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How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

July 28th 2021, 12:25 pm
Message reputation : 100% (7 votes)

There is a NEW Respect Thread, Click the link above^^^



How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image_17
The Ultimate Comprehensive Collection of Sources and Scaling Respecting The Chosen One on the entire Internet.
Note that I will not be including sources for any version of Anakin in the Suit, this will also only follow the original or 'legends' timeline, so nothing post Disney buy-out that is part of the Disney Timeline will be included in this thread, I will also be constantly adding to this thread, so keep checking back

Here is some music to listen to, Enjoy...

“In the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns, and in the ages beyond, the worlds will be remade, as in the splendor of its earliest days, and they will never again feel sorrow or harm.”

Last edited by Vaelias on August 18th 2023, 9:12 pm; edited 10 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty POTENTIAL

July 28th 2021, 12:25 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)


The Force is Extremely Powerful in Anakin enabling him to accomplish amazing feats for his age

Leonard Maltin of Entertainment Tonight Interview - George Lucas: wrote:"First, your assuming that Ben [Kenobi] meets Anakin when Anakin is eight-or-so-years old. And second, the Force is extremely powerful in Anakin and gives him the ability to accomplish feats which are amazing for his age. He is a great child prodigy

The Midi-chlorians brought Anakin into being as the Chosen One
Lucas- The Making of Episode 1, Random House, 1999. wrote:The midi-chlorians have brought Anakin into being as 'the chosen one' who brings balance to the universe. The mystery around that theory is that we don't yet know whether the chosen one is a good or a bad person. He is to bring balance to the Force; but at this point, we don't know what side of the Force needs to be balanced out.

Anakin has an "extraordinarily high capacity for the Force".
Clone Wars Lightsaber Battles Prima Guide wrote:Upon arriving to meet with the Trade Federation delegates, the Jedi were ambushed and forced to flee. In their escape, they rescued Queen Amidala of Naboo and made a dash across the stars. As they fled, Qui-Gon Jinn, the elder of the two Jedi, came upon a small child with an extraordinarily high capacity for the Force—the energy that flows through all living things and that Jedi can harness into unique abilities.

Anakin has potential enough that Darth Sidious considers him for the penultimate Sith partner 

Force Unleashed Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  56ab5d10

Anakin is The Chosen One has exceptional strength in the force
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  30abd8f7b78161c6f11174fdde0813a0

and has Midi-Chlorian rich blood
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9b8ec23c2330dac1ff7ce3a9ed311680

Anakin has exceptional connection to the force
Galaxy of Heroes wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  IMG_2776
Star Wars Fandex Deluxe Edition wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  4d1bab22ae2f6a9b95d78cce7ad6cd7f
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  867ef4b7e8360d1fa71c3b81de947387

being the chosen one Anakin was conceived by the Midi-chlorians
Star Wars Fandex Deluxe Edition wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  0f7b43a2a11532beba70550b10625837
Anakin's power has no limits, he even realizes this

ROTS Video Game wrote:My power has no limits.

with his M count exceeding the masters
Star Wars Blueprints Ultimate Collection - 2008 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  M_count_more_then_most_powerful_masters_including_yoda
being the chosen one Anakin is a being of Untold Power

Star Wars: Galactic Pop Up Adventure wrote:Jedi ancients once told of a chosen one a being of untold power who would one day bring balance to the force many Jedi believed Anakin Skywalker would bring about the end of the Sith once a fearless hero of the clone wars. The powerful Jedi found himself enraptured by the dark side of the force, transformed Anakin became the Sith Lord Darth Vader a monstrous symbol of the new empire while hatred dead and aggression fueled his powers advanced cybernetics and jet black armor encased his battered form lord Vader more machine than man cast the entire galaxy into darkness

Star Wars: Galactic Pop Up Adventure wrote:Young Anakin Skywalker exceeded all expectations despite starting out in life as a slave on Tatooine, an exceptional child who was believed to be a pure creation of the force young Anakin was a talented mechanic an unrivaled pilot and eventually a celebrated hero of the clone wars though reckless and willful, Anakin believed he would fulfill the prophecy as the chosen one and become the most powerful Jedi in history

Anakin has the greatest skills and force connection
Jedi Quest: Final Showdown wrote:Anakin's heart swelled. Of course it would be him. He was the Chosen One, the one with the greatest skills, the greatest Force connection

George Lucas states that Anakin Skywalker had the potential to be Infinitely more powerful than the Emperor
George Lucas - A New Hope DVD Commentary wrote:Vader would’ve become infinitely more powerful if he hadn’t ended up his suit, if he hadn’t become half man, half machine which diminishes his powers considerably, which were the powers the Emperor has, so I wanted that relationship of Vader kind of being reduced to, I mean an assistant is too low a word, but he’s a henchmen, which is the impression you had when you saw the first movie by itself...”

And that Anakin has the potential to do anything he wants 
-George Lucas DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:Its fear of losing somebody he loves which is the flip side of greed, greed in terms of the emperor... its the greed for power, absolute power over everything. With Anakin its really the power to save the one he loves, but its basically going against the fates and what is natural, but once he thinks he is going to get that power it begins to occur to him that he could have the power to be the emperor of the universe, just even more powerful... He realizes he could have the power to do anything he wants

Anakin is a being of pure force
The Tenebrous Way wrote:The key, he'd discovered, lay in an obscure legend obliquely referenced in the Journal of the Whills, about a hero fairly typical in most cultures-the sort of promised future savior who appears in the foundational myths of nearly every developed society. What distinguished this particular savior from his run-of-the-mill equivalents was that he, according to four of eleven possible translations, was to be "born of pure Force." After three standard years devoted specifically to exploring all possible permutations of the interpretation, Tenebrous determined that such a birth was indeed possible, at least metaphorically- "born of pure Force" could be read as indicating the creation of a living being through direct manipulation of midi-chlorian processes in an already living being.

Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force wrote:"Fully defeated by just anyone, the dark side cannot be, but only by the Chosen One. And who might be this Jedi? Know I do not, but not yet born is he or she. This much, sense I can. A vessel of pure Force the Chosen One will be, more powerful than any Jedi in history."

Anakin has the highest Midichlorian Count Qui-Gon Jinn has seen in a lifeform
Episode I The Phantom Menace wrote:With the highest concentration of Midi-chlorians I have seen in a lifeform

No Jedi has a Midi-chlorian count as high has Anakin
Episode I The Phantom Menace wrote:KENOBI: The reading's off the charts, over twenty thousand, even master Yoda doesnt have a Midi-chlorian count that high.
JINN: No Jedi has

Indeed Anakin has a more powerful connection to the force than any of the masters 
Rouge Planet wrote:Obi-Wan Kenobi had never felt so close to such a powerful connection with the Force, not in Qui-Gon, nor Mace Windu. Not even in Yoda.

Anakin is The Chosen One, conceived by the will of the force, with a record Midi-chlorian count, destined to bring balance to the force 
Complete Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  91739610

Anakin was one of the most talented Jedi in the order.

Clone Wars Lightsaber Battles Prima Guide; wrote:Despite the fact that Anakin Skywalker was one of the most talented Jedi in the order, Windu stated that he did not fully trust him and wasn’t convinced that Anakin was the Chosen One.

Anakin had the potential to become a great Jedi
Jedi Battles wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknow12

Anakin is the brightest star of the Jedi Order
The Clone Wars - Head to Head wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknow13

Anakin's connection to the force was so strong that Obi-Wan thought he be easily sensed through The Force

Jedi Quest: Path to Truth wrote:Obi-Wan had tried everything he knew. He had reached out with the Force, trying to locate Siri or Anakin. His Padawan's connection was so strong that he'd felt sure that once he was inside the factory he would be able to locate him. But all he felt was a void.

Anakin is powerful in the ways of the Force
Meet the Jedi High Council wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknow14

Anakin is a vergence in the force

Qui-Gon Jinn | The Phantom Menace wrote:I've encountered a vergence in the force

Anakin is very strong in the force
Attack of the Clones Comic wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9d5b1110

The Force is very strong in Anakin
The Clone Wars wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknow15

Anakin has all these amazing powers and abilities 
Hayden Christensen DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:One of the fundamental aspects of Anakin, as much as he is The Chosen One and has all these amazing powers and abilities is that he is still somewhat naive and there's almost an ignorance to him that Palpatine definitely plays on

Anakin is the order's most promising new apprentice 
Shatterpoint Prologue - George Lucas wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image011

Anakin is the most gifted Jedi to ever live
Ultimate Duels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknow10

 Anakin is stronger in the Force than Savage
What is a Sith Warrior wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Savage10

And much stronger in the Force than Darth Tyranus
The Complete Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  49100510

Anakin's power will change the whole future 
What is a Sith Warrior wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dff10

With the Highest level of Force Energy ever measured 
What is a Sith Warrior wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Ghegwe10

Anakin is a special interest to the Sith
What is a Sith Warrior? wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Specia10

Anakin is a promising and powerful Yong Jedi
The Ultimate Visual Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dwddff10

Anakin is a Jedi of Remarkable gifts and strong feelings are be dangerous in a Jedi with such power

What is a Sith Warrior? wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dwdwd10

Anakin has extraordinary Talents 
The Clone Wars Sourcebook wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Talent10

Ben Kenobi was amazed how strongly the force was with Anakin

Ben Kenobi | Return of the Jedi wrote:I was amazed how strongly the force was with him

Anakin has astonishing gifts 
The Clone Wars Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Gifts10

Anakin has astonishing ability with the force
The Clone Wars Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Abilit10

boasting the strongest Midi-chlorian count ever
Heroes of the Force - From the Pages of Star Wars Insider wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  59a5fd10

to be the most skilled Jedi ever known
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Skille10

having near infinite potential 
Panel to Panel wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Near_i10

On Mortis Anakin replaces the father as the most powerful god like being ever
Rise of a Chosen One who will bring Balance to the Force wrote:In the mysterious realm of Mortis there exists a trio of beings able to wield the Force in ways no known mortals of the galaxy can. The Father maintained balance between his Daughter and his Son, who expressed affinity to the light and dark side of the Force, respectively. The Father knew his days were numbered -- facing his impending demise, he needed to find another to keep the balance. His goal was the same described in an ancient Jedi prophecy

controlling the supernatural avatars of light and dark

TCW Magazine UK wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  4bf6c510

Anakin has boundless abilities 
Darth Vader Databank wrote:Skywalker was seduced by the dark side of the Force. His boundless abilities fueled a sense of pride that hastened his fall.

And boundless power

Darth Sidious Databank wrote:As Palpatine, he befriended Skywalker, becoming a close friend and a fatherly authority to a youthful warrior often confused by his seemingly boundless power and abilities he had at his disposal.

Anakin is the most gifted fighter of known time 

Hayden Christensen DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:Obi-Wan comes out with the better hand which is a little contrary to the notion that Anakin is the Chosen One and the most gifted fighter of known time, but I think that's derivative of his emotions and not being able to focus them and control them which is just, you know, the route of Anakin's inabilities

and being the chosen one has amazing powers and abilities 

Hayden Christensen DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:One of the fundamental aspects of Anakin, as much as he is The Chosen One and has all these amazing powers and abilities is that he is still somewhat naive and there's almost an ignorance to him that Palpatine definitely plays on

Anakin possesses Incredible powers 
Clone Wars Ultimate Sticker Book wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Incred10

Anakin overpowers the Force
TCW Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin14

And tames The Son and The Daughter on Mortis 

Only Anakin is capable of this feat, no body else can do this but The Chosen One with his nonpareil potential  

TCW Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

Last edited by Vaelias on February 20th 2022, 3:42 pm; edited 11 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty SUPREMACY

July 28th 2021, 12:26 pm


Within only 'a few short years' after being a slave Anakin is one of the most powerful Jedi ever, meaning that at the age of 11 or 12 Anakin is already one of the most powerful Jedi ever
Essential Guide to Characters wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9a9f8210

And is within only 3 years is already surpassing fully grown masters, again Anakin is around 11, 12 or 13 years old at this point
Essential Readers Companion wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image013

Anakin is beyond any Padawan and only surpassed by the 'great masters' in fight for life mode, at the age of only 16
Jedi Quest: The School of Fear wrote:Never had Obi-Wan seen such a display of the Force from a Padawan. From the great Jedi Masters, yes. From Qui-Gon, near the end of his life.

But from someone so young? Anakin's power astonished him. He had glimpsed it before, but now he had seen it unfurl, and it staggered him.

He had not had a chance to move, to help. Anakin had been a blur. He had seemed to be everywhere at once. He had destroyed ten attack droids, disarmed his aggressors, and disabled two laser cannons without hesitation, with even a slight smile on his face.

Even as of Attack of the Clones when Anakin is only 19 years old he is 'perhaps' more powerful than 900 year old Grand Master Yoda, suggesting some parity between the two, it could be argued either one is better 
Galactic Campaign Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Perhap10

during AOTC Anakin displays far more power and skill than he does in the Original Trilogy as Darth Vader in the Suit 
Pablo Hidalgo: Star Wars Insider wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Hidals10

Palpatine remarks Anakin is becoming even more powerful than Yoda 
Attack of the Clones wrote:I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda.

Attack of the Clones Novelization wrote:"I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin," Palpatine went on. "Even more powerful than Master Yoda."

Anakin hoped his legs wouldn't simply buckle beneath him. He could hardly believe the words, and yet a part of him did believe them. There was a strength within him, a power beyond the limits the Jedi seemed to place upon him, and upon themselves. Anakin sensed that clearly. He knew that Obi-Wan didn't understand, and that was his biggest frustration with his Master. To Anakin's thinking, Obi-Wan's leash was far too short.

thinking one day Anakin could be the most powerful Jedi ever 
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  86c74ef1ad072e36516889f6511bfc47

indeed Anakin could have been the most powerful of all the Jedi during AOTC, but he just lacked the control and Jedi attributes 
Heroes and Villains wrote:Anakin Skywalker could have been the most powerful and righteous of all the Jedi knights, but he lacked self awareness, patience, control, ignoring those who would endeavor to teach him these Jedi attributes

Anakin has become impressively powerful, and is too powerful to control
Clone Wars Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Powerf10

A Year later in TCW Season 1 Anakin is now the most powerful Jedi
Clone Wars Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  S110

then remains the most powerful Jedi 5 months before ROTS

Insider 79 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dwdwdw10

Anakin is as strong in the force as any Jedi who had ever sat on the council
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil wrote:Clearly Anakin was as strong in the Force as any Jedi who had ever sat on the Council. But as Obi-Wan had told him time and again, the essence of being a Jedi didn't hinge on attaining mastery of the Force, but on attaining mastery over oneself.

is one of the brightest of the Jedi 
Star Wars: Kenobi wrote:The Emperor has taken control of the Galactic Republic, aided by Anakin Skywalker, once one of the brightest of the Jedi Knights, charged with protecting the helpless. Having fallen to the dark side of the mystical Force, Anakin lives on as the Emperor's ruthless enforcer, Darth Vader.

is the Jedi's most formidable threat
Episode III DVD Collection: Jedi Knights action figure set wrote:As the Clone Wars rage on, Anakin Skywalker becomes seduced by the dark side and betrays his fellow Jedi and all that he once held dear. Obi-Wan Kenobi must now battle his former Padawan, who has become the Jedi’s most formidable threat.

and is the most powerful enemy ever faced by the Jedi
Hasbro Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith action figure line wrote:As the Clone Wars rage across the galaxy, young Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker falls to the dark side of the Force and becomes the most powerful enemy ever faced by the Jedi.

possessing unparalleled force abilities
Official Star Wars Website - Databank: Darth Vader wrote:Palpatine elevated himself to the position of Emperor, and dispatched Vader as his ultimate enforcer. With his unparalleled Force abilities, Vader swept through the Jedi Temple.

making him the mightiest of Jedi
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode Guide wrote:The mightiest of the Jedi is Anakin Skywalker, rumored to be the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force

and the most powerful Jedi Knight alive

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Campaign Guide wrote:Darth Sidious adheres to a tradition of secrecy imposed by the Sith a thousand years before, working his evil schemes through intermediaries and dupes while remaining hidden in the shadows. His organization includes politicians and anarchists, crime lords and corrupt law enforcement, schemers and dreamers, the wealthy and the impoverished-and, as the war draws to a close, the most powerful Jedi Knight alive: Anakin Skywalker

having strength as yet unseen among even the greatest of Jedi
Star Wars: Sideshow Collectibles - Asajj Ventress statue wrote:Deep and layered are the schemes of the Dark Lord Sidious, Sith Master and architect of the fall of the Republic. Perceiving in young Anakin Skywalker a strength as yet unseen among even the greatest of the Jedi, the Sith Lord engineers elements into his plans, rich in contingencies, that might either turn the troubled Jedi to his own purpose, or else destroy him altogether

Anakin is the most powerful Jedi prior to his fall to the dark side

Star Wars: The Official Figurine Collection #12 wrote:Thus, Darth Vader becomes a ‘fallen angel’ figure. From being the most powerful Jedi, a fearless hero of the Republic, Anakin falls to the lowest possible point because of his desire for power and security

The most powerful Jedi ever known, Anakin is peerless in combat and invincible against any opponent
Star Wars: The Official Figurine Collection #8 wrote:Anakin Skywalker was the most powerful Jedi the galaxy had ever known
. . .
Anakin was also peerless in combat, invincible against any opponent

again noted to be the most powerful Knight ever known to the Jedi order 
Official Star Wars Shop - Star Wars: The Dark Lord Trilogy & Rise of Darth Vader Publishers Summary wrote:Once the most powerful Knight ever known to the Jedi Order, he is now a disciple of the dark side, a lord of the dreaded Sith, and the avenging right hand of the galaxy’s ruthless new Emperor

with unprecedented power 

Star Wars: Miniatures - Ultimate Missions - Revenge of the Sith wrote:This makes Anakin, in effect, a Jedi Master, a rank that Anakin, with his unprecedented power in the Force, feels has been long overdue

and the most powerful Jedi in over a thousand years 

Star Wars: Miniatures - Ultimate Missions - Revenge of the Sith wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Most_p11

Resulting in him being unbeatable and far more dangerous than anybody else, including Sidious or Yoda
ROTS Prima Guide wrote:He knows he's unbeatable. He's far more dangerous than anybody in the universe.

