scan the bulletins with the tiny battle holocam built into his helmet.

Dark Forces: Soldier of the Empire

Scanning, a holocam built into the helmets.

"Four-seven-nine: acknowledged," Brightwater said, taking a quick look around as he turned into a wide circle that would bring him back to the rest of the scout troopers still maneuvering their way out of the transport. They'd come in on a ground-skimming course just to the north of a set of low, tree-sprinkled hills, with the edge of their target town a couple of hundred meters away on the far side. 

Activating his helmet's sensors, he gave the hills a quick but careful scan as he circled back toward the transport. There didn't seem to be activity anywhere, of any sort, which struck him as highly suspicious. The hills included a picnic area, several walking paths, and half a dozen trees that had been patiently nurtured and manipulated over the decades into an elaborate children's climbing structure.

- Taken from Allegiance

More scanning.

And that was far and away the trickier half. Stormtrooper helmets included a tongue switch, which had to be tripped before removing the helmet. Otherwise, the comlink would instantly scramble both the frequency rotation sequence and the encryption suite, leaving it all but useless.

For most would-be infiltrators, that was an insurmountable hurdle

- Taken from Choices of One

Includes a tongue switch which needs to be tripped before removing, otherwise the comlink would scramble as would ecryption making it useless.

Marcross nodded and slid the helmet over his head. A few seconds of listening to the palace security chatter was all it took. "Yes, we're in," he confirmed, locking the helmet securely to his collar. "But it doesn't sound like we're on the same system as the gate guards."

"Shouldn't be a problem-you'll be talking to them in person anyway," Jade reminded him, giving each of their shoulder pieces a final check.

"Put these two in that storeroom over there to sleep off the sonic-I've already sliced the lock for you. Then plug in your private frequency and make sure Brightwater and the others are in position in case we need a fast breakout. Which of you has it?"

- Taken from Choices of One

Can be on various frequencies including private.

They had gone perhaps ten more meters when Mara caught a glimpse of something ahead. "Hold," she murmured, running through the Jedi sight-enhancement techniques as they stopped. It hadn't been a movement she'd seen, exactly, but something else.

The stormtrooper, with his helmet's own vision enhancements, got it first. "We're looking through the archway into the shield generator room," he murmured back. "That was a reflection from the generator shell."

- Taken from Survivor's Quest

Vision enhancements work faster than Mara Jade's Jedi sight enhancement techniques.

A Stormtrooper's helmet is replete with high-tech gear. Polarized lenes protect troopers from bright flashes such as those caused by explosions and allow them to see in dark or hazy conditions.

- Taken from New Essential Guide to Weapons & Tech

Polarized lenes protect from bright flashes, can see in dark/hazy conditions.

A powerful transmitter allows Stormtroopers to communicate over long distances, while built in sensor arrays can pick up enemy signals and detect nearby life forms. Other helmet features include cellular padding to prevent head injuries, a helmet computer monitors the armor's functions, a Comtech Series IV speaker using three-phase sonic filtering for clear sound, an atmospheric recycling unit, and a complex air intake and exhaust system.
- Taken from New Essential Guide to Weapons & Tech

Cellular padding for head injuries, computer to monitor armor functions, speaker filtering for clear sounds, built in sensor arrays and other things.


Equipment: Body Armor

He glanced through the opening and found a dozen storm-troopers only ten meters away, still coming despite a hail of Tusken slugs. One fell to a hit through the lens, another with a wound through his throat, but most were simply falling as the projectiles splattered against their armor, then popping back up an instant later

- Taken from Tatooine Ghost

Able to withstand projectiles from Sand People Cycler Rifles, the same rifles that were taking down Podracers. The hits on the armor just knocking them down, only for them to get right back up.

Han fell in alongside the next beast and, struggling to keep pace, reached up and grabbed hold. His feet immediately went out from beneath him, which was just as well since a flurry of blaster bolts came flashing in under the bantha's belly. Most sizzled harmlessly past or ricocheted off his leg armor, but one managed to burn through and scorch his outer thigh.

- Taken from Tatooine Ghost

Armor is able to ricochet blaster bolts.

Fortunately for those guards, the Hand of Judgment didn't kill unnecessarily. Even more fortunately, they'd set up their defensive line well within an E-11's stun range. "Set for stun," LaRone ordered, flipping his selector and squeezing the trigger. The blue rings spread outward and the nearest guard twitched and fell over, his blaster sending a final spasmodic shot into the ceiling. One of the others managed to get two shots off, one of which caught LaRone in his upper chest plate, before they were all down.

