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Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:40 pm
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:@BreakOfDawn: Here.

@lorenzo.r.2nd: So, just to be clear, a quote from Lucas's own mouth about Vader's vast inferiority to Anakin doesn't matter, but a vague percentage of which Lucas himself is uncertain does? To quote your own words "I think that's where this convo stops".
On top of that, you didn’t even quantify that infamous up-to-interpretation 80% quote. Doing 80% of Sidious’s feat isn’t quantifiable.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:45 pm
This audio commentary quote doesn't prove anything. He says Anakin could surpass the Emperor if he wasn't defeated. Vader do not have the potential as he had once but he continuously grew stronger and learn more than his younger self. In the meantime Sidious also grew, Vader's disabilities prevent him to ever surpass him. Anakin is only superior to Vader when it comes to raw power / potential. Despite that, Sidious thought his weaknesses were actually due to his depressed and mentally broken state. His point was kind of proven when managed to kill his master.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:46 pm
ah yes, dodging my question. nice one there. couldnt have done any better myself.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:51 pm
up to interpretation?? is vader 80% of the emperor in really that confusing and mysterious?? and i dont have explain what lucas means. he says what he wants. i dont try to play with his words like yall love doing around here. im a simple and literal man. there is no quantifying an exact number lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:58 pm
@lorenzo.r.2nd: Did you miss the "maybe" in front of the 80%? Or the fact that we have no reference point for what any other character is percentage wise to Sheev? This is literal autism rn.

@HellfireUnit: Lucas specifically separates both power and potential in the quote, and says Vader is inferior in both. Don't dodge, it's clear cut.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 4:59 pm
Ok Lorenzo. Now use that quote as evidence for Vader being above any character in the mythos. Oh wait. You can't. Because that quote is fucking useless.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:04 pm
i didnt think i needed to say that being "maybe" (reference to the bitch above) 80% of sheev already put him above like, 9/10 of all characters in star wars, but ok, u keep believing what u want. if u want to say that anakin is vastly above 80% of sheev's power, u go right ahead.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:06 pm
You're dodging my question. Show me mathematically how Vader being 80% of Sidious proves he's above any character in SW.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:09 pm
The maybe is indicating uncertainty about his own percentage. Even Lucas isn't sure he's right, and you're continuing to dodge KOB's question, and my valid point about Lucas's commentary quote, which is far more concrete and viable than the 80% quote.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:09 pm
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:@HellfireUnit: Lucas specifically separates both power and potential in the quote, and says Vader is inferior in both. Don't dodge, it's clear cut.

Guy says Anakin would have been able to do it if not for the BBQ he received. He also says he lost a lot of power in the Force and his ability to become more powerful. I don't see anything other than being referred to raw strength and potential, which is something Luke possesses unlike him. There isn't a comparison between two characters' power levels.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:10 pm
are u expecting me to pop some random, non existant numbers or something? like, wtf lol i told u, u believe what u want. if u want to think that being 80% of sheev is trash, cuz hur dur no numbers, then u can. im not stopping u.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:11 pm
Also about %80 thing, maybe Lucas at that time put Kenobi as %85, 75 who knows? It is unquantifiable and not a trustworthy in-universe thing.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:13 pm
u can have as many quotes as u want. the shit lucas says is still ridiculous. u wanted numbers? here are some numbers

sheev= 100

vader= 80ish

vader= 4

old ben= 6

6 divided by 4 is 1.5.. 

if vader is an 80ish, then old ben is 120ish, while sheev is 100. quick maths. u happy with ur lucas statements now? im sure u are. i gave u numbers and everything. good luck using that shit now.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:13 pm
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:14 pm
Also I doubt if there is anyone believing the Kenobi being 6 and Vader being 4 crap.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:14 pm
EmperorCaedus wrote:
HellfireUnit wrote:2 - Anakin being the most powerful Jedi in the history only refers to his potential. Anakin never displayed such feats as stomping an army and ships with his TK alone. If he had been as powerful as Yoda or Sidious, the latter would be able to ragdoll Kenobi in the first place.

Revenge of the Sith wrote:"The most powerful Jedi of his generation. Perhaps of any generation. The fastest. The strongest. An unbeatable pilot. An unstoppable warrior. On the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. He has not just power, not just skill, but dash: that rare, invaluable combination of boldness and grace."

Revenge of the Sith wrote:"Skywalker is arguably the most powerful Jedi alive, and he is still getting stronger."

That is just not true in any shape or form, and I have many more G.O.A.T quotes to supply you with, if you'd like.

This contradicts everything you have been saying. Anakin is directly stated to be the most powerful Jedi of all time.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:16 pm
@HP thats what im trying to say, his statements are worthless. im using their augment against them. if they wanna use his statements, then ill use them too lol
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:17 pm

>Explicitly mentions power.
>Not a comparison of power.

Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:17 pm
@EmperorCaedus I would write a huge paragraph about these but I am on mobile

Also, ANH Vader is stated to be more powerful than Anakin, as does RotJ Vader by saying he is more powerful than he has ever been.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:18 pm
DC77 (Reborn) wrote:@HellfireUnit:

>Explicitly mentions power.
>Not a comparison of power.


@BreakofDawn can you interpret the video DC has posted since you both do have a way better Eng than me.
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:19 pm
So you believe ANH Vader > Anakin ~> Yoda ~ Sidious?

Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:20 pm
Nah, Sidious>=Yoda>Vader>Anakin
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:21 pm
he doenst believe that anakin ~ them in the first place, so i doubt, i but i dont find it hard to believe that vader at his best ~ those two. yoda was considered extremely powerful by star killer, but then we learn that vader> him by ANH, so there's that
Level Three
Level Three

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:21 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:Nah, Sidious>=Yoda>Vader>Anakin
So how do you debunk the fact that Anakin is stated, as my quotes say to be at the very least on par with Yoda and Sidious. Stop avoiding my GOAT quotes.
Level Six
Level Six

Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

December 3rd 2019, 5:23 pm
Dude, how many times do I have to tell that I am on mobile and incapable of writing such lengths of paragrahps? Patience mate, I'll get to it (%4 battery remained so may be off soon too).
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Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader - Page 3 Empty Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader

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