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Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 4:29 am
In your personal opinion?
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 10:35 am
Different directors and relied too heavily on the original actors. If it wanted to make a great trilogy that stood on his own, they should have taken inspiration from Legacy: set it 100 or so years after the OT.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 11:42 am
The concept

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Sheev_sig_3
Level Three
Level Three

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 11:50 am
Colin genuinely had some really cool ideas for Episode 9 and it was written as a more direct sequel as opposed to JJ's retconns, I think if Lucasfilm/Disney with his plan, the Sequel trilogy would be better, and TFA and TLJ would've aged better, and the Sequels would've receive as much hate. You can't please everyone though, especially the gigantic Star Wars fanbase which is so prone to toxicity, there are still people who bash on the Prequels like we're still living in 1999-2005, just go to redlettermedia's youtube comment sections and you'll see that they still exist.

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 2:02 pm
Lack of originality and overall character development.

Disney could have literally done anything they wanted with the ST... Gone any direction. But instead of trying to explore 'new' areas of the franchise, they opted to give us a #Woke carbon-copy of the OT.

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 2:39 pm
Galan007 wrote:Lack of originality and overall character development.

Disney could have literally done anything they wanted with the ST... Gone any direction. But instead of trying to explore 'new' areas of the franchise, they opted to give us a #Woke carbon-copy of the OT.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 3:16 pm
Making Kylo too relatable and wimpy in TFA. Killing smoke and not bringing him back. Bringing sheev back as a glorified cameo with boatloads of fan servicey scenes interspersed throughout the movie. Not having Kylo as the main villian for 9. Having Kylo do his predictable redemption arc that is just an echo of Vader like his entire character
Level Three
Level Three

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 4:36 pm
> Korriban wrote:Making Kylo too relatable and wimpy in TFA. Killing smoke and not bringing him back. Bringing sheev back as a glorified cameo with boatloads of fan servicey scenes interspersed throughout the movie. Not having Kylo as the main villian for 9. Having Kylo do his predictable redemption arc that is just an echo of Vader like his entire character

The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 4:59 pm
Latham2000 wrote:
> Korriban wrote:Making Kylo too relatable and wimpy in TFA. Killing smoke and not bringing him back. Bringing sheev back as a glorified cameo with boatloads of fan servicey scenes interspersed throughout the movie. Not having Kylo as the main villian for 9. Having Kylo do his predictable redemption arc that is just an echo of Vader like his entire character

Yeah that's what I mean, they tried to make a human emo style character and it didn't work
Level One
Level One

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 5:58 pm
BoD wrote:Different directors and relied too heavily on the original actors.
Interesting opinion, I felt they did the opposite. The sequel trilogy was about Rey and Kylo specifically and less about the original cast. Hence the killing of Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Ackbar, as well as the "let the past die" quote which was essentially the theme of the second movie.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 7:13 pm
SithSauce wrote:
BoD wrote:Different directors and relied too heavily on the original actors.
Interesting opinion, I felt they did the opposite. The sequel trilogy was about Rey and Kylo specifically and less about the original cast. Hence the killing of Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Ackbar, as well as the "let the past die" quote which was essentially the theme of the second movie.
Right, but they tried to please all groups and failed miserably. They tried to kill off the original characters (which was never gonna go without controversy) but did it so lazily. Having it set decades later would have solved that and opened that era to more material.

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 7:26 pm
It was doomed before it started.  There was no creative vision, no worthwhile story to be told.  The extent of Disney's plan was to soft reboot ANH, and then have a series of different people make up the rest as they went along.  I can't think of a worse approach to making the final act of a nine movie saga.
The Merchant
The Merchant

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 7th 2020, 9:40 pm
The biggest problem was Greed. Disney wanted to make all their money back that was needed to buy Star Wars in the quickest time frame possible, believing SW will sell no matter what. Starting with TFA we had 5 SW films released in 5 years for each year back in 2015 and into 2019, they should have held back making spin-offs and focused all their resources into making the ST with a 3 year gap between each films. 

Now that it's all said and done Duel of the Fates arguably was the beat ST film and if I ran things would have made Colin the director for the ST with Lucas and the best EU writers providing creative output, ignoring the "Prequels Bad" meme. Could have made something compelling. Don't get me wrong, what we got has great ideas just poor execution.

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 8th 2020, 12:36 am
Rogue One was pretty good.

I think the Sequel went wrong because it had no particular direction. They should have sit together and ask themselves: "This is what we have in OT and PT, what we want to do in ST?" but, instead, it seemed to be a collection of random mini arcs that made little sense and where cheap rip offs from the OT. 

The return of Palpatine was terrible and extremely dumb. They didn't even need to have some uber powerful villain to work on character development.

Anyway, the Sequel Trilogy is, to me, a great failure because it had no direction or consistent storytelling built for it.
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 8th 2020, 2:59 am
Honestly if they featured flashbacks to the past original movies new luke and Vader or Anakin scenes it would feel more connected, they also just kept changing the force every movie to the point where it became nonsensical. Like the force is mysterious and magical, that's great, but now they can Skype and heal with it too?

Yes I've read the books, it still doesn't change the fact as an audience member I was put off, the only cool new thing they "added" was force freeze and the only reason that's an addition is because it's specified as such. In legends that was just called telekinesis
Level One
Level One

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 8th 2020, 11:59 am
> Korriban wrote:Honestly if they featured flashbacks to the past original movies new luke and Vader or Anakin scenes it would feel more connected, they also just kept changing the force every movie to the point where it became nonsensical. Like the force is mysterious and magical, that's great, but now they can Skype and heal with it too?

Yes I've read the books, it still doesn't change the fact as an audience member I was put off, the only cool new thing they "added" was force freeze and the only reason that's an addition is because it's specified as such. In legends that was just called telekinesis

From what I've noticed, a lot of these 'new powers' are just named different from ones we already know...or they are just named because, even though it's kinda pointless to have a name.

Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

April 9th 2020, 5:30 am
In no particular order:

1) Different directors, lack of a clear overall plot for all the 3 movies
2) Lack of originality, too similar to the old trilogy
3) Below average knowledge of the SW universe/lore by the film directors
4) As a consequence of point 3, there are several plot holes like: If Palp is alive, was Anakin's sacrifice useless? The prophecy is still a thing? And so on
5) Not great or fascinating protagonists
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Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong? Empty Re: Where did the Sequel Trilogy go wrong?

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