"You all right?" Grave asked, leaning over for a look at the blackened spot on LaRone's armor.

"No problem," LaRone assured him, wincing as he moved his shoulder. There was definitely a burn there, but the armor had blocked most of the energy, and the injury wasn't bad enough to slow him down.

- Taken from Allegiance

Helps withstanding against blaster shots, not fully though but enough that one could still move.

Before Fel could even form a protest, Drask had the two of them back on their feet, rapidly retreating behind the stormtroopers' moving defensive screen. They reached the fleet tactical room, and with a quick look inside Drask shoved Fel through the doorway and jumped in after him. A second later, with one final burst of covering fire, the four stormtroopers were inside as well.

"Report," Fel ordered, feeling like an idiot and hoping the effects of the exertion would adequately cover his embarrassment. Getting shot at was hardly a new experience for him, but usually he was in the cockpit of a clawcraft at those times, with a familiar collection of sensors, shields, and weapons at his fingertips. Being attacked in dress uniform had startled him more than he would have expected.


"No armor damage," Watchman reported. "Those bolts were weaker than standard."

"Comes of using the same Tibanna gas reserves for fifty years, I guess," Fel said.

- Taken from Survivor's Quest

Armor can fully tank with 0 damage, blaster bolts provided of course the Tibanna Gas is old. By a glance this feat may not seem like much, but considering how the gas is just a mere 50 years old and how bullets in Star Wars are outdated by thousands and thousands of years, which really puts into perspective on how bullets are rather useless if a blaster with only a 50 year old gas cartridge can't do damage to the armor.

A hermetic autoseal can be engaged to completely seal the armor suit, which is self contained and has its own small oxygen supply. This feature allows Stormtroopers to brave posionous atmospheres and even the vaccum of space for a short time.

- Taken from New Essential Guide to Weapons & Tech

The armor can be sealed having it's own supply of oxygen.

Aside from the insulating body glove, the Stormtrooper's armor contains sensitive temperature controls that automatically adjust based on prevailing conditions.

- Taken from New Essential Guide to Weapons & Tech

Simple, temperature controls in the armor.

Qorl stood inside the training chamber holding a wicked-looking spear in his black-wrapped left hand. His droid replacement arm gripped the gleaming shaft with enough force to dent the metal. The serrated head of the spear had a long central prong with two side spikes curving up like a dragon's barbed tail.

"You're late," Qorl said. He cocked his droid arm back-and hurled the deadly weapon at Norys with all the strength in his robotic servomotors!

Norys stood astonished as the deadly spearpoint hurtled toward his chest plate. He just had time to cry "Hey!" in a panicked voice amplified by his helmet speakers before the barbed tip impacted squarely with enough force to smash him backward.

Norys slammed into the wall, his helmet ringing against the hard metal bulkhead. His vision sparkled with impending unconsciousness. He expected to see a spear sprouting from his heart and waited for his nerves to send shouts of mortal pain. He wanted to scream that Qorl, his supposed teacher, had betrayed him, murdered him. But a split second later his thoughts cleared enough to hear the clatter as the spear shaft fell harmlessly to the floor. He looked down at his chest in amazement and saw only a nick in the white armor where the spear had struck.

- Taken from Star Wars Young Jedi Knights 4: Lightsabers

Armor can withstand a spear thrown by a powerful droid arm, leaving only a nick in the armor.

The creatures came at him from the front, side, and behind. Norys turned, remembering to think, point, aim, and shoot. He eliminated another creature.
Two more emerged from the ceiling, but Norys swiveled at the waist and forced himself to concentrate.

One of the two struck from behind, though its claws skittered off Norys's white stormtrooper armor. He ignored it as he set the second mynock firmly in his sights and shot it.

- Taken from Star Wars Young Jedi Knights 4: Lightsabers

Mynock claws just skitter off the armor.


Able to withstand explosions.


Can withstand electrical discharges powerful enough to illuminate a person's skeleton.

Arm Segments- Forearm segments are reinforced to intercept vibroblades in close combat. With an optional modification, the gloves can deliver stun shocks.

- Taken from The Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Arm segments in the armor can intercept vibroblades. This is ridiculously impressive, given that Vibroblade weapons can cut through armor like cloth and can be fatal wounding with the slightest hit.

The gloves can also power up to deliver stun shocks in H2H. Optional.

The grand moffs were holding a secret conference-a Mofference. And leading the secret Mofference was razor-toothed Grand Moff Hissa, whose body had been nearly destroyed by a torrential flood of liquid toxic waste back on the planet Duro.

