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So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 4:10 pm
I mean reading some stuff about Luke, he seemed to gain just about every Force power known.

So were there any that he couldn't do? Or is it said he could basically do them all?

Also...I recall that he could enter Oneness at will if so need be? Or am I just misremembering?
Level Seven
Level Seven

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 4:20 pm
No. No Force user knows every Force ability, as far as I'm aware.
Level Three
Level Three

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 6:57 pm
BoD wrote:No. No Force user knows every Force ability, as far as I'm aware.
pretty much this. i think like, sidious got close, wyyrlok got close, plagueis got close, gravid got close, vader and krayt presumably got close, idk how close vitiate got, but it was close
Level Three
Level Three

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 6:57 pm
BoD wrote:No. No Force user knows every Force ability, as far as I'm aware.
pretty much this. i think like, sidious got close, wyyrlok got close, plagueis got close, gravid got close, vader and krayt presumably got close, idk how close vitiate got, but it was close
Level One
Level One

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 7:58 pm
Hm....alright, but he knew a great lot of them I know for sure. I guess the better question, which ones he couldn't do? But I'm sure that's just as an impossible thing to know, though I'm guessing he would still have knowledge on that.
Level Three
Level Three

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 26th 2020, 9:23 pm
Zenwolf wrote:Hm....alright, but he knew a great lot of them I know for sure. I guess the better question, which ones he couldn't do? But I'm sure that's just as an impossible thing to know, though I'm guessing he would still have knowledge on that.
i think there main 4 characters that studied shit that no other characters did, and more (possibly far more, if i were to wank it). Gravid had all the banite sith knowledge available to him, which, iirc, is more than what anybody else had before (by the end of POD, so this is easily like, hundreds of years after POD, meaning even more powers have been (re)discovered or created or shit like that), but so this eaisly wouldve put him as the character with the most abilities ever, by that point, imo. Problem is, he fucked it all up, and burned a lot of it. likely some of the best shit, since he was, after all, trying to end the sith, so why not start big? anyhow, by plagueis's time, while im not exatcly sure how of that much was recovered, he still had a lot. possibly enough to bypass the loss caused by gravid. Palpatine supposedly knew everything plagueis knew, so he likely inherited all this. he then had 24 years of growth in all things force based (he had like, cults working for him that none of the banites had even seen before and crazy shit like that), which is how he got so close to getting that much info. he likely knew every basic force power, and its branching abilities, and their own branching abilities, and on and on. he didnt know all of them, but imo, he got the closest. easily too. i dont think any character can compete with the quantity of shit he had in his arsenal. wyyrlok might come in second, as he had a very similar deal working for him (his family line did nothing BUT acquire information and shit like that), alongside stuff he learned from other cults. why do i think he never surpassed or came close to sidious? first things first, some of the things sidious learned werent written down, and others were only his and no one else aside from him knew them (he made his own force powers, so yeah, kinda like exar kun had some of his own shit). secondly, some of his stuff was completely lost. maybe destroyed, maybe stolen, maybe just never found, etc. BUT like i said, wyyrlok did nothing but get more informed on this shit, so he might come in second imo. the rest is very debatable, but yeah, i just wanted to say this lol sorry for the big post
Level Three
Level Three

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 31st 2020, 5:16 pm
Caedus knew more than Luke, so no
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Level Five
Level Five

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 31st 2020, 5:19 pm
No one character knows every ability, and there are characters whose understanding of a specific power is far more advanced than others who also know that power, e.g Vergere and Art of the Small, Plagueis and Midichlorian Manipulation, Sidious and Force Storms.
Level Three
Level Three

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 31st 2020, 5:34 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:Caedus knew more than Luke, so no

Only until LOTF. The FOTJ series is all about Luke visiting all the force cults where Jacen solo went and learning all their force abilities. By the end of the series, Luke is definitely on par if not above Jacen in that regard. But I completely agree that Luke does not have access to every force ability, especially since he has no aptitude towards things like advanced healing, which is what allowed Cilghal and Vergere to learn and master art of the small.
Level One
Level One

So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

March 31st 2020, 5:44 pm
MasterCilghal wrote:
EmperorCaedus wrote:Caedus knew more than Luke, so no

Only until LOTF. The FOTJ series is all about Luke visiting all the force cults where Jacen solo went and learning all their force abilities. By the end of the series, Luke is definitely on par if not above Jacen in that regard. But I completely agree that Luke does not have access to every force ability, especially since he has no aptitude towards things like advanced healing, which is what allowed Cilghal and Vergere to learn and master art of the small.

Hm...alright, though could Luke have still done these abilities given his knowledge and power if he were so inclined? Or were certain powers really only restricted to a few because of special circumstances? I mean as far as I recall, Force healing was something every Force User could learn, advanced stuff obviously would need more training but still.

I'm mainly curious because we don't exactly have a death date for Luke, so I'm kinda poking to see what he might/could have learned, given he could have lived for a long time.
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So did Luke know every Force ability? Empty Re: So did Luke know every Force ability?

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