Luke and Leia are the offspring of the most powerful Jedi 
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith - The Movie Storybook wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Baby1010

Anakin is the most powerful Jedi around
Justin Lambros | Disney Adventures: Super Comics Special May 2005 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Better10

and is one of the most powerful Jedi ever
Force Collection 2013 wrote:Anakin Skywalker's rise to power was astonishing. He went from being a slave on Tatooine to one of the most powerful Jedi ever.

Anakin once again noted to be the galaxies most powerful Jedi
Randy Stradley | Star Wars Insider 79 - Clone Wars Villains Face Their Reckoning wrote:"Haden has written a story that goes to the emotional core of everything that happens in Episode III. Obi-Wan must confront every doubt, every misgiving about his time with Anakin. Has he failed his Padawan? Has he missed opportunities? Is he even worthy to have been the mentor to the galaxy's most powerful Jedi?"

Anakin is the most powerful and evil Sith Lord the Galaxy has ever seen
-Star Wars Villains Collectors DVD, Narrated by Anthony Daniels wrote:The man who was Anakin Skywalker will be extinguished, and in his place will rise the most powerful and evil Sith Lord the galaxy has ever seen.”

making him more powerful than Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus as he plunges the galaxy into turmoil
-Offficial Figurine Collection wrote:When Darth Sidious took on even more powerful disciples - Darth Tyranus, then Tyranus' replacement Darth Vader - the deeply Sinister presence of the Sith plunged the entire galaxy into turmoil

Anakin knows he is more powerful than any of the other Jedi, in the context of this quote it seems to imply Anakin's supremacy over Jacen also, given Jacen is noted to not yet be more powerful than all the Jedi, there is still one he needs to surpass, the author seems to be drawing a comparison here between Anakin and Jacen

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force - Bloodlines wrote:"You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."

"What? How can you do this? This is outrageous! It's unfair! I'm more powerful than any of you. How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?"

It was a boy's expression of anger, but it was true. And, as history repeated itself because it had no other choice, Jacen was more powerful than any of them except Luke. And he was growing closer to Luke's strength by the day

Leia knows that the blood of arguably the most powerful Jedi ever runs though her 
Leia Organa | Star Wars: Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor wrote:Even after all these months, she couldn't make herself entirely believe that actual Jedi blood ran in her veins-not only Jedi blood, but the blood of arguably the most powerful Jedi in history

Kolar, one of the best Jedi of the order knows that Anakin is the ONE Jedi who would have best hope at taking on a Sith

Agen Kolar | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith adult novelization wrote:And even if the prophecy has been misread. Anakin is the one Jedi we can best hope would survive an encounter with a Sith Lord

Palpatine knows Anakin is the most powerful Jedi in the Galaxy

Palpatine | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith adult novelization wrote:We won't try, Anakin. We will do. After all, they are only Senators. Most of them couldn't hide what they're thinking from a brain-damaged blindworm, let alone the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy

Mace Windu, despite being a near equal with Yoda concedes inferiority to Anakin and notes that he is still getting stronger
Mace Windu | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith adult novelization wrote:Skywalker is arguably the most powerful Jedi alive, and he is still getting stronger

Dooku and Sidious note that Anakin is the greatest Jedi alive
Dooku and Palpatine | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith adult novelization wrote:It will be," he said slowly, meditatively, as though he spoke only to himself, "an embarrassment to be captured by him."

The voice that answered him was so familiar that sometimes his very thoughts spoke in it, instead of in his own. "An embarrassment you can survive, Lord Tyranus. After all, he is the greatest Jedi alive, is he not? And have we not ensured that all the galaxy shares this opinion

Anakin is more deadly than Sidious
Pablo Hidalgo, Just The Facts - Episode III, wrote:Darth Vader will prove to be the most deadly character in the film.

Who even admits at the beginning of the novel that Anakin probably more powerful than he is
Revenge of the Sith Novel wrote:“Still, though, Dooku had some reservations. This had all come about too quickly; had Sidious thought through all the implications of this operation? “But I must ask, my Master: is Skywalker truly the man we want?”

“He is powerful. Potentially more powerful than even myself.”

Anakin is more powerful than Obi-Wan
George Lucas: Making of Revenge of the Sith: Documentary wrote:"the difference is that Obi-Wan is more experienced but Anakin is more powerful"

Anakin is a more powerful apprentice than Dooku
Battles for the Galaxy wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  More_p10

In the Lightsaber Battle Game after The Protagonist (The Hero of Coruscant) beats down ROTS Sidious, he essentially laughs and says, well done you beat me but you wont stand a chance against my apprentice, and even tells the Hero where to find Vader
Star Wars SAGA Edition Lightsaber Battle Game wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  2f8a1210


In this sub-section of Anakin's supremacy I will cover Anakin's standing as the most powerful Jedi ever regardless of out of universe dating and the implications in G-Canon...

The Chosen One, of course being Anakin Skywalker

in accordance with George Lucas the point of the character of Anakin is a being of pure force, born fatherless, and a god/demi-god as part of Lucas' main intentions for the prequel trilogy
George Lucas - Time Magazine Interview 1999 wrote:I put the Force into the movie in order to try to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young people--more a belief in God than a belief in any particular religious system
The Force being God and Anakin being a creation of pure force, essentially a living embodiment of God or a Demi-God, with Anakin being reminiscent of Jesus. And again this all aligns which Lucas supporting everything at is in the ROTS Novel, that including Anakin having the Will of God, So narratively Anakin being supreme makes perfect sense.

He displays powers beyond that of The Ones, who both have many T-Canon statements labeling them the most powerful force users, thusly Anakin scales above those statements which are not bound by OUU dating 

The Clone Wars: Overlords wrote:"My children and I can manipulate the Force like no other."
even stated by George Lucas

OVERLORDS EPISODE FEATURETTE wrote: i was actually out of the room for the first ten or fifteen minutes of George's pitch of these force wielders, and I remember coming back in the room, George sat me down and he started explaining to me there are these gods and they wield the force  they are much more powerful than any Jedi Knight

The Clone Wars: Altar of Mortis wrote:There, they discover three beings more powerful with the Force than any Jedi have seen before
So Anakin scales above 2 beings that lock literally any prior Jedi, Sith or any enemy of the Jedi in T-Canon

not only this but George was directly involved more than usual with this arc
GHOSTS OF MORTIS EPISODE FEATURETTE wrote:It was really George that said this would be good i wanted to do this but it doesn't jive with my bigger explanation of the force, and it gives you an insight to the detail to which he gets into these issues with the force and these concepts and the bigger spiritual aspects of star wars, he's very involved in them, and to be honest the writers and I feel very strongly when we are bringing these types of episodes to screen, I mean George has to be more involved than normal because we have to get this stuff right, of everything we do you know we have to get this stuff right because this is the force, this is the whole ball game

and laid the whole arc out
OVERLORDS EPISODE FEATURETTE wrote:the story that George laid out for us, is something that I think that we all as star wars fans, as lovers of mythology  wanted to delve into for a very long time which was a much more intensive look at the force and force wielders and how that's used and this whole prophecy of the chosen one and what does that mean, i was actually out of the room for the first ten or fifteen minutes of George's pitch of these force wielders, and I remember coming back in the room, George sat me down and he started explaining to me there are these gods and they wield the force  they are much more powerful than any Jedi Knight

some of the crew were even surprised at what George was doing.
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Overlords wrote:This trilogy of episodes dives into concepts of the Force and ancient Jedi prophecy like never before, and represent an unusually deep exploration directly from George Lucas of some of the saga's biggest concepts. While there will undoubtedly be questions about how much that is experienced in the Mortis realm can be defined as "real," the answers will surely depend on your own point of view

this is the first time they are fully delving into what it means to be the Chosen One, and developing Anakin's story
Overlords Episode Guide wrote:"This is a very important chapter in Anakin's development," says Dave Filoni, supervising director of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. "The prophecy of the Chosen One was touched on in the films, but never like this. We're going to look at what it means for Anakin and the galaxy. We wanted to give it the proper connection to the larger saga. I am very grateful to have Liam Neeson and Pernilla August reprising their roles from the live-action films. They are each so important to Anakin's journey, and to have them on our series has been incredible."

as of 2005 it was touched up on but not really developed, in 2011, Anakin, his power, and the chosen one prophecy is all fleshed out, previous consensus of Anakin's raw power possibly equaling ROTS Sidious would be retconned by this. 

Anakin is the most powerful Jedi ever from the perspective of the Whills in the far ABY future after the death of even Grand Master Luke Skywalker
George Lucas (June 30, 2003) wrote:George remarks to Rob Coleman that the story of Star Wars is actually recounted by R2-D2 to the Keeper of the Whills, one hundred years after Return of the Jedi. Journal of the Whills is what Lucas titled his first outline of Star Wars back in 1972.
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:This is Anakin Skywalker:

The most powerful Jedi of his generation. Perhaps of any generation. The fastest. The strongest. An unbeatable pilot. An unstoppable warrior. On the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. He has not just power, not just skill, but dash: that rare, invaluable combination of boldness and grace.

He is the best there is at what he does. The best there has ever been. And he knows it.
lets break this down

Revenge of the Sith Novel G-Canon??? 
Not quite, but saying it is basic C-Canon with the same canonicity as a basic source book quote is a gross understatement


Chee notes that to put it as simply as possible anything from the Author would be C-Canon and anything from George would be G-Canon

Leland Chee wrote:"Are novelisations of the films considered G-level or C-level material?

In a nutshell, anything created by the author would be C-level. Anything in the the novels created by George Lucas (whether it comes from unpublished early script versions, unpublished author interviews with George, or George's revisions to the novelization manuscript) would be G-level unless contradicted by the films.

and that there is no such thing as George written C-Canon
Leland Chee wrote:Q: Regard Mr. Lucas' in-universe preface to "Shatterpoint"; would this be "G" level canon, or is it an instance of Lucas simply writing C-level EU material?

A: G. Since we started the Holocron, there is no such thing as Lucas-written C-level material.

By default George Lucas considers the Movie Novelizations part of his canon anyway
Maintainer via \"Kristel", SW Prequel Trilogy Mailing Lis wrote:Steven Sansweet said this at a convention in Australia: "In the canon debate, it is important to notice that LucasFilm and Lucas are different entities. The only canon source of Star Wars are the radio plays, the movie novels and the movies themselves - in Lucas' mind, nothing else exists, and no authorized LucasFilm novel will restrict his creativity in any way.""

Considering this, note that Lucas' thoughts and directives are G-Canon
Leland Chee, LLP continuity database admin, Jan. - Dec. 2004 wrote:Is there anything post-Return of the Jedi that is G level?

Not in the database, no. If there is anything anywhere, only George knows

Leland Chee, Forums (2005) wrote:The EU is bound by what is seen in the most current version of the films and by directives from George Lucas.

and that the Movie Novels occupy a higher status of canon than everything else in the EU to begin with 
Sue Rostoni, Forums (2003) wrote:There is a hierarchy--the movies, [film adult] novelizations, [film] radio dramas come first. Then everything else. If something in a novelization contradicts the movies, then we defer to the movies. IE, the ROJ novelization says that Obi-Wan and Owen Lars were brothers. This wasn't in the movie, and has since been discounted. Maybe it was a cover they used at one point... who knows.

and are a 'close second' to the movies themselves, which of course are G-Canon
Sue Rostoni, Star Wars Insider #23 (1994 wrote:Gospel,' or canon as we refer to it, includes the screenplays, the films, the radio dramas and the novelizations. These works spin out of George Lucas' original stories, the rest are written by other writers.

"Which brings us to the often-asked question: Just what is Star Wars canon, and what is not? The one sure answer: The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition -- the three films themselves as executive-produced, and in the case of Star Wars written and directed, by George Lucas, are canon. Coming in a close second we have the authorized adaptations of the three films: the novels, radio dramas, and comics. After that, almost everything falls into a category of 'quasi-canon

Then note that the ROTS Novel underwent heavy line editing from George Lucas himself as well as the entirety of Lucas Film Licensing
Matthew Stover: wrote:”Though I did not personally watch him do it, I received from LFL a Word document of Revenge of the Sith with Mr Lucas' edits, which was distinct from the edits I'd already gotten from Sue Rostoni and Howard Roffman and the rest of the LFL crew, and this document was edited in such a detailed fashion that even individual words had been struck off and his preferred replacements inserted, as well as some passages wholly excised and some dialogue replaced with the dialogue from the screenplay. If that's not line-editing, I don't know what is.
 What's in that book is there because Mr. Lucas wanted it to be there. What's not in that book is not there because Mr. Lucas wanted it gone.
- Matthew Stover, Author (Ep3 and EU) and EU Guerrilla, Mar 2005 - \"Inside Del Rey's Episode III Library" on wrote:
"Not only has Mr. Lucas succeeded in tying together the entire six-film cycle (and elegantly, too), but I've managed to weave in a significant amount of the Expanded Universe material in as well -- having started in the [size=13]Star Wars realm as an EU author, after all. I was really trying to bring the whole Star Wars Universe together in this story, and while Mr. Lucas, in his line-edit, decided to excise a fair amount of the EU material, he also left a fair amount of it in... so I guess that makes whatever's left just a hair short of ”G canon,” for all the purists out there."[/size]
"As I said above, part of my aim here was to create a novel that would work as part of the EU as well as a companion piece to the film.

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Lucas_10

Here Matthew Stover the author of Revenge of the Sith goes out of his was to stress enough and to put emphasis on the precision in which Lucas and the LFL team reviewed and FACT checked the Novel and even notes that this would makes whatever is left in the novel 'just short of G-Canon' and that George Lucas quite literally line edited every single word in the novel even changing minute details like inflections, to where Stover was even a bit upset that it wasn't even his novel anymore.

It is up to you how you would like to interpret this, but it seems silly to me that the Novel would not be at least a beneficiary of G-Canon advantages when it comes to simple things quote dating, which brings me back to the Anakin Supremacy Quote at hand...
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:This is Anakin Skywalker:

(1) The most powerful Jedi of his generation. Perhaps of any generation. (2) The fastest. The strongest. An unbeatable pilot. An unstoppable warrior. On the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. He has not just power, not just skill, but dash: that rare, invaluable combination of boldness and grace.

(3) He is the best there is at what he does. The best there has ever been. And he knows it.

(1) Taking into account the ABY perspective of this quote the 'any generation' would span literally all generations in the mythos, this can mean two things, either Anakin is perhaps the most powerful of any generation in a non-committal sense meaning perhaps there is another Jedi out there in the mythos that is more powerful, but its unlikely or the perhaps is implying parity with the most powerful Jedi ever, who has to be non other than Luke Skywalker, i.e maybe Anakin is better than Grand Master Luke or it could be argued Anakin is better than Luke

(2) This segment is focused on combative ability - Fastest and Strongest, must be a direct reference to his combative ability and that exceeds literally everyone in Star Wars from any Generation, nobody is a better pilot, and nobody can beat him in combat, again exceeding everyone who ever lived, there is no one to the omniscient narrators infinite knowledge that can possibly beat him, he is definitively superior to all in a combative sense, no matter what. he the the best at all aforementioned qualities, in the whole of star wars, there is no one even close to him

(3) He is the best there is at all the aforementioned qualities listed prior, not only is he the best there is, but he is the best there has ever been, again coming from the perspective of the Narrator far in the future, 'best' being all encompassing and summing it all up, in an all round sense, he is definitively the best ever!


