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The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Luke Skywalker scaling chain

September 4th 2019, 7:08 am
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)
Luke in FotJ twice opens himself up to the Force fully:

Luke opened himself more fully to the Force, using his love for Ben and his lost wife and the entire Jedi Order to draw it into him. The foul miasma of dark side energy, still swirling into Abeloth, seeped into him, filling him with greasy nausea. But the light side rushed in, flowing in from all sides, pouring through him like fire. A golden glow began to rise from his skin- cells literally bursting with the power of the Force-and Luke felt them both start upward again. Abeloth countered, hissing in anger, and they hovered a hand span above the floor. - FotJ: Vortex

Luke had to stop the Korelei-thing-he could not bring himself to even think her true name-or the Jedi's last hope of breaching the Temple would be lost. He opened himself to the Force completely, and the energy came flooding in so fast it seemed to lift him, to carry him down the duct on a raging river of power. When he began to gain on his quarry, he fired again, this time pouring so many bolts into her legs that one actually erupted in flame. - FotJ: Apocalypse

The first example in particular, (both of which) which seems to be a voluntary action rather than an outlier amped state, clearly indicates a massive boost over his baseline abilities. That's not surprising given that Luke regularly restrains himself from using his full power (may do another blog on this).

This would put that Luke way above the Luke who Caedus engages with in Revelation:

Luke's StealthX nudged him again from behind-how? Caedus couldn't see. Force push? Something metallic inside the fuselage shrieked. He had a sense of someone rummaging furiously in the drives as if looking for a dropped hydrospanner, throwing fragments into the coils. He's ripping the thing apart...

Caedus tried to block Luke in the Force and suddenly got an idea of just how much power Luke could muster. His seat shot forward, sheared off the runners, tipped to one side, and he hit the console at an angle before he could buffer the collision with the Force. Something cracked in his chest. - LotF: Revelation

Caedus had previously seen Luke telekinetically dominate him:

In the next instant, Caedus found himself flying across the cabin toward his observation bubble. Luke had not gestured, had not flinched, had not even shifted his gaze; he had simply grabbed Caedus in the Force and hurled him five meters into his chair.

"Don't lie." Luke started across the cabin. "I'm getting tired of it."

Caedus sprang out of the chair... or attempted to. Instead, he found himself struggling against an invisible weight. He felt as if he were accelerating to lightspeed with a faulty inertial compensator.


The irony of the statement was far from lost on Caedus, but he was too astonished-and too frightened-to take any pleasure in it. While it was true that Luke had taken him by surprise, it was equally true that he had done so with no visible effort-and that he was continuing to hold him with no apparent exertion.

- LotF: Inferno

Yet Jacen fought alongside Luke in The Unifying Force and throughout the Vong War:

Dropped in their tracks, warriors sprawled with hands pressed to stumps of legs and opened foreheads, or with black blood welling where the lightsaber had found defenseless areas between living armor and tattooed flesh. Jacen recalled watching his uncle on Belkadan, where the war had begun, wielding two lightsabers when he had come to Jacen's rescue.

But the rescue on Belkadan paled in comparison to the control Luke demonstrated now.
His single blade might as well have been ten, or twenty. He took the steps at a lightning pace, burning his way through dilating membranes but in complete control of his momentum. Seen through the Force he was a maelstrom of luminous energy, a Force storm against which there was no shelter. And yet all his energy poured from a calm center; an eye.

He made no missteps. None of his actions were interrupted by thought. In fact, Luke didn't seem to be there at all-physically or as an individual personality. Jacen and Jaina were astounded-but they had little time to reflect. Their lightsabers were busy, as well, turning the blows Luke dodged, or defending assaults launched from below. On the fourteenth level, where the Citadel's exterior wings sprouted from the hull, they reached a fork in the stairway. Luke swung to Jacen.

- The Unifying Force

Jaina, who also fought alongside Luke in TUF and the Vong War, has the same lack of understanding of Luke's full power:

She had thought she had a fair understanding of his Force abilities, but if his flying was any example, he hadn't revealed half of what he could do. Maybe not even a quarter.

- LotF: Inferno

Sources note that Luke Skywalker grows more powerful from Dark Empire to NJO, and from RotJ to Dark Empire. From his extreme potential and rate of growth from ESB to RotJ, one can see that he would've grown by an enormous degree.

By Dark Empire, Luke just needs battle meditation he doesn't even notice from Leia, who is barely trained at all, to "unlock hidden resources" so he can defeat Palpatine in a duel. He explicitly wins by overpowering him:

LEIA: Be careful, Luke! The Force is strong....they're both moving so fast, I can hardly see them....I feel waves of power....the Dark Side and the Light.....But......I feel......the winning!!

- Dark Empire I Audiodrama

And as of RotJ, he's stated in numerous sources to be an equal to Darth Vader.


Full power FotJ Luke >>>>>> Revelation Luke* >> Inferno Luke >> TUF Luke >>> Early NJO Luke >>> DE Luke (~ DE Sidious in sabers) >>>>>>>> RotJ Luke = RotJ Vader

* These referring to how much power he actually shows

Likewise, Jacen knows UnuThul's power, and knows that Luke bested him:

Full power FotJ Luke >>>> Revelation Luke >> Inferno Luke > UnuThul = combined Force potential of trillions of beings

Though the chain:

(Full power?) DN luke >>>>> UnuThul = combined Force potential of trillions of beings

Works too.


FotJ Luke >>>>>> Revelation Luke >> Inferno Luke >> TUF Luke >>> Early NJO Luke >> BFC Luke = cloaks 800 meter long ship, lifts and destroys Vader's fortress
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Re: Luke Skywalker scaling chain

September 4th 2019, 11:28 am
Luke Skywalker scaling chain 1289255181
Level Three
Level Three

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Re: Luke Skywalker scaling chain

September 4th 2019, 12:18 pm
Great blog. May I link it(giving you credit of course) for my upcoming case for Darish Vol?
The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Re: Luke Skywalker scaling chain

September 4th 2019, 12:57 pm
MasterCilghal wrote:Great blog. May I link it(giving you credit of course) for my upcoming case for Darish Vol?

Yeah sure. Looking forward to it.
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Re: Luke Skywalker scaling chain

October 14th 2019, 5:06 pm
You might wanna add this:

The Jedi Master looked at me and I felt electricity run through his blue-eyed gaze.
When we had met before I had felt power in him, but now, after his experiences with the Emperor Reborn, his power had been redoubled. Physically he looked a bit haggard and worn, with the flesh around his eyes having tightened and wrinkles appearing at their corners. I knew we were the same age chronologically, but in experience he far surpassed me.
Credit: I, Jedi
Level Five
Level Five

Luke Skywalker scaling chain Empty Re: Luke Skywalker scaling chain

October 14th 2019, 11:41 pm
Really interresting blog.
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