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The Ellimist
The Ellimist
Level Five
Level Five

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 4:20 am
It seems like basically every powerful Force user in Star Wars also has a relatively high level of intelligence. Can you think of any counterexamples (e.g. maybe Savage)?

By intelligence I'm referring to in a holistic sense; we can of course find examples of characters doing dumb things, like Vitiate walking onto a lightsaber, but Vitiate himself is clearly not unintelligent.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 7:11 am
Well even Savage is very intelligent going by how he masters disciplines and put them into use against other established masters with nothing but his nightbrother heritage and like a month or two of training from Dooku at most? Including mastery of the saberstaff and a "crude" mastery of the Force.

Level Five
Level Five

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 7:16 am
Vaylin is clearly not a really intellignet fighter.
I think that we can add Savage also.
Maybe CW Anakin.
Level Four
Level Four

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 8:43 am
I mean Savage isn’t a tier 8 fighter to begin with and neither is Vaylin if we’re talking sabers
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 8:52 am
xolthol wrote:Vaylin is clearly not a really intellignet fighter.
I think that we can add Savage also.
Maybe CW Anakin.
The thread is about overall intelligence rather than just fighting intelligence.

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 9:00 am
Nyax and UnuThul are by far the dumbest. Then Vaylin and Savage.
The Witness
The Witness

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 10:39 am
Darth Bandon, Fifth Brother

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 11:07 am
Mustafar Vader is pretty fucking retarded.
NevesYtneves (DC77)
NevesYtneves (DC77)
Level Seven
Level Seven

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 11:28 am
LSDMB wrote:Mustafar Vader is pretty fucking retarded.

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 12:32 pm
Sam wrote:Darth Bandon, Fifth Brother

The Witness
The Witness

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 11th 2019, 2:29 pm
Oh shit tier 8+ combatants? Yeh Mustafar Vader and Mace Windu are up there
Level Seven
Level Seven

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 3:06 pm
Dooku. Guy genuinely thought Sidious wasn't going to replace him despite knowing how powerful Anakin had become and had the potential to become and also despite knowing about the rule of two. Absolute dumbass.
Level Three
Level Three

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 3:14 pm
BreakofDawn wrote:Dooku. Guy genuinely thought Sidious wasn't going to replace him despite knowing how powerful Anakin had become and had the potential to become and also despite knowing about the rule of two. Absolute dumbass.
Before their fight on the IH Dooku still thought of himself as clearly more powerful than Anakin; which is why he didn't expect Sidious to try and replace him with Anakin. He wasn't really dumb, he was just working under a false assumption.
Level Seven
Level Seven

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 3:19 pm
KingofBlades wrote:
BreakofDawn wrote:Dooku. Guy genuinely thought Sidious wasn't going to replace him despite knowing how powerful Anakin had become and had the potential to become and also despite knowing about the rule of two. Absolute dumbass.
Before their fight on the IH Dooku still thought of himself as clearly more powerful than Anakin; which is why he didn't expect Sidious to try and replace him with Anakin. He wasn't really dumb, he was just working under a false assumption.

Yeah I was largely joking with that post. He was more gullible and arrogant than actually stupid to believe that someone who per TCW gained the upper hand against him a few times wouldn't be anywhere near his power level.
Moderator | Champion of the Light
Moderator | Champion of the Light

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 4:32 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
The fact Vaylin lost the Battle of Odessen because she fell for the "1v1 me bro" trick is probably one of the dumbest things ever.
Level One
Level One

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 4:56 pm
KingofBlades wrote:
Before their fight on the IH Dooku still thought of himself as clearly more powerful than Anakin

And proved to be correct in all depictions of the fight but one.

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 7:05 pm
Tenebrous also deserves a mention tbh. Dumbest character in SW. Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent 228124001
Level Seven
Level Seven

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 7:27 pm
NotAA3 wrote:Tenebrous also deserves a mention tbh. Dumbest character in SW. Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent 228124001
Vaylin wants to know your location.
Level Six
Level Six

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 12th 2019, 7:54 pm
Son of Mortis. What a pathetic idiot.

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 14th 2019, 10:12 am
Part iii Plagueis. Tenebrous's master also. Trying to create a virus to target midichlorians and sever a Jedi's connection to the Force, what stupid idea even on paper.
The Lost
The Lost
Level Five
Level Five

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 14th 2019, 2:31 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
It's not actually stupid at all in my opinion. Maladi made something similar - a bio-weapon that would kill everyone apart from a Sith. We know that midichlorians vary in their characteristics, constitution, number etc so creating some kind of Force-based pathogen to alienate specific midichlorians is not out of the question. E.g Vivicar created a Force-based plague. Tenebrous repurposed his midichlorians which governed his powers of Foresight into maxichlorians so that he could infect Plagueis. So Tenebrous lost his powers of Foresight but retained all of his other powers by discriminating a specific set of midichlorians tied to that power. This explains why some Force users have a hereditary/genetic predisposition to certain powers, e.g the Halcyons/Horns are naturally extremely talented with tutaminis but awful with telekinesis. Some people have a natural talent for Sith Sorcery while others cannot comprehend or use it even with years of study.

Like, I don't see what the difference is between creating a Force-based disease which acts specifically on a specific opponent, (e.g sever force or force light drowning out the dark side,) and a Force user just directly using the same powers to do the same thing. It's also highly likely that the midichlorians of say, Darth Sidious, are qualitatively different from Yoda's due to their Force alignments. Just as another example, Krayt specifically sent a vision into the mind of every dark-side aligned Force user in the galaxy. It was seen by every Sith, Cade and Antares Draco (who were both drawing on the dark side), and yet not a single Jedi saw Krayt's vision. So it's clear you can filter out whether you want to target a light-sided or dark-sided target with a given power and the idea that this could be tied to how their midichlorians seems like it has plenty of precedent in the lore.
Level Four
Level Four

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 14th 2019, 3:27 pm
Agree with ILS for once, what Tenebrous’ master had in mind was excellent in theory
Level Three
Level Three

Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

September 15th 2019, 8:50 am
Maul is pretty retarded.
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Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent Empty Re: Tier 8+ Star Wars combatants who aren't intelligent

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