1A- If we consider the ROTS Novel is not bound by OOU dating and/or is G-Canon then this quote means Anakin is 'perhaps' more powerful than prime Luke and overall better all round when considering all things like dueling, piloting, etc. perhaps being committal to the contender for most powerful Jedi i.e Luke
1B- Perhaps there is another Jedi out there who is more powerful but its unlikely, including any past and future star wars works Perhaps being non-committal

2A- If we consider this quote is indeed bound by OOU dating and is regular C-Canon then this quote means Anakin is 'perhaps' more powerful than Luke and overall better all round when considering all things like dueling, piloting, etc. as of ROTS publication date, as of 2005 that being Luke as of  New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force. perhaps being committal to the contender for most powerful Jedi i.e Luke
2B- Perhaps there is another Jedi out there who is more powerful but its unlikely from date of publication, Perhaps being non-committal

And as covered above I personally believe either of option 1, to be the most likely of explanations, any option leads to Anakin being more powerful than an iteration of Grand Master Luke Skywalker. In this passage the Whills are either talking about Anakin at the beginning of ROTS (which is where the quote is from) or of Prime Anakin at the End of ROTS given the context of the quote, either one is possible, but the latter seems to be the most believable / fitting with the lore and what I will discuss next...

Gillard having worked under Lucas as a member of the movie production department and under Lucas claims that Anakin has been established as the most powerful Jedi that has ever lived, this is obviously a well established position within the production team and the making of the movie it's self, it is safe to assume he is speaking on behalf of what has been established internally at LucasFilm so a good faith position favors this quote as absolute G-Canon fact
Dreamwatch #113 - Interview with Nick Gillard wrote:Gillard also reports that the duel will explain how Obi-Wan is able to defeat his protege, even though Anakin has been established as the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. "Obi-Wan taught Anakin and Anakin has gone past him," he notes. "But when you get to that duel, it's emotional. That's where the mistake will be made. And if you know the characters, you know Obi-Wan isn't going to get emotional and he doesn't make mistakes.

Lucas is writing into AOTC that some day Anakin will be 'all powerful' 'stop people from dying' and be 'the most powerful Jedi ever'

Episode II Attack of the Clones wrote:
Your not all powerful

Well I should be, some day I will be, I will be the most powerful Jedi ever, I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying

Attack of the Clones Script wrote:PADMÉ: Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Annie. ANAKIN turns and walks away from the bench. ANAKIN: (angry) I should be! Someday I will be... I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying
Attack of the Clones Novelization wrote:"Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful."

He stiffened at her words and pulled away from her suddenly-and angrily, she realized. "But I should be!" he growled, and then he looked at her, his face a mask of grim determination. "And someday I will be!"

"Anakin, don't say such things," Padme replied fearfully, but he didn't even seem to hear her.

"I'll be the most powerful Jedi ever!" he railed on. "I promise you! I will even learn to stop people from dying!"

And is later confirming it did happen
George Lucas The Force Interview wrote:he made a pact with the devil, to be able to become all powerful, but of course when he did that, she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her, once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead. Well if I can do that then I can be emperor of the universe

but only after Anakin makes a pact with Sidious to be able to achieve what he says he will someday do, in AOTC, and we get the progression of Anakin trying to gain the power to become 'all powerful' and be able to stop people from dying
Revenge of the Sith Script wrote:ANAKIN: I have found a way to save you. PADME: Save me? ANAKIN: From my nightmares.

PADME: Is that what's bothering you? ANAKIN: I won't lose you, Padme. PADME: I'm not going to die in childbirth, Annie. I promise you. ANAKIN: No, I promise you! I am becoming so powerful with my new knowledge of the Force, I will be able to keep you from dying.

Revenge of the Sith Script wrote:PALPATINE: Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn to know the dark side of the Force, Anakin, and you will be able to save your wife from certain death.


PALPATINE: You have great wisdom, Anakin. Know the power of the dark side. The power to save Padme.

Lucas then says that Anakin is powerful enough on Mustafar, all that is needed from then on was the knowledge, he has reached the power component 
Star Wars Archives wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Plag_111

Archives wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image1

George Lucas The Force Interview wrote:he made a pact with the devil, to be able to become all powerful, but of course when he did that, she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her, once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead. Well if I can do that then I can be emperor of the universe

Lucas in AOTC is writing that Anakin will be the most powerful Jedi ever and by extension even learn to stop people from dying, implying that stopping people from dying is an even more absurd of an idea, and essentially beyond power 
Attack of the Clones wrote:
Your not all powerful

Well I should be, some day I will be, I will be the most powerful Jedi ever, I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying

and then he is confirming that yes, Anakin achieved this, but at what cost, its these powers over life and death that constitute one being the most powerful Jedi ever, It is all laid out for us in G-Canon, it is the whole point of Anakin's arc, yes he does this, straight from the mouth of Lucas, but in doing so, end's up losing the very thing he did it for

Essentially Lucas is writing 'you're not all powerful -- some day I will be, I will be the most powerful Jedi ever' and then goes on to say 'when he did that,  she didn't want anything to do with him anymore '


Lucas states that Luke Skywalker has the potential to be more powerful than the Emperor 
George Lucas Rolling Stones Interview wrote:And when he finds out Luke is his son, his first impulse is to figure out a way of getting him to join him to kill the Emperor. That’s what Sith do! He tries it with anybody he thinks might be more powerful, which is what the Emperor was looking for in the first place: somebody who would be more powerful than he was and could help him rule the universe. But Obi-Wan screwed that up by cutting off his arms and legs and burning him up. From then on, he wasn’t as strong as the Emperorhe was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. He wasn’t what he was supposed to become. But the son could become that.

Anakin is stated by Lucas to be able to beat The Emperor if he didn't get chopped up by Kenobi, Here Lucas is making a clear distinction between parity (with 'compete') and superiority (with 'beat') confirming Anakin on Mustafar is more powerful than Sidious
George Lucas - Making of Revenge of the Sith wrote: “You have to be either Mace or Yoda to compete with the Emperor," Lucas says. "If Anakin hadn't got all beat up, he could've beat the Emperor."

As also seen in the Lucas approved Revenge of the Sith Video Game, when Anakin speedblitz' Emperor Palpatine before he can react after regaining the mental clarity upon killing Obi-Wan, Anakin has the power to do this all along

And as said in Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader
Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader wrote:And yet, if not for events on Mustafar, Anakin would sit now on the Coruscant throne, his wife by his side, their child in her arms..

Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader wrote:Had Vader killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar, he might have attempted to kill Sidious, as well. In fact, Sidious would have been surprised if Anakin hadn't made an attempt. Now, however, incapable of so much as breathing on his own, Vader could not rise to the challenge, and Sidious understood that he would need to do everything in his power to shake Vader out of his despair, and reawaken the incredible power within him.

Also note that Lucas does not recognize a gap between PT Sidious and OT Sidious, he see's it simply as 'The Emperor' acting as a milestone for which to be surpassed 
George Lucas - A New Hope DVD Commentary wrote:Vader would’ve become infinitely more powerful if he hadn’t ended up his suit, if he hadn’t become half man, half machine which diminishes his powers considerably, which were the powers the Emperor has, so I wanted that relationship of Vader kind of being reduced to, I mean an assistant is too low a word, but he’s a henchmen, which is the impression you had when you saw the first movie by itself...”

So Anakin has already reached the point of power that Lucas says Luke could become, which is largely due to his vast immersion in the dark and the mass extermination of the Jedi in order to achieve this power, that speeding up the process greatly coupled with his incredible potential 
George Lucas The Force Interview 2010 wrote:The only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline, the dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve, the light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve, a great challenge, must overcome laziness give up quick pleasures and overcome fear which leads to hate

to put it simply there is literally a whole narrative going on for Anakin being the GOAT 
Attack of the Clones Script wrote:PADMÉ: Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Annie. ANAKIN turns and walks away from the bench. ANAKIN: (angry) I should be! Someday I will be... I will be the most powerful Jedi ever I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying

Lucas is constantly throwing together the words "all powerful" "stop people from dying" " Unnatural" and "most powerful Jedi ever" 

by achieving one it seems that one would achieve all three 'all powerful' and 'most powerful Jedi ever' and by extension being able to 'stop people from death'
George Lucas wrote:"The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side, but ultimately it would be your undoing. But it's that need for power and the need for power in order to satisfy your greed to keep things and to not let go of things and to allow the natural course of life to go on.


George Lucas wrote:we begin to see that what he's really upset about is the fact that he's not powerful enough. That if he had more power, he could've kept his mother. He could've saved her and she could've been in his life. That relationship could've stayed there if he'd have been just powerful enough. He's greedy in that he wants to keep his mother around, he's greedy in that he wants to become more powerful in order to control things in order to keep the things around that he wants. There's a lot of connections here with the beginning of him sliding into the Dark Side. And it also shows his jealousy and anger at Obi-Wan and blaming everyone else for his inability to be as powerful as he wants to be, which he hears that he will be, so here he sort of lays out his ambition and you'll see later on his ambition and his dialogue here is the same as Dooku's. He says "I will become more powerful than every Jedi."

he goes on his journey to get this power
Hayden Christensen July 17, 2003 wrote:Anakin's relationship with Palpatine eclipses his relationship with Obi-Wan," Christensen remarks. "But he doesn't really have a clear devotion to one or the other. Anakin as he will be played is - I don't want to say naive, but his belief system is still open. He still isn't exactly set in his devotion to the Jedi or to Palpatine. He is looking to see how he can get more power, but his ideas of good and evil are not black and white

we get all his growth and finally on Mustafar, the whole point is that Anakin has accomplished this but in the process he lost Padme and so it was all futile

George Lucas The Force Interview wrote:he made a pact with the devil, to be able to become all powerful but of course when he did that, she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her, once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead. Well if I can do that then I can be emperor of the universe

On Mustafar Anakin has achieved what he wanted in AOTC, hes got 'all these new powers'  his frustration to not be powerful enough, so he is pleased, but it was all pointless as now he's evil and has nothing

Star Wars Archives wrote:George wanted me to come up with a scene of enthusiasm, things are good, I'm the most powerful man in the universe and I'm going to be able to save Padme 
Making of Revenge of the Sith wrote:George explains to Hayden that Anakin doesn't need to be angry when he first greets Padme -- that, in fact, he should be happy. "Everything is great for Anakin," Lucas explains, also asking Christensen to sound more like the Emperor: confident and self-assured. Continuing that thought, Lucas comes up with the idea that Christensen should leave his back turned toward McGregor: Anakin is so confident in his new powers that he doesn't need to face his former Master

Anakin on Mustafar knows he is as powerful as he wanted to be

George Lucas wrote:The message is you can't possess things. You can't hold on to them. You have to accept change. You have to accept the fact that things transition. And so, as you try to hold on to things or you become afraid of -- that you're going to lose things, then you begin to crave the power to control those things. And then, you start to become greedy and then you turn into a bad person.


George Lucas Attack of the Clones Commentary wrote:"The scene in the garage here, we begin to see that what he's really upset about is the fact that he's not powerful enough. That if he had more power, he could've kept his mother. He could've saved her and she could've been in his life. That relationship could've stayed there if he'd have been just powerful enough. He's greedy in that he wants to keep his mother around, he's greedy in that he wants to become more powerful in order to control things in order to keep the things around that he wants. There's a lot of connections here with the beginning of him sliding into the Dark Side. And it also shows his jealousy and anger at Obi-Wan and blaming everyone else for his inability to be as powerful as he wants to be

and how powerful does he want to be?...
Attack of the Clones wrote:ANAKIN: (angry) I should be! Someday I will be... I will be the most powerful Jedi ever I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying

then finally reaching this in his finest moment
Making of Revenge of the Sith wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  New_po12

Lucas is lobbing together the following phrases constantly

"all powerful" "stopping people from dying" "unnatural" its clear the 'unnatural' part is associated with the dark side, as Lucas conveys through Sidious "The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural. Sidious also says its "not possible" for a Jedi to do this

George tells us through Sidious and in the following quote, that this level of power is unnatural and simply beyond Jedi, thus meaning that being this powerful makes you > any Jedi
Revenge of the Sith wrote:PALPATINE: The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural 
ANAKIN: Is it possible to learn this power
PALPATINE: Not from a Jedi
George Lucas wrote:"The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side, but ultimately it would be your undoing. But it's that need for power and the need for power in order to satisfy your greed to keep things and to not let go of things and to allow the natural course of life to go on, which is that things come and go, and to be able to accept the changes that happen around you and not want to keep moments forever frozen in time."

George Lucas wrote:Its fear of losing somebody he loves which is the flip side of greed, greed in terms of the emperor... its the greed for power, absolute power over everything. With Anakin its really the power to save the one he loves, but its basically going against the fates and what is natural
George Lucas: Star Wars Archives wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unnatu10

here 'Ultimate Power" refers to the power over life and death and basically what Anakin wants to achieve, the fact it is referred to as the "Ultimate Power" makes it apparent that this is at the pinnacle state of power which Lucas says you must go to the dark side for, specifically because it is more powerful, you have to go to the dark side to do this because it is the ONLY way you can become powerful enough. this is the absolute top level of power that light side users literally cannot reach because its an unnatural level, it is the Ultimate Power

Possessing the Power over life and death makes one easily the most powerful Jedi because a Jedi physically cannot be this powerful, that is why Lucas says the "only way" to become the most powerful Jedi and surpass them and their boundaries completely and gain the ultimate power is to go to the "more powerful" side

This means that Lucas thinks the level of power Anakin has achieved on Mustafar is simply beyond the capabilities of Jedi due to the Light Side being inherently less powerful, considering how powerful we see some Jedi, like Luke Skywalker for example, this level of raw power that is simply beyond them really must be the cusp of almost god tier which brings me to the next bit of scaling, so we have established Anakin being the most powerful Jedi of all time, in this context possibly simply meaning practical force users overall when saying "Jedi" given that he still calls Anakin a Jedi post Vader transformation, this means that Anakin does indeed cap Grand Master Luke Skywalker which scales Anakin above the feats we see Luke accomplish and above all who Luke scale above too, which should be further confirmation that Anakin is utterly supreme when it comes to raw power in the living force. We can further confirm this by looking at the narrative, which again strongly favors Anakin being supreme especially more powerful than Luke

So Lucas sees Anakin as this power crazed evil confused boy who falls to the dark side because he gets conditional love confused with possessive love and in gaining this great power to stop death is consumed by greed and ends up pushing away the very thing he did it for, and then has to suffer the repercussions forever, that is the narrative of Anakin, Anakin is on a level of power simply beyond Luke who Lucas sees as essentially a light side version of Anakin who should stick strictly to these ideals unlike his father, and who should keep his power concealed 

Laurent Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays, 1997 wrote: Lucas felt that at one point during the training Ben should explain to Luke that he should use his powers with moderation. If he uses too much of the Force, it will start using him. For example, to lift objects Luke has to use the bad side of the Force, so if he overuses this power, the dark side will start taking him over as it did with Vader. When Luke fights, he has to use the dark side, but he is also using the good side for protection."

which in turn will cause atrophy, certainly not mega potential actualizing dark side mega growth like Anakin 

Sam Witwer on George Lucas and The Force Unleashed wrote:One of the things that I thought was really interesting was this idea, this idea that if you didn't use the force for a while, that your ability to use the force would atrophy and eventually you would feel as if your connection with the force has been cut. You know, you see that with Cully Fredricksen's character General Kota in The Force Unleashed and I guess also Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi, they went with that idea.

on top of light side growth of course being much slower anyways, with dark side of course being fast, especially for the chosen one
George Lucas: The Force Interview wrote:The only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline, the dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve, the light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve, a great challenge, must overcome laziness give up quick pleasures and overcome fear which leads to hate

so it remains clear that Lucas does not have any version of Luke close to the power crazy KFV, who is meant to be beyond the Jedi and Light Side living force powers which Luke remains pure in

to summarize (all of this is strictly Lucas)
- The Power over life and death is linked to power in the force, but at an unnatural level
- Anakin wants to be this powerful, he wants to surpass the Jedi
- Anakin goes on a quest to be the most powerful Jedi in order to do this
- the only way he can do this is to join the dark side
- specifically because it is more powerful 
- Jedi cannot be this powerful because it is unnatural, to surpass the Jedi completely and do this you have to be on the dark side 
- Anakin reaches this level on Mustafar
- it ended up being pointless because he lost Padme
- Anakin is undoubtable above Luke per Lucas
- Its all part of the G-Canon Narrative

Anakin is the most Powerful Jedi ever per Lucas! and its part of the narrative itself, part of the whole message of Star Wars and Anakin Skywalker! and since this is Lucas it is binding across the whole Mythos as absolute fact and part of the main narrative of SW, Anakin Skywalker at least by the time of Mustafar is more powerful than any Jedi was ever, will ever, or can ever become!!!

