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An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 5:20 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)
So this is my attempt at a as close to definitive list as possible using scaling

I realize a lot of it’s always gonna come down to opinion, an you might not agree but that’s why I made this, let’s talk on it and move things around, an get it as accurate as possible

So based on The assumption that Naga Sadow and the ancient sith > Tenebrous

So we already know Sidious is the most powerful Sith in galactic history

So if Naga Sadow and Freedon Nadd are far more powerful than Tenebrous and 67bby Plageuis  (and the Sadow said to be more powerful is centuries pre prime) then Naga Sadow is roughly on the same level as Prime Plagueis probably slightly above, accounting for the massive growth they experienced
So if Sadow was stated to be much more powerful than Tenebrous hundreds of years before his prime then in his prime he would likely be above Plageuis in his prime who only had
Between 67bby and 32bby to grow as oppose to Sadow who had Hundreds and started leaps ahead anyway,
So from this we could assume that Naga Sadow > Prime Plageuis and we also know that Freedon Nadd is miles ahead of Sadow with Exar Kun even further head of that. But given the substantial growth in power from Plageuis to the point where it amazing even Tenebrous could put Plagueis further up and more towards Freedon Nadd

“Freedon Nadd studied avidly under Naga Sadow, eventually the apprentice became far more powerful than the teacher”

So well start the list with what we know so far and then fill in the gaps


Exar Kun

Freedon Nadd

Naga Sadow / Plagueis An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  1220391476

(I’ll leave gaps to show there’s a big power gap)

Now we know that all sith respective to their eras will be around similar power
And we know that as time progresses the sith also progress and are likely always if only slightly increasing in power. So not only does this put Sadow above Tenebrous level it also brings up all the sith of that era who are similar in power so Ludo Kressh Who is stated constantly to be close to the power of Sadow is only just behind him for example

Many powerful Sith seek to gain control of the Empire. The strongest of these are Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow, who both command impressive bands of followers from among the Sith.
—The Dark Side Sourcebook

So now we’ll rank the ancient sith and put them in either above or below Sadow, this is where it comes down to opinion but some sith have quotes directly stating their Hierarchy.

Marka Ragnos
Tulak Hord
Ulic Qel Droma
Naga Sadow
Ludo Kressh
Vodal Kressh
Ajunta Pall
Sorzus Syn
Karness Muur
Remulus Dreypa

Now let’s put these in

Kreia says Freedon Nadd was > Revan & Malak and we know that Exar Kun was far ahead of Freedon putting Kun far above Revan and Malak. So we can put them in too
Also might I add to Kreias credibility, the same woman who said the Ancient sith are far more powerful than the modern sith, and nobody listened to her hahaha

Mandalorian Scout & Kreia, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords wrote:
"Freedon Nadd was a dark Jedi, he conquered Onderon long ago and became their king. The royal line is directly descended from him. The stories say that he was far worse than Revan and Malak ever were. This place is tainted and the Sith presence here makes the danger great."

The soldier is correct. The dark side is strong here... and it will grant its strength to the Sith."


"Freedon Nadd's power appears to have been underestimated, his life-force lives on in the very stones of his resting place."

“He only needed time to became the greatest Sith sorcerer that had ever existed”

This puts Freedon Nadd above Marka Ragnos by the time of his Prime

Tulak Hord is stated as the best duelist of the ancient sith so that’s the most impressive out of any of the others so
He is just under Ragnos
Ulic has the next most impressive feats and accolades

Now we are down to Naga who is more powerful than Ludo Kressh and are the two strongest sith up to their time putting them above Ajunta Pall and it’s likely by a decent amount

“At the gravesite, the two strongest Sith opponents confronted each other: Naga Sadow, eager to expand Sith powers; and his rival Ludo Kressh, content with the existing borders and loath to risk a folly that could potentially cost them everything”
Source: The New Essential Chronology

