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Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 23rd 2019, 3:38 pm
DeadlyJedi wrote:I remember people saying "KF Vader is above Yoda".
Don't remember anyone say Suited Vader was above Yoda.

KF Vader actually has quotes and feats backing him though. Suited Vader doesn't...

And yes people have argued he's above Yoda. Some of the people who have argued this are ISV, Az ect.
The Witness
The Witness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 23rd 2019, 4:18 pm
@Arkhamasylum3 Az comes across as trollish particularly when it comes to Valkorion and Revan threads. I don't know if he is serious 100% of the time. And based on his recent post in his Revan vs Vader debate with Ant. I don't think he is.....
I am a Vader fan, and I believe 100% he is below Yoda

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 23rd 2019, 4:21 pm

Nah Az is legit serious (some of the time he trolls but mostly he's serious). He thinks all TOR characters are basically shit tier and the only one he holds in remotely high regard is Valkorion who he holds at Plagueis tier (IIRC)...

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 23rd 2019, 5:12 pm
Darth Vader is certainly not overrated, lmfao. If anything, he's underrated, and there seems to be a group of people that love spending their time attacking Vader for some reason.
As for other characters:
Among the underrated would be people like Maul, Obi-Wan, Plagueis and also Mace Windu to a certain extent, and a couple others.
Overrated? Hard to pick the ones that could make the final list.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 23rd 2019, 6:38 pm
DeadlyJedi wrote:@Arkhamasylum3  Az comes across as trollish particularly when it comes to Valkorion and Revan threads. I don't know if he is serious 100% of the time. And based on his recent post in his Revan vs Vader debate with Ant. I don't think he is.....
I am a Vader fan, and I believe 100% he is below Yoda

Well to pull a jensaarai. Vader's tactical viabilities combined with arguable comparable power makes Victory over the little green friend far from an impossibility. If anything I find that Video to lowball Vader in a lot of ways. Firstly, the stuff he mentions about Vader being slow is contradicted in every source. Secondly Vader's superiority over everybody bar the emperor in the empire, and arguably the entire galaxy as of ANH does reinforce the idea that Vader is somewhat of a threat to the grandmaster. As has been previously discussed, he isn't locked below Sidious as of their ROTS iterations as of ROTJ, and his heavy battle armor, combined with his comparable power, combined with his skill (IE. Dismantling an opponent who held off two magnagaurds.) Fighting equally (while hindered) with ROTJ luke, his superiority to MFV. It's all a pretty cohesive case. See in my mind, based on everything I have gathered Vader does win in a fight against Yoda, but the thing is... he doesn't do it with a ragdoll. That's not his MO, he starts out by attacking with his lightsaber and simultaneously throwing shards at the grandmaster. Yoda would dodge a couple, maybe even all of them, but the Dark lord would prey on the exhausted little guy's stamina. Other than that though, a case for Stamina can be made, Ant is coming out with a bullshit argument that is going to try to put Vader below Obi-wan. But it won't work, I will debunk it as soon as he releases it.

Of course feel free to leave your commentary. In my view we should at least be willing to DISCUSS Vader vs Yoda without saying it is an inevitable stomp, others just don't want discussion, that is fine, I just create discussion anyway... Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 228124001
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 6:03 am
DeadlyJedi wrote:@Arkhamasylum3  Az comes across as trollish particularly when it comes to Valkorion and Revan threads. I don't know if he is serious 100% of the time. And based on his recent post in his Revan vs Vader debate with Ant. I don't think he is.....
I am a Vader fan, and I believe 100% he is below Yoda

My latest post to Ant was entirely serious. I think you may have missed it.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 6:04 am
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@DeadlyJedi

Nah Az is legit serious (some of the time he trolls but mostly he's serious). He thinks all TOR characters are basically shit tier and the only one he holds in remotely high regard is Valkorion who he holds at Plagueis tier (IIRC)...

I don't think they are all shit tier. I've been trying to give them a fair evaluation for some months now.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 6:07 am
There is absolutely nowhere close to an objective way to measure whether a character is being over or underrated on aggregate. The question itself is completely asinine.

Aside from that, why would you spend so much time complaining or postulating about which characters are unfairly ranked by which group of debaters rather than just hashing out your disagreements in a debate? Is that not why we are here? To find disagreements and do our best to resolve them, or to compete with each other?

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 10:33 am
@in-sidiousvader I'll respond later cause a lot of what you wrote is false.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 10:48 am
ILS wrote:There is absolutely nowhere close to an objective way to measure whether a character is being over or underrated on aggregate. The question itself is completely asinine.

Aside from that, why would you spend so much time complaining or postulating about which characters are unfairly ranked by which group of debaters rather than just hashing out your disagreements in a debate? Is that not why we are here? To find disagreements and do our best to resolve them, or to compete with each other?