Grand Moff Hissa would never forget how High Prophet Jedgar had left him to die in the underground caverns of Duro. A stormtrooper saved Hissa's life, lifting him out of the bubbling acid slime that had eaten through his body. If the Prophets of the Dark Side were allowed to have their way, Grand Moff Hissa would not have lived to tell the tale; as it was, Hissa survived, although he lost both his arms and his legs.

Grand Moff Hissa adjusted his mechanical hover-chair to raise it a few inches above the floor as he presided over the Mofference.

- Taken from Jedi Prince 5: Queen of the Empire

A Stormtrooper saved Grand Moff Hissa's life, lifting him out of acid.

Luke studied the group of silent four-armed aliens towering over the Noghri guarding them. All wore four or more long knives and carried crossbows—not exactly the sort of weapons to use against armored Imperial troops.

- The Last Command

Knives and Crossbows are pretty much useless against armored Troopers.


Here it's shown Dellis Tantor getting shot, the hit puts him out of commission but he survives.


Equipment: Utility Belt/Thermal Detonator/Misc


Showing how effective the Thermal Detonator they carry is.

Stormtroopers are usually issued a thermal detonator. Controls set to arming, timing and blast intensity are not labelled so that enemytroops cannot use the powerful explosives if they are captured.

- Taken from Ep 4-6 Visual Guide

Controls aren't labelled so enemies cannot use them.

Standard issue equipment in the utility belt includes power packs, energy rations and a compact tool kit. The belt can carry additional gear such as a grappling hook, comlink, macrobionculars, handcuff binders or other items such as this combat de-ionizer.

- Taken from Ep 4-6 Visual Guide

What the Utility Belt carries.

Every component of a Stormtrooper's armor and equipment is manufactured to the highest standards in the Empire. Their armor lasts indefinitely and may still be found half buried at decades-old battle sites.

- Taken from Ep 4-6 Visual Guides

Armor is made to the highest standards in the Empire, able to last indefinitely.


Equipment: E-11 Blaster Rifle


Notable feature to the Imperial E-11 Blaster Rifle.

1. Can alternate between single, semiautomatic, full auto and pulse fire.

2. Can use a variety of ammo, including darts, grenades and flares.

3. Computer enhanced scope compensates for dark, hazy or smoke conditions.

4. Folding stock for long range.

5. Stun can incapacitate a target for up to 10 minutes.

Power output can be varied on most models; the highest setting on most blasters will vaporize any material short of carbon-fiber reinforced durasteel.

- Taken from Tech Journal 2 Imperial Forces

Power output can vary, highest setting will vaporize any material short of reinforced carbon fiber durasteel.

The top three blaster makers in Imperial space are Merr-Sonn Munitions Inc, the SoroSuub Corporation and BlasTech Industries.

- Taken from Tech Journal 2 Imperial Forces

One of the top blaster makers is BlasTech which makes the Imperial E-11 blaster.

Feature: Optical scope with X2 magnification that interfaces with the tactical HUD of a Stormtrooper's helmet.

- Taken from The Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide

Scope is X2 magnification and links with the HUD of a Stormtrooper helmet.


Alright done and done folks, hope you enjoyed. A bit I probably have missed some stuff here and there, so I could probably add over time if I come across anything more.

Still...I feel like this is a pretty good solid chunk of what Stormtroopers(Legends) are able to do and what they have, so on and so forth.

Anyway, I'll slowly start bringing over my other threads/blogs to here, so be on the look out for em.

Last edited by Zenwolf on October 24th 2019, 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Level Seven
Level Seven

Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 24th 2019, 9:10 am
Very nice thread.
Level One
Level One

Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 24th 2019, 10:42 am
WalkingInCircles (away) wrote:Very nice thread.

Yeah I think so too. I know it's not everything, pretty sure, but I figure a good chunk anyway.

Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 25th 2019, 11:35 am
I really love this kind of threads, it's always nice to see threads about core of SW, soldiers, starships, weapons, not just Force users and their powers. Starred.
Level One
Level One

Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread. Empty Re: Imperial Stormtrooper(Legends) respect thread.

October 26th 2019, 2:01 am
Bart wrote:I really love this kind of threads, it's always nice to see threads about core of SW, soldiers, starships, weapons, not just Force users and their powers. Starred.

I mean I do have Force User threads coming, a bit they are somewhat on the obscure side, still they are pretty interesting and people have enjoyed reading through all my threads.
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