The New Emperor Skywalker, would have proved utter superiority to Sidious in the senate hall, with his 'inhuman power'
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  A942ad11

In other alternate realities Anakin is depicted destroying Dooku, consumed by rage after he kills Obi-Wan
Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

And then after turning to the Dark Side, absolutely stomping Yoda in a fight
Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image0

Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Yg3li1r

Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  4ZusAeA

Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image0

Then after being redeemed, taking on and defeating a Fully Immersed Dark Side Luke Skywalker
Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  02hD3dx

Battlefront IV Concept wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown


Last edited by Vaelias on November 7th 2021, 3:35 pm; edited 16 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty MASTERY AND SKILL

July 28th 2021, 12:28 pm


Anakin as a Padawan learner has exceptional skill
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  30abd8f7b78161c6f11174fdde0813a0

and has unrestrained abilities 
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  86c74ef1ad072e36516889f6511bfc47

even Hayden the actor for Anakin has superior skill

George Lucas - Time interview 2002 wrote:Now, with Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones opening May 16, the Anakin fable gets to the middle, the meat, the real story. The past was prologue, a modest prequel, like Tolkien's The Hobbit to his epic Lord of the Rings saga. In Clones, Anakin (Canadian dish Hayden Christensen) is 20, a young man of superior skills and even higher ambitions, chafing under the stern tutelage of his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), and daring to risk his status in the Jedi Order, which forbids romantic attachments, by pursuing a reckless passion for Senator Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). They parry with oily, possibly insidious Senator Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) and battle the Jedi rebel Dooku (Christopher Lee) and his droids with an army cloned from scurvy bounty hunter Jango Fett (Maori actor Temuera Morrison).
and as we know choreography = real IU combative performance 

Anakin thinks he has surpassed Yoda as a duelist 
Attack of the Clones wrote:OBI_WAN: if you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your flying then you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman 

ANAKIN: I thought I already did 

Anakin has his own strengths and unique attacks which he masters throughout ROTS
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Acebcdaa9ac342ac93ed466951bcae94

Anakin learned to calm his anger and master his considerable force powers
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  2802780842587cc5fe749c90657fde59

Anakin has several combos and learns more
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  4ff0f34010bcca6e0e55fe54b5264b00

Basic Combo's
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  B8837a3cdc88768846c1c66952f371bd

Saber Locks
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  A08e1804301720f7d29a770f763c999a

Jump Attacks
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9ecae6d7e5be1d9b385c972b370f4976

Anakin masters the ways of the Jedi 
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  D28a496a23b594b987fa83d4ed0168f6

Gillard inspired combat basics for Anakin
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  F6441b6efece7b7801eed802094d047a

Anakin shows proficient use in force stun 
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  22f6f191437a47ea2a5f21f6ae25bdd6

Anakin adapts to his opponents fighting style to overcome 
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  C3a9738781f3e63527c3530493e68f6d
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9c902b551a814411f42742f2fba80bcd

Anakin's mastery extends to incorporating force attacks into his lightsaber combat 
ROTS Video Game Official Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9adb9504e87b46442e8927f71587a728

In the Nick Gillard / George Lucas Tier System Anakin Skywalker is listed as a tier 9 along Sidous and Yoda and goes up 4 levels
Homing Beacon Article 2005 - wrote:"The fighting has evolved in these last three movies considerably," says Gillard. "George Lucas works on a system of levels."

Gillard wrote:In the Jedi levels of lightsaber fighting, Obi-Wan is an eight, while Anakin, Yoda and Darth Sidious are nines.

Gillard Interview wrote:"Obi-Wan has gone up one level from Episode I to Episode III, but it’s a huge jump from one level to another. It’s not just about a style of fighting—it’s mental as well. Anakin has gone up probably four levels from Episode II to Episode III. So he’s gone beyond Obi-Wan, but he hasn’t gone beyond him mentally."
(Nick Gillard, ROTS DVD commentary) wrote:Anakin becomes a level 9. George knows the levels, myself and George talked about levels and how it was. But it's more, it's not like a black belt, it's more like a Richter scale. So the difference between eight, Obi's an eight, so the difference between an eight and a nine is enormous.

and later on, a level above both Sidious and Yoda, being a tier 9 a level which doesn't even exist, in the scaled down tier system where Yoda and Sidious are an 8

Nick Gillard 2005 Press Tour wrote:"There’s up to eight levels. Yoda is an eight, Mace Windu is an eight, Obi is a seven, but if you miss a level, it’s a bit like taking drugs to get enlightenment.” Anakin is the perfect example of messing with the established system. “I’ve got him down as an eight or nine, which doesn’t really exist,” says Gillard, before explaining that by turning to the Dark Side, Anakin skipped some essential steps.
Anakin is a tier above everyone else, he is so good he constitutes a level that doesn't even exist, being a tier above everyone he is essentially a tier 10 in the original tier list, and the gap between each level is absolutely huge

Gillard wrote:there is a huge difference inside the numbers themselves. It's not about how well they fight, it's about how well they learned.

Gillard wrote:so the difference between an eight and a nine is enormous.

Gillard wrote:"It's like the Richter scale, the gap between each level is enormous."

for a quick example these are the differences on the Richter scale
Richter Scale:

The gaps are absolutely huge the gaps growing larger with each level

The IU reconcile for Anakin being a tier above everyone else, is that this is Anakin in the states of mental clarity that we see him in during Operation Knightfall and vs Dooku

VS Dooku
Revenge of the Sith wrote:This is the death of Count Dooku:

A starburst of clarity blossoms within Anakin Skywalker's mind, when he says to himself Oh. I get it, now and discovers that the fear within his heart can be a weapon, too.

It is that simple, and that complex.

And it is final.

Dooku is dead already. The rest is mere detail.

The play is still on; the comedy of lightsabers flashes and snaps and hisses. Dooku & Skywalker, a one-time-only command performance, for an audience of one. Jedi and Sith and Sith and Jedi, spinning, whirling, crashing together, slashing and chopping, parrying, binding, slipping and whipping and ripping the air around them with snarls of power.

And all for nothing, because a nuclear flame has consumed Anakin Skywalker's Jedi restraint, and fear becomes fury without effort, and fury is a blade that makes his lightsaber into a toy.

The play goes on, but the suspense is over. It has become mere pantomime, as intricate and as meaningless as the space-time curves that guide galactic clusters through a measureless cosmos.

Revenge of the Sith wrote:"Don't fear what you're feeling, Anakin, use it!" he barked in Palpatine's voice. "Call upon your fury. Focus it, and he cannot stand against you. Rage is your weapon. Strike now! Strike! Kill him!"

This is the death of Count Dooku: A starburst of clarity blossoms within Anakin Skywalker's mind, when he says to himself Oh. I get it, now and discovers that the fear within his heart can be a weapon, too. It is that simple, and that complex. And it is final. Dooku is dead already. The rest is mere detail. The play is still on; the comedy of lightsabers flashes and snaps and hisses. Dooku & Skywalker, a one-time-only command performance, for an audience of one. Jedi and Sith and Sith and Jedi, spinning, whirling, crashing together, slashing and chopping, parrying, binding, slipping and whipping and ripping the air around them with snarls of power.
And all for nothing, because a nuclear flame has consumed Anakin Skywalker's Jedi restraint, and fear becomes fury without effort, and fury is a blade that makes his lightsaber into a toy. The play goes on, but the suspense is over. It has become mere pantomime, as intricate and as meaningless as the space-time curves that guide galactic clusters through a measureless cosmos. Dooku's decades of combat experience are irrelevant. His mastery of swordplay is useless. His vast wealth, his political influence, impeccable breeding, immaculate manners, exquisite taste-the pursuits and points of pride to which he has devoted so much of his time and attention over the long, long years of his life-are now chains hung upon his spirit, bending his neck before the ax. Even his knowledge of the Force has become a joke. It is this knowledge that shows him his death, makes him handle it, turn it this way and that in his mind, examine it in detail like a black gemstone so cold it burns. Dooku's elegant farce has degenerated into bathetic melodrama, and not one shed tear will mark the passing of its hero. But for Anakin, in the fight there is only terror, and rage.
Palpatine's words rage is your weapon have given Anakin permission to unseal the shielding around his furnace heart, and all his fears and all his doubts shrivel in its flame.

In these moments Anakin is perfect, flawless, makes no mistakes, Anakin in this state of clarity makes everything Dooku has, utterly irrelevant, literally meaningless, he has let go of all his restraint, all his fear, and finally used his emotions, a lifetime of practice and perfection, all meaningless before the might of the chosen one, and he is even better during Operation Knightfall, after multiple power jumps (which we will cover)

Operation Knightfall
Revenge of the Sith wrote:The Sith Lord who once had been a Jedi hero called Anakin Skywalker stood, drawing himself up to his full height, but he looked not outward upon his new Master, nor upon the planet-city beyond, nor out into the galaxy that they would soon rule. He instead turned his gaze inward: he unlocked the furnace gate within his heart and stepped forth to regard with new eyes the cold freezing dread of the dead-star dragon that had haunted his life. I am Darth Vader, he said within himself. The dragon tried again to whisper of failure, and weakness, and inevitable death, but with one hand the Sith Lord caught it, crushed away its voice; it tried to rise then, to coil and rear and strike, but the Sith Lord laid his other hand upon it and broke its power with a single effortless twist. I am Darth Vader, he repeated as he ground the dragon's corpse to dust beneath his mental heel, as he watched the dragon's dust and ashes scatter before the blast from his furnace heart, and you-You are nothing at all. He had become, finally, what they all called him. The Hero With No Fear.

Anakin has now unlocked his furnace gate basically removing all restraints and full cutting loose with his boundless power, crushing and overpowering all of his self doubt, obstacles and hinderance, he is now in a sense of utter clarity and perfection, truly boundless and truly uncapped. He is tapping into his boundless power and potential. Perfect

non of his fears or emotions have the power to hinder him once he crushed his dragon

ROTS Novel wrote:As the shadow beside him spoke, its words became true. From a remote, frozen distance that was at the same time more extravagantly, hotly intimate than he could have ever dreamed, Anakin handled his emotions. He dissected them. He reassembled them and pulled them apart again. He still felt them-if anything, they burned hotter than before-but they no longer had the power to cloud his mind.

Nobody ever is even close to Anakin all round, all considered 
Revenge of the Sith wrote:An unstoppable warrior. On the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. He has not just power, not just skill, but dash: that rare, invaluable combination of boldness and grace.

Anakin possesses 'impossible strength' nearly breaking Obi-Wan's bones
Revenge of the Sith wrote:His hands seized Obi-Wan's wrists with impossible strength, forcing his arms wide. "I am so sick of your lectures!"
Dark power bore down with his grip.
Obi-Wan felt the bones of his forearms bending, beginning to feather toward the greenstick fractures that would come before the final breaks.
Oh, he thought. Oh, this is bad.
With Anakin's grip on his wrists bending his arms near to breaking, forcing both their lightsabers down in a slow but unstoppable arc, Obi-Wan let go.
Anakin is unbeatable and far more dangerous than Sidious and Yoda
STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH INTERVIEW WITH NICK GILLARD, STUNT COORDINATOR wrote:"Anakin's style has changed completely between Episode II and Episode III. He now no longer cares. He knows he's unbeatable. He's far more dangerous than anybody in the universe."
Obi knows Anakin is better than him
Gillard wrote:
"Obi knows that Anakin is better than him, but because he taught him, he knows emotionally how he’s going to behave."

Anakin is a greater warrior 
Revenge of the Sith wrote:The ease with which Kenobi had taken command of the situation was frightening. More frightening was the fact that of the two, Skywalker was reportedly the greater warrior.
Death Star wrote:He had been a superior fighter even when he had been Anakin Skywalker, and yet Obi-Wan had defeated him.

The Temple's finest swordsman is 'no match' for Anakin
Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary wrote:Even the Temple's finest swordmaster is no match for Anakin Skywalker and the stormtroopers of the 501st Legion.

and is the best Djem So user Dooku has ever seen
Revenge of the Sith wrote:Skywalker's Shien ready-stance had been a ruse, as had his Ataro gymnastics; the boy was a Djem So stylist, and as fine a one as Dooku had ever seen.

Maces admits Anakin's skills rival his own (TCW S3)
Clone Wars Dueling Game wrote:Your skills rival my own

and muses in ROTS that he has exceptional skills

Revenge of the Sith wrote:The boy has exceptional skills

Anakin is equally formidable to Sheev Palpatine
Galactic Files wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Ba098b10

The intensity of combat was sunning
Gillard Insider 72 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Who10

Anakin is not as easy to overpower as Kenobi was, by Dooku
Ultimate Duels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin13

Anakin outmaneuvered Dooku
Ultimate Duels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Out10

Anakin uses the force mid combat to throw off his opponents, even ones as strong as Dooku
Attack of the Clones Novel wrote:and his eyes widened a bit when he realized that this young Padawan, in the midst of that assault, had used the Force to block his exit.

Anakin's skills are highly respected by the Council

Jedi Alliance Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Skills10

Mace is impressed by Skywalkers skills and dedication
Clone Wars: Lightsaber Battles Prima Guide wrote:Mace is impressed by Skywalker’s skills and dedication, yet remains wary of his susceptibility to falling toward the dark side. For his part, Anakin wants to prove himself to this stern father figure.

Anakin is an accomplished commander and a formidable warrior and tactician 
Clone Wars: Lightsaber Battles Prima Guide wrote:As an accomplished Jedi and commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, Anakin has developed into a formidable warrior and tactician. Since the events at the Battle of Christophsis, he now shoulders the responsibility of mentoring a new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Learning to balance his mission priorities with his desire to guide and protect Ahsoka will create some difficult challenges that Anakin must overcome.

Anakin is more skilled than Obi-Wan

Gillard wrote:He's more skilled than Obi-Wan. Anakin always attacks. He's better and he knows it

Anakin skipped the essential steps of Jedi training
Jedi Path wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Saber10

Dooku, one of it not the second best duelist of all time, was unable to overpower Anakin
ROTS Novel wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unable10

- Hayden Christensen - The Chosen One Featurette wrote:Darth Vader fighting style is much more aggressive and much more brutal than Anakin's

Last edited by Vaelias on November 6th 2021, 2:58 pm; edited 7 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty GROWTH AND ACCOLADES

July 28th 2021, 12:28 pm



Anakin grows strong between TPM and AOTC

The Clone Wars wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Sro10

His power growth is astonishing
The Force Collection 2013 wrote:Anakin Skywalker's rise to power was astonishing. He went from being a slave on Tatooine to one of the most powerful Jedi ever.

Anakin has an incredible memory and learning comes easy to him
Jedi Quest: Path to Truth wrote:He made a vow. He knew he had an extraordinary memory. Organization and learning came easily to him. He would use that power to sear this memory into his mind and heart.

Anakin was the best in the temple at everything measurable, and his progress had been astonishing
Jedi Quest: Path to Truth wrote:In his short time at the Temple, Anakin's progress had been astonishing. By everything that was measurable, he exceeded expectations. He was at the top of his class in lightsaber training, piloting, memory skills, and the most important goal of all - connection to the Force.

Things came too easily to Anakin that it was dangerous 
Jedi Quest: Path to Truth wrote:Yet it was exactly his quick progress that gave Obi-Wan pause. Things came too easily to him. There was a danger of recklessness and arrogance inherent in his power

Anakin's power has grown 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  E4d53710

at this point Nick Gillard says that Anakin (AOTC) would 'cream' Darth Maul (TPM)
Star Wars Celebration - May 7th 2002 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image111

Anakin oozed so much power in his upset, that even Padme, a non force sensitive could feel the power within him, beyond anything she had ever known
Attack of the Clones Novel wrote:The hours were unbearable for Padme. Owen and Beru were friendly enough, and Cliegg was obviously glad for the added company in his time of great concern and profound grief, but she could hardly speak to them, so worried was she for Anakin. She had never seen him in a mood like the one that had taken him from the moisture farm, his determination so palpable, so consuming, that it seemed almost destructive. She had felt Anakin's power in that parting, an inner strength beyond anything she had ever known.

Even master Yoda can feel this power from across the Galaxy, with the strength and power to overwhelm him, a strength and power beyond anything Anakin had ever known, it even calls Qui-Gon from the netherworld of the force
Attack of the Clones Novel wrote:Deep in his meditations, peering through the dark side, Master Yoda felt a sudden surge of anger, of outrage beyond control. The diminutive Master's eyes popped open wide at the overwhelming strength of that rage.

And then he heard a voice, a familiar voice, crying, "No, Anakin! No! Don't! No!"

It was Qui-Gon. Yoda knew that it was Qui-Gon. But Qui-Gon was dead, had become one with the Force! One could not retain consciousness and sense of self in that state; one could not speak from beyond the grave.

But Yoda had heard the ghostly call, and in his deep meditative state, his thoughts focused as precisely as they had ever been, the Jedi Master knew that he had not been mistaken.

He wanted to focus on that, then, perhaps to try to follow that call back to the ghostly source, but he could not, overwhelmed again by the surge of rage and pain and... power.
He didn't feel empty any longer. He felt a surge of energy and strength beyond anything he had ever known, felt full of the Force, full of power, full of life.