I am here for the food :P
Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 1935072468
The Witness
The Witness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 1:39 pm
ILS wrote:There is absolutely nowhere close to an objective way to measure whether a character is being over or underrated on aggregate. The question itself is completely asinine.

Aside from that, why would you spend so much time complaining or postulating about which characters are unfairly ranked by which group of debaters rather than just hashing out your disagreements in a debate? Is that not why we are here? To find disagreements and do our best to resolve them, or to compete with each other?

This was posted under the legends discussion category, the majority of the time debates occur under the versus category.
I'm not really "complaining" if that's what you think. I just felt like sharing my opinion on the characters who I believe are being underrated/overrated on forums currently. I say currently because I'm pretty sure the likes of Count Dooku were not held in such high esteem back then as they are now. Or KF Anakin being>Yoda. Pretty sure that was never once a thing either.

I also thought it would nice if other people share their opinions as well regardless if I disagree or not.

Last edited by DeadlyJedi on April 24th 2019, 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 1:40 pm
Not you specifically, no.
The Witness
The Witness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 1:43 pm
ILS wrote:Not you specifically, no.

Ah fair enough then Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 1289255181
The Witness
The Witness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 3:52 pm
Azronger wrote:
ArkhamAsylum3 wrote:@DeadlyJedi

Nah Az is legit serious (some of the time he trolls but mostly he's serious). He thinks all TOR characters are basically shit tier and the only one he holds in remotely high regard is Valkorion who he holds at Plagueis tier (IIRC)...

I don't think they are all shit tier. I've been trying to give them a fair evaluation for some months now.

Good, good
The Witness
The Witness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

April 24th 2019, 3:53 pm
Azronger wrote:
DeadlyJedi wrote:@Arkhamasylum3  Az comes across as trollish particularly when it comes to Valkorion and Revan threads. I don't know if he is serious 100% of the time. And based on his recent post in his Revan vs Vader debate with Ant. I don't think he is.....
I am a Vader fan, and I believe 100% he is below Yoda

My latest post to Ant was entirely serious. I think you may have missed it.
I'll take a look at it soon...
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 6:32 am
Overrated: Tenebrous, Plagueis, Vader (not so much anymore thanks to Ant's valiant efforts)

Underrated: Caedus, Kyle Katarn, Malak
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 6:36 am
I agree on Malak, but Plagueis is not overrated.

Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 6:55 am
I still think Qui-Gon is pretty underrated. It depends on which school of thought you entertain. If you believe TPM Kenobi is approaching him/is better, then Qui-Gon is far below the B-team, for example. But I think the logic behind the scaling is flawed in that the attempted comparisons between Kenobi and Qui-Gon don't take into account various factors. On the other hand, if you have Qui-Gon solidly superior to AotC Kenobi as a combatant, then he's well above B-team.

If we go via a direct comparison, I don't see any council member apart from the obvious giving TPM Maul even as close a challenge as Qui-Gon did either.
Level One
Level One

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 7:01 am
Most underrated is Unchained!Ventress

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 9:15 am
Gaunter O'Dimm wrote:Overrated: Tenebrous, Plagueis, Vader (not so much anymore thanks to Ant's valiant efforts)

Underrated: Caedus, Kyle Katarn, Malak

Level Four
Level Four

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 10:52 am
Kolar~Tiin>Fisto>>AotC Kenobi>Jinn>/~TPM Kenobi


Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 10:55 am
Underrated: Malak, ESB Luke, Bane and Cade Skywalker.

Overrated: Darth Krayt, Mace Windu, Tenebrous and Plagueis.
Level Four
Level Four

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 11:03 am

Dooku—monkeys think he’s close to Yoda lol
Maul—monkeys think he’s competent lol
Krayt—no words lol
Malgus—so slow and lacks skill and only beats Aurra Sing tier opponents lol
Revan—always been trash but for some reason monkeys think he’s good lol
Valkorion—1000 years to grow in power and would still be blitzed by Grievous lol

Grievous: beats everyone in sabers only bar like 5 people in the entire mythos. No TCW of course
Kolar: no words needed lol
Tiin: scales vastly above Maul in TK
Yaddle: puts 99% of the mythos on its ass in Force power
Plagueis: looks at 99.9% of the mythos and they die in seconds

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 11:16 am
Even though I've defended both in the past and really appreciate the rise in acknowledgment, I have to say Jinn and Dooku are being overrated.

Plo Koon is a bit underappreciated. So is Mustafar Vader.

Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

July 15th 2019, 11:19 am
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Underrated/overrated characters on forums? - Page 3 Empty Re: Underrated/overrated characters on forums?

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