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exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 7:24 am
KingKopecz wrote:TPM Sidious > SWtOR Vitiate >>>> Novel Vitiate >>> Novel Revan > KotOR Revan > SF Malak >>> Kun

That is not correct.

What do you think BBY is?

BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin 4

In other words, events up to Episode 4 are recognized in it, and Darth Vader is mentioned on it.

This book is DEFINITIVE and it have clearly advanced Tenebrae as the most powerful Force-user ever. This isn't a hype for the sake of it but have much substance attached to it.

Tenebrae surpassed all Sith in history by a huge margin courtesy of his unparalleled application of Sith Sorcery on Medriaas circa 4999 BBY - this is independently established. Darth Nyriss and Meetra Surik also realized as much when each investigated this development.

After creating NATHEMA, Tenebrae was actively retaining it - this would be a continuous draw on him (to be kept up):

"He has consumed an entire world, but he still hungers." - Revan


"His hunger for immortality must constantly be fed." - Lord Dramath

- and this was not an ordinary kept up but intentional retention of the (one and only) VOID in the Force engulfing the entire planet to one's image and benefit. The level of investment in this capacity should be roughly equivalent to this (or worse) and to be kept up through the ages. Let us consider this as [1] for easy reference. If he were to detach from [1], the planet would recover and the VOID would heal which happened circa 3630 BBY after Tenebrae [Valkorion] was routed from the mind of The Alliance Commander with support his own family members who turned on him due to his lack of commitment and empathy. Therefore, [1] was continuous investment from him (to be kept up).  

He was becoming stronger in passing years. Besides [1] which was also the fundamental source of his extended LIFE in passing years (Sith Sorcery in effect), he also fed on the life energies of his subjects such as the living and the dead inside the Dark Temple, the Hands, and Revan [Reborn] to feed his ever-increasing power in the process (total count unknown) and also to sate his endless hunger by extension. This growth in strength is apparent in following developments as well: he reshaped another world, humbled powerful Force spirits in the Dark Temple which corrupted and killed many otherwise, subjugated entire Sith Council(s), and kept millions of Sith in line:

Many Jedi speculate that it is only Emperor's iron will that prevents the Sith Order from collapsing into chaos as it has so often done in the past. - From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

He was surging with so much raw power:

The figure before him appeared unremarkable. The Emperor was clad in unadorned black robes, the raised hood effectively hiding his face. Yet Scourge could feel the power of the dark side emanating from him with such intensity that it caused a faint rippling of the air. - From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

- that even his immortalized frame was under stress throughout:

As they drew closer to the throne room, Revan’s thoughts drifted back to his last confrontation with the Emperor. In all his battles, he had never faced an enemy with that kind of power. The dark side had radiated from him in palpable waves, his physical shell barely able to contain the crackling energy. - From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Due to repeated attempts on his life, he began to develop VOICES in other living beings (each act of this kind is more demanding than creating a Force Storm Wormhole as per D6 revelations, mind you), and transformed a large number of individuals into extensions of his will alongside - all of this besides [1]. He expanded his footprint across the breath of the galaxy by extension. To paraphrase, he maintained two VOICES and a large number of extensions of his will in SWTOR times (his raw power split along these lines). Through but one VOICE, he easily defeated a strike team of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and wiped out another world which should also be roughly equivalent to this (or worse). This is not counting his deeds through another VOICE and extensions of his will all along. All of this is proof of him becoming the most powerful Force-user in the galaxy by extension.

No Sith holds a candle to all of that in person.

Now shall I remind you that one of the Exiles could help Darth Vader topple Palpatine? Even his powers as of DE fall short in comparison to what Tenebrae had been demonstrating in times of SWTOR as a whole.

Last edited by S_W_LeGenD on January 13th 2021, 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 8:11 am
Kun gets stomped.

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 8:16 am
You have SWtOR Vitiate above DE Sidious? I mean Valk definitely is tho I'm not sure how you could say Vitiate is. Even if he's not capped by TPM Sidious he's still under his later incarnations.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 9:00 am
Y'all need to read Ant's blog.

OP: Kun's straight up superior to this version of Sheev.

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 9:06 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
KingKopecz wrote:@S_W_LeGenD
You have SWtOR Vitiate above DE Sidious? I mean Valk definitely is tho I'm not sure how you could say Vitiate is. Even if he's not capped by TPM Sidious he's still under his later incarnations.


Tenebrae in SWTOR times is essentially a being manifesting in a large number of individuals spread across the galaxy:

VOICE no. 1 = Emperor Vitiate = ruling the reconstituted ancient Sith Empire (living beings possessed and shed on a frequent basis)

VOICE no. 2 = Emperor Valkorion = ruling the Eternal Empire (life prolonged for indefinite period)

Children = numerous and embedded in various organizations in order to sabotage them (other Force-users could not identify these due to First Son)

Hands = alternative to VOICES in times of need

Opticron droids = unknown count

So how would you measure all that? The key word is Force-user and not Sith.

Palpatine is but one individual throughout the span of his existence and a Sith; his hype and standing does not challenge and contradict that of Tenebrae in any capacity because the ARCHIVES are never assumed to be complete for any publication. Historian Committees continue to revisit and update their accounts from time-to-time. Knowledge is also gained and lost over time. These realities are clearly highlighted in a number of sourcebooks.

WE are supposed to know better and apply OOU judgement therefore.

A large number of themes are being revisited in SWTOR and affiliated sources (updates to the Legends continuity) - these updates must be taken into account and consideration in OOU evaluations and verdicts.

To conclude: Palpatine remains the most powerful Sith Lord but Tenebrae transcended the Sith as a being in his functions and commitments (his ever-increasing raw power and abilities allowed him to at some point).

I am not into challenging supremacy quotes of a character for the sake of it - only with logic and on technical grounds. There is no point to debating something that is not debatable.

Consider following OOU analogy. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world in the present. There is no rebuttal to this until a taller building is constructed.

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 10:54 am
Darth Sidious.

Last edited by Tybalt on January 19th 2021, 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total

exar kun vs tpm sidious - Page 2 Empty Re: exar kun vs tpm sidious

January 13th 2021, 10:54 am
I wasn't referring to Tenebrae so I have no idea why you even brought him up. I was referring to his voice who was a Sith.
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