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Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 11:52 am
Coming from Making Star Wars, who have gotten 85% of the leaks for TFA and TLJ correct:

A really solid source over the years passed on something they heard internally. But this means this past solid source is using information that is once again somewhat unproven. Otherwise, I’d double down on this being 100% but that said, I trust their judgement and that’s why I’m moving forward with this piece that very well may be wrong. However, I think we should see it as likely but be open to all the possibilities still.

  • The rumor is that Matt Smith isn’t Palpatine reborn or rejuvenated but a dark side acolyte.
  • However, during The Rise of Skywalker, Smith’s character is willfully possessed by the spirit of Emperor Palpatine.
  • During the final act of the film Rey and Kylo team up to fight the Palpatine possessed Matt Smith.
  • The two-on-one duel is pretty intense for the duo.
  • Eventually Kylo Ren kills Palpatine’s host body
  • Palpatine’s spirit then jumps into Kylo Ren’s body.
  • Kylo Ren is strong enough to not lose total control of his mental faculties.
  • Kylo Ren struggles to take control of his body but subdues himself and his weapon while beckoning Rey to kill him.
  • Kylo does the right thing and becomes Ben Solo again as he sacrifices himself to kill Palpatine.
  • Rey having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did means Palpatine has body evil enough to inhabit.

It also seems Kylo Ren may be later resurrected by Rey:

"I've heard a couple of things. Interesting things. I think, right now ... I think Kylo kind of dies. But there's a twist to that, and I don't think it's forever. I think Rey does something, and it takes Kylo out, but I don't know if it's bad for Kylo or good. If it's part of his plan, or not."
Level One
Level One

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 12:01 pm
Matt Smith said that he wasn't involved in IX, though this could be a misdirection...

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 12:03 pm
Yeah, MSW knows that, but a source from Disney International leaked his involvement, so it's a definite misdirection.
Level One
Level One

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 12:28 pm
DarthAnt66 wrote:Yeah, MSW knows that, but a source from Disney International leaked his involvement, so it's a definite misdirection.

Interesting......If they go this way it might be cool!
BTW what did you think of Last Jedi?
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 3:13 pm
Sounds shit not going to lie.

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] 228124001
Level Three
Level Three

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 28th 2019, 3:19 pm
If it’s going to be that way... I won’t like it. It’s not much different from Dark Empire, which  just doesn’t work in a movie.

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 29th 2019, 9:22 am
Any news on Sheev's possible relation to Snoke or if they're the same person?

DC77 wrote:Sounds shit not going to lie.

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] 228124001

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] 1289255181 tbh

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 29th 2019, 12:00 pm

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 29th 2019, 12:43 pm

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

April 29th 2019, 3:23 pm
So Kylo dies to kill Palpatine and... is resurrected?
**** you
Level One
Level One

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

May 12th 2019, 2:15 am
Level Seven
Level Seven

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 22nd 2019, 7:50 pm
Time to wank Kylo and Rey, boys and girls. Kylo >> Yoda confirmed.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 22nd 2019, 8:13 pm
Oh shit I never saw this post. Thanks @BreakOfDawn for bumping it. The Kylo and Rey wank will be glorious.

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] IJgYXn1
Level Six
Level Six

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 23rd 2019, 2:38 am
If Kylo will be > Yoda, I will legitimately be pissed.
Level Four
Level Four

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 23rd 2019, 11:59 am
Luckily, they’re all canon characters, who lack speed feats, and suck... yay. No saying Kylo > Caedus. He’s < Ben Skywalker tbh.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 30th 2019, 5:18 pm
Level Six
Level Six

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 30th 2019, 5:31 pm
@Praxis Could you PM me the details? Thanks to my goddamn country's internet I cannot access to those sites.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 30th 2019, 5:32 pm
I'll just post the whole thing here just in case it gets taken down or something.

The recent D23 footage from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opened up more questions for us fans than it answered. The “special look” footage lines up with a lot of rumors I had heard in the last year. Our recent story about the Sith Fleet lines up with what we saw in the trailer as well. The rumors below are pretty big and line up with the D23 Special Look footage.

Because of the level of verification I’m able to conduct at the moment, please classify all of this as rumor and not 100% verified information. That said, I have some confidence in the information or I wouldn’t even bother writing this. The information in this news story sat beside information that panned out in the “special look” we had at D23. These could be inaccurate reports that line up with the footage perfectly but that seems somewhat unlikely.

Rey’s First Scene in The Rise of Skywalker
More than one source that appears credible has noted that the film, as far as Rey is concerned, opens with her training in the woods by General Leia. With the edit not being finalized, we can only say Rey’s story opens with her training being done with Leia. This has always made a lot of sense to me because if Leia had any cut lines about trusting your instincts and other fortune cookie type bits of wisdom, they could edited to make it seem as if Leia was training Rey in the film.

