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How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Empty How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread

April 4th 2023, 11:35 am
Message reputation : 100% (3 votes)


How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Bl22yzhor5a11

Lord Daiman of the New Sith Wars, born 1057BBY Is a character from the Knight Errant Saga of Star Wars stories set roughly 30 years prior to Darth Bane and the Ruusan Reformations, Daiman is an interesting character, sort of like a proto Darth Ruin, Daiman is a strange force user with a strange philosophy, an interesting one at that, this was initially an opener on a versus post for Lord Daiman however since my opponent was weak and did not respond I figured Id make this into a blog respecting the might of his majesty Lord Daiman, The Creator of the Universe, I will break down how Daiman functions, the power he displays and what position he is scaling from, we will jump into that by establishing the power of the New Sith Empire....


After the collapse of the Reconstituted Sith Empire, Phanius, One of the greatest Jedi in history broke away from the Jedi Order, absorbing the ancient ways and immersing himself in the ancient Holocrons, inheriting the ancient power
The Sith species had died out two thousand years
earlier, but their teachings lived on to be studied and
absorbed by new darksiders. The word "Sith" itself
came to mean a sect devoted to the dark side, though
true students of Sith teachings were few and far
One such student was a rogue Jedi who abscond
from the Jedi temple with a rare Sith holocron. Armed
with its corrupt knowledge
-Dark Side Sourcebook

Official Starships and Vehicle Collection #34 wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  IMG_2032

bringing his Jedi Knowledge and teachings with him and turning to the dark side to become Darth Ruin, a true student of the Sith, Phanius gathers followers and creates a new Sith Empire, which regains its previous power, and that is from the Empire seen in SWTOR
Failing to gain approval for his beliefs from the Council, he had broken with the order,
departing with his knowledge and his skills, swearing in secret that he could
bring down those who nad dismissed him
-The Phantom Menace Novelisation
-Fact File 134 wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  4549b3c02690a9b8041c1a058095b892
--Complete Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  77bff2c7e8aa75603db3401e8c73c76d
-New Essential Chronology wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  2e60b7be279aa2a864101d1576e4130b
How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Bd79cdb0aa81ccdf0e4daa2f55e1c033

It should be noted that the Jedi will have grown in the almost 2000 years since the last Sith's defeat so the dark side catches up to 2000 years of Light side growth pretty quickly after regaining their strength
Though the Sith were strong enough to threaten their ancient Jedi enemies, they began fighting amongst themselves 
-Dark Side Sourcebook

The Sith were so powerful (I’ll get into this more later) they even caught the attention of the ones with their unprecedented imbalance
A transmission has been intercepted far beyond the Outer Rim, deep in the crelythiumn system. Why the call has been made and from where cannot be established. But buried in the message is a Jedi distress code that has not been used in over 2, 000 years. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his padawan Ahsoka are sent to investigate. - Overlords Script
Responding to a form of emergency distress signal that hadn't been used in over 2000 years.
-Relaunched Fact File 75

The One's only have but one reason to summon anyone from the galaxy and that is because mortals are approaching dangerous levels of power Hey me and my family are more powerful than everyone else, so we have to live here so we don't destroy life, oh cool well why call us then?, cos people are getting too powerful again, quick help
My children and I can manipulate the force like no other, therefore, it was necessary to withdraw from the temporal world and live here as anchorites. - Then why reveal yourselves to us? There are some who would like to exploit our power. The sith are but one. Too much dark or light would be the undoing of life as you understand it. -Overlords Script

This has never happened once before 2000BBY, fundamentally this would have happened if any prior threat exceeded the strength of the New Sith (I’ll get back to this later)

The Dark Side and Sith grow in power over the next thousand years leading right up to the Light vs Darkness War
A rogue Jedi Knight turned away from the Jedi Code and the Order to found a new Sith cult. As Exar Kun before him, this Dark Jedi attracted other Knights to his banner. The followers of this new Sith Lord grew in size and power over the next millennium - Dark Side Sourcebook
One such student was a rogue Jedi who absconded from the Jedi temple with a rare Sith holocron. Armed with its corrupt knowledge, this Jedi founded a new order of Sith, who flourished over the next thousand Years. -Dark Side Sourcebook

This is largely due to infighting, growing power and skill through the survival of the fittest, battle hones their skills and culls the weak, and the survivors growth from battle is so great it seems to make up for the loss of numbers
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  A20f242ef585af0d0b79ba9b570d9de9
How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  E999d19e76bfb1d276792977b623c2b6
"By its very nature, the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order. Yet this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful lest they be overwhelmed by the ambitions of those beneath them working in concert.' -Path of Destruction
Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaption... evolution... or death. These are not our laws but the universe’s. Without conflict you have only stagnation -Knights of the Old Republic II