Anakin in this state wields far more power than Yoda, and is one of many of Anakin's flashes of brilliance that Gillard talks about

Gillard wrote:"Of course, he's the chosen one," whispered Gillard. "The audience will want to see that manifest itself. There needs to be flashes of brilliance. He's more skilled than Obi-Wan. Anakin always attacks. He's better and he knows it, which means he's brash on occasion."
each one of these moments likely gives Anakin a permanent boost in power 

Anakin feels more than ready to take the trials
Star Wars: Chronicles The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Ac00a51e4f1bd905b82f2f4914cb1a0c


shortly after, undergoes incredible growth, gaining what is described to be 'too much power' from harnessing the power of the force around him

Ulic Qel-Droma to Anakin Skywalker, The Clone Wars (Video Game) wrote:"Yes, I can teach you to harness the power of the Force around you, making you immune to the Dark Reaper's effects."

The Official Star Wars Fact File 107 wrote:The ancient Jedi Master warned that the knowledge he would pass to Anakin would let him resist the effects of the Force-stripping Harvester and the Dark Reaper it activated, but would perhaps give him too much power.

becoming more powerful than he can imagine
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Prima Official Strategy Guide wrote:Follow the advice of Ulic Qel-Droma throughout this fight and you grow more powerful than you can imagine.

whereby Obi-Wan is uncomfortable with the sheer power his apprentice wields 
The Official Star Wars Fact File 107 wrote:Although the knowledge given to Anakin allowed him to destroy the Dark Reaper, Obi-Wan was uncomfortable with the power that his Padawan now wielded.
his baseline power by now should be utterly beyond the state of power he reached while killing the sand people, which was strong enough to overwhelm Yoda himself

Anakin has the highest M count and therefore has the potential to be the most powerful force user ever, but its still unsure if he is the chosen one or not
Anakin in the Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  144f5597bfd838bc4da8379b4b6f0af4

It is still unsure on mortis 
Clone Wars: Overlords wrote:JINN: if he is the chosen one he will discover it here

KENOBI: and if he is not

JINN: then he must realize with his power, this is a very dangerous place for him to be
- | The Prophecy of the Chosen One is Revealed! (2011) wrote:A mysterious force draws Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to the distant planet of Mortis, where Anakin learns of his destiny from a family of exceptionally powerful Force-wielders.

until it becomes apparent, when he discovers he is by unleashing incredible raw power and taming the son and daughter, overpowering the force itself, in what is probably his biggest boost of power yet. the realization of being the chosen one, is vastly beyond the realization of using your emotions which made Anakin rise a stomp gap vs Dooku 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin_overpowers_the_force

which is a very important chapter in Anakin's development and his journey | The Prophecy of the Chosen One is Revealed! (2011) wrote:"This is a very important chapter in Anakin's development," says Dave Filoni, supervising director of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. "The prophecy of the Chosen One was touched on in the films, but never like this. We're going to look at what it means for Anakin and the galaxy. We wanted to give it the proper connection to the larger saga. I am very grateful to have Liam Neeson and Pernilla August reprising their roles from the live-action films. They are each so important to Anakin's journey, and to have them on our series has been incredible."
Anakin in the Encyclopedia wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Ce9eacaf9c8967172af1552c388be2c8
Star Wars: Father in the Encyclopedia wrote:The Father saw Anakin as a worthy successor to his position of balance. He tested Skywalker, proving that he had the raw Force ability to hold back the powers of the Son and Daughter.
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Cw619-05
Overlords Rewatch - wrote:For a man who has already served the opposing roles of peacekeeping Jedi and war-time general, and given his preternatural Force abilities and high midi-chlorian count, it makes sense. If the Father can no longer preside over his dueling children, Son and Daughter, Anakin is the only one in the universe, it seems, strong enough to keep them in check in his absence, at least in this strange world that seems to operate purely on a metaphysical level.
The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded wrote:Anakin demonstrates his power with the force by freeing both, and making the ones take their forms again
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  B567f34a2b489ac94e35a665ea2942af
Star Wars Insider wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  0d40987b630e6f3cd4f9fa2a9d1bc6ff

Star Wars Insider wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  D4fd332b9e7337f7fa09efebef8f93b0

By S3 of Clone Wars Anakin's raw power when amped by Mortis is > The Son and Daughter, proving that he is in fact the chosen one, the being of unseen power, from this point on his raw power continues to grow 

soon after he joins The Son and gains a huge power boost, to where he is described as ultimately supreme over Darth Sidious, being depicted as being too powerful for the combined might of both Yoda and Sidious working together, and make Darth Sidious feel fear for the first time being imbued with the very essence of darkness.
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  C6f8d16367fd4704ab692e1dbc955231
although the boost from killing Yoda and Sidious did not occur, before this boost this alternate take is simply Dark Anakin having joined The Son 

after this boost however he turns the entire atmosphere into eternal never ending darkness simply with his presence, it makes sense to believe that he would be somewhat near this level after his massive Order 66 boost. 

Prior to this alternate reality boost however...

Anakin is casually besting Obi-Wan and then Ahsoka 

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  711b0131ef88f7d0be26c946157acd20

This is a focused determined Anakin with a desire for blood in the same mindset as KFV prior to confliction.

There is no reason to believe the boost he received from joining the Son didn't remain after his memory of what happened was wiped, it was only his knowledge that was removed, this even being described as simply a dose of amnesia 

Star Wars The Clone Wars Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Cfe409ebe91a13c7d796d46a1a1ce3ee
Star Wars The Clone Wars Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6aeb66761eaa2524ee15e417259b6947

so Anakin IS this powerful having just left Mortis and even more powerful as time goes on

Dooku realizes his power has grown based on their fight 
Star Wars The Clone Wars Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  80a22c962c8c8e733880f151f690f7e3

until his power is now incalculable
Star Wars: Skyewalkers wrote:A childish instinct unexpectedly seized him. Anakin lowered his head, eyes hot, clenching his jaw shut with all his incalculable power, determined not to give in to nature, not caring if all his teeth shattered.

And then within the span of a few months, Anakin’s baseline had already greatly surpassed that of  the amp he received while on the planet of Vjun
Labyrinth of Evil 303 wrote:“Beside him, Obi-Wan stirred and coughed. ‘You’re getting awfully good at destroying things,’ he said. ‘On Vjun, you needed a grenade to do this much damage.’”

for perspective, this is how much Anakin was amped on Vjun, and that is after his power growth having joined The Son and all other growth
Yoda Dark Rendezvous - Anakin Skywalker: wrote:”I love this planet. It's just steeped in the Force. I could feel it the moment we touched the atmosphere. I'm usually a good pilot-"

"Great pilot," Obi-Wan admitted.

"-But here it was like the ship's hull and my skin were the same thing. I could feel exactly how much heat she could take, how much torque, how many rolls..."

"Clearly you weren't using the Force to commune with my stomach." Obi-Wan, still looking a little green, picked up a blaster rifle and a couple of concussion grenades.

"The difference between Coruscant and here is like the difference between swimming in fresh water and in the ocean. I feel so buoyant.

Anakin and Kenobi are Dooku's most formidable foes
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Topps 2008 wrote:He and former Padawan Anakin Skywalker remain Count Dooku’s most formidable foes, battling the aggressive separatists at every opportunity.

and the Jedi orders finest Heroes 
Star Wars: The Complete Encyclopedia - Palpatine wrote:The Confederacy fleet hammered Coruscant's defenses and absconded with the captive Chancellor. Predictably, the Jedi Order's finest heroes - Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi - were dispatched to rescue Palpatine.

and Anakin is the mightiest of all Jedi 

Star Wars The Clone Wars Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dc32f2bf9ec29352834f59a598a82b33

Anakin last fought Dooku in Season 6 Episode 10 of Clone Wars 

TCW Episode Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

By ROTS less than 6 months later Anakin has learnt much, since the last time he fought Dooku
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Inside10

during which time, his powers have doubled
Revenge of the Sith wrote:My powers have grown since the last time we met, count

Anakin Skywalker - ROTS Video Game wrote:My powers have doubled since last we met

Leland Chee confirming that yes this is counting TCW and does not just mean since AOTC
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Leland10

by this time Anakin is at the peak of his considerable powers
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

the realization during the fight with Dooku, which turns the fight from a relatively even match to a stomp is a permanent increase for Anakin from this point.

Official Star Wars Annual 2014 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  1B8CDC56-ED4B-4E34-B372-FA40A2F2325F

Even Matthew Stover Author of the Revenge of the Sith Novelization muses that Anakin is 'tremendously' more powerful than Mace Windu  
Matthew Stover wrote:I'm not sure if I would give Anakin an edge over Mace, but I think it'd be a very even fight. Different styles. Also, Anakin's Force powers are operating on a higher level. Mace's is more precise but Anakin's just tremendously powerful.

Insider 71 wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

the Force was with Anakin stronger than ever as a Jedi in Revenge of the Sith, before turning to the dark side. 

Star Wars Official Annual 2014 wrote:Anakin is a hero throughout the galaxy thanks to his amazing exploits on the front lines of the clone wars he has carried out daring rescues, defended entire planets and faced many dangerous enemies. The force is stronger than ever with him. However the qualities that have made him a Hero are also the qualities that worry the Jedi council. He is headstrong, passionate and impulsive.


In Revenge of the Sith Anakin is the most powerful Jedi by astronomical margin, as established above, from this point he has numerous mega growth jumps from where he is already substantially above Grand Master Yoda, and from where he he was already 'impossibly powerful' in comparison to Dooku who is Yoda's level at the very least (more on that later)

Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:Dooku felt himself blanch. Where had this come from? Skywalker came on, mechanically inexorable, impossibly powerful, a destroyer droid with a lightsaber: each step a blow and each blow a step. Dooku backed away as fast as he dared; Skywalker stayed right on top of him

just after this he felt more powerful than ever before, indicating the 'Zonakin' state and tapping into the Dark Side gave Anakin a permanent boost 

Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:Anakin had never felt so powerful. The Force was with him today in ways more potent than he had ever experienced.

and Anakin keeps getting stronger
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku's defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker-Skywalker was getting stronger.

and stronger
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:If anyone can save Palpatine, Anakin will. Because he's already the best, and he's still getting better.

and stronger
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:Anakin radiated excitement so powerfully in the Force that Obi-Wan could practically hear the thunder of his heartbeat.

and stronger

Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:He understood how Skywalker was getting stronger. Why he no longer spoke. How he had become a machine of battle. He understood why Sidious had been so interested in him for so long. Skywalker was a natural.

and stronger

Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:That, now-that simple unbearable fact-that was truth. Though it burned him like his own lightsaber, truth was some-thing he could hang on to. And somehow it made him feel a little better. A little stronger.

and stronger

Mace Windu | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith adult novelization wrote:Skywalker is arguably the most powerful Jedi alive, and he is still getting stronger.

and stronger
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:"You have done well, my new apprentice. Do you feel your power growing?"
"Yes, my Master."

And stronger with each moment of fighting Jedi
Revenge of the Sith Video Game Prima Guide wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin15

and then even stronger
Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:He could feel his power growing, indeed.

and stronger
Anakin Skywalker - ROTS Video Game wrote:My powers are growing

on top of the ascendant dark side cosmic nexus making the Sith much stronger
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Strong10

all up until the point where he is the most powerful man in the universe to the point where he now has power over life and death itself 
(all that was left was for him to discover how to apply this power)
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Plag_s12
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Plag_112

George Lucas - The Force Interview 2010 wrote:he made a pact with the devil, to be able to become all powerful, but of course when he did that, she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her, once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead. Well if I can do that then I can be emperor of the universe

Possessing all these 'new powers'
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  New_po12

Anakin has now become more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of
Revenge of the Sith Script wrote:ANAKIN: Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough. PADME: Anakin, all I want is your love.
ANAKIN: Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that. PADME: At what cost? You are a good person. Don't do this.

ANAKIN: I won't lose you the way I lost my mother! I've become more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of and I've done it for you. To protect you. 

this is important because Anakin more than knows the measure of the other Jedi like Yoda and Mace and believes they couldn't even dream of having power like what he now feels, he even remarks that a fraction of the new power he wields is beyond even comprehension for Obi-Wan Kenobi 

Revenge of the Sith Novelization wrote:Even a fraction of the dark side is more power than your Jedi arrogance can conceive; living in the light, you have never seen the depth of the darkness
again Anakin knows he was better than them substantially even before this mega growth, and he knows the measure of his mega growth 

he already has the measure of Sidious
Revenge of the Sith Novel wrote:He could feel his power growing, indeed. He had the measure of his “Master” already; not long after Palpatine shared the secret of Darth Plagueis’s discovery, their relationship would undergo a sudden… transformation.

and knows he is more powerful 
Revenge of the Sith wrote:I am more powerful than the Chancellor, I can overthrow him

Pablo Hidalgo (LucasFilm) even muses that he believes Anakin could 'fuck up' the universe in no more than a few days 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  546cefc8bc0f8a7586bf923b41c79dd1
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  D0e98812a05b5986ef6c087cc14090ad
in fact George Lucas was 'very specific' about ROTS spanning mere days, all this crazy growth Anakin is experiencing in ROTS is all over the span of a few days

with these exceptional powers
George Lucas wrote:Well, a lot of people got very upset, saying he should’ve been this little demon kid. But the story is not about a guy who was born a monster – it’s about a good boy who was loving and had exceptional powers, but how that eventually corrupted him and how he confused possessive love with compassionate love. That happens in Episode II: Regardless of how his mother died, Jedis are not supposed to take vengeance. And that’s why they say he was too old to be a Jedi, because he made his emotional connections. His undoing is that he loveth too much.

indeed after all this growth Lucas implies Anakin is twice as powerful as The Emperor 
George Lucas - wrote:“Anakin, as Skywalker, as a human being, was going to be extremely powerful,” he says. “But he ended up losing his arms and a leg and became partly a robot. So a lot of his ability to use the Force, a lot of his powers, are curbed at this point, because, as a living form, there’s not that much of him left. So his ability to be twice as good as the Emperor disappeared

and could beat him if he would have killed Kenobi
George Lucas - Making of ROTS wrote:“You have to be either Mace or Yoda to compete with the Emperor," Lucas says. "If Anakin hadn't got all beat up, he could've beat the Emperor."

Anakin even threatening Sidious, proclaiming he is a disturbance in the force and that Sidious should essentially watch his back
Revenge of the Sith Novel wrote:The image tilted its head, its smile twisting without transition to a scowl.
"Lord Vader-I sense a disturbance in the Force. You may be in danger."
He glanced at the mirror flash outside; he knew that ship. In danger of being
kissed to death, perhaps . . . "How should I be in danger, Master?"
"I cannot say. But the danger is real; be mindful." Be mindful, be mindful,
he thought with a mental sneer. Is that the best you can do? I could get that
much from Obi-Wan
. . . "I will, my Master. Thank you." The image faded.
He got to his feet, and now the sneer was on his lips and in his eyes. "You're
the one who should be mindful, my 'Master.' I am a disturbance in the



For those wondering Anakin in his prime state is on Mustafar before any confliction when he has the Sith eyes, this is generally the Anakin referred to when one uses the term 'KFV' meaning Knightfall Vader. Its Anakin with all the power but non of the confliction
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  701f5810


Last edited by Vaelias on January 9th 2022, 8:27 pm; edited 11 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty FEATS AND CIRCUMSTANCE

July 28th 2021, 12:29 pm


Anakin at 9 years old is the only Jedi who can race pods, due to his unnatural aptitude in the force

not only this, but he wins, before any training

even in the time of TPM Anakin has faster reflexes than most Jedi
The Clone Wars UK Comic #22 wrote:
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  2021-07-27_4

Anakin picks up the water from many fountains and freezes the water, holding it in mid air, with a fraction of his power 
Jedi Quest: Final Showdown wrote:Anakin took his anger and focused it. For a moment, the water from the many fountains around him hung suspended in the air. He used the Force to keep the water frozen in midair, just to prove he could do it. The silence filled his ears. Then he let it fall, all the fountains gushing, trickling, racing once again. The noise seemed enormous now, a torrent. As though he could hear every drop of water hit every pebble.

Anakin felt a surge of power. This was only a part of what he was capable of.

Shortly before Attack of the Clones Anakin holds the temple record for the force jump, and by a significant margin
Star Wars: Gambit Stealth wrote:"You'll be fine, Anakin," said Obi-Wan. "I doubt anyone will ever break your Temple leap record."

The one he'd set just over a year ago. The one that had smashed Mace Windu's leap by nearly fifteen meters. No, probably no one ever would break that.

Anakin prior to AOTC defeats both Obiwan Kenobi and Kit Fisto at the same time
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

Anakin casually launches a huge rock crushing a whole Tusken hut
Attack of the Clones Novel wrote:He saw one group rush into a hut and reached out across the way, to a large boulder in the distance. It flew to his call, soaring across the sand, smashing one fleeing Tusken down and flying on.
Anakin dropped it on the hut full of Tuskens, crushing them all.

