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Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 11:24 am
Go at it.

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 11:33 am
Darth Baras.

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 11:35 am
Valkorion agrees with me
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 12:03 pm
Fat Fuck Baras loses

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 12:10 pm
Jadus is canonically better
Darth Chocolateis
Darth Chocolateis

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 12:11 pm
Sadly, my Fat Icon Baras doesn't seem to be as powerful as some of the other Dark Council members.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 12:25 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Baras probably. Jadus' accolades are kind of suspect and so is his fight with the Agent.

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras IJgYXn1

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 2:19 pm
I thought that Jadus>Baras~Foundry Revan (about).

The game hypes Jadus up quite a bit, and Valk/Watcher Two place Jadus>Baras anyway. He should be moderately below Jadus as well considering that Jadus>Wrath>Baras in accordance to Tenebrae.

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 2:33 pm
Wrath > Malgus > Voice > Jadus > Marr > Baras > Nox > Soverus
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 3:35 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
So the issue with Jadus' accolades is two-fold. Firstly, the author of the Agent story has clarified that Watcher Two's statement in reference to Jadus' power isn't exclusive to Jadus; it's a blanket statement that applies to all Dark Council members. Secondly, Valk's statement requires some context, and that context casts doubt on its truthfulness. Multiple times IU and OOU it's been made pretty clear that Valk is attempting to manipulate the player throughout the story, and the way Valk's statement is worded sounds very much like a manipulation: "Darth Jadus. The best Sith my Empire ever produced, but still deeply flawed--and no match for you." He's hyping up Jadus as a means of complimenting the player to earn their favor. He does it numerous times throughout the story and anyone who has watched/played it knows that. That's not to say that the quote doesn't have merit though even if it is a manipulation. It's probably not far from the truth or else the Agent wouldn't believe Valk and Valk wouldn't have said it if there was a significant risk of accidentally revealing his intentions, but I would still take the statement with a grain of salt. Ultimately without the first accolade to support the second, it makes the second accolade even weaker.

On top of that, Jadus' only combat showing has the Agent dodging his lightning and trapping him in a cage, which isn't exactly the best look. Meanwhile, Baras has both the Dark Council and Vitiate shaking in their boots and puts on a great performance against the Wrath while in a weakened state, as well as the scaling Ant outlined here. I don't think there's a definitive answer to this matchup, but I do think Baras ultimately has the stronger case.

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras IJgYXn1

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 3:42 pm
It's also worth noting that best =/= most powerful. Valkorion could be saying that Jadus's philosophy most closely follows his own.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 3:44 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Tybalt wrote:It's also worth noting that best =/= most powerful. Valkorion could be saying that Jadus's philosophy most closely follows his own.

That too Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras 1289255181

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras IJgYXn1

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 4:03 pm
“Damn it, we can’t fight him on our own—his power is second to the Emperor’s.”

—Watcher Two (Star Wars: The Old Republic)

Well u got this too

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 4:28 pm
Praxis wrote: Firstly, the author of the Agent story has clarified that Watcher Two's statement in reference to Jadus' power isn't exclusive to Jadus; it's a blanket statement that applies to all Dark Council members.
Could I have a citation, if it isn't any trouble? Not debating, just curious.

Praxis wrote:Secondly, Valk's statement requires some context, and that context casts doubt on its truthfulness. Multiple times IU and OOU it's been made pretty clear that Valk is attempting to manipulate the player throughout the story, and the way Valk's statement is worded sounds very much like a manipulation: "Darth Jadus. The best Sith my Empire ever produced, but still deeply flawed--and no match for you."
I can agree with that. It doesn't seem to suggest his strength anyway.

Praxis wrote:Meanwhile, Baras has both the Dark Council and Vitiate shaking in their boots and puts on a great performance against the Wrath while in a weakened state, as well as the scaling Ant outlined here.
I only remember Vowrawn being deeply afraid of Baras. I don't recall Valk or Marr being frightened, but I could be wrong.

Praxis wrote:I don't think there's a definitive answer to this matchup, but I do think Baras ultimately has the stronger case.
That is rather sad. In that case, besides holding his ship together, I don't think that there is any prominent evidence that he > any other Dark Council members at all.

Appreciate you making this clear to me. Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras 1289255181

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 5:10 pm
Vaelias wrote:“Damn it, we can’t fight him on our own—his power is second to the Emperor’s.”

—Watcher Two (Star Wars: The Old Republic)

Well u got this too

Would this not apply to any single member of the Dark Council? They are a power second only to the Emperor after all, and rule in his stead.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 5:35 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
VictreebelVictr wrote:I only remember Vowrawn being deeply afraid of Baras. I don't recall Valk or Marr being frightened, but I could be wrong.

Well, perhaps I overexaggerated, but it's stated that some people on the Dark Council genuinely believe that Baras is the Emperor, which to me would imply that they fear him and recognize his superiority. Marr is also unsure if Baras is actually the Emperor and leaves it to a duel between the Wrath and Baras to decide who is telling the truth. Vitiate went out of his way to send out the Hand to recruit a new Wrath so they could take down Baras, which makes it seem like Vitiate considered Baras to be a grave threat to his Empire.

As for the citation you asked for:

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Unknown

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras IJgYXn1

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 13th 2021, 5:57 pm
Thank you for the citation. Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras 228124001
Level Five
Level Five

Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras Empty Re: Darth Jadus vs Darth Baras

January 14th 2021, 3:33 am
Baras. His hype seems more impressive from my point of view than the one that Jadus have which is only based on 1 single quote.
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