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Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:23 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:he doenst believe that anakin ~ them in the first place, so i doubt, i but i dont find it hard to believe that vader at his best ~ those two. yoda was considered extremely powerful by star killer, but then we learn that vader> him by ANH, so there's that
How is ANH Vader > Yoda in any capacity?
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:25 pm
im not sure tbh, but i think has some statements that say some shit like in ANH.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:27 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:im not sure tbh, but i think has some statements that say some shit like in ANH.
“I’m not sure” isn’t a good reason. You provide evidence to back up your claims, which I’ve never seen you do since I’ve joined the forum. Stop bullshitting.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:34 pm
are u for fucking real?????????????????????? like, legit???? i made a darth vader respect in vsb idk how long ago, and whenever yall ask for something, i go straight there and bring it out.

imma post the bitch here, and u are gonna read this thing 15 times over, cuz if u ask me one more time for proof of stuff that i have already posted, imma start to think that u actually mentally retarded. before u bitch about it, no it is no fully complete, as this shit takes fucking time and patience.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:39 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:im not sure tbh, but i think has some statements that say some shit like in ANH.
“I’m not sure” isn’t a good reason. You provide evidence to back up your claims, which I’ve never seen you do since I’ve joined the forum. Stop bullshitting.
You linking your respect thread isn’t evidence, darling.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:40 pm
I would suggest you improve your grammar as well. It is quite horrendous.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:41 pm
forgot to read? shame. guess thats as far as this talk goes.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:45 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:forgot to read? shame. guess thats as far as this talk goes.
Unless you give the direct evidence stating that ANH Vader > Yoda, your opinion is false.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:47 pm
its right there. i posted it. ur just being lazy. i never said it was an opinion either. this is called denial on ur part, i think
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:03 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:its right there. i posted it. ur just being lazy. i never said it was an opinion either. this is called denial on ur part, i think
I don’t care if you reposted a respect thread, if you were to SS someone you can’t say “just check this respect thread out” and call it a day. You have to provide evidence in your post. I think you just don’t understand how things work on the forum, but I understand you have a learning curve, as well as I on certain things.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:18 pm
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:@BreakOfDawn: Here.

@lorenzo.r.2nd: So, just to be clear, a quote from Lucas's own mouth about Vader's vast inferiority to Anakin doesn't matter, but a vague percentage of which Lucas himself is uncertain does? To quote your own words "I think that's where this convo stops".
That quote says he's > MFV, who was equal to Sidious. Hardly him being >> Anakin.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:23 pm
This is the complete transcript:

At this point of Vader's plan really now that he knows that he's his son is to convince him to come with him, join the  dark side and together they're going to  overthrow the Emperor, which is the thematic device that is used through the whole movies is with in terms of Sith which is if you have Sith Lords there's usually no more than two because if there's three then two of them will gang up on one of them to try to become the dominants. 

Anakin would have been able to do it if he hadn't been debilitated and now he's half machine half man so he's lost a lot of the power of the force and he's lost a lot of his ability to be more powerful in the Emperor. But Luke hasn't. Luke is Vader's hope. His motives at this point are purely evil. He simply wants to continue on what he was doing before, which was just to get rid of the emperor and make himself Emperor. He only sees his son as a mechanism to further that ambition just mad lust for power.

Literally no different from this:

You got it. And when he finds out Luke is his son, his first impulse is to figure out a way of getting him to join him to kill the Emperor. That’s what Siths do! He tries it with anybody he thinks might be more powerful, which is what the Emperor was looking for in the first place: somebody who would be more powerful than he was and could help him rule the universe. But Obi-Wan screwed that up by cutting off his arms and legs and burning him up. From then on, he wasn’t as strong as the Emperor – he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. He wasn’t what he was supposed to become. But the son could become that.

Nothing in that precludes Vader from being > ROTS Anakin, especially since MFV >>> base ROTS Anakin. Vader can still be > base ROTS Anakin and still be less powerful than MFV.

If I really wanted to wank that video you posted, nothing in it suggests that Vader couldn't become comparable to Sidious. All it and George Lucas' other quotes do is prohibit suited Vader from being = or > Sidious. Nothing stops him from being ~ Sheev.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:27 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:i dont put dark side anakin> yoda, as i think he is still portrayed as being above, but yeah, they are close. i do also think yoda is the better duelist of the two, with anakin coming right behind, then dooku, then sheev, but they are all kinda close imo. anakin stomping dooku has to do with stamina, strength, and speed more than anything.
1. How is Yoda portrayed to be above Yoda?