And these characters learn from each encounter, progressively increasing their skills

The Phantom Menace Press Book wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  IMG_2109
]this happens over the entire millennium, with each proceeding Dark Lord rising to power above a group of Sith who had overthrown the previous Dark Lord the skill progression is evident in that Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Rivan, when sent into the future by the Darkstaff gets all but one shot by a random Sith Acolyte of Lord Kaan's era
Echoes of the Jedi wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  10fdec8a06d0d48ea7e2c14f96c156f8

Path of Destruction wrote:“"As you already know, the Force is the real key to victory in any confrontation. However, the equation is not so simple. Someone well trained in lightsaber combat can defeat an opponent who is stronger in the Force. The Force allows you to anticipate your opponent's moves and counter them with your own. But the more options your foe has available, the more difficult it is to predict which will be chosen."”
“There are more than you imagine” Luke said, thinking of Callista. She would provide quite a battle against Kueller, even without the Force.
-The New Rebellion
Now yeh sure, he was stripped of the force, but then consider Callista Ming is a match for Kueller even without the force because despite the power gap her skill is such that it holds up against a more powerful opponent but the Rivan - Acolyte skill gap is simply too great for him to even compete, and is easily dispatched Rivan lived somewhere between the first and last quarter of the New Sith Wars, somewhere in the middle given that all these new Sith are associated with the following dates -Ruin is 2000BBY Underlord is 1750BBY and Darzu is 1250BBY and Kaan 1000BBY, id wager Rivan would slot in at 1500BBY (the dates are not specified exactly) that leaves about a 500 year gap between Rivan and the Acolyte with 500 years of non stop combat progression in the bloodiest conflict of all time, the result is really no surprise

which would eventually wreak galactic-scale havoc as they brought themselves to the brink of extinction in non-stop combat. It began when one Jedi abandoned the Knighthood 1,000 years before the last Battle of Rusaan. -Evil Never Dies

 If the skill gap between the Dark Lord of 500 years past and a random Acolyte is too great for him to even put up a fight, then imagine the gap between him and the Dark Lord of the present, needles to say, its huge. the progression between  times is massive.  And this all culminates in the absolute pinnacle of combat taken to its logical extreme, these are titans, not some primitive fodder war where everyone apparently sucks for some reason 
MILLER:But not all Jedi Knights are willing to accept a role limited to defending the Republic. Kerra well knows that if the Sith stop fighting amongst themselves, the Republic could well find all its enemies united against it. So the state of galactic politics is chaotic, indeed. And if you’re unfortunate enough to live underfoot while these titans battle, it’s sheer misery. -John Jackson Miller's Blog -
Insider #85 wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Dd7a96c13c059fc09077184e98cf10de
now imagine that acolyte against somebody like Ka'sim a later NSW Sith who happens to be perhaps the greatest duellist ever, and runner up may well have been his master, Lord Na'daz

After years of study, he'd mastered all seven forms of the lightsaber. Then he'd honed his skill for decades, perfecting every move and sequence until he had become the perfect weapon and the greatest living swordsman in the galaxy. Maybe the greatest swordsman ever. Bane was no match for him. -Path of Destruction
"I had learned everything I could from Master Na'daz. As strong as he was in the dark side, I was stronger. As skilled as he was with the lightsaber, I became better." "But why kill him?" Bane asked. "A test. To see if I was as strong as I believed. This was before Lord Kaan rose to power; we were still trapped in the old ways. Sith versus Sith, Master versus apprentice. Foolishly pitting ourselves against one another to prove our dominance. Fortunately, the Brotherhood of Darkness put an end to all that." -Path of Destruction

Who was probably somebody more from the time of Daiman and Odion, Knight Errant is only 30 odd years before the Light and Darkness War, but ya get the picture these guys are the top the very culmination of thousands of years of progression, the best ever!