If the Glove of Darth Vader don’t fit, you must acquit!
Before the trailer, we heard about See-Threepio’s red eyes on Kijimi had a rather interesting connotation and twist to it. It involves a murder weapon, a dagger, and the ability to translate text on the murder weapon to move the plot further along.

A contact of the rebellion is killed and a dagger is found next to the body. The contact knows of the location of the Emperor’s planet in the unknown regions. The dagger has a mysterious inscription on it written in Sith. The problem is no one can translate it, not even See-Threepio who is fluent in over six billion forms of communication.

Our heroes take See-Threepio to Kijimi because there he can be rebooted into a state that allows them to bypass his programing that doesn’t allow him to translate Sith text. However, at first Zorii Bliss wants to capture them and turn them over to the First Order but has a change of heart. We supposedly learn that both Zorii and Poe smuggled…..and wait for it….snuggled together in the past and there was some romance there which might play into why she doesn’t follow through with turning the heroes in (and we assume the Drax guy takes the opportunity Zorii passes up).

For his protection Threepio is backed up to Artoo-Detoo. As the golden translator begins to read the message on the blade, See-Threepio’s eyes glow bright red. The Sith inscription is successfully decrypted. Something about the message points Rey to the Emperor’s Wayfinder device on the moon of Endor. Kylo is in possession of Darth Vader’s Wayfinder device. So while Kylo has Vader’s Wayfinder, Rey is racing towards Palpatine’s Wayfinder.

Sith Rey
After the business on Kijimi, Rey finds The Emperor’s Wayfinder device on the Endor moon. When she touches it she sees herself as a Sith entering the Emperor’s chambers. This allows Kylo to find her and he appears through what we believe to be the “Force Bond™” established in The Last Jedi. So the rumor we heard on this is that Rey sees her evil self when she touches the artifact and the vision is disrupted by Kylo Ren and their “Force Bond™.”

Rey and Kylo have a Force confrontation.

Kylo has desperatley been searching for her. Kylo quickly turns the conversation to Rey’s parents. He tells her he never lied to her. Everything he said was true but her parents sold her to keep her safe and used the money for drinks. Rey then sees the vision Kylo saw in The Last Jedi. However, the huge reveal is that Rey’s parents are killed with the Sith dagger in her vision.

Rey becomes enraged and during the “Force Bond™” and they begin to fight on the remains of the Death Star II. So this might shine a slightly different light on how the “Flash Fights” work. But I can’t pretend to understand the rules of this with any authority.

Sith Knives Out
So there we have the rumors that lined up with what we saw in the D23 Special Look. There’s a lot of really huge moments in here if these are accurate. I wish we could verify them. Sometimes the only way to get something verified or shot down is to introduce them into the discourse for fans to discuss. The implications that a Sith conspiracy has been behind Rey’s life is rather interesting. We believe Rey is a product of Palpatine but we don’t really know exactly what that means.
There’s a lot of questions we have and we don’t have all the answers. I hope the information presented here is accurate and it lines up well with various things we have heard and now seen in official footage. I wish I could say empirically how accurate these are. So please do not shoot the messenger if these are totally on and you don’t like them or if they don’t pan out. I figure most of you spoiler junkies would rather read these than have them die in my notes, unshared.
Please respect the spoiler policy posted at the top of this article and use your head when discussing this stuff on public forums like Twitter and Facebook.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 30th 2019, 5:46 pm
Level Six
Level Six

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

August 30th 2019, 5:50 pm
I appreciate it mate.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

September 3rd 2019, 11:08 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
There are so many different leaks coming out right now idk what to expect from this movie.

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] IJgYXn1

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

September 3rd 2019, 12:18 pm
i honestly don´t give a f ... anymore .
last two movies was so bad it is not even funny . they are bad not only as stand alone movies but also totally fail to work as parts of a trilogy .
i expect nothing from the TRoS and i´m even considerening not to go to cinema first time in 15+ years when it comes to star wars movie .

lack of creativity (bad remake of a new hope etc.) , mary sue characters , resurrecting old villains instead of being original ,
no back story of who the hell is snoke and where he comes from .
bad cast and bad writing and directing , cringeworthy villains and heroes ...

i wouldn´t be surprised if the chinese girl or poe comes and kills resurrected palpatine in the end with a blaster or something .

Last edited by dark_globe on September 3rd 2019, 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

September 3rd 2019, 12:24 pm
I have a bad feeling about this...
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

September 3rd 2019, 12:26 pm
MasterCilghal wrote:I have a bad feeling about this...
The Witness
The Witness

Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers] Empty Re: Episode IX Ending Leaked [Spoilers]

September 3rd 2019, 12:55 pm
Does anyone seriously believes leaks nowadays? Pretty sure all the "leaks" for TFA and TLJ turned out to be wrong
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