Vodal Kressh is also close to the level of Ludo Kressh so goes above Ajunta Pall

Ajunta Pall was the strongest up to his day and was the ruler
Sorzus Syn was more powerful than Karness Murr and Remulus Dreypa
as they have the same titles of demigods and Ajunta Pall's Shadow Hands:
We became his shadow hands...
We are served by their priests, the Kissai, who have come to worship us as demigods.
Book of the Sith: Secrets of the Dark Side

Karness Muur is more impressive than Remulus Dreypa

Keep in mind that Karness Murr is still a substantial amount more powerful than Vong Krayt so we are still up there in terms of power

“The real question the readers should be asking is not whether Celeste Survives the last issue of “Vector” but it’s Karness Muur does. If that happens, a very powerful sith - perhaps stronger than any other we’ve seen thus far in “Legacy”- will be loose in the Galaxy. That would not be a good thing”

This version of Muur is only spirit who is substantially weaker than Prime Muur, further confirming this


Exar Kun

Freedon Nadd
Marka Ragnos
Tulak Hord
Ulic Qel Droma
Naga Sadow
Ludo Kressh
Vodal Kressh
Ajunta Pall
Sorzus Syn
Karness Muur
Remulus Dreypa



Now I’m gonna just fill in the sith inbetween Freedon Nadd and Sidious

Now from feats and scaling we know that Krayt Reborn is much more powerful than Vong Krayt and based of feats I think most of us can agree that he’s probably the second most powerful Sith Lord. An I think this is proof enough to prove that

Krayt is GM Luke's dark counterpart on the Throne of Balance:
"No one whose help you want," Jacen said. "That's the dark man I saw on the Throne of Balance.”
— Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse (2012)
Exar Kun stated to Waaaay higher than Nadd who is already more powerful than Vong Krayt this puts him easily on Reborn Krayt level especially when considering his feats, there’s also a quote comparing him to ROTJ Sidious

A French quote translates to...

“They are about as powerful as Vader and Palpatine but Less Amicable”

Credit, to Kulvax and Decaf. Go read this for more

So this puts Kun around ROTJ Sheev level and Ulic at around Vader Level

Then I’ve got Darth Vader (Knightfall) who was stated to be ROTS Sheev level
Which naturally puts him around here

Then Darth Caedus who is stated by Luke to be more powerful than ROTJ Vader meaning that he is more than 80% of ROTJ Palpatine it must be by a fair amount seeing as UnuThul said Caedus was out of his control

"Perhaps, but even we are not strong enough to control Jacen," Raynar said. "He has moved beyond our control-or anyone else's. You know that yourself."
-- Dark Nest: The Joiner King
(feats also support this)

Then Vitiate who we know before his Prime is already far more powerful than Naga Sadow, then in his prime I think it’s safe to assume that the gap is very large, even bigger than the large gap between Sadow and Nadd. However we know that he is possibly inferior to the Hero Of Tython.

“The Emperor lies beaten at your feat. For all his power, he was no match for you. Now you must decide his ultimate fate. Speak with the defeated emperor in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas”
- Star Wars the Old Republic

If you wanna see a more in depth look at why Kun>Vitiate, Read this is pretty much sums it up, fantastic work

So we know that Ulic Is around ROTJ Vader Level and we know that Yoda as of ROTS is above Vader as of ROTJ, likely being just below ROTS Sheev.

We know that Tyranus was equal in the force to Yoda during AOTC and judging by his power growth and given the fact that he has caught up to Yoda having joined the dark side we can assume that he is at least near Yodas level, being potentially more powerful than Windu having been stated to be Yodas equal before Windu was. Disagree or not they are definitely on the same level, so I’m placing Tyranus according to that.