Now that we've established this massive growth from a time where the Sith are at their absolute peak, with nearly 2000 years of growth then nearly another thousand and we get to Daiman and Odion
Odion who is more powerful than that of Lord Ieldis and all the Sith after him who adopted the Crucible training for their armies, which Includes that of the Sith Empire and Reconstituted Sith Empire of TOR, now who's armies are those ? None of them where powerful enough to do anything with the Helm, but Odion can destroy the force and all life (remember this for later)

Knight Errant: Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  43784400d8c276bfce3a245d4d3f1cdc
Note that Lord Ieldis lived before the great Hyperspace War over 5000BBY which means he was either an Exile or part of Sadow's empire or somwhere around that time

Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  B6accb71b2af2e35a79b11d7d7c517f4

Daiman who is at least as much of a threat as Odion , In a different less brutish way
Daiman was younger, and while he
wasn’t as physically powerful as his monstrous sibling, he was, in
his own way, just as much of a threat.
-Knight Errant
derives his philosophy from his predecessor Darth Ruin, the two are very similar in their ideals and philosophy adhering to a strong Sith Solipsism, a philosophical theory that suggests that only the self can be known to exist, and that the existence of external objects, other minds, all things linked to the force and the physical world, both light and dark, everything, is but an extension of the self, the belief that they, themselves, were the Universe itself
Known by the name Phanius and believed to be an Umbaran, the pale-skinned man was a charismatic and gifted Jedi Master who exhibited hints of a disturbingly relativistic, some said solipsistic, morality. He became one of "The Lost" when he abandoned the Jedi Order to pursue "alternative" knowledge. Unknown to the order, he infiltrated and united the various surviving Sith clans, intensifying his self-centered views. Phanius, convinced he'd obliterated the mental barriers that had kept him from understanding that his will superceded all things (or, in fact, was everything), took the name Darth Ruin.
-Evil Never Dies

And of course it all comes down to wether you believe it, to shed your chains and achieve true power, reality is what you believe and Ruin's self centred belief in his own invincibility obliterated the mental barriers that kept him from understanding that his will unlocks unlimited power, or is unlimited power / the universe, it supersedes all things, all power. , and I think this relates back to why this was such an unprecedented imbalance, the first Sith to properly expand and accomplish the true pathway to power through his strong genuine belief in his Solipsistic ideology, the dark parody of the Jedi’s Ultimate Power, one with the force, one with everything, no powers out of your reach

Reality is what you believe
-George Lucas Notes on the Force
Belief is not a matter of choice, but conviction
- Rising Malevolence
There is no passion…there is solely obsession.
There is no knowledge. There is solely conviction.
There is no purpose. There is solely will.
There is nothing…
Only me.
-Creed of Ruin
Yes, the gift was strongest in those who, with scant effort, could allow themselves to be subsumed by the currents of the Force and become conduits for the powers of the dark side. But there was an alternative path to those abilities, and it led from a place where the circle closed on itself and sheer will substituted for selflessness. Plagueis understood, too, that there were no powers beyond his reach; none he couldn’t master through an effort of will. If a Sith of equal power had preceded him, then that one had taken his or her secrets to the grave, or had locked them away in holocrons that had been destroyed or had yet to surface.
-Darth Plagueis
Raw strength is nothing compared to the will of the mind
-Knights of the Old Republic II

obliterating these mental barriers opens channels of power which can lift the weight of one's years and allow one access all of the force, Light or Dark, controlling the flow of energy the Jedi use.
They allowed the Force to direct them; Dooku directed the Force
He drew their strikes to his parries, and drove his own ripostes with thrusts of
dark power that subtly altered the Jedi's balance and disrupted their timing. He
could have slaughtered both of them as casually as that creature Maul had
destroyed the vigos of the Black Sun.
-Revenge of the Sith novelization

Dooku, like Ruin obliterates his mental barriers, and draws incredible power from the belief of his invincibility and superiority, It unlocks all of the force enabling you to control the fight, this is the power that Daiman embodies through his power of belief
However, only one death was in his plan, and this dumb-show was becoming tiresome. Not to mention tiring. The dark power that served him went only so far, and he was, after all, not a young man.
He pushed this aside, drawing once more upon the certain knowledge of his
personal invincibility to open a channel to the Force. Power flowed into him, and
the weight of his years dropped away.
He lifted his blade, and beckoned.
-Revenge of the Sith Novelisation
not only does ones will control ones strength, but ones will can control and draw upon the strength of others
-Knights of the Old Republic II

and again this is largely what I think makes the New Sith stand apart from their predecessors, its this belief which seems to be the reason for the increase in infighting and unprecedented chaos, to where Chaos itself has unleashed and raising all these spirits, like Dark Underlord for instance.

