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Quorian Debatist
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Most abilities and powers - Page 3 Empty Re: Most abilities and powers

November 18th 2019, 10:22 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:u mentioned plagueisBanites and vitiate, so ill try to use them as an example, i suppose

plagueisDarth Gravid, for one, by studying the known banite techniques, knows all that freedon nadd knows, all that darth bane knows, knows all that revan put in his holocron at least, knows all that his master knows, knows quite a lot of what the jedi know, and also knows a good deal of information from his studies with midis. what we know he doesnt know is ancient sith stuff. this gives us an idea that most of the stuff he knows is based on old republic info.

vitiate on the other hand, knows likely all that marka ragnos could teach him, and all that he could find. what do we know that he doesnt know is some of the stuff that exar kun, naga sadow, and freedon nadd know. he may be knowledgeable, but these 3 names right here are pretty much the best and most knowledgeable force users of the old republic all the way to the ancient era. i dont doubt that vitiate knew a LOT about the ancient stuff, but he doest have gaps from not knowing about these 3. 

henceforth, i would personally say that plagueisDarth Gravid likely knows more than vitiate does, as far as quantity goes.

How did you read my post and then think that interchanging "probably" with "likely" and switching names around would make me nod my head in agreement and engage in the speculation? Now that you put it exactly like I did I guess I can see my own viewpoint.

Also fixed your post for all the difference it makes.
Level Three
Level Three

Most abilities and powers - Page 3 Empty Re: Most abilities and powers

November 18th 2019, 10:23 pm
dude, wtf are u talking about?? holy shit, im never talking to u again
Level One
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Most abilities and powers - Page 3 Empty Re: Most abilities and powers

November 18th 2019, 10:43 pm
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Most abilities and powers - Page 3 Empty Re: Most abilities and powers

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