Underneath Tyranus I’ve got Darish Vol
Who was stated to have “much the power of Luke Skywalker” for me that’s not enough to place him any higher than this cos surely someone like Yoda could also be considered to have “ much the power of Luke Skywalker”
I could be wrong on this one an I guess you could play with the placement of Vol on this list but hey that’s why I made this thread.
I’ll also add the banites and King Adas as a baseline as we know he’s > Quigon yet likely one of the weakest sith seeing how he lived thousands of years before anyone else. This just gives us an idea of the power ranges that we are in
So now we have


Freedon Nadd
Marka Ragnos
Darth Plagueis (Prime)
Darish Vol
Tulak Hord
Ulic Qel Droma

Naga Sadow
Ludo Kressh
Vodal Kressh
Ajunta Pall
Sorzus Syn
Karness Muur
Remulus Dreypa

Tenebrous’ Master
Darth Ramage
Darth Geans Apprentice
Darth Gean
Darth Gravid
Darth Guile
Darth Vectivus
Milennials Aprentices Apprentice
Milennials Apprentice
Darth Milennial
Darth Cognus
Darth Zannah
Darth Bane


King Adas

This puts Bane and therefore the Banite line above the likes of Revan and Malak
But not the other sith that we can clearly scale above him, I belive this quote definitely includes Revan as it was him in particular who Bane studied
This would also put Malak below him as Malak is close to Revan in power
This also supports the statement from Traya stating that Freedon was a bigger threat than Revan and Malak
Granted yes Freedon should also be included in this quote but I think the whole scaling from Naga Sadow Definitely excludes him from this quote
This means that the TOR sith are quite spread out with some people from that era being closer to vitiate and come being even less powerful than the banites or spread out throughout the Banite line however that’s kinda tricky to place. Another way of looking at this quote would to be to put Bane above everyone and keep the banite line lower as the likes of Nadd still scale above Tenebrous but, in this case Bane is just a complete beast who makes the top ten, I still wouldn’t put him above Exar or Vitiate as they have powers and knowledge that died with them. So we could potentially have bane in 7th place which based on his feats seems a lot more likely , but we are gonna roll with the first option for this right here.

Keep in mind that Bane is still very powerful

So now let’s rank the old republic sith as we know they are below from that quote about bane and place people appropriately

I’m also gonna place in the rest of the Lost Tribe and the Brotherhood
Also I’m gonna go an throw DE Luke in there cos he was technically palpatines apprentice for about 8 seconds but still a sith so he’s going in
I’m not gonna put him above Caedus as he was described as a match for a much more powerful Luke
So he’s just gonna go under Caedus
Fuck it I’m just gonna throw in everyone where I think they should be

So we know that Milennial abandoned the Rule of Two and never defeated Cognus and that his apprentice never defeated him so I’m gonna move them below rule of two sith but not too far as
As they still would’ve been decently powerful.

1. Sidious
2. Krayt
3. Kun
4. Vader
5. Caedus
6. DE Luke Skywalker
7. Vitiate
8. The Dread Masters
9. Freedon Nadd
10. Marka Ragnos
11. Darth Plagueis (Prime)
12. Tyranus
13. Darish Vol
14. The Emperors Wrath
15. Aloysius Kallig
16. Tulak Hord
17. Lord Simus
18. Ulic Qel Droma
19. Darth Nihilus
20. Darth Malgus
21. Naga Sadow
22. Ludo Kressh
23. Vodal Kressh
24. Sarasu Taalon
25. Ivaar Workan
26. Viun Gaalan
27. Lumiya
28. Ajunta Pall
29. Sorzus Syn
30. Karness Muur
31. Remulus Dreypa
32. Darth Maul
33. The Voice of the Emperor
34. Darth Nox
35. Darth Jadus
36. The First Son
37. Tenebrous
38. Darth Venamis
39. Tenebrous’ Master
40. Darth Ramage
41. Darth Geans Apprentice
42. Darth Gean
43. Darth Gravid
44. Darth Guile
45. Darth Vectivus
46. Darth Cognus
47. Darth Zannah
48. Darth Bane
49. Darth Wyyrlok
50. Darth Malak
51. Darth Revan
52. Darth Traya
53. Darth Milennial
54. Darth Wredd
55. Darth Nihl
56. Darth Phobos
57. Lord Scourge
58. Darth Nyriss
59. Darth Marr
60. Darth Baras
61. Lord Fulminisis
62. Darth Desolous
63. Darth Thanaton
64. Darth Soverus
65. Exal Kressh
66. Lord Draahg
67. Darth Sion
68. Darth Ekkage
69. Darth Xedrix
70. Darth Mekhis
71. Darth Vax
72. Darth Arho
73. Darth Sajar
74. Darth Karid
75. Dark Underlord
76. Belia Darzu
77. Darth Ruin
78. Darth Rivan


