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Level Three
Level Three

How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis? Empty How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis?

February 6th 2020, 11:59 am
How large is the power gap between Bane and Plagueis?

Try to approximate and quantify
Level Three
Level Three

How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis? Empty Re: How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis?

February 6th 2020, 12:10 pm
something along the lines of

start of POD bane <<< few years of training with the force < after getting confidence boost < after getting taught by githany <<< after he leaves and learns a lotta shit < after he fights and kills Kasim << him with 1 or 2 orbalisks << bane with like, 50 orbalisks ~ DOE bane <(<) Prime zannah < prime cognus < next master x26 < TPM sheev bost boost <(<) ROTS sheev << ROTJ sheev << DE sheev at the start < DE sheev at the end.

thats about it.

Last edited by lorenzo.r.2nd on February 8th 2020, 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis? Empty Re: How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis?

February 8th 2020, 4:58 am

How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis? Sheev_sig_3
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How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis? Empty Re: How large is the gap between Bane and Plagueis?

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