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Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 7:47 am
Who is physically stronger between Vader and Grievous in their respective primes? Also what quotes do we have relating to their cybernetics?

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 8:22 am
In theory it should be Vader considering the cybernetics were much and such akin to Grievous' own, then add on the fact that Vader can slap on Force aug on top. Though when comparing feats, Grievous has the more impressive strength showings off the top of my head, but perhaps I'm missing something.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 9:48 am
Vader's cybernetics are "significantly improved" versions of Grievous's:

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Vader_10

His "feats of strength" were also among the things that "distinguished" him from Jedi Anakin as early as 19 BBY, indicating cybernetics alone awarded him superior physical strength to Anakin. As you know, Anakin pounded Dooku's ass in, and the Count was able to meet Grievous's blows one-handed without significant strain, so Vader should be substantially stronger than Grievous.

Black armorweave and feats of strength weren't the only things that distinguished Darth Vader from Anakin Skywalker. Where Anakin had had limited access to the Jedi Temple data room, Vader - even light-years from Coruscant - could peruse any data he wished, including archival records, ancient texts, and holocrons fashioned by past Masters. Thus was he able to learn the identities of the six Jedi who had been assigned to Murkhana at the end of the war; the four who had been killed - Masters Loorne and Bol Chatak, and two Jedi Knights - and the two who remained at large: Roan Shryne and Chatak's Padawan, Olee Starstone, now presumably in the care of the older and more experienced Shryne.

Star Wars: Dark Lord - The Rise of Darth Vader

Skywalker was already there.

The first overhand chop of Skywalker’s blade slid off Dooku’s instinctive guard. The second bent Dooku’s wrist. The third flash of blue forced Dooku’s scarlet blade so far to the inside that his own lightsaber scorched his shoulder, and Dooku was forced to give ground.

Dooku felt himself blanch. Where had this come from?

Skywalker came on, mechanically inexorable, impossibly powerful, a destroyer droid with a lightsaber: each step a blow and each blow a step. Dooku backed away as fast as he dared; Skywalker stayed right on top of him. Dooku’s breath went short and hard. He no longer tried to block Skywalker’s strikes but only to guide them slanting away; he could not meet Skywalker strength-to-strength—not only did the boy wield tremendous reserves of Force energy, but his sheer physical power was astonishing—

And only then did Dooku understand that he’d been suckered.

Skywalker’s Shien ready-stance had been a ruse, as had his Ataro gymnastics; the boy was a Djem So stylist, and as fine a one as Dooku had ever seen. His own elegant Makashi simply did not generate the kinetic power to meet Djem So head-to-head. Especially not while also defending against a second attacker.


Skywalker was all over him.

The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku’s defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker—

Skywalker was getting stronger.

Each parry cost Dooku more power than he’d used to throw Kenobi across the room; each block aged him a decade.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous 5451709-5000852263-giphy

And this is just his cybernetic strength without factoring in his Force augmentation. Dooku was able to match Grievous with his augmentation alone; if you consider Vader to be in the same ballpark as the Count in terms of Force power, his augmentation should be enough to match Grievous' strength as well. Added on top of his already Grievous+ cybernetics, his total strength should be more twice that of Grievous's. In short, Vader's a juggernaut.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 10:07 am
I can't believe I forgot about that Grievous quote, damn. Nice. So yeah pretty much irrefutable that Vader is stronger than Anakin and Grievous even early in his career.
Master Azronger
Master Azronger

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 10:18 am
As an addendum to my Dooku/Anakin/Vader comparison, the Count was able to rival AotC Yoda in blade locks while fatigued:

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous 6894842-dooku%20is%20tired%20before%20his%20fight%20with%20yoda

With a sudden burst of sheer power, Master Yoda flew forward, his blade working so mightily that its residual glow outshone even those of both of Anakin’s lightsabers when he was at the peak of his dance. Dooku held strong, though, his red blade parrying brilliantly, each block backed by the power of the Force, or else Yoda’s strikes would have driven right through.


Yoda’s green blade caught the blow, holding the red lightsaber at bay, locking the two in a contest of strength, physical and of the Force.

"Fought well, you have, my old Padawan,” Yoda congratulated, and his lightsaber began to move out, just a bit, forcing Dooku back.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Grievous' strikes were also as strong as any Mace Windu had ever had to counter, and he's faced Yoda in battle before:

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Yoda_b10

As Mace already knew from Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti, Grievous was well trained in the Jedi arts. He could recognize the hand of Dooku in the general's training and technique. His strikes were as forceful as any Mace had ever had to counter, and his speed was astonishing. But he didn't know Vaapad - the technique of dark flirtation in which Mace excelled. To the rear of the car, where Grievous's pair of MagnaGuards had made the mistake of pitting themselves against Kit Fisto, the Nautolan's blade was a cyclone of blazing blue light. Resistant to the energy outpourings of a lightsaber, the phrik alloy staffs were potent weapons, but like any weapon they needed to find their target, and Kit simply wasn't allowing that.

Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 2:14 pm
NGL I got moist reading this thread

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 4:47 pm
Vader is physically stronger than Anakin for sure but I'm not convinced he's stronger than Grievous. As I've long maintained I really don't think the RotS SN depiction of Dooku buckling under Anakin's strength really messes with the rest of the lore and thus should be considered an outlier. I can point to several instances in the film where he seems to handle his strength without much issue.

Anakin while certainly stronger than Kenobi has never literally manhandled his master the way Grievous has in a physical contest. Az's quote is interesting because DL:ROLV states that Vader's cybernetics were outdated and crudely put together.

"Long accustomed to building and rebuilding droids, supercharging the
engines of landspeeders and starfighters, upgrading the mechanisms that
controlled the first of his artificial limbs, he was dismayed by the
incompetence of the medical droids responsible for his resurrection in
Sidious's lofty laboratory on Coruscant."
The Fallen Warrior
The Fallen Warrior
Level Four
Level Four

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 5th 2019, 5:29 pm
Kilius wrote:Vader is physically stronger than Anakin for sure but I'm not convinced he's stronger than Grievous. As I've long maintained I really don't think the RotS SN depiction of Dooku buckling under Anakin's strength really messes with the rest of the lore and thus should be considered an outlier. I can point to several instances in the film where he seems to handle his strength without much issue.

Anakin while certainly stronger than Kenobi has never literally manhandled his master the way Grievous has in a physical contest. Az's quote is interesting because DL:ROLV states that Vader's cybernetics were outdated and crudely put together.

"Long accustomed to building and rebuilding droids, supercharging the
engines of landspeeders and starfighters, upgrading the mechanisms that
controlled the first of his artificial limbs, he was dismayed by the
incompetence of the medical droids responsible for his resurrection in
Sidious's lofty laboratory on Coruscant."

He was also stated to be a tinkerer. He likely improved his cybernetics, thus the quote would fit

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

May 6th 2019, 10:13 am
With or without Force amplifications?

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

July 6th 2019, 8:48 am
vader hands down.
Level Three
Level Three

Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

July 6th 2019, 10:29 am
If vader were undeniably stronger than peak anakin, he should've demolished Ben Kenobi who had grown physically weaker in exile. With that being said I still think Vader >grevious in physical strength
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Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous Empty Re: Who is stronger: Vader or Grievous

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