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So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 15th 2019, 9:32 pm
I mean, I see this get brought up on CV on KMC on SB and it's just.....I really just don't see what makes this so ridiculous compared to all the other feats we get in the novels, comics, games and so on.

Sure if we go strictly from the movies...then yeah, but then...literally everything if you compare to just the movies would be overpowered. 

But even not going strictly by the movies...people still say the Micro Series overpowered the Jedi....??

The only 2 things people for sure seem to bring up and say that the Micro Series is overpowered is...

This scene.

annnnd....this scene.

The scene starting at 6:30, the timestamp won't cooperate apparently.

But then people forget that these are two of the greatest Jedi Masters within the history of the Jedi Order, coming from an era where it's their prime.

Even then, you'll notice that Mace Windu doesn't even operate at the level most people look at, until after he loses his lightsaber, because you still see the SBDs and other droids such as the dwarf spider droid able to react and fire at him.

Meaning that instance is entirely situational at best, he wouldn't normally operate on that level, most likely due to the fact it would waste a lot of his energy in doing so.

More to that point, his only huge attack was the initial TK wave that honestly I think is overblown, with how close the SBDs are all to's more like a domino effect than anything, you'll also notice after said wave, it seems like he did launch another TK attack to send another group of SBDs flying and then another, otherwise he's mostly just taking out small to large groups. He isn't taking on the whole SBD force, like some want to believe and therefore people saying

"Oh he could have just solo'd the Geonosian Arena." When no...he couldn't have, there were thousands and thousands of battle droids pouring out onto the arena at a time, Mace would also have to worry about his comrade Jedi so even taking this as something he could normally do at any given time?...He wouldn't do it nor would he be able to do so indefinitely. He was literally under a droid factory producing thousands of battle droids at a time, Coleman Trebor waded through hundreds on his own, yet he didn't seem to even put a dent in the forces.

In fact Trebor's feat would be more crazy, given it's not even coming from this supposed 'overpowered' CW series. So folks....I mean which is it?

As far as Yoda.....I mean, it's Yoda? In fact honestly, the only part of that scene you could really say is crazy is him colliding two of the C-9979 landing craft, but given his standing within the SW Mythos....I mean why is that ridiculous for him exactly?

Frankly if we're gonna call that scene for Yoda ridiculous, then we may as well flip back the book and go through all those other feats people like to bring up for certain characters such as Sidious, Nihilius, Vitiate/Valk, Luke etc and all those ridiculous too.

Apart from these two scenes that people love bringing up....I really don't see what else made this 'overpowered'.

I mean heck, I don't recall Anakin having anything near feat wise on par with those 2 above and he's suppose to be The Chosen One with Force potential greater than Yoda. ....?

People will most likely bring up Grevious on Hypori. Ignoring the fact that the Jedi there were clearly injured, exhausted and so on. This was Grevious' 1st appearance, so at the time...he doesn't really have anything else to point that this specific scene he would be 'overpowered'. In fact as far as I can tell later on in the timeline previous to Hypori, it doesn't seem to go away.

When he first actually does something after being rebuilt, he takes out several companies worth of Clones along with Jedi using nothing but his bare hands and he didn't even have any training under Dooku. Further down the timeline passed Hypori, his level doesn't seem to go away either(no I'm not counting the 08 TCW, this is focusing on the 03 version here.) in the comics, novels and so on.

So I'm not seeing what exactly is 'overpowered' with this series. Yeah The Force TK attacks are more prominent...but I don't see how those are 'overpowered'.

...I dunno, maybe someone can explain it in detail, better than "It's overpowered because of those 2 scenes" cause I don't see it. No one brings up this 'overpowered' nonsense when it comes to other EU material and characters, so it's just kinda baffling.
Level Seven
Level Seven

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 15th 2019, 9:34 pm
Just saying, the Dantooine feat could still be canon. It's referenced in TCW.

But yeah, the double standards are interesting. Those feats are overpowered but Sidious making wormholes with Force storms, Nihilus and Vitiate draining planets and Galen affecting star destroyers aren't?  So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? 1668617588

I personally prefer not to use them because they feel overly cartoonish and much grander than what's seen in the films or comics. That's not to say you shouldn't use them; I just prefer not to.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 4:48 am
I don't think anyone in this community has actually thought they're exaggerated so they can't be used in a looooong time.

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Sheev_sig_3

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 7:51 am
I think most who thing this is overpowered are casuals mainly invested in movies or the TCW 08 series. Its also pretty much a bad excuse for people to support the decanonization of legends.

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 12:20 pm
Yeah, there's nothing overpowered about the series tbh. TOR, TFU, etc are just as wacky if not moreso.
Level Six
Level Six

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 12:22 pm
Only thing overpowered in 2003 is Grievous.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 2:03 pm
Not really

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Sheev_sig_3
Level Four
Level Four

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 4:12 pm
Grievous is more OP in the books. Labyrinth of Evil is pure Grievous wank
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 4:13 pm
Yeah, RotS wanks the kark out of him too.

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Sheev_sig_3
Level One
Level One

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 16th 2019, 4:52 pm
Azronger wrote:I don't think anyone in this community has actually thought they're exaggerated so they can't be used in a looooong time.

I wasn't really targeting this specific community, more of a general thing I've seen floating around is all, so I was just kinda curious if there was anything that I missed apart from those 2 scenes that everyone always seems to reference.

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 17th 2019, 7:48 am
Zenwolf wrote:Sure if we go strictly from the movies...then yeah, but then...literally everything if you compare to just the movies would be overpowered. 
It's not just the movies and TCW. The Republic Comics, The Clone Wars novels, Labyrinth of Evil, and even The Revenge of the Sith novelization are far more grounded in comparison. 

OCW isn't over the top in comparison to TOR or TFU but it is in comparison to the rest of the CW multimedia project.
Level Three
Level Three

So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

December 17th 2019, 3:06 pm
OCW is just more flashy, that's all.
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So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003? Empty Re: So what exactly was 'overpowered' about the Clone Wars Micro Series from 2003?

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