 Anakin hard presses Dooku to where he had to work furiously and go all out to keep up
Attack of the Clones Novelization wrote:"I'm a slow learner," Anakin replied coolly, and he came on then, so suddenly, so powerfully, his green blade whirling with such speed that he seemed almost encased in green light.

For the first time, Count Dooku lost his little confident smile. He had to work furiously to keep Anakin's blade at bay, dodging more than parrying. He tried to step out to the side, but stopped as if he had hit a wall, and his eyes widened a bit when he realized that this young Padawan, in the midst of that assault, had used the Force to block his exit.

"You have unusual powers, young Padawan," he sincerely congratulated. His little grin returned, and gradually Dooku put himself back on even footing with Anakin, trading thrust for slash and forcing Anakin to dodge and parry as often as he tried to strike.

which fatigues Dooku
Attack of the Clones Comic wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Baf6aa10

For reference George Lucas has confirmed that Dooku at this point is a direct equal of Yoda

George Lucas - AOTC DVD Commentary wrote:"You can't just go right into the sword fight, so I decided to go back to The Empire Strikes Back of throwing things at each other, even though I knew they were equal to each other, so it was a hopeless gesture and they would've figured that out in two seconds. But for the audience it's nice for them to go through this process of throwing everything around."
So Anakin is exceeding Dooku's base level, forcing a Yoda level opponent to have to go all out to eventually overcome him 


Anakin Skywalker tames both The Son and The Daughter in a display of raw power

Anakin was able to achieve this while amped by mortis and the will to save his friends, seeing as Anakin's power greatly increases from when he did this feat he should be able to achieve this level feat with much more ease given the right motivation even away from mortis.

Anakin holds off a Theta Storm for a lengthy amount of time
Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit - Siege wrote:The next storm-shield generator overloaded just as Anakin reached it. He had a split second's warning, one hammer blow from the Force. The storm seemed to hold its breath…

...and then exhaled in renewed fury as the generator erupted in a burning light show of sparks. With a scream like a wounded animal the shield directly overhead collapsed and a maelstrom of theta particles poured through the gap.

He acted on instinct - and out of sheer bloody-minded terror. Throwing up his hands he used the Force to hold back the stream of theta particles, and with a shout of rage became one with the storm shield. Rejected the storm. He thought he could feel his blood bubbling. He was losing himself, disappearing within the scarlet vortex of the Force as it consumed him and transformed him into fire.

And there was his mother, whispering again. He can help you. He was meant to help you. Furious, Anakin stood alone against the storm.


Every alarm in the monitoring station was sounding. Devi pushed her antigrav harness to its limits as she flung herself from station to station.

"No, no, don't do that!" she shouted, slamming switches, hitting buttons. "Don't you dare!"

"Devi!" Obi-Wan yelled. "Tell me what I can do to..."

She flung out an arm, pointing toward the generator and storm-shield status board. "Glue your eyes to those gauges. We've got one shield generator down. If another goes it's over. We're all dead. I don't even know how the rest of the shield's still holding but I don't care. It's holding and that's all that matters!"

I know how. It's Anakin. May the Force protect him.

Sick with fear for him, Obi-Wan crossed to the status board and read off the gauges, even as his stomach churned and the bile rose in his throat.

Hold on, Anakin. I'll be there as soon as I can.

Because surely not even the Chosen One could hold back a theta storm on his own.

"It was the most awful thing I've ever seen," Qui-Gon had told him, so many years ago. "Theta storms kill in two ways, you see. If you're contaminated from a distance, well, it takes a long time to die. But if you are in the storm's path it will rip you to pieces and then melt your bones. I've seen it kill both ways, and both ways arc cruel. Better to be swallowed alive by a sarlacc."


The moment he set foot outside the power plant he turned toward Anakin - and felt his heart thud as he saw the gaping hole in the storm shield. Felt the furious concentration of power, of the Force, in that one small place as Anakin held back the storm's might.

And then he felt the gathered villagers, their numbers growing, their fear and astonishment mounting, as they watched the stranger from Voteb do a thing that should not be humanly possible.

Hold on, Anakin. Hold on.

He turned and Force-sprinted for the endangered refinery.


Anakin felt the explosion heartbeats before it happened. Sweating and trembling with the effort of holding back the theta storm, ignoring the villagers who'd come to see what was going on, he tried to send Obi-Wan a warning - but his mind was so bludgeoned by the quicksilver torment of keeping the raging storm at bay that he couldn't feel his former Master's presence.

And then the refinery went up like Coruscant fireworks on Republic Day.

Screams and shouts sounded as panic surged through the Force, bright and white and stunning. Vision smearing and blearing, Anakin sought in the crowd for Teeba Jaklin. She'd come from the charter house to see what the fuss was about and remained because she couldn't believe her own eyes.

"Jaklin! Teeba Jaklin!"

She pushed and shoved and swore her way to him through the jostling villagers who pointed and gasped and were beginning to break for the refinery.

"Yes, Markl?" She scowled. "If that's even your name."

"It's my name at the moment, " he said, his teeth gritted against the relentless pain of the storm. "Teeba Jaklin, please. Find Yavid for me. Make sure he's all right."

The explosion's echoes rolled around the village, trapped beneath the barely holding shield. The red storm-glow beyond it was matched by the red glow of leaping flames. The refinery was burning. He and Jaklin stared at each other as the rest of Torbel's people ran to help, shadows in the glare of the storm. Some headed for the artesian well, for water. Others made straight for the burning building full of raw damotite.

A chilling thought struck him. Was the mineral itself flammable? That smoke - was it a toxic cloud poised to poison every last man, woman, and child beneath the storm shield?

"Teeba Jaklin! Is there danger from the..."

Her eyes were full of fear. "Yes. Not drop-dead-on-the-spot trouble but even with our secret protection we'll all of us be sickly in the next few days." She looked up at the thrashing theta storm over their heads. "Unless that clears quick soon and we can down the shields so the smoke gets to blow clean away."

"Which..." He had to pause, to rebalance himself. The effort of fighting the storm was threatening to drive him to his knees. He'd started to breathe in harsh gasping pants. "Which is- worse? The theta particles- or the damotite- smoke?"

The question made her laugh grimly. "The storm - unless it doesn't clear and we're left breathing smoke for hours on end. Then we'll be likely done for whichever way you slice the bread."

Of course they would be. The universe had a stinking sense of humor.

"You need- to find Yavid," he gasped. "If he's- not hurt he- can help you."

The look on her face said she thought they were all beyond help. "I'll look for him. How much longer before you fail, Teeb?"

He didn't know. He didn't want to think about that. "I'm- all right. Go. Please." Another deep, shuddering breath. "Find Yavid."

They were alone now, save for the men working on the shield generator. Jaklin turned away from him. "Guyne! How soon before that generator's fixed?"

The oldest of the four feverishly tinkering men spared her a glance. "Going as fast as we can, Jaklin. Half the circuits are burned out. "

Anakin tightened his hold on the Force, feeling the seethe and surge of the storm like living fire. "I can- hold on, Teeba. Don't- worry- about me. Just go. Go!"

Half step by half step, Jaklin retreated. In the garish light her eyes were narrowed. A muscle worked along her jaw. "I know what you are, young Teeb. You're..."

"Not- now, " he said, almost groaning. "Please. Find Yavid. Tell him- I'll get there- soon as- I can. "

Instead of answering, she turned to look at Guyne one last time. "Could be our lives are with you now, old Teeb," she said, her voice cracking. "Don't you be letting us down."

His teeth showed briefly in his thin, seamed face. "Not planning to, old Teeba. Get on now. Rikkard'll have need of you."

Anakin took another rib-cracking breath. "Teeba..."

"I know," she snapped, retreating. "Yavid. I said I'd look, and I will. I'm an honest one - even if you aren't."

She broke into a flat-footed run. He watched her for a few short, uneven strides, feeling Guyne's measured stare.

Don't look at me, old man. Fix that generator, would you?

Anakin hurt so much now it would be easy just to... give in. Give up. Let go. But he couldn't do that. Hundreds of lives were depending on him. He had to stand here and take it until the generator was fixed - or his heart gave out. So he closed his eyes. Whether it made sense or not he always found it easier to focus his will when cocooned in darkness.

With sight denied him all his other senses leapt to keener life. The stink of the shield generator's scorched circuitry. The stink of burning damotite from the exploded refinery. The stink of his own sweat. He heard - felt - three more explosions. Smaller this time, in swift succession. There were shouts, sirens. Sounds and echoes drumming. The worst of the Force's insistent warning had faded, leaving him scoured hollow and stunned. Now all he felt in the Force was confusion, fear and pain. Everything he usually felt, no matter where he was. It was terrible and yet, in the strangest way, also comforting. He knew how to deal with that.

It was the unknown that made him nervous.

How long had he been standing here, holding back the storm? Probably less than an hour. It felt like days. Years. He didn't have much time before the choice of whether to let go or endure would be out of his hands. Even the Chosen One had limits.

He remembered himself as a small boy, boasting to Qui-Gon at his mother's rough table.

Has anyone ever seen a Podrace? I'm the only human who can do it.

And now he was probably the only Jedi who could turn himself into a living storm shield.

It isn't boasting. It's the truth. I've got a knack for beating the odds.

Now all he had to do was beat these odds for just a little bit longer…

Sweat pouring, heart pounding, dimly aware that he was burning himself out, Anakin clung to the Force like a child to its mother's hand. Time passed. He passed with it, in silence.

"All right," said Giuyne at last. "I think that's got it. Teeb Markl..."

Stirring, he opened his eyes. "Teeb?"

"We're going to try the generator. Get ready."

He managed to nod.

The other three men stepped back from the generator as Guyne, sore and sorry and tired, took a deep breath and reconnected the power supply. He flipped a series of switches, waited- waited- then activated the shield.

With a sizzling hum the storm shield came back online. Guyne and his three friends cheered, tiredly ecstatic... and Anakin slumped, falling boneless and graceless to the hard, dry ground.

He could feel himself shaking. Teeth chattering, lungs aching for air, he rolled on to his side and curled into a ball. His lightsaber, undiscovered, banged against his ribs as Torbel swung and spun around him. Vaguely he was aware of agitated voices calling his name and concerned hands poking and prodding to see if he was still in one piece. He couldn't say. He couldn't answer their anxious, shouted questions. He couldn't even tell if he was still hurting or if what he felt now was just the memory of pain. Only once before had he ever felt anything close to this, and that was on Geonosis, in the cave, after Dooku's savage Force lightning had come close to killing him. After a while... eons... the worst of the shuddering passed. He opened his eyes, uncurled his spine and looked up. Yes, Torbel had a storm shield - and it wasn't him. On the other side of the plasma the theta storm continued to spit radioactive rage.

Spit away. I don't care. You're not getting in.

He rolled onto his hands and knees and then levered himself upright. Reaching hands helped him, and he was grateful for that. Red and black spots danced before his eyes. He had to blink and blink to clear his vision.

"Steady there, young Teeb," said Guyne, holding tight to his elbow. "Went down hard, you did. Just you catch your breath."

"I'm all right," he said, and was startled to hear how raw his voice sounded. Staggering, he turned to look across the darkened village toward the refinery. The flames were dying down, and the smoke. But the air was still tainted and thick. He tried not to think about the poison he was sucking into his lungs.

He looked back at Guyne. "Stay here and keep an eye on that generator, Teeb. And if it looks like blowing again send for me. I'll come back."

In the shifting light the old villager's salt-gray eyebrows lifted. "Mighty sure of yourself you are, for a young Teeb," he said, very dry. "Never knew a Lanteeban farmer with your knack of taking charge. Never knew any farmer could hold back a theta storm, neither. Not with the power of his mind."

Behind him, his friends nodded agreement, a small knot of suspicion even though they were grateful.

Anakin sighed. "Teeb Guyne, we both know I'm not a farmer. Will you stay here?"

"We'll stay," said Guyne, nodding. "And if we're needful of a Jedi we'll know where to look."

Wonderful. Obi-Wan's going to kill me.

He had no hope of Force-sprinting his way to the ruined refinery. The vicious edge of his pain had dulled, but every bone and muscle and sinew still ached. His sense of the Force was fiercely dimmed... and how long it would take for his numb shock to subside he couldn't begin to guess. He'd never exhausted himself like this before.

There's a first time for everything, I suppose. I just really wish that this wasn't it.

Gagging at the stench of burned damotite, he pushed himself into a stumbling run, left the villagers behind him and went in search of Obi-Wan

Obi-wan doubts Yoda can do this
Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit - Siege wrote:Anakin's face went still. "I didn't have a choice, Master. The shield collapsed and the storm- I couldn't let it..."

"I know you couldn't. I'm not angry. If anything, I'm astonished. Anakin, what you managed..." Obi-Wan shook his head. "I'm not certain that Yoda himself could've held this wretched storm back the way you did, for as long as you did. You saved the village

Anakin blasts Dooku with TK
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image0

Anakin holding back still brings Asoka to a stand-still
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

Anakin launches a large wreckage with enough force it is like a bomb going off
The Clone Wars wrote:The men sprinted for the door, plunging into the acrid black smoke that now filled the courtyard. It was some kind of cover for a few seconds. Anakin saw the droids, hampered by their own debris, and his eyes went to the blazing carcass of the AT-TE.
Just do it.
Adrenaline fueled him. He sent the wreckage skidding across the ground with a massive Force push. The kinetic force of the impact and the sheet of flame released when it slammed into the droid ranks had the effect of a bomb going off.

Anakin deflects a giant super laser that could destroy the entire Senate
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Unknown

Anakin uses a force scream to bring down a huge dome
Labyrinth of Evil wrote:In the ruined archive hall of LiMerge Power's plasma facility, Count Dooku waited for Kenobi and Skywalker to arrive. The room was enormous by any standard, thirty meters high and three times that in circumference.
More droids appeared. To Dooku, this was nothing more than a game, Obi-Wan told himself. But if it was a demonstration of Force ability Dooku wanted, then Anakin was still more than willing to provide it.
"Dooku!" he howled.
With such force and wrath that the ceiling of the vast hall began to collapse.
Dragging himself out from under plasteel girders and chunks of ferrocrete, Count Dooku came shakily to his feet and gazed in astonished disbelief at the shambles of the control room. Had the containment dome been so weak that it had succumbed to flurries of ricocheting blaster bolts, or had Skywalker's voiced rage actually called the ceiling down? Had Dooku not leapt forcefully at the last moment, he might have been buried, as the two Jedi were, somewhere below, in the expanse of rubble that covered the archive room. He was certain that they had survived. But if nothing else they were trapped, which had been the intent from the start.
But Skywalker... Assuming that he had grown powerful enough to have collapsed the dome, the end result was simply further evidence that he would someday undo himself. Wasn't it? Because admitting to any alternative explanation meant accepting that Skywalker was potentially a greater threat to the Sith than anyone realized.

Anakin Skywalker overpowers the will of the force, and does what is described as 'impossible' by landing the Invisible Hand
Revenge of the Sith Novel wrote:Every bone in his body ached with helplessness. Because he knew:
that fragment of a ship was a death trap. No one could land such a
hulk, not even Skywalker. Each second that passed before its final
breakup and burn was a miracle in itself, a testament to the gifts of 
a pilot who was justly legendary
— but when each second is a 
miracle, how many of them can be strung together in a row?