2. Why is the order Yoda, Anakin, Dooku, then Sidious?

3. How does Anakin stomping Dooku have to do with stamina, strength, and speed?

Evidence please
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:34 pm
1. How is Yoda portrayed to be above Yoda?

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 2viv5d10

2. Why is the order Yoda, Anakin, Dooku, then Sidious?

Yoda is above the other three in pure technical skill (having outduelled two of them and being widely considered to be the greatest swordsman in the Order next to Mace). The order should go Yoda > Sidious > Anakin > Dooku in raw technical skill. 

3. How does Anakin stomping Dooku have to do with stamina, strength, and speed?

Skywalker was all over him.
The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku's defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker-
Skywalker was getting stronger.
Each parry cost Dooku more power than he'd used to throw Kenobi across the room; each block aged him a decade.
He decided he'd best revise his strategy once again.
He no longer even tried to strike back. Force exhaustion began to close down his perceptions, drawing his consciousness back down to his physical form, trapping him within his own skull until he could barely even feel the contours of the room around him; he dimly sensed stairs at his back, stairs that led up to the entrance balcony. He retreated up them, using the higher ground for leverage, but Skywalker just kept on coming, tirelessly ferocious.
Zonakin was obviously > Dooku, but his sheer physical strength also massively influenced the course of the duel.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:49 pm
plus, dooku did extremely well against yoda in dark rendezvous, which raised my opinion of him. BUT i have changed my mind since then. i actually wanna say sheev might be better than dooku, after looking more into it. they are still comparable tbh. sheev aint beating him without his super speed tbh.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:51 pm
Dooku was horrendously amped.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 6:54 pm
i actually saw this thing that the nexus was also amping yoda. someone posted it here. not here in this thread, but here in some thread lol. and i wouldnt call the amp horrendous either. it didnt dooku nearly much as i thought it was gonna. like, amps have made people star busters before. this amp is pre meh
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:05 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:i actually saw this thing that the nexus was also amping yoda. someone posted it here. not here in this thread, but here in some thread lol. and i wouldnt call the amp horrendous either. it didnt dooku nearly much as i thought it was gonna. like, amps have made people star busters before. this amp is pre meh
Quotes for the Vjun nexus amping Yoda?
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:07 pm
idk. i dont even know if its legit. i said i saw it here. im not the only that saw it tho, since there other comments there. i actually, i might look for it.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:08 pm
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:idk. i dont even know if its legit. i said i saw it here. im not the only that saw it tho, since there other comments there. i actually, i might look for it.
I’d be interested if you found the link
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:16 pm
is there a way to quick search stuff on this site? ive been scrolling for way too long lol
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:23 pm
It isn't accurate. Just pulled up the novel and the whole basis for it is that Yoda was enraged, which wasn't the case. In fact, he's noted as putting aside his anger and focusing on the task at hand. It's only when Dooku begins goading Yoda that Yoda begins to even show signs of losing control or becoming angry, which even then can be just as debilitating for a man who's spent centuries building his entire technique, mindset and mastery of the Force around temperance and balance.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 7:27 pm
i suppose i agree half and half? we have seen dooku mention dark sider yoda, and he does say it is scary or something, so as far as pure power goes, yoda is stronger when mad. NOW, performance is totally different. he mightve been jobbing, if he were to get bad, BUT yoda is kinda too good to job, no matter the mindset.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 1:03 am
lorenzo.r.2nd wrote:i suppose i agree half and half? we have seen dooku mention dark sider yoda, and he does say it is scary or something, so as far as pure power goes, yoda is stronger when mad. NOW, performance is totally different. he mightve been jobbing, if he were to get bad, BUT yoda is kinda too good to job, no matter the mindset.
1. When does Dooku mention dark-side Yoda?

2. What evidence do you have to support Yoda jobbing?
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 4th 2019, 1:17 am
Dooku did mention if Yoda ever fell to the DS, the galaxy would be doomed. But it's his perspective and does not have any validity.
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Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 4 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

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