79. Darth Zavakon
80. Darth Lokess
81. Darth Arctis
82. Darth Ravage
83. Darth Mortis
84. Darth Zhorid
85. Darth Arkous
86. Darth Azamin
87. Darth Decimus
88. Darth Acharon
89. Darth Molora
90. Darth Anathel
91. Darth Xarion
92. Darth Savic
93. Darth Shaar
94. Lord Kaan
95. Qordis
96. Kas’im
97. Kopecz.                            
98. King Adas
99. Sirak
100. Githany

I’d put TPM Maul just below Adas as Adas was superior to quigon and quigon was equal to TPM Maul, TCW Maul scales above this and then by the time of Legacy Maul will have been even above that, this is still very hard to call as even TPM Maul has Accolades placing him much higher. There are power gaps, between each era of sith so I’ve placed maul kinda in the middle

Darth Nox is compared to Tulak Hord

Sith, you are more powerful than I had judged. Perhaps, a worthy successor to Tulak Hord.”
—Khem Val (Star Wars: The Old Republic)

This and obviously a multitude of facts warrants Darth Nox up with the Ancients and those Close to Nox in power.

This puts Kallig just above Tulak Hord
Kallig! He was one of the most powerful Sith Lords of his time. Perhaps the most powerful. Oddly pro-alien. To think how the Empire might have been different if he had killed Tulak Hord and not the other way around.
- Talos Drellik, Star Wars: The Old Republic

A lot of the dark council are just judged off of feats as they have no scaling so I won’t go into detail on that
I’m not gonna go into everything as I’ve got 100 sith here, so really when it comes down to it scaling definitively ranks the certain sith eras so the real trouble is ranking the sith in those respective eras then just placing them in.  

So that’s my top 100 list
I could be completely wrong or be missing some scaling or feats or what not, and it obviously gets harder and harder to place people the further on down the list but I think the top 10 in this list is more or less pretty solid. Or does anyone disagree. I’d like to c other people’s lists and the reasons for it

I’m still learning how to format properly on iPhone so yeh sorry about that everything’s kinda glitchy for me atm
Level Four
Level Four

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 5:39 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  39523600
The lord of hunger
The lord of hunger
Level Two
Level Two

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 6:07 pm
dude ranking them is already difficult An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  39523600

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 6:34 pm
An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  2864379292

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 6:53 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
The lord of hunger wrote:dude ranking them is already difficult An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  39523600

Yeh I know it’s tough, but do you disagree, and if so why, I wanna try make this as accurate as possible so if we all jump on board with some ideas we can make it better

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 15th 2020, 11:05 pm
Very interesting! I'll try to get back to this with some of my thoughts in the weekend.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 16th 2020, 12:31 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:Very interesting! I'll try to get back to this with some of my thoughts in the weekend.

Sounds good dude I’d love to hear them!

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 16th 2020, 5:52 pm
I'd place maul above Adas. Qui Gon wasn't maul's equal. Most of the time he fought Maul with Obi wan's help. When they got split, Jinn didn't last very long alone against Maul

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 16th 2020, 7:56 pm
Gianfi wrote:I'd place maul above Adas. Qui Gon wasn't maul's equal. Most of the time he fought Maul with Obi wan's help. When they got split, Jinn didn't last very long alone against Maul

Yeh I ended up placing him further up, and I mean equal in the force, not as a duelist

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 19th 2020, 7:13 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:Very interesting! I'll try to get back to this with some of my thoughts in the weekend.

