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Star Wars Technology  Empty Star Wars Technology

September 5th 2020, 12:20 pm
Does anyone have sources that shows whether Star Wars tech have regressed or progressed since SWTOR era to GCW era?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Star Wars Technology  Empty Re: Star Wars Technology

September 5th 2020, 12:52 pm
Not sure why it would have regressed. The Galactic Empire is the most powerful government in history with a fleet the size of which dwarfs those of OR era's. Every ISD is larger than any other mass-produced ship ever made, has power equivalent to that of a star, and can turn a planet's surface to molten slag. Not to mention all the superweapons like the Death Star.

Star Wars Technology  Sheev_sig_3
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

Star Wars Technology  Empty Re: Star Wars Technology

September 5th 2020, 1:29 pm
Master Azronger wrote:Not sure why it would have regressed. The Galactic Empire is the most powerful government in history with a fleet the size of which dwarfs those of OR era's. Every ISD is larger than any other mass-produced ship ever made, has power equivalent to that of a star, and can turn a planet's surface to molten slag. Not to mention all the superweapons like the Death Star.

What about the Rakatan Empire and the Star Forge technology?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Star Wars Technology  Empty Re: Star Wars Technology

September 5th 2020, 1:51 pm
The Dark Empire replicated Star Forge tech manifold with the World Devastators. I don't see what the Rakatans have besides their factories that makes them impressive. They were driven off Korriban and Tython by embryonic Sith and Je'daii alike, respectively, and their empire only encompassed 500 planets at their height. Most of their tech is Force-based anyway, which costs them further points when evaluating strictly mundane technological advancements.

Star Wars Technology  Sheev_sig_3
Level One
Level One

Star Wars Technology  Empty Re: Star Wars Technology

September 5th 2020, 2:52 pm
It has progressed. This kind of question really irks me. The technology in SW DOES PROGRESS.

The only things that might be similar would be outside appearances, but that's just appearances, what matters is the internal workings. There might be one-off technologies that have been lost, but that doesn't mean general technology has regressed. Let's see an example, Interdiction technology is far superior within the GCW era than it was in the OR era.

The relatively weak Interdictors of the Mandalorian Wars were soon rendered ineffective by better hyperdrive sensor suites and multiphase null field units, and interdictor technology became a sidelight for millennia until the Clone Wars inspired aggressive new research. The Empire built on the Republic's technological breakthroughs and the bulbous gravity-well generators of Interdictor cruisers became familiar sights. These new projectors were powerful enough to catch almost any starship.

- Essential Guide to Warfare

So as seen here, GCW era Interdictors are > to OR Interdictors. Whereas countermeasures came into place against OR Interdictors, the GE built off of such technology and advanced them to where those countermeasures wouldn't work.

Oh let's see another, the 2-1B Medical droid.

The 2-1B is one of the most intelligent droids ever built, and with good reason. A welcome innovation is the flexibility of the 2-1B's behavioral circuitry matrix. This was something of a breakthrough, as the vast majority of droids are maddening with their thinking. The state-of-the-art artificial intelligence exhibited in the 2-1B originated through the partnership of the megaconglomerate Industrial Automaton and tiny manufacturer of medisensors known as GeenTech. Access to Industrial Automaton's near-limitless resources turned GeenTech's research into reality.

- New Essential Guide to Droids

So the 2-1B Medical Droid is one of the most intelligent droids ever designed, has a breakthrough/innovative behavioral circuit matrix and state-of-the-art artificial intelligence.

Industrial Automaton wasn't even around the OR time nor were GeenTech, they didn't even really appear up until the Corporate Sector was established and that hadn't been until 490 BBY.

But let's further add credence to the 2-1B.

Droids possess several inherent advantages over organic surgeons- their hands are always steady, their minds are always clear and they never forget a pre-programmed procedure. But previous surgical models met with only moderate success, since their limited intellect couldn't deal with sudden complications or foresee unpleasant side effects. GeenTech addressed this. The 2-1B is an extreme intelligent unit, equipped with an advanced analytical and diagnostic computer. 

- Essential Guide to Droids

So previous surgical droid models were inferior to the 2-1B. There's more to it, but typing all of it takes time, they also had their programming refined by the best physicians in the galaxy and their level of sophistical was unheard of in any previous medical surgical droid.

So you get it the 2-1B > Any Medical surgical droid out there, in fact it did so well that it basically cut the legs out from under the medical-aide market, that's how successful it was.

Let's see what else..

Oh World Devastators > Star Forge.

Now there's probably more I could bring up. But that would probably take all day.

There are some things that stay the same, example hyperdrives and lightsabers. Some stuff are just the same across the eras, but technology does advance none the less.

Oh and the solar ionization reactor the ISD has is > to any power generation source before it.
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Star Wars Technology  Empty Re: Star Wars Technology

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