This is Anakin Skywalker's masterpiece
Many people say he is the best star pilot in the galaxy, but that's
merely talk, born of the constant HoloNet references to his
unmatched string of kills in starfighter combat. Blowing up vulture
droids and tri-fighters is simply a matter of superior reflexes and
trust in the Force; he has spent so many hours in the cockpit that he
wears a Jedi starfighter like clothes. It's his own body, with thrusters
for legs and cannons for fists.
What he is doing right now transcends mere flying the way Jedi
combat transcends a schoolyard scuffle.
He sits in a blood-spattered, blaster-chopped chair behind a
console he's never seen before, a console with controls designed for
alien fingers. The ship he's in is not only bucking like a maddened
dewback through brutal coils of clear-air turbulence, it's on fire and
breaking up like a comet ripping apart as it crashes into a gas giant.
He has only seconds to learn how to maneuver an alien craft that not
only has no aft control cells, but has no aft at all.
This is, put simply, impossible. It can't be done.
He's going to do it anyway.
Because he is Anakin Skywalker, and he doesn't believe in 

He extends his hands and for one long, long moment he
merely strokes controls, feeling their shape under his fingers, lis-
tening to the shivers his soft touch brings to each remaining

control surface of the disintegrating ship, allowing their resonances to
join inside his head until they resolve into harmony like a Ferroan
joy-harp virtuoso checking the tuning of his instrument.
And at the same time, he draws power from the Force. He
gathers perception, and luck, and sucks into himself the instinctive,
preconscious what-will-happen-in-the-next-ten-seconds intuition that
has always been the core of his talent. And then he begins.
On the downbeat, atmospheric drag fins deploy; as he tweaks
their angles and cycles them in and out to slow the ship's descent
without burning them off altogether, their contrabass roar takes
on a punctuated rhythm like a heart that skips an occasional beat.
The forward attitude thrusters, damaged in the ship-to-ship battle,
now fire in random directions, but he can feel where they're
raking him and he strokes them in sequence, making their song
the theme of his impromptu concerto.
And the true inspiration, the sparkling grace note of genius
that brings his masterpiece to life, is the soprano counterpoint: a
syncopated sequence of exterior hatches in the outer hull sliding
open and closed and open again, subtly altering the aerodynamics
of the ship to give it just exactly the amount of sideslip or lift or
yaw to bring the huge half cruiser into the approach cone of a
pinpoint target an eighth of the planet away.
It is the Force that makes this possible, and more than the 
Force. Anakin has no interest in serene acceptance of what the 
Force will bring.
Not here. Not now. Not with the lives of 
Palpatine and Obi-Wan at stake. It's just the opposite: he 
seizes upon the Force with a stark refusal to fail.
He will land this ship.
He will save his friends.
Between his will and the will of the Force, there is no contest
Anakin being The Chosen One has its advantages. Here it is made abundant that Anakin being Anakin, and possessing his gifts (being the chosen one) combined with his command of the force essentially grants him boundless power, to where him essentially being Force Incarnate is enough to make any impossibility a possibility simply by force of will, he doesn't believe in impossible, therefore impossibility is an impossibility for him, and the will of the force is simply overruled by Anakin and the gifts he possesses

This is quite possibly the best showing in the mythos, and is only supported later when Dooku's death is a predetermined fact, given infinite number of chances Dooku would not be able to defeat Anakin, he is already dead as soon as Anakin gets it into his head that yep Dooku is going down

Anakin fought and easily bested Darth Tyranus in 12 seconds after using his emotions

Revenge of the Sith wrote:This is the death of Count Dooku:

A starburst of clarity blossoms within Anakin Skywalker's mind, when he says to himself Oh. I get it, now and discovers that the fear within his heart can be a weapon, too.

It is that simple, and that complex.

And it is final.

Dooku is dead already. The rest is mere detail.

The play is still on; the comedy of lightsabers flashes and snaps and hisses. Dooku & Skywalker, a one-time-only command performance, for an audience of one. Jedi and Sith and Sith and Jedi, spinning, whirling, crashing together, slashing and chopping, parrying, binding, slipping and whipping and ripping the air around them with snarls of power.

And all for nothing, because a nuclear flame has consumed Anakin Skywalker's Jedi restraint, and fear becomes fury without effort, and fury is a blade that makes his lightsaber into a toy.

The play goes on, but the suspense is over. It has become mere pantomime, as intricate and as meaningless as the space-time curves that guide galactic clusters through a measureless cosmos.

Dooku's decades of combat experience are irrelevant. His mastery of swordplay is useless. His vast wealth, his political influence, impeccable breeding, immaculate manners, exquisite taste-the pursuits and points of pride to which he has devoted so much of his time and attention over the long, long years of his life-are now chains hung upon his spirit, bending his neck before the ax.

Even his knowledge of the Force has become a joke.

It is this knowledge that shows him his death, makes him handle it, turn it this way and that in his mind, examine it in detail like a black gemstone so cold it burns. Dooku's elegant farce has degenerated into bathetic melodrama, and not one shed tear will mark the passing of its hero.

But for Anakin, in the fight there is only terror, and rage.

Only he stands between death and the two men he loves best in all the world, and he can no longer afford to hold anything back. That imaginary dead-star dragon tries its best to freeze away his strength, to whisper him that Dooku has beaten him before, that Dooku has all the power of the darkness, to remind him how Dooku took his hand, how Dooku could strike down even Obi-Wan himself seemingly without effort and now Anakin is all alone and he will never be a match for any Lord of the Sith-But Palpatine's words rage is your weapon have given Anakin permission to unseal the shielding around his furnace heart, and all his fears and all his doubts shrivel in its flame.

When Count Dooku flies at him, blade flashing, Watto's fist cracks out from Anakin's childhood to knock the Sith Lord tumbling back.

When with all the power that the dark side can draw from throughout the universe, Dooku hurls a jagged fragment of the durasteel table, Shmi Skywalker's gentle murmur I knew you would come for me, Anakin smashes it aside.

His head has been filled with the smoke from his smothered heart for far too long; it has been the thunder that darkens his mind. On Aargonar, on Jabiim, in the Tusken camp on Tatooine, that smoke had clouded his mind, had blinded him and left him flailing in the dark, a mindless machine of slaughter; but here now, within this ship, this microscopic cell of life in the infinite sterile desert of space, his firewalls have opened so that the terror and the rage are out there, in the fight instead of in his head, and Anakin's mind is clear as a crystal bell.

In that pristine clarity, there is only one thing he must do.


So he does.

He decides to win.

He decides that Dooku should lose the same hand he took. Decision is reality, here: his blade moves simultaneously with his will and blue fire vaporizes black Corellian nanosilk and disintegrates flesh and shears bone, and away falls a Sith Lord's lightsaber hand, trailing smoke that tastes of charred meat and burned hair. The hand falls with a bar of scarlet blaze still extending from its spastic death grip, and Anakin's heart sings for the fall of that red blade.

He reaches out and the Force catches it for him.

And then Anakin takes Dooku's other hand as well.

Dooku crumples to his knees, face blank, mouth slack, and his weapon whirs through the air to the victor's hand, and Anakin finds his vision of the future happening before his eyes: two blades at Count Dooku's throat.

But here, now, the truth belies the dream. Both lightsabers are in his hands, and the one in his hand of flesh flares with the synthetic bloodshine of a Sith blade.

Dooku, cringing, shrinking with dread, still finds some hope in his heart that he is wrong, that Palpatine has not betrayed him, that this has all been proceeding according to plan-Until he hears "Good, Anakin! Good! I knew you could do it!" and registers this is Palpatine's voice and feels within the darkest depths of all he is the approach of the words that are to come next.

"Kill him," Palpatine says. "Kill him now."

In Skywalker's eyes he sees only flames.

"Chancellor, please!" he gasps, desperate and helpless, his aristocratic demeanor invisible, his courage only a bitter memory. He is reduced to begging for his life, as so many of his victims have. "Please, you promised me immunity! We had a deal! Help me!"

And his begging gains him a share of mercy equal to that |which he has dispensed.

"A deal only if you released me," Palpatine replies, cold as intergalactic space. "Not if you used me as bait to kill my friends."

And he knows, then, that all has indeed been going according to plan. Sidious's plan, not his own. This had been a Jedi trap indeed, but Jedi were not the quarry.

They were the bait.

"Anakin," Palpatine says quietly. "Finish him."

Years of Jedi training make Anakin hesitate; he looks down upon Dooku and sees not a Lord of the Sith but a beaten, broken, cringing old man.

"I shouldn't-"

But when Palpatine barks, "Do it! Now!" Anakin realizes that this isn't actually an order. That it is, in fact, nothing more than what he's been waiting for his whole life.


And Dooku-As he looks up into the eyes of Anakin Skywalker for the final time, Count Dooku knows that he has been deceived not just today, but for many, many years. That he has never been the true apprentice. That he has never been the heir to the power of the Sith. He has been only a tool.

His whole life - all his victories, all his struggles, all his heritage, all his principles and his sacrifices, everything he's done, everything he owns, everything he's been, all his dreams and grand vision for the future Empire and the Army of Sith - have been only a pathetic sham, because all of them, all of him, add up only to this.

He has existed only for this.


To be the victim of Anakin Skywalker's first cold-blooded murder.

First but not, he knows, the last.

Then the blades crossed at his throat uncross like scissors.


And all of him becomes nothing at all
Thier duel was a 'play', and meaningless, Dooku was already dead, that is final, as soon as Anakin realizes that he can use these emotions as a weapon, a moment of mental clarity, everything else was meaningless, Dooku's death is a pre-determined fact from the point where Anakin cuts loose with his emotions

he even hurls Dooku over a ledge

ROTS Comic wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  5469022-5427595313-43068

Nick Gillard muses that Anakin is 'something else' and that Dooku should have accepted his fate
Nick Gillard Tatooine Times Fan Website - Behind the Scenes of Revenge of the Sith: Interview with Nick Gillard wrote:Dooku technically should have known he was going to lose. I mean, we tried to show it through the fight that suddenly he’s thinking ‘Oh my god, this kid is something else, I’m in trouble’, but I don’t know if that came across

Anakin even makes Dooku run away out of fear
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Dooku_running_away_from_anakin

Indeed the whole point of this fight was for it to be a test for Anakin
George Lucas DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:I put Dooku in after Darth Maul was killed to establish that the Emperors assistant or the other Sith could take Jedi and convert them, in this particular case the idea is that Palpatine is testing Anakin to see if he is strong enough to become his apprentice and he doesn't tell Dooku what he is actually up to Dooku thinks he is just going to fight him, but the whole thing is a set up by the emperor to test Anakin's strength and when Anakin is strong enough, which he proves to be by killing Dooku then the emperor is ready to convert him over to the dark side and become his new apprentice

Christopher Lee - Making of ROTS wrote:“Because I’ve already fought Kenobi and Anakin and beaten them, I’ve taken off Anakin’s arm, wounded Kenobi. So I’ve beaten both of them. And I wasn’t defeated by Yoda, close maybe, but nobody could beat me. Now that’s going to surprise the audience, that there is someone who can beat me, who can finish me off, because he [Anakin] does. That will be a surprise, because it will be unexpected. I think that’s a good thing because when they see me arrive, 'There is Kenobi, there is Anakin, uh oh here we go again.' And I do quite a lot of damage to them, a lot.”
Dooku is made to kneel before Anakin
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  08828440bb9e1a8efd8726b73419db7b

For a gauge on the impressiveness of this feat, everything we have points to Dooku here being more powerful than Yoda, he is his equal in AOTC and has numerous growth quotes and power boosts, where Yoda has none and is even stated to be declining, I wont go in depth here because this is not a Dooku RT but the point here is that Anakin is stomping a > Yoda level opponent so vs Yoda he could likely replicate this feat, probably even more handily

Anakin quickly defeats Mace Windu in one of the worst mental states of his life, he did this much faster and with much more ease than Sidious could 

This is Anakin moments before fighting Mace
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  4222a657d3808ebb64eb898fbda1d7e5

Again this video game and its alternate realities are accurate to what would happen, and approved at the highest level from George Lucas himself
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Focuse10

LucasArts Press Release - LucasArts Focuses the Force on Upcoming Star Wars: Episode III Video Game wrote:Working closely with famed Star Wars stunt coordinator Nick Gillard, the development team is creating the most authentic lightsaber combat ever with choreography taken directly from the films as well as many new stunts created exclusively for the game under the auspices of Gillard. Expanding on the upcoming movie, the game will take place in never-before-seen locations that will give fans a sneak peek into the highly anticipated Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith film, releasing worldwide on May 19, 2005.

A special advance behind-the-scenes preview of the Star Wars: Episode III video game will be available on the Star Wars Trilogy DVD slated for release September 21, 2004. This special feature reveals what makes the game the truest and most cinematic Jedi fantasy fulfillment ever produced in a Star Wars video game. Follow the game developers as they visit the movie set in Australia and work with George Lucas, Hayden Christensen and Stunt Coordinator Nick Gillard to capture every nuance of the Jedi ways

Making of Revenge of the Sith Video Game wrote:LucasArts and George Lucas wanted to make sure the episode 3 game experience was just as complete and as authentic as it possibly could be, so we’ve been working with George since the beginning
We would join George at the art department at Skywalker ranch to view the latest concepts to see how his Vision for the film was progressing or evolving just to make sure that everything we did was in step with everything that was going on with Episode 3
We walked nick Gillard through our team area, we walked him through the game, each sequence so he would understand what we’re focusing on and what the main objectives of our game was and he was able to comment and to praise us on what we were doing right and correct us when we were going a stray

(For those of you who may not understand what this means, essentially everything in this game is approved at the highest levels, and is as close to Lucas' vision as possible, having literally been worked on step by step by the respective teams in unison, everything from Anakin one-shotting Sidious to Anakin's massive superiority to Yoda is approved and affirmed at the highest level and should easily be enough to free any characters from any C-Canon binds or provide clarity to any G-Canon ambiguous binds or implications)

Anakin casually tosses Mace Windu both physically and with the force
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Second_best_in_the_order_my_ass

kicking him and sending him flying 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Windu_out_the_window

then lands three swift slashes across Mace's chest putting him down
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Windu_gets_beaten_up

once again kicking Windu down and only getting kicked back when distracted 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Windu_force_pushes_KFV

overpowering and dominating Mace effortlessly
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin_kills_windu

then killing Cin Drallig demonstrating incredible precision with saber throw
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin_saber_throw

then shortly after completely nonchalantly dispatches respected Jedi Master Jocasta Nu
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Jocasta_death

and casually pulling down and launching a huge statue easily
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Statue_feat
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Statue_feat_2
This is incredibly impressive due to the ROTS game being a film, or very close to film medium, which displays force powers in a much more grounded 'realistic' way, feats that break the medium are the most impressive and this statue feat breaks the medium

for a quick comparison, Yoda in the same medium is unable to lift a small column without the help of Obi-Wan
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Yoda_isnt_as_good_as_KF

Anakin force blasts Kenobi 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  ROTS_game_anakin_force_push

soon after Anakin displays more incredible precise use of TK
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Mustafar_tk_0

and takes down a large cruiser with the use of either high lightsaber throw or his force lighting 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Mustafar_tk
(its down the the player how it is taken down, but the lighting seems the more likely canonical option)

Anakin throws Lava balls with TK
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Star_Wars_Lightsaber_Battle_Game_Ep_6_1

The Hero of Coruscant (Protagonist of the Star Wars SAGA Edition Lightsaber Battle Game) having just beat down Darth Sidious in the Jedi Temple, and defeats Anakin on Mustafar, is physically unable to beat a Rage Mode Anakin when he goes into overtime mode, as the player, you physically cannot beat him, the game won't let you, you have to beat him before he goes into overtime mode.
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Star_Wars_Lightsaber_Battle_Game_Ep_6

Now we get to the big fight at the end of Revenge of the Sith... Anakin vs Obi-Wan

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  95db59a22ae3f798980b4c908a6c897f

It should be noted that Anakin is operating on a level below his normal combative prime on Mustafar, starting just after he killed the separatists on the balcony Anakin begins to comprehend what he has done, and collapse mentally 

George Lucas DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:Anakin on the balcony contemplating what he has done, this is the first time he actually has a chance to think about what it is that has happened, by himself, and, the tear here says that he knows what he's done, but he has now committed himself to a path, that he may not agree with but he is going to go on anyway, its the one moment that says he is self aware, that he's rationalizing all his behavior, he's doing terrible things, but in the end he really knows the truth, he knows that he's evil now and there's nothing he can do about it, its really the moment where I think the Pathos of getting stuck in that suit is real, if he had to do it over he probably wouldn't do it, but he cant stop it now, he kinda can see, the rest of the movie, not in terms of him being defeated by Obi-Wan, but in terms of him going down a path that Padme cant follow, and the consequence that's gonna have, the fact that he's gonna have to battle, he knows that that point this is all gonna end up in a fight between him and Obi-Wan, he knows that Padme may not buy into this new reality, and eventually she is gonna sort of find out the truth. He made a pact with the Devil and now he's become the Devil, but its not a joyful thing for him, its a sad thing

-Cast and Crew Episode 3 Commentary wrote:this is the poor moment where Anakin loses it, he finally cant take anymore, he cracks, he cracks up

his dragon returns
Revenge of the Sith Novel wrote:A fatal transformation.
Everything was proceeding according to plan.
And yet . . .
He couldn't shake a certain creeping sensation ... a kind of cold, slimy ooze
that slithered up the veins of his legs and spread clammy tendrils through
his guts . . .
Almost as though he was still afraid . . .She will die, you know, the dragon whispered.
He shook himself, scowling. Impossible. He was Darth Vader. Fear had no
power over him. He had destroyed his fear.
All things die.
Yet it was as though when he had crushed the dragon under his boot, the
dragon had sunk venomed fangs into his heel.
Now its poison chilled him to the bone.
Even stars burn out.
He shook himself again and strode toward the holocomm.

and he can no longer control his emotions, and loses all clarity and therefore his combat perfection
George Lucas DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:One of the problems with Sith is that they are quick to anger this scene with her, it was very important that we sort of set it up to the point where he chokes her as he does with one of the Generals in Episode IV, but at the same time he doesn't kill her or anything, he just you know causes her to faint, but you get to see that flash of anger, that he now doesn't really have that much control over 

The whole point of a jedi is that you can completely control your anger and now he's at a point where he cant control it at all, and its because of his need for control and power and being very upset when he doesn't have it

his mental state shatters even more upon Padme's arrival 
George Lucas DVD Commentary Revenge of the Sith wrote:and now he is assuming that she's in league with Obi-Wan, not necessarily in a love relationship or anything, but in the basis that they are both on one side of the path, going down one path and he's going down the other

Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid - Making of Revenge of the Sith wrote:People I think will find him very conflicted and understand his plight, but at the end of the day he wants this thing called power

he is full of all these new emotions which he doesn't have much control over 
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6353149-mustafar20vader20is20greater20than20knightfall20vader

The landscape of Mustafar mirrors the extent of Anakin's unhinged emotions
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6353136-mustafar20vader20is20greater20than20knightfall20vader203

as well as being clouded with self doubt
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6353126-mustafar20vader20is20greater20than20knightfall20vader202

his emotions he cannot control are overwhelming to him
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  9b86db5b2de6cae5150b95a4a26fc5dc

and ultimately he falls prey to all of this
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6353162-mustafar20vader20is20greater20than20knightfall20vader204
How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6353166-mustafar20vader20is20greater20than20knightfall20vader205

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6865724-anakin27s20arrogance

Nick Gillard wrote:In the end Anakin just makes a mistake, he gets too angry and makes a mistake and Obi doesn't make mistakes

Nick Gillard wrote:Gillard also reports that the duel will explain how Obi-Wan is able to defeat his protege, even though Anakin has been established as the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. "Obi-Wan taught Anakin and Anakin has gone past him," he notes. "But when you get to that duel, it's emotional. That's where the mistake will be made. And if you know the characters, you know Obi-Wan isn't going to get emotional and he doesn't make mistakes

George Lucas - ROTS Commentary wrote:an outburst of almost accidental anger, that he is left to suffer the repercussions of for the rest of his life

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6609831-1132701896-436052242976369467825253Faccount_id25253D1
And of course in this low state and with a tactical advantage, Obi-Wan is able to act on Anakin's misfortunes and overcome his former apprentice, despite the humongous power gap

This was the only actual mistake either one of them made in the entire duel 

Nick Gillard wrote:Gillard also reports that the duel will explain how Obi-Wan is able to defeat his protege, even though Anakin has been established as the most powerful Jedi who ever lived. "Obi-Wan taught Anakin and Anakin has gone past him," he notes. "But when you get to that duel, it's emotional. That's where the mistake will be made. And if you know the characters, you know Obi-Wan isn't going to get emotional and he doesn't make mistakes.

