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Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

June 19th 2019, 4:28 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68241310

general accolades

Leia organa Solo and Luke Skywalker consider Cilghal one of the most promising students at the newly formed jedi academy:
"she straightened, taking a formal tone again. i'm sure you'll find cilghal to be one of your most promising candidates."
source: jedi academy 2: dark apprentice

Cilghal is strong in the force:
Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68988210
-the new essential chronology

Cilghal is a skilled jedi: 

Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 89f5c910

-The Star Wars fact file 138 

Jacen believes Cilghal posesses great power:

YJK: crisis at crystal reef wrote:Yeah. A Jedi healer and an Ambassador. The only one that I've heard of, so far," Jacen said. "But Cilghal is so quiet and gentle, you'd never know she has all that power

Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68254710

source: jedi academy sourcebook

cilghal, like all the masters on Endor,has a powerful connection to the force:
"this friendly exercise would be horribly dangerous to anyone but a jedi master, but all of those present were so in tune with the force and one another that the odds of a mishap were, as usual, almost nil"
source: legacy of the force fury

Jaina solo considers herself inferior to all the members of the council (including Cilghal),although Jaina's feats and overall power-level make this statement somewhat questionable:
"i know that you masters-and several jedi knights- are more skilled in both force and lightsaber than i am. but i'm his twin sister . i'll have advantages no one else will."
source: legacy of the force invincible

her skill is compared to that of a weakened luke skywalker:
He[Viun Gaalan] was good; Luke gave him that. He might have been a match for an expert swordsmaster such as Kyp or Kyle Katarn. He would have been too much for a comparatively diffident duelist such as Cilghal, or even Luke as he had been back at Sinkhole Station, at low ebb in physical and mental strength.
Source: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash (credit to wollfmyth209)

Force abilities

1.force healing
force healing is a light side power, that allows a practioner to heal injuries both on himself and on another individual by drawing on the force.
Since day-one ,Cilghal is discovered to have an innate talent with force healing, and her skills in that area impress both Leia Organa Solo and Luke Skywalker:
"she has demonstrated to my satisfaction that she has a true proficiency in using the force. She seems to have a knack for healing and for short-range prediction"
source: jedi academy 2: dark apprentice

"in the aftermath of the reptilian creatures' attack , Luke had watched Cilghal tend his body's minor wounds, cleaning them and binding them with the meticulous care and empathy he had sensed from her first days at the jedi academy. Cilghal was a born jedi healer."
source: jedi academy 3: champions of the force
at the end of the events in the jedi academy trilogy , with almost no training, she saves Mon Mothma from a virus made of nano-destroyers:
"Cilghal opened her mental doors, freeing her thoughts, allowing currents of the force to flow into Mon Mothma's form. she let the nictitating membranes slide over her calamari eyes as she began to see with an inner vision ,traveling through the cellular pathways of Mon Mothma's body.... with the force ,Cilghal could touch with fingers infinitely small, infinitely precise, to grasp one of the nano-destroyers and send it careening out of the dying body. Cilghal found other microscopic destroyers and nudged them , pushed them , herding the poison away from healthy cells, preventing further damage. The task was incomprehensibly large. The poison had spread and replicated , scattering itself through the billions and billions of cells in Mon Mothma's body. After succeeding with the first one , cilghal sought out another. And another.And another.And another. "
source: jedi academy 3: champions of the force

it should be noted that the disease was so effective ,that no cure existed:
""we can do nothing!" he shouted. "even knowing about the poison does not help us , because there is no cure!""
source: jedi academy 3: champions of the force

she has considerable skill in healing:
Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68285310

source: star wars complete encyclopedia

there are few injuries she cannot heal:

Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68285410

source: jedi academy training manual

Cilghal is a celebrated jedi healer:
"the jedi master cilghal is one of the most celebrated of contemporary jedi healers"
source: star wars jedi vs sith: the essential guide to the force

Cilghal is the most expert medic among the jedi:
"Luke stood with master Cilghal, the jedi master who was the temple's foremost medical expert"
source: fate of the jedi outcast
"Master Cilghal, mon calamari and most proficient medical doctor among the current generation of jedi"
source: fate of the jedi Backlash

Cilghal is the most expert jedi healer:
"She turned an expectant eye toward cilghal, who-as the jedi order's most knowledgeable jedi healer-was the most likely source for an answer"
source: fate of the jedi apocalypse

she heals Kyle Katarn, whom was heavily injured after his duel with Caedus:
"he shook his head, pained by his failure. "Basic medical training isn't sufficient for a situation like that." Luke padded his shoulder. "You did remarkably well. The fact that he's here alive is proof of that, and if anyone can heal him, it's Cilghal."
source: legacy of the force fury

she heals Jaina Solo, after her duel with Caedus:
"Once Cilghal had pronounced Jaina stable enough to move[...]"
source: legacy of the force invincible

Art of the small
She can use a rare power, known as art of the small, which allows her to render her force essence infinitely small and manipulate things on a molecular scale, a technique she learned from Vergere during the Vong war:
"After Mara Jade Skywalker became infected with deadly coomb spores planted by the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor, she was eventually cured by an antidote from a most unusual source: a vial of tears from the former jedi Vergere. Cilghal learned that Vergere produced natural antitoxins through a force technique that Vergere referred to as "making himself small". through this technique, a force user can manipulate and alter things at a molecular level.[...] Vergere died shortly after this recording, but Cilghal was eventually able to master the art of making himself small. Many beings have been healed by the technique, and thus far Cilghal has suffered no ill effects from its use."
source: jedi vs sith: the essential guide to the force

2.healing trance
She can employ the healing trance, an extreme version of force healing, which allows the user to slow all bodily functions to a situation of apparent death, allowing one to recover from traumatic injuries.
She uses the ability after healing Mon Mothma, it should be noted that she had very little training at the time:
""As must i", she said, falling immediately into a jedi recovery trance."
source: jedi academy 3: champions of the force

3.Force concealment
she appears to be capable of concealing her presence in the force, thanks to Vergere's "art of the small" ability:
"he explained that Vergere had demonstrated how making oneself small could also be used to conceal one's ability with the force, or render a force-user invisible"
source: jedi vs sith, the essential guide to the force
it is true she has never been seen using it, but considering that she mastered the technique, there is little going against the idea of Cilghal herself being able to apply this power in this manner.

4.Wall of light
along with the aid of the other students on Yavin 4, she menages to overwhelm Exar Kun, a particularly impressive feat considering Kun's power:
"The jedi trainees stepped closer together, cinching the circle around the trapped shadowy form. Streen held the his lightsaber high, while across the circle Kirana Ti raised hers to a striking position. the nebulous glow around the new jedi knights grew brighter, a luminous fog that joined them in an unbroken ring, a solid band of light forged by the power of the force within them. [...]
The glow continued to brighten as the synergy between the trainees grew more powerful, weaving threads to reinforce their weak spots, to emphasize their strengths."
source: jedi academy 3: Champions of the force

5.Detoxify poison
she appears to have some skill at detoxifying poisons from her body:
Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 68945110

source: jedi academy sourcebook

Last edited by MasterCilghal on September 18th 2019, 3:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
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June 19th 2019, 8:10 am

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June 19th 2019, 11:37 am
Gewd work so far.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
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June 19th 2019, 11:59 am
I'll read through this later.
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Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

June 19th 2019, 12:36 pm
The Chosen One wrote:Gewd work so far.
Thank you
@DC77 I think you should read it when it will be complete. (She stomps Thanatos btw Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 1019854026  )
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

July 13th 2019, 5:33 am
@YVH Clighal Nice work so far, however I have a question regarding the quote below:

"i know that you masters-and several jedi knights- are more skilled in both force and lightsaber than i am. but i'm his twin sister . i'll have advantages no one else will."

source: legacy of the force invincible

Are you sure it applies to all members of the Council and not only to those who were present at the meeting? As far as I remember Clighal was not present during that particular war council.
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Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

July 22nd 2019, 9:31 am
Gaunter O'Dimm wrote:@YVH Clighal Nice work so far, however I have a question regarding the quote below:

"i know that you masters-and several jedi knights- are more skilled in both force and lightsaber than i am. but i'm his twin sister . i'll have advantages no one else will."

source: legacy of the force invincible

Are you sure it applies to all members of the Council and not only to those who were present at the meeting? As far as I remember Clighal was not present during that particular war council.

Sorry for the wait, but i’ve Been absent from the forum for some time due to personal issues. As for your question, I’m not sure whether or not Cilghal was present at the time. But consider that that that meeting was extremely important because it addressed how the jedi would deal Caedus so I imagine she too was present. Of course she didn’t talk or anything. I could be wrong though.
Gaunter O'Dimm
Gaunter O'Dimm

Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

July 23rd 2019, 8:26 am
YVH Cilghal wrote:

Sorry for the wait, but i’ve Been absent from the forum for some time due to personal issues. As for your question, I’m not sure whether or not Cilghal was present at the time. But consider that that that meeting was extremely important because it addressed how the jedi would deal Caedus so I imagine she too was present. Of course she didn’t talk or anything. I could be wrong though.

Legacy of the Force: Invincable wrote:But could she convince the Masters?
Several of them
were gathered around a table behind her, holding an impromptu war council with Luke, Jagged Fel, and her father and mother-the renowned Han and Leia Solo.

Only several of them were present and the only ones who took part in the discussion were Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, Kenth Hamner and Saba Sebatyne.

Though I agree that, judging by the context, Jaina reffered to all NJO masters. Just wanted to clarify this.
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November 19th 2019, 12:46 am
Finish this pls.
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Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

November 19th 2019, 1:01 am
EmperorCaedus wrote:Finish this pls.
I don’t have all the material needed yet, but rest assured I will finish it.
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Cilghal respect thread (in progress) Empty Re: Cilghal respect thread (in progress)

November 19th 2019, 1:03 am
MasterCilghal wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:Finish this pls.
I don’t have all the material needed yet, but rest assured I will finish it.
Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 1289255181 Cilghal respect thread (in progress) 1289255181
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