"Darth Ruin, who left the Jedi Order to pursue his monomaniacal philosophy of self-interest and gave rise to the thousand-year war that concluded at Ruusan, and who was among the last to hold the Darth title—until I took it up again."
-Book of Sith
within the scheme of their Dark Lord's abstract philosophy. They conspired and destroyed Darth Ruin, ushering in a millennium-long period of betrayal and darkness from the order.
- Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
At the academy, Kerra had studied the notion of solipsism as it related to Sith
teachings; none other than Darth Ruin had expounded upon it years
before. Sith philosophy promoted the glorication of self and the
subjugation of others.
-Knight Errant

there are sith before who dabbled in this sort of channel for power, but I think it's potential is finally unlocked with the new philosophy of the New Sith, and it makes them greater than ever, which I think may well have been the IU reconcile for Ruin starting the Sith, if he ever got his Novel, that the Sith need not class the prior Sith as even True Sith, Bane gets a similar accolade, being called The First Dark Lord. Its this philosophy which unlocks new channels of power only touched on previously, and might even be a result of Ruin's presumed visit to Mortis.
And Daiman took all of this to its logical end, believing himself the actual creator of the universe, literal god
he worried over the caregiver he’d recently hired for the two of them. Unreasonable, brash—and, unbeknownst
to him, at that moment across town working toward the ultimate
destruction of Lord Daiman, forger of alphabets and creator of the
-Knight Errant
Lord Daiman, who imagines himself the creator of the universe; Lord Odion, who intends to be its destroyer
-Knight Errant Blurb
Daiman was a creature utterly without empathy. At the academy,
Kerra had studied the notion of solipsism as it related to Sith
teachings; none other than Darth Ruin had expounded upon it years
before. Sith philosophy promoted the glorication of self and the
subjugation of others. The young lord took it to a deranged extreme,
declaring that existence was some game constructed by—what?
Some version of himself on a higher plane, pitting Daiman’s mortal
body against articial obstacles it had dreamed up, like physics, and
evil siblings. Daiman’s empire depended on the labor of others, but
the lives of the others didn’t matter to him.
The parasite needed to be separated from the host. But first, its
spread had to be contained.
- Knight Errant
Self glorification is central to sith belief and Daiman practises it to its fullest extent, a sith Solipsism Daiman's place is as the Cosmos

Knight Errant: Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  11c79dc096a30b1c0ee81867acdb9470
not only the belief of being invincible, but the belief in being everything, no separate individual self, the dark twisted version of what the Jedi ultimately discovered to achieve oneness, and dark fulfilment of Yoda's teachings in Empire Strikes Back, the true purest path to power

No separate individual self
-George Lucas Notes on the Force
Size matters not. Look at me.
Judge me by my size, do you? Hm? Mmmm. -Empire Strikes Back
Yoda made a grand sweeping gesture to indicate the vastness of the universe about him. “Feel it you must. Feel the flow. Feel the Force around you. Here,” he said, as he pointed, “between you and me and that tree and that rock.” -Empire Strikes Back Novelisation

Daiman is the flow, is the Universe
Ahh you are a perceptive one indeed in this instance you are correct. All that strength, that anger, yet it is held in check restrained by his beliefs, his doubt, everyone is made up of events in their past and it forms walls around ones spirit -Knights of the Old Republic II
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Ad8f4fed79d38ed991bda1ebc3959143
Daiman knows no bounds and is a channel for the force in its entirety, although we never see much of Daiman fighting, when we do, he's always doing bad ass shit, he quarters some massive alien, in the time it takes one to pivot
Kr’saang pivoted, reaching for a
blade hidden in his belt—only to see a ash of crimson ahead of
him. Before he hit the ground, Daiman quartered the massive alien
with two great strokes of his lightsaber.
For several moments, Daiman looked down in seeming fascination
at the disgusting remains at his feet. Finally, he looked up. “Where’s
my cape?”
-Knight Errant

omnidirectionally one shots 4 guys at the same tie with lighting, an just shows up to places an declares the worry is over because he is there, just asserting dominance, based!
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  764d13fd174d1e5607961628d0dda9ca


There's something about Daiman's power that's inherent from birth, ask why does he think he is the creator of the universe in the first place? and I think that is largely because he is not connected to the force in the same way as any normal force user, neither are any of the family tbh, look at Quillan,  Dromika and Odion. Odion in particular, they are described as strange and all seem to have bizarre force connections, Daiman's birth and mere presence caused Odion pain, I believe this is because they have the exact same presence in the force
with their eyes resembling magnets, opposites attract and the same poles repel, with both going in complete opposing directions - creator of the universe, and destroyer

How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Magnets_1_orig
Odions left eye being blue and Daiman's right, magnets in the force if you will
How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  515FD1E4-8B62-4FDC-A42E-064D982D2BE2
(emphasis is put on his eyes when he is born and the weird stuff starts happening)

Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  320247206ad87b92eeeb165ce05939e0
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  5d84e91dd47b27d52991e3de323bf01f
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Badfce6a7267bdf1220eb564443bfb0a
The Republic is in crisis. The Sith roam unchecked, vying with one another to dominate the galaxy. But one lone Jedi, Kerra Holt, is determined to take down the Dark Lords. Her enemies are strange and many: Lord Daiman, who imagines himself the creator of the universe; Lord Odion, who intends to be its destroyer
-Knight Errant Blurb
Strange and powerful Force users
-Knight Errant Hardcover
This is worth noting because Odion has a galactic reach and is touched by all life in the universe, causing him pain, and the deaths of war strengthen him, and you have Daiman the opposite of that gaining power from life energy, you essentially have the Sidious black hole and the KFV Furnace

Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  D7687e363f7a702d078fc67a7c5a0f0c
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  77aad035fe082a561be7dad2fb031ae9

just death in general anywhere strengthens him
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  8446f5dc50ce747474993dd1f5683bf1
“Odion's plan to coax anguish from the children at the end of #4 no doubt suggested something grisly -- but, of course, nothing like that was ever considered. Rather, it is just as Yulan says. The simple surprising change in routine is often enough to instill fear in those who've come to depend on sameness. It was more than enough for Odion to imperil everything, in one of the more chilling scenes I've written.” - Star Wars: Knight Errant - Escape 4
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  333d38c075d3d3266ac98355255208cc
Note the Helm is not what gives Odion his Galactic scale reach, rather it just amplifies the power of ones emotions a thousand fold allowing for Odion to turn everyone against each other
So its likely that Daiman shares this same natural presence, and connection, only complemented by his ideology, it will be a threat if any of the family get the helm
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  E46bc9c362597f255998da383e624d3e
How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  E7f7a01828fda1f5d3f3ce7542a2248b
both having the same core belief...
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  47423ab0d6ddcdfe0fa2988a4b6cb665
Daiman being everything and Odion accepting 'other' and himself being the only one
(thought all that stuff should be brought up for some debate anyways seems very mysterious)


Indeed Odion needs the Helm of Odion, which has unlimited power, to amplify his powers enough to surpass Daiman (take note of some of this Helm hype)
Aflame wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  B017453a2cb808e938a4377661c1efc1
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  21d2397a7a230c0cc7cbccf3966c5dab
Kerra's anguish fuels the Helm
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  811b01e4506d7297a573f2bce5261529
and amplifies it a thousand fold
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Aeb8852b01c257c023c53e85e66d7914
which he uses to turn the entire world against each other creating more despair for each person which is also amplified a thousand fold and on and on.
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  C063cdad744b97348c87b04e13b8bc22
How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  6a909cd7257b65742ef0e06916dd94fa
this is the capitol planet of the Odionate mind you with like billions of people consisting of the armies of three empires, thats roughly like a billion people amplified a thousand fold, or a thousand capitol worlds if you will
the power that has been amassed here on Skarpos in Odions first Helm death call is outrageous, he is drawing on not just fear, or any one emotion, but their despair as a whole. while they are at war against their will, and it is amplified a thousand fold...
and Lord Daiman is more powerful than this initial wave

Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  Efec0216ef36801374e2e8f8873a04a5
he just tanks it and runs back to his ship and gets tf out
it is only later Odion uses the despair stemming not just from Kerra, but one hundred thousand children who shine brighter in the force than others due to being more pure, after turning off the lights for the first time, reaching their deepest darkest despairs, he first uses a portion of it and this is what affects Daiman, Odion finally finally seems content that his brother has been affected, he then goes on to unleash it all to destroy all life
Escape wrote:How Powerful is Lord Daiman: The Lord Daiman Respect Thread  1a3e2becdbecefdb86e148a23dd7fe3f
in what is the biggest threat in Star Wars, I mean how could it not be all life is about to be expunged, the force will die, all that will be left will be Odion, probably in some ethereal form lol
And here, she comes face to face not only with her parents from the past -- but a threat that could well destroy all life, everywhere. It's as large an existential threat as may have been posed in Star Wars -- and it befits this era of bleak lives and dire sorceries. - Knight Errant - Escape 4
And Hey look it can even effect Daiman
“I wanted Odion to have no idea how to make the Helm work; he's just the sort to get frustrated about it. And I wanted Kerra's anguish to be the trigger -- making her failure complete, to paraphrase a certain movie. And we needed to see that its power was such that it could even infect Daiman. The stakes raise very quickly.” - Knight Errant - Escape 4

A being without limits or bounds, with access to power previously unseen, with over a thousand years progression, he is above Odion with the Helm who possesses the power of billions multiplied a thousand fold

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