I’d also like to hear your opinions on this

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 24th 2020, 10:04 pm
I actually do think this list is pretty decent, I’d change some things tho

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 24th 2020, 10:08 pm
Halcylx wrote:I actually do think this list is pretty decent, I’d change some things tho

Thanks I’m still not sure about some things I’m waiting to hear some thoughts. an Yeh I’ve changed some shit around too

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 1:42 am
I’m Updating my list having done some more research an irs 102 now

1. Darth Sidious
2. Darth Vader
3. Darth Vitiate
4. Exar Kun
5. Darth Krayt
6. Darth Caedus
7. DE Luke Skywalker
8. Darish Vol  
9. Darth Tyranus
10. The Dreadmasters
11. Darth Nihilus
12. The Emperors Wrath
13. Darth Malgus
14. The Voice of the Emperor
15. Marka Ragnos
16. Tulak Hord
17. Ulic Qel Droma
18. Freedon Nadd
19. Darth Plagueis
20. Darth Maul
21. Sarasu Taalon
22. Ivar Workan
23. Viun Galaan
24. Naga Sadow
25. Ludo Kressh
26. Vodal Kressh
27. Lord Simus
28. Aloysius Kallig
29. Horak Mul
30. Darth Andru
31. Ergast
32. Kalatosh Zavros
33. King Ommin
34. Darth Revan
35. Darth Malak
36. The Emperors First Son
37. Darth Jadus
38. Darth Marr
39. Darth Nox
40. Darth Baras
41. Darth Nyriss
42. Darth Soverus
43. Darth Traya
44. Empress Acina
45. Emperor Vowrawn
46. Lord Scourge
47. Darth Bandon
48. Ajunta Pall
49. Sorzus Syn
50. Karness Muur
51. Remulus Dreypa
52. XoXaan
53. Broodica
54. Darth Tenebrous
55. Darth Venamis
56. Tenebrous’ Master
57. Darth Ramage
58. Darth Geans Apprentice
59. Darth Gean
60. Darth Gravid
61. Darth Guile
62. Darth Vectivus
63. Darth Cognus
64. Darth Zannah
65. Darth Bane
66. Darth Andeddu
67. Darth Millennial
68. Darth Mortis
69. Darth Sajar
70. Darth Thanaton
71. Darth Xedrix
72. Darth Mekhis
73. Darth Vax
74. Darth Arho
75. Darth Decimus
76. Darth Karrid
77. Darth Ekkage
78. Darth Shaar
79. Darth Zavakon
80. Darth Ravage
81. Darth Zhorrid
82. Darth Lokess
83. Darth Azamin
84. Darth Arkous
85. Darth Acharos
86. Darth Xarion
87. Darth Krovos
88. Darth Savik
89. Darth Anathel
90. Darth Malora
91. Darth Phobos
92. Darth Desolous
93. Dark Underlord
94. Belia Darzu
95. Darth Ruin
96. Darth Rivin
97. Lord Kaan
98. Qordis
99. Kas’im
100. Kopecz
101. Sirak

Let me now if there’s some I’ve missed or some that shouldn’t be here

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 2:33 am
Malak's ancient Sith supremacy aside, he's more powerful than Revan and infinitely more powerful than Zavros.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 2:39 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:Malak > Kun/Nadd aside, Malak's more powerful than Revan and infinitely more powerful than Zavros.

Thanks I’m looking to make alterations to this to get it as accurate as possible so any evidence is great
I actually always held Malak over Revan but recalled you saying something the other day that made me think otherwise hahaha, can’t remember what it was haha, what is there that solidly puts Malak above Revan exactly ?
Yeh I completely disagree with that quote so let’s just push that aside when talking about my threads lol

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 2:47 am
@Vaelias: I'd like to discuss the Malak Kun quote sometime, although I agree now isn't the best time.

KOTOR Revan >> SF Darth Malak >> Darth Revan >= Pre-SF Darth Malak, if that makes sense. 

