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Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Dooku and Yoda Empty Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 2:03 pm
A thread for more measured debate on the topic, where people can substantiate their positions with evidence.

My take is that Yoda and Sidious are in their own tier on a permanent basis. People like Windu and Anakin can be on that tier in certain situations. I liken the difference between Yoda and Dooku as similar to Maul and Qui-Gon in TPM. Qui-Gon can give Maul a good fight for approximately a minute before exhausting himself. We see this in the AotC duel, where at the tail end Dooku gets progressively tired. However, like the TPM duo, Yoda is clearly superior, and will win every time out of ten.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 2:12 pm
AotC Dooku < AotC Yoda << RotS Dooku <<< RotS Yoda

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 3:31 pm
Yeah, I'd agree. Dooku is close enough that he can put up a solid performance but he loses every time.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 3:39 pm
Though in saying that, I'm not convinced AotC Windu would do much better.

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 4:04 pm
I think he'd do a lot worse tbh. Not sure any version of Windu pre-ROTS would perform as well as Dooku did.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 4:19 pm
I do hold Dooku > Windu in AotC.

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 5:47 pm
Dooku can give Yoda a hard fight (like Maul with Sidious) but stands no chance of winning. He is inferior in every way.
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 10:05 pm
Proof Maul did the same against Sidious?

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 11:30 pm
Meatpants wrote:Proof Maul did the same against Sidious?

The two primary sources (TCW & Shadow Conspiracy) both clearly demonstrate Sidious struggling against Maul. Any secondary or tertiary sources that state otherwise are overridden by these depictions.
Level Three
Level Three

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 19th 2019, 11:33 pm
While reading LoE recently I found a couple of quotes that I haven't seen in forums on this subject so this topic seems like a good place to put them.

"On Geonosis, Yoda's easy parrying and, indeed handling of the sith lightning Dooku hurled at him had come as a surprise."

"Yoda probably believed that he had defeated Dooku on Geonosis. But in fact, Dooku had only fled the fight to safeguard the plans he had been carrying--the technical readouts to what would one day become the ultimate weapon."

Note these are both from Dooku's pov..
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 1:56 am
SithArchaeologist wrote:
Meatpants wrote:Proof Maul did the same against Sidious?

The two primary sources (TCW & Shadow Conspiracy) both clearly demonstrate Sidious struggling against Maul. Any secondary or tertiary sources that state otherwise are overridden by these depictions.

Enlighten us?
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 2:52 am
Shadow Conspiracy has Sidious stomping Maul lol
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 3:19 am
BaratoBhajji wrote:Shadow Conspiracy has Sidious stomping Maul lol


Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 3:33 am
Azronger wrote:RotS Dooku <<< RotS Yoda

This exactly. Dooku definitely cannot give Yoda a good fight in ROTS certainly not when someone weaker than Yoda is beating him in 12 seconds and Yoda only unleashes his full power against Sidious

If you accept the premise that Yoda grew then yeah, Dooku is comparable to his earlier versions
Level Three
Level Three

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 4:13 am
LOTL wrote:
Azronger wrote:RotS Dooku <<< RotS Yoda

This exactly. Dooku definitely cannot give Yoda a good fight in ROTS certainly not when someone weaker than Yoda is beating him in 12 seconds and Yoda only unleashes his full power against Sidious

If you accept the premise that Yoda grew then yeah, Dooku is comparable to his earlier versions

Tbh, KF Vader>IH Anakin(Zonakin)>Base RotS Anakin>/=RotS Yoda>RotS Dooku. Anakin was performing better than Yoda did against Dooku while in his base before Dooku used dun moch. IH Anakin humiliated Dooku in a way I don't think Yoda could could have replicated. That being said Yoda still beats Dooku 10/10
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 4:53 am
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 4:54 am
Base Anakin is sub Agen Kolar in sabers per Kenobi’s own admission lol
Level Three
Level Three

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 4:56 am
BaratoBhajji wrote:Base Anakin is sub Agen Kolar in sabers per Kenobi’s own admission lol

Mace has called base Anakin the most powerful jedi alive in the RotS novel and Obi Wan says base Anakin has a mastery of the force rivaling Yoda in LoE
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:01 am
Mace is referring to potential and Kenobi is referring to what Anakin can bring to the table, not what he does bring to the table. Base Anakin is sub Kolar, Dooku and Kenobi (and splits with Tiin per Dooku) but can do better if he draws on his innate power Dooku and Yoda 1220391476

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:16 am
There is no debate to be had. KFV is as strong as Sidious and IH Anakin is noticeably inferior to him. This is G canon and Anakin at the beginning of ROTS is a tier 8 meaning considerably worse than Yoda
Level Three
Level Three

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:17 am
KingofBlades wrote:
BaratoBhajji wrote:Base Anakin is sub Agen Kolar in sabers per Kenobi’s own admission lol

Mace has called base Anakin the most powerful jedi alive in the RotS novel and Obi Wan says base Anakin has a mastery of the force rivaling Yoda in LoE

Obi Wan is obviously referring to applicable power and mastery as Anakin would not be complaining about his position merely because of his potential; otherwise Anakin would've arguing for a place on the council back in AotC. And Mace follows up the statement by saying Anakin is still growing in power. Meaning Mace was referring to applicable power otherwise he wouldn't have commented on Anakin getting stronger since his potential doesn't change bar injury.

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:18 am
And yeah character opinions are not as important evidence as objective evidence or feats

Not even close
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:20 am
Base Anakin is sub Kolar per Kenobi’s own admission lol he’s not gonna say he’s superior to Yoda and in the next breath compare him to Kolar lol

Even though Kolar > Yoda in technical skill 0.o
Level Three
Level Three

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:23 am
LOTL wrote:And yeah character opinions are not as important evidence as objective evidence or feats

Not even close
There are 3 out of universe statements calling Anakin the most powerful jedi ever and possibly a 4th depending on how you interpret it And can you provide a quote saying base Anakin is only a tier 8 duelist
Level Four
Level Four

Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

July 20th 2019, 5:26 am
What Anakin can bring to the table and what Anakin does bring to the table (daily basis) are two separate things
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Dooku and Yoda Empty Re: Dooku and Yoda

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