Anakin had he not had this confliction and had he been channeling all his power properly like he was during Order 66 then he would have wiped the floor with Kenobi with casual ease as we see him doing to Yoda and Sidious (in the alternate take above) before ASTRONOMICAL growth 

indeed we do see him one shot Sidious in the other alternate take from the Lucas approved ROTS Video Game

Anakin's rage keeps him alive
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  D08eb2f7e0b927feccda65d5dae01a62

Last edited by Vaelias on January 9th 2022, 8:37 pm; edited 10 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty DEBUNKING VADER > ANAKIN

July 28th 2021, 12:31 pm


I see the notion that Vader in the suit became more powerful than Anakin, repeated time and time again, this is possibly the most untrue fallacy in the entire continuity, however a certain amount of quote are used to back this up, I shall quickly debunk this whole notion here 

There exists only 8 quotes for Vader > Anakin in the timeline / Pre-Disney continuity (Legends)

all these quotes are C-Canon, which is overruled by G-Canon
Canon Hierarchy:

So by default G-Canon simply overrules but there is even more to it than that, most of the quotes don't even mean what they are used for


THE LIFE AND LEGEND OF OBI-WAN KENOBI wrote:"Ben was still clutching his lightsaber when he reached an access tunnel that led back to Docking Bay 327. As he entered the tunnel, he sighted a tall, shadowy form at the tunnel's other the end. Even if Ben had never seen Darth Vader's cybernetic incarnation via a HoloNet broadcast on Tatooine, he still would have sensed the power of his former apprentice, now concealed within black armor."

This is simply how force sensing mechanics work Obi-Wan sensed the power of his former apprentice, Vader. That doesn't mean he's sensing exactly Anakin's power-level. All Force users have a unique Force signature/Aura Obi-Wan sensed Vader’s power and recognized his presence as Anakin’s: “Ben had sensed a most particular presence. Darth Vader”. Sha Koon identified Vader as Anakin the same way: “Beneath that mask—Skywalker?! I know him in the Force and from his thoughts! And as my Force echo trails across his mind, he knows me" 

LIGHTSABER DUELING PACK wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Vader2Bis2Bstronger2Bthan2BAnakin2B2
The text does not even make any mention of Force power. It says how “in spite of his handicaps, Vader thrived” and that “he even found a way to turn the suit to his advantage by becoming a figure out of nightmares,” concluding that “from the ashes of death, Vader emerged even stronger.” It’s baseless to conclude the quote is explicitly referring to Force power 


RETURN OF THE JEDI ADULT NOVELIZAITON wrote:"Lord Vader did not mind waiting, though, nor was he even aware of it. For it was an honor, and a noble activity, to kneel at his ruler's feet. He kept his eyes inward, seeking reflection in his own bottomless core. His power was great, now, greater than it had ever been. It shimmered from within, and resonated with the waves of darkness that flowed from the Emperor. He felt engorged with this power; it surged like black fire, demon electrons looking for ground ... but he would wait. For his Emperor was not ready; and his son was not ready, and the time was not yet. So he waited."
Vader's feelings of powers and mastery intensify in Palpatine's presence, and Vader's power "resonated" aka was amplified by Palpatine's own. So he's not reliable and he's amped


as for the rest of the quotes they are from a time before the prequels were invented thus outdated and do not bind Anakin in any way

- A New Hope adult novelization -> outdated by over 20 years
- Return of the Jedi adult novelization -> outdated by over 20 years
- Return of the Jedi comic -> outdated by over 20 years
- Lightsaber Dueling Pack -> outdated by over 10 years 
- Insider - Fightsaber -> outdated by 3 years

there are only 4 quotes from after the release of the prequels that cannot be dismissed due to not talking about force power

Conclusion on this segment

- 3 are erroneously cited and do not even put Vader > Anakin, leaving only 5.
- Of those 5, another 2 predate Lucas' quotes and cannot even be used to argue Lucas was retconned.

This leaves only three sources. Two children's books and the back of a foreign-produced action figure.

Those THREE sources lack the Licensing vetting or the source count to tackle the FIFTEEN C-Canon, well over 10 G-Canon, and YODA'S direct feat comparison putting Anakin > Vader.

in the next segment we will take a more in depth look at Anakin > Suit Vader...

Last edited by Vaelias on August 9th 2021, 9:08 am; edited 2 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty ANAKIN > VADER

July 28th 2021, 12:31 pm


STAR WARS INSIDER 72 - Q&A wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Esb11
Keep in mind: This section Star Wars Insider is where the top Star Wars officials "provide actual answers to your Star Wars questions," making it C-Canon, arguably higher. This likely references AOTC Anakin as it predates the start of ROTS promotional material and the question itself pertains to AOTC Anakin

STAR WARS HEAD-TO-HEAD wrote:"An epic duel made impossible by time. The fully grown Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker crosses lightsabers with Anakin Skywalker before his brutal defeat on Mustafar. Both Skywalkers are at the peak of their powers."
This source runs only up until the end of 4 ABY. Anakin's "peak of his powers" is "before his brutal defeat on Mustafar," not ROTJ. Note Head-to-Head itself was written by Star Wars official Pablo Hidalgo and officially published by Lucasfilm Licensing. While a “cabal of experts” gave their “ideas” on who wins at the end of the book, that is not presented as canonically binding, and Pablo even mocked their picks and said they “determine the winner through means mysterious." That doesn’t mean the pages Pablo wrote aren’t in-continuity. also, 'Jedi Knight' could very well just refer to a 'Jedi' in general not specifically the rank of 'Knight' so it could easily mean Prime Luke, in fact it seems almost likely 


STAR WARS ENCYCLOPEDIA - DARTH VADER wrote:"Such injuries greatly diminished his ability to use the Force, but Vader is still very powerful."
Kind in mind: Vader’s “ability to use the Force”—not potential ability—was “greatly diminished.” This is a general character summary stretching up to ROTJ.

STAR WARS BLUEPRINTS - THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Darth_10
This quote applies to Vader "for the rest of his life

WIZARDS - ICONS OF EPISODE VI wrote:The Emperor saw in Luke Skywalker a better servant than his father. Luke was young and powerful, while Darth Vader had become a shadow of the man he once was. Palpatine played the two Skywalkers against each other, and in the end, Luke defeated his father
They contrast Vader being a "shadow of the man he once was" with Luke being "young and powerful.

THE COMPLETE VADER wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Screenshot_20200120-064915_ComicScreen-1
This is no different than the Canon quotes used to put Vader above Anakin. Anakin is explicitly said to be in his prime here.


GEORGE LUCAS - EMPIRE STRIKES BACK DVD COMMENTARY wrote:Now he's half-machine and half-man so he's lost a lot of the power of the Force and a lot of his ability to become more powerful than the Emperor
Lucas distinguishes between potential power--ability to become more powerful than Sidious--and power of the Force. Vader has declined in both.


STAR WARS OFFICIAL FIGURINE COLLECTION #12 wrote:Strikingly, in the story of Anakin Skywalker, the hero must fall from grace -- then later redeem himself -- in order to fulfil the prophecy. Thus, Darth Vader becomes a 'fallen angel' figure. From being the most powerful Jedi, a 'fearless hero ' of the Republic, Anakin falls to the lowest possible point because of his desire for power and security
Vader stays in the lowest possible point -- hell -- until he redeems himself. This contrasts with the prior position of him being the most powerful Jedi, so it's power-relevant.


GEORGE LUCAS TO HAYDEN BLACKMAN IN LUCASFILM MEETING wrote:As I kid, I had always imagined that whatever transformed Anakin into Vader had actually made him more powerful... But when we were working on The Force Unleashed at LucasArts, George Lucas told us that after Revenge of the Sith the Emperor views Vader as "broken" and believes that Anakin's physical transformation into Vader has left him weaker and less useful. The idea that Vader is somehow less powerful than Anakin really depressed me
Lucas told Blackman that Anakin is more powerful than Vader in an official board meeting that Blackman had to attend. Blackman is the head of TFU and TFU 2.


George Lucas, A New Hope Alternative Commentary with Archival Interviews from Cast and Crew wrote:Vader would’ve become infinitely more powerful if he hadn’t ended up his suit, if he hadn’t become half man, half machine which diminishes his powers considerably

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  6425742-9848220463-Vader

Palpatine agrees IU


RoTS Novel 417 wrote:It is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the Sith—Because now your self is all you will ever have. And your rage and scream will reach through the Force to crush the shadow who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world-destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on which you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow. In the end, you do not even want to.
Keep in mind the line editing we mentioned above 


Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Screenshot_20200913-222503_ComicScreen


George Lucas ANH DVD Commentary wrote:Vader as his assistant even though he is very powerful and strong, is one of the underlings of the emperor and therefore is pretty much on an equal scale with the highest level of underlings
In this particular movie he is a rather pathetic character, he's a shadow of his former self, and he's getting pushed around by bureaucrats, you know its not all together what people originally thought Vader was, which was this all powerful king of the universe

XV. (2011) wrote:How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Image0


-Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader wrote:Where Darth Sidious had gained everything, Vader had lost everything, including—for the moment, at least—the self-confidence and unbridled skill he had demonstrated as Anakin Skywalker.


Empire At War Forces of Corruption Prime Guide wrote:“Obi-Wan trained Anakin in the ways of the Force, but Skywalker was impatient with the Jedi’s painstaking methods. Skywalker let himself be embraced by the rapturous power of the dark side into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Kenobi tried to draw him back to the light side, but they engaged in a duel on Mustafar that ultimately ended with Skywalker’s body being consumed by flame. The shell of a man who emerged was sustained by specially built armor and a breathing apparatus.”

There are some more too but I think I have made the point here

Anakin > Vader is absolute canonical truth at the highest level

Last edited by Vaelias on August 23rd 2021, 4:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty CONCLUSION 

July 28th 2021, 12:31 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)


Anakin has incredible growth, is already 'perhaps' more powerful than Yoda in AOTC and experiences a state of power when killing the sand people that is utterly beyond Yoda, with power such to overwhelm him, within a month after AOTC Anakin's base state grows far above this temporary power level when he gains 'too much power' and becomes more powerful than he could previously even imagine, from his lessons under Ulic Qel-Droma, so Anakin is growing "more power" than he can "possibly imagine" from a point were he has already experienced a state of power strong enough to overwhelm Yoda and and ripples through the galaxy, by this this point Anakin is obviously astronomically beyond any one in the order, and is still growing stronger, soon after in S3 Anakin displays powers exceeding The Ones when amped by Mortis, soon after is stated to be stronger than ever which means his base level has now exceeded the Mortis amp he keeps growing at a rate which had him 'double' in power in less than six months and by Labyrinth of Evil his base state surpassing even the mega amp he received on Vjun only a few months earlier, which made him feel like one with the force, from a point where he was already beyond his mortis amp which was powerful enough to allow him to ragdoll The Ones, and he is still growing, to where he stresses the amount of power he has gained since season 6 - ROTS in less than a year, as his power having doubled, indicating this growth has been huge, we have no reason to believe Anakin is not, by default, growing at this same rate all the time, at this time noted to be impossibly powerful in comparison to Dooku, shortly after gaining even more power by unlocking his emotions as tools after doing so had never felt so powerful, he is still increasing in power until he makes a pact with Sidious to become all powerful and hold ultimate power over life and death itself, going on a mega growth spree, Anakin feels his power growing in the mere moments as he embraces the dark side and grows in power with each Jedi he fights and even gains a huge increase in power from the ascendant dark side cosmic nexus as a result of Order 66, by the end of his growth arc, Anakin now possesses the power required to have command over life and death, he doesn't know how to do it yet, but he has the power, this is the ultimate pinnacle of raw power one could possibly have and is utterly beyond Jedi light side users like Luke Skywalker, Anakin even remarks here that a tiny fraction of his power is beyond comprehension and is more than any Jedi has ever dreamed of, before such growth and in one of the worst mental states of his life, is handily defeating Mace Windu, who's power 'rivals' Darth Sidious, showing massive TK superiority, casually, to Yoda, and later even one-shotting Sidious upon regaining mental clarity after killing Kenobi, on top of which, Anakin accumulates over 20 most powerful Jedi statements which forms a strong LFL Narrative putting Anakin as the most powerful Jedi ever, especially given how approved some of these sources are by both the entirety of LFL and George Lucas himself, on top of George's confirmation of Anakin achieving what he said he would do in AOTC which was become 'all powerful' and the most powerful Jedi ever, on top of saying Anakin upon receiving all these new powers is no longer frustrated about not being as powerful as he said he would become in Attack of the Clones. Lucas does view Anakin as the supreme being in ROTS and the most powerful Jedi ever, far more powerful than Sidious or Yoda as he has reviewed approved and confirmed Anakin > Yoda in the ROTS Novel and Anakin destroying Mace and Sidious in the ROTS Video Game, and mandating all Anakin's mega growth be strictly only in a few days, furthermore when considering Anakin's nature as the Chosen One and what that means, especially post Clone Wars retcon making Anakin's power and potential undoubtedly > anyone else's, all of this should be nothing short of absolute fact. Anakin is supreme, and supreme he shall always be as Lucas demands 


How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Anakin16

I'd like to thank all the members of The Stomper Elite Sub-Faction the members of the Grand SEGA  @AaylaSecuraFan87  @Blade_of_Dorin   @Darth Rymrgand   @Ghost of Grievous    @Nute_Chethray   @Marc Spector as well as  @DarthAnt66 for the Vader vs Anakin section fleshed out

Last edited by Vaelias on November 6th 2021, 5:56 am; edited 9 times in total
Level Three
Level Three

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty Re: How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

July 28th 2021, 1:22 pm
i see some reaching with some quotes here and there but very good shit.

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty Re: How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

July 29th 2021, 6:34 am
I don't reach, I receive
Level Three
Level Three

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty Re: How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

July 29th 2021, 2:28 pm
Vaelias wrote:I don't reach, I receive
thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  1019854026
Level One
Level One

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty Re: How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

August 3rd 2021, 11:47 am
Some of these links are great, I particularly like that LoE Anakin baseline > Vjun Anakin one. Smart guy came up with that I'm sure

How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)  Empty Re: How Powerful is Anakin Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker The Ultimate Respect Thread (2022 / OUTDATED VERSION)

August 3rd 2021, 11:49 am
Jake wrote:Some of these links are great, I particularly like that LoE Anakin baseline > Vjun Anakin one. Smart guy came up with that I'm sure

only smart people do smart things my friend
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