When Revan was the Dark Lord of the Sith, he was more powerful than Malak, but Malak was still somewhat close. Their duel shortly before Revan was dethroned had both pushed to desperation before Malak lost, and Malak still felt he was more powerful than Revan afterwards. Malak then grabbed ahold of the Star Forge and grew far more powerful, only for redeemed (KOTOR) Revan to steamroll him.

In the case of Zavros, he was just a low level minion of Malak's. Even Bastila would crush him.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 2:55 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:@Vaelias: I'd like to discuss the Malak Kun quote sometime, although I agree now isn't the best time.

KOTOR Revan >> SF Darth Malak >> Darth Revan >= Pre-SF Darth Malak, if that makes sense. 

When Revan was the Dark Lord of the Sith, he was more powerful than Malak, but Malak was still somewhat close. Their duel shortly before Revan was dethroned had both pushed to desperation before Malak lost, and Malak still felt he was more powerful than Revan afterwards. Malak then grabbed ahold of the Star Forge and grew far more powerful, only for redeemed (KOTOR) Revan to steamroll him.

In the case of Zavros, he was just a low level minion of Malak's. Even Bastila would crush him.

Ahh ok that’s what you were referring too haha ok that makes sense now I’d also like to discuss the Malak Quote, maybe a thread based entirely on this ?
As for Zavros I only had her high as she was one of Noxs ghosts and Noxs ghosts are from an era of ancients that are generally more powerful than dark council level sith as Kallig Ragdolled Nox and his spirit was a fraction of his power from the emperor feeding on them,

Is there anything You’d like me to describe to u regarding placements here I’ve put a lot of time into ranking the sith lately so I know why I ranked everyone

But yeh the KOTOR games are my weakest point in the old republic lol

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 2:59 am
I have disagreements and inquiries that we'll hash out across the coming weeks, but I think I definitely understand where a lot of your rankings are coming from and really respect the effort. Good work. Also, note that while Kallig is immensely powerful and speculated to be perhaps be comparable to Hord, not all of Nox's ghosts are the same level. Zavros is a good example of that, since he's just some low-level Sith from Malak's Empire that Aayla Secura would easily defeat.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:03 am
DarthAnt66 wrote:I have disagreements and inquiries that we'll hash out across the coming weeks, but I think I definitely understand where a lot of your rankings are coming from and really respect the effort. Good work. An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  1289255181 Note that while Kallig is immensely powerful and speculated to be perhaps be comparable to Hord, not all of Nox's ghosts are comparably powerful. Zavros is a good example of that, since he's just some low-level Sith from Malak's Empire that Aayla Secura would easily defeat.

Thanks dude an yeh I’m happy to go into the details
Oh ok sounds good, Zavros is getting the fuck out then hahaha
Right now I’ve moved Malak up above Sadow an removed Zavros
Are there any big ones I’m missing that should be here I think I’ve got all them

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:20 am
Qordis above Kas'im but Kopecz below Kas'im? The 2 are meant to be equal.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:21 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Sith Archivist wrote:Qordis above Kas'im but Kopecz below Kas'im? The 2 are meant to be equal.

I put Qordis second cos him an Kaan where the only ones to transcend the physical plain an yeh I guess you could switch the other ones

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:38 am
Tyranus didn't transcend the physical plane but Marr did. Should Marr be above him?
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:43 am
I feel like the Dread masters should not be included in this list since we are talking about individual Sith lords. Individually, the Dread masters aren't that powerful.

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:48 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Darth Nihilus wrote:I feel like the Dread masters should not be included in this list since we are talking about individual Sith lords. Individually, the Dread masters aren't that powerful.

Yeh I was thinking the same but they are sith an I can’t miss them out, if I can rank the Dreadmasters I’d probs have done it that way but it’s too hard to rank them then but probably still second only to vitiate in that era they have many supremacy quotes

I also wanna try include the earlier lost tribe memebers they are likely just behind the main sith line as they were amazed by Dreypas power in Sadows time, but some should likely be on here

An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith  Empty Re: An Attempt at Ranking top 100 Sith

October 25th 2020, 3:25 pm
I believe the other one sith would be somewhere here, idk where tho
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