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The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 5:50 pm
Message reputation : 100% (4 votes)
As you all know LFL policy dictates that George Lucas has the most say of anyone in lucasfilm and is the "word of god" over all other sources. As such I have come to bring light to new information that may prove useful in constructing a more critical analysis of Garbajj Wenchress starting with evidence from George's mouth himself:

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Unknown

According to Lucas's version of events Anakin Skywalker got the scar slipping in the bathtub. As Lucas takes priority over all other EU sources the entire fight on Coruscant never happened. Asajj Ventress has never cut Anakin's face despite what republic comics would lead you to believe.
Level Seven
Level Seven

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 5:52 pm
So the bathtub can permanently mark Anakin but Ventress couldn't. Pathetic.
Level Three
Level Three

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 6:04 pm
This is why Chee has said that not every Lucas statement takes precedence over the C canon EU.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 7:08 pm
Edit: this is a perfectly legit argument, moderators can't move it just because they don't like it, that is an abuse of power. This stays in the star wars legends section

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 7:12 pm
If you didn't want it moved, you shouldn't have named it a blatantly troll title initially.
Level Three
Level Three

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 8:44 pm
g canon

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 27th 2020, 10:18 pm
Trolling aside, I don't think the bathtub thing was supposed to be taken seriously. If that's something that happened to Kylo or Rey then sure that'd make sense but I'd have a hard time believing it happened to Anakin.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 2:13 am
Nah. In the comic we saw how it really happened. So George is simply wrong.

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Sheev_sig_3
Moderator | Champion of Darkness
Moderator | Champion of Darkness

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 2:28 am
Lucas literally says it's something for the comics to explain, then jokes about him slipping in the bathtub.

Lucas wasn't joking when he said on multiple occasions that Vader was challenged by Luke, and that Maul is faster than Ben Kenobi and Vader.

The attempt to put these two different types of quotes on equal ground in terms of their authority in continuity does not work.
Level One
Level One

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 6:49 am
What if its something like GL saying Jango Fett isn't a Mandalorian? Does that immediately wipe away his comic series Open Seasons where he was depicted as a Mandalorian?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 8:59 am
Uh, no. Lucas would simply be wrong in that case.

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Sheev_sig_3
Level One
Level One

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 9:10 am
Azronger wrote:Uh, no. Lucas would simply be wrong in that case.

How can the creator be wrong?
BTW Lucas did actually say Jango isn't a mandalorian
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 9:29 am
Because the actual story says he is a Mandalorian.

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Sheev_sig_3

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 12:12 pm
Well Fett was adopted by Mandalorians so that could be what he's referring to.
Level One
Level One

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 12:49 pm
Azronger wrote:Uh, no. Lucas would simply be wrong in that case.
@Azronger I think you missed my point. If Lucas's word is so powerful enough to retcon C-CANON statements or stories wouldn't that wipe away any story that depicts Jango as a Mandalorian from Legends canon as he has explicitly said Jango isn't a mandalorian?
Level One
Level One

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 1:26 pm
SithSauce wrote:
Azronger wrote:Uh, no. Lucas would simply be wrong in that case.
@Azronger I think you missed my point. If Lucas's word is so powerful enough to retcon C-CANON statements or stories wouldn't that wipe away any story that depicts Jango as a Mandalorian from Legends canon as he has explicitly said Jango isn't a mandalorian?
When was that said?
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 2:43 pm
@SithSauce I did not miss your point. I responded to it as suitably as I believed was necessary.

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Sheev_sig_3
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Empty Re: The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat

April 28th 2020, 2:53 pm
@Latham2000 Stop spamming. Removed the frivolous posts.

The Debunk for Asajj Ventress Republic Comics